DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary wrote:
    Tempest wrote:
    Also unless something seriously changes in the next couple of days 93333 for even the first shieldbro cover aint going to happen with 4 days left.
    Man, no subs, no big Iso, buffed 1/1/1 Shieldbro being essentially useless, and meaningful progression rewards that seem too high. Sigh. I kinda don't want to want Human Torch. But, in the voice of Elsie from Despicable Me: "HE'S SO PRETTYYY!"
    I like him thematically within the context of the game. A dude completely engulfed in flame flinging fireballs and flying around blasting tinykitty really appeals to me. Other than that I would rather have had The Thing for the next FF character. Maybe a Reed Richards whose powers could "stretch" color tiles to make matches would be neat.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    dlaw008 wrote:
    I like him thematically within the context of the game. A dude completely engulfed in flame flinging fireballs and flying around blasting tinykitty really appeals to me. Other than that I would rather have had The Thing for the next FF character. Maybe a Reed Richards whose powers could "stretch" color tiles to make matches would be neat.
    I only know him from the unfortunate F4 live-action movies. His special effects were quite good in that movie, though.

    So, I kinda want Chris Evans to play yet another Marvel character, so I can field an Evans-only team.

    Also, I just noticed: Shieldbro seriously upgraded to an energy shield? I mean, he just has an ultra-American force field on his arm now? That's weird. Please don't tell me he throws this one like a death frisbee, too.
  • Human Torch doesn't really interest me to be honest but I want him nonetheless. But I shall be going all out for Über Daken when he gets here.
  • At least the energy shield isn't in the movie. If it was it could make lightsaber sounds when he threw it.
  • HailMary wrote:
    In other news, from the R50 patch discussion:
    IceIX wrote:
    So this is something I've been wondering about. Are there any plans in the future to implement cover trading in any form? Whether it be to only other alliance members or through an auction block is there anything going through genius minds at d3p that would have that in an upcoming patch?
    Unlikely, not impossible. Implementation of direct player trading opens the gates to duplication exploits (if any exist in the future), gold farmers, etc. There's a lot that would go into such a system if we wanted to make it "right" and not just implement and hope for the best.

    So, at least that's not a "HELLZ no!"

    Not to get all jackassish about this subject but have you seen what gold farmers do to games drop rates?
    The very same thing would happen here 2-3-and 4* from tokens would become near non existent and you would have a massive influx of ultra competitive accounts that would be shared among many different people, each of these accounts would get a perfect score in each pve event and plus some, They would constantly grind in shield training for ISO and have accounts full of 141's So that pvp would be trivial for them and then you could kiss even any top 100 rewards goodbye unless you were a top tier player in a top tier alliance yourself.
    And all of this would be without bots or hacks. God forbid what the landscape looks like once you add in those factors.

    Now I'm saying we're not an awesome alliance (because you damn well bet we are) but I know that not even I want to put the amount of time into the game that would be required to acquire any new characters should there actually become some form of transferable economy in this game.

    Yes it seems like a trivial thing until you consider the overall impact that such a change could/would have.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Human Torch doesn't really interest me to be honest but I want him nonetheless. But I shall be going all out for Über Daken when he gets here.
    IT'S LIKE YOU'RE READING MY MIND... wait... are you? You're not, right? Cuz... that's straight-up creepy, yo.
    dlaw008 wrote:
    At least the energy shield isn't in the movie. If it was it could make lightsaber sounds when he threw it.
    That would be awesome. Even better: if the foley guys just recorded themselves imitating lightsaber sounds and made those the shield-throw sounds.
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    Not to get all jackassish about this subject but have you seen what gold farmers do to games drop rates?
    The very same thing would happen here 2-3-and 4* from tokens would become near non existent and you would have a massive influx of ultra competitive accounts that would be shared among many different people, each of these accounts would get a perfect score in each pve event and plus some, They would constantly grind in shield training for ISO and have accounts full of 141's So that pvp would be trivial for them and then you could kiss even any top 100 rewards goodbye unless you were a top tier player in a top tier alliance yourself.
    And all of this would be without bots or hacks. God forbid what the landscape looks like once you add in those factors.
    I actually have no idea how gold farming cripples a game. I've never played an MMORPG, so I'm completely in the dark about how game-breaking it'd be. If I'm understanding you correctly about the "drop rates" bit, you're saying that the dev reaction to this cover-share exploitation would be to lower token drop rates for meaningful covers? Alright, that makes a lot of sense re: plausibility, and yeah, that'd totally suck goat bollocks.

    I'm totes clueless about the potential scale of non-hacking exploitation.
  • I agree. Trading would wreck the game.
  • HailMary wrote:
    Human Torch doesn't really interest me to be honest but I want him nonetheless. But I shall be going all out for Über Daken when he gets here.
    IT'S LIKE YOU'RE READING MY MIND... wait... are you? You're not, right? Cuz... that's straight-up creepy, yo.
    dlaw008 wrote:
    At least the energy shield isn't in the movie. If it was it could make lightsaber sounds when he threw it.
    That would be awesome. Even better: if the foley guys just recorded themselves imitating lightsaber sounds and made those the shield-throw sounds.
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    Not to get all jackassish about this subject but have you seen what gold farmers do to games drop rates?
    The very same thing would happen here 2-3-and 4* from tokens would become near non existent and you would have a massive influx of ultra competitive accounts that would be shared among many different people, each of these accounts would get a perfect score in each pve event and plus some, They would constantly grind in shield training for ISO and have accounts full of 141's So that pvp would be trivial for them and then you could kiss even any top 100 rewards goodbye unless you were a top tier player in a top tier alliance yourself.
    And all of this would be without bots or hacks. God forbid what the landscape looks like once you add in those factors.
    I actually have no idea how gold farming cripples a game. I've never played an MMORPG, so I'm completely in the dark about how game-breaking it'd be. If I'm understanding you correctly about the "drop rates" bit, you're saying that the dev reaction to this cover-share exploitation would be to lower token drop rates for meaningful covers? Alright, that makes a lot of sense re: plausibility, and yeah, that'd totally suck goat bollocks.

    I'm totes clueless about the potential scale of non-hacking exploitation.

    You understood at least the start of it icon_e_smile.gif But yeah The devs would likely lower the % of good covers coming from the tokens.
    And then in the worst case the only way you would ever place well in pvp or pve events would be to either get your own bot or to share your account with several others so that you could have 24hr coverage and no downtime.

    Hell and just now thought about it would do to progression rewards (huge increase in point requirement to get the 3*s, 4*s and HP)
    Because the Devs would see a massive spike in people actually obtaining them and getting insane scores icon_eek.gif
  • err sorry didnt mean to kill the thread icon_eek.gificon_e_confused.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    You understood at least the start of it icon_e_smile.gif But yeah The devs would likely lower the % of good covers coming from the tokens.
    To be fair, the rest of your comment was basically: "Here's how the apocalypse will play out." icon_razz.gif
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    And then in the worst case the only way you would ever place well in pvp or pve events would be to either get your own bot or to share your account with several others so that you could have 24hr coverage and no downtime.
    Sigh. I can see this happening. It's simultaneously very cool and rather depressing how commoditization changes something.
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    Hell and just now thought about it would do to progression rewards (huge increase in point requirement to get the 3*s, 4*s and HP)
    Because the Devs would see a massive spike in people actually obtaining them and getting insane scores icon_eek.gif
    What kind of insane PvP scores do you think would be reached? 1500? 2500?
  • HailMary wrote:
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    You understood at least the start of it icon_e_smile.gif But yeah The devs would likely lower the % of good covers coming from the tokens.
    To be fair, the rest of your comment was basically: "Here's how the apocalypse will play out." icon_razz.gif
    Fair enough
    HailMary wrote:
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    And then in the worst case the only way you would ever place well in pvp or pve events would be to either get your own bot or to share your account with several others so that you could have 24hr coverage and no downtime.
    Sigh. I can see this happening. It's simultaneously very cool and rather depressing how commoditization changes something.
    HailMary wrote:
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    Hell and just now thought about it would do to progression rewards (huge increase in point requirement to get the 3*s, 4*s and HP)
    Because the Devs would see a massive spike in people actually obtaining them and getting insane scores icon_eek.gif
    What kind of insane PvP scores do you think would be reached? 1500? 2500?
    Honestly I dont even want to try to think about how bad the inflation could get because it would completely depends on how many bots a single high power gaming system could run and how lucrative that the trade system would be to exploit.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm hopeful they'll just retire shield, like the butt fumble
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    So, I'm playing TBTI with AWolv + LThor + OBW -- thought I'd make up the points lost to an attack. Being a guy who's extremely secure in his masculinity, I've got Demi Lovato's Neon Lights absolutely stuck in my head. An excerpt of recent events/internal monologue:

    We'll be shooting stars just PASS <match> -ing by <chain-match>
    You'll be comin' home with me tonii<match>ight
    Dunnunnunnun-nuh, nuh-nuh, nuh-nuuuuuh <match>

    YOU'LL BE COMIN' HOME <match> WITH ME TONIGHT <crit cascade>
    NuhnuhNUH nuhNUH nuh-NUUUUUH <match-4, chain-match>

    LIKE NEEE-ON LI-<Thunder Strike>-I-I-I-I-IGHTS
    OHHHHHHHHHHH <casca-a-a-ade... victory>

    Apparently, Neon Lights is MPQ's jam. I'm not sure what that means in the Big Picture sense.
  • HailMary wrote:
    In other news, I pulled a Patch Y from my TBTI progression token, and I apparently have a lazy TBTI bracket:

    Lucky You. Just when a shiny IW covers appears as a reward, I get this bracket:
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Emeryt wrote:
    Lucky You. Just when a shiny IW covers appears as a reward, I get this bracket:
    Hehe, I saw your earlier "OMG, we're all in the same bracket!" discussion. That's just brutal. Good luck to all 4 of you. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I'm not too interested in either 4*, but since I got an IW from Simulator individual placement, I might as well go for another one. I expect my bracket will start heating up in the last 8 hours of the event.
  • man this event is so bloody boring
  • HailMary wrote:
    Emeryt wrote:
    Lucky You. Just when a shiny IW covers appears as a reward, I get this bracket:
    Hehe, I saw your earlier "OMG, we're all in the same bracket!" discussion. That's just brutal. Good luck to all 4 of you. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I'm not too interested in either 4*, but since I got an IW from Simulator individual placement, I might as well go for another one. I expect my bracket will start heating up in the last 8 hours of the event.
    Funny thing - I went to sleep at 6.30am. When I woke up 90mins later, Excel was unshielded and lost more than 200pts. I guess He must've either overslept or put on wrong shield. Currently there are 3 scAvengers in top5, 1 shield guy and Excel from Tacos. Gonna be an interesting finish.

    As for Unstable - I see no point in participating right now unless one has full rubberbanding already (which I doubt).
  • I thought of something! When R50 goes live we can all talk to this mysterious Mimmer person!

    Also it's 3:30 am, I just got off work and wanted to see what was going on in here. I think I hear crickets.
  • Good morning guys, i thought it would be nice to up everybodys spirit by saying, i love you all very much. Like my herpes,it just gets stronger every day <3
  • Few things this morning icon_e_wink.gif

    1- finished on 23000 with refresh as i just wanted to get it out of the way.this event is just way too tedious. But my score seems to be close to the average of the top 15 across all brackets so im happy icon_e_wink.gif

    2- our alliance is nearly 80th :-0 now i don't care if we finish 99th as long as we get HT but that seems pretty low. WHOS NOT PLAYING lol

    3- I've noticed alot of new alliances in the top 20. Alot that don't seem to be on the forum. More competition.

    4- Strange bug I've encountered for weeks now. Anyone else ever heal your guys with a health pack,leave the game,come back and find they are no longer healed but you have your health packs back? Happened to me few times now.

    5- HM what happened to the cheater in your/noobs bracket? Ever hear anything back?