DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    edited March 2014
    allorin wrote:
    I worship at the alter of tanking....
    I really wonder what the people on the other end of these fights are thinking: "Hey, this is a cool game. I AM IRON MAN! Hahahaha! Oh, someone attacked me. I guess that's to be expected, so--WAIT, ****?! I got attacked by a SuperHulk?! Aw hellz no."

    Like, how many true beginners have actually given up on PvP due to being vaporized by tanked high-level players?
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    I have a 5/3/5 hulk as well so dont really need the covers, but i do know that my alliance mates could certainly use them so count me in!
    Yay! Think of it as an Iso/progression-reward farming opportunity. icon_e_biggrin.gif We should comfortably get the black Hulk cover if all of us play at least half-seriously. I'll be test-driving my new LThor+BP+OBW team, though, for the triple crown.
  • yay! Thanks to all who [already have a maxed Hulk and] are participating in the FD tourney to help your team mates [like me]!
  • Tempest wrote:
    I just slammed out about 320 points so in a good position to make a push tomorrow. I only really need the green hulk cover but I'll score as high as I can for you guys icon_e_smile.gif

    I spent my 500 HP on crack, hoes and blackjack

    What is it with you people - illicit drugs and the world's oldest profession do not combine! Or, they shouldn't.... or at least not as well as they do.... Anyway, can't you all spend your HP on something nicer? Like flowers?

    Anyway, I'm over 400, and I already have a maxed Hulk, so I want to help. I'm actually using him in my team, so people will see the retaliation and be like, "Why are you pushing at this event?" Allies, baby!

    And yeah, I always wonder what people think when they see a massive superteam stomping around an inappropriate playground. In all honesty, I remember the days. I was thinking that (since I had only seen one or two) there must only be a very few guys with any max characters and I HAD JUST SEEN ONE. Wow.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    And yeah, I always wonder what people think when they see a massive superteam stomping around an inappropriate playground. In all honesty, I remember the days. I was thinking that (since I had only seen one or two) there must only be a very few guys with any max characters and I HAD JUST SEEN ONE. Wow.
    Yeah imagine my shock when I joined the Elite tournament. Got absolutely **** slammed there because I didn't know how many 3* teams were out there
  • Have finished on 523 for the day. As long as we can all make a little bit of a push we should be good.
  • Just had a fun moment. Thanks to TU1's tanking method I just found myself as the giant superteam stomping around the midlevel playground. IIRC it was 70 something Thor and CStorm, and 67(!) or so OBW. I was 141 Hulk, 141 Punisher, 141 Black Panther. First turn, I match green. AI matches something innocent, massive cascade falls, like 10 to 12 of everything. Next turn I match black. Then I suffer 3 or 4 powers, then another massive, earth shattering cascade for the AI. I'm annoyed that now this is going to take longer and maybe even cost me a health pack, but never once in fear. Turn four, repeat. Now I'm starting to get nervous. I've got no AP but 3 black because I've been reconned 3 times, suffered call of the storm and multiple Thor powers, as well as 2 wind storms, so two guys are stunned and everyone is at low health. Turn five, once more a massive cascade for the AI and four more power usages, I'm entirely dead.

    Never seen anything quite like it. With the way those gems were falling, I could have been facing a level 30 team. It was incredible.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Turn four, repeat. Now I'm starting to get nervous. I've got no AP but 3 black because I've been reconned 3 times, suffered call of the storm and multiple Thor powers, as well as 2 wind storms, so two guys are stunned and everyone is at low health.
    Wow. That sounds awefulsome (awesome + awful). My eyes physically cringe every time CStorm manages to hit me with Wind Storm, even more so than enemy Thor activating Call the Storm. Getting whammied with a Wind-Storm-Aggro-Recon loop is not fun.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    So, I popped into the Mr. Rogers character thread, and saw this:
    Okay here are Lazy Caps stats at 3/4/4 lvl 115


    57yellow/51red/44blue/9 purple/10green/11black/ 3.0X crit/ 3 enviro

    Lvl 3 yellow does 198 protect trength
    Lvl 4 yellow does 242 protect strength

    lvl 4 red does 2282 damage
    lvl 5 red does 2877 damage

    lvl 4 blue puts out 191 blue protect
    lvl 5 blue puts out a 244 blue protect

    Once we have the next event with Lazt Cap covers I'll move him to 3/5/5 lvl141 but here is where he's at right now.

    OMG, Mr. Rogers is a red-damage beast! At 4 covers, his red costs 11 AP, deals Adamantium-Slash-level damage, and returns 10 AP on a 3-turn countdown tile. icon_eek.gif
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Just had a fun moment. Thanks to TU1's tanking method I just found myself as the giant superteam stomping around the midlevel playground. IIRC it was 70 something Thor and CStorm, and 67(!) or so OBW. I was 141 Hulk, 141 Punisher, 141 Black Panther. First turn, I match green. AI matches something innocent, massive cascade falls, like 10 to 12 of everything. Next turn I match black. Then I suffer 3 or 4 powers, then another massive, earth shattering cascade for the AI. I'm annoyed that now this is going to take longer and maybe even cost me a health pack, but never once in fear. Turn four, repeat. Now I'm starting to get nervous. I've got no AP but 3 black because I've been reconned 3 times, suffered call of the storm and multiple Thor powers, as well as 2 wind storms, so two guys are stunned and everyone is at low health. Turn five, once more a massive cascade for the AI and four more power usages, I'm entirely dead.

    Never seen anything quite like it. With the way those gems were falling, I could have been facing a level 30 team. It was incredible.

    Clearly you got cocky, all that fame and hp's gone to your head
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Aw man. I thought I'd have time to level BP/Mags and Lazy Thor without needing to splurge on Lazy Cap.

    With stats like that though, it's going to be hard to resist any time he's buffed. (The red for 3.5k @ max level looks nice, also, his L5 yellow is going to drop 4 x ~280 protect tiles. That's over 1100 damage negated. While it takes awhile for him to get there, if he drops that on the board, there will be very little that can damage you.)

    Also, now Lazy Daken is starting to scare me. If he gets anywhere near as buffed as LThor and LCap, I'm going to have to max him as well.

    Bring on the Human Torch, then I an start feeling better about spending all my iso on shiney-new-things again.
  • How much money do some people spend on this game?!??!

    #1 rank in my bracket has 2-2-2 Cap'n America Steve Rogers and a maxed LThor. ****

    Some people are too rich
  • JulietLima wrote:
    How much money do some people spend on this game?!??!

    #1 rank in my bracket has 2-2-2 Cap'n America Steve Rogers and a maxed LThor. ****

    Some people are too rich

    I don't know. I think some of the guys in Shield might be able to pull that off from strictly banked HP and ISO.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Tannen wrote:
    Aw man. I thought I'd have time to level BP/Mags and Lazy Thor without needing to splurge on Lazy Cap.

    With stats like that though, it's going to be hard to resist any time he's buffed. (The red for 3.5k @ max level looks nice, also, his L5 yellow is going to drop 4 x ~280 protect tiles. That's over 1100 damage negated. While it takes awhile for him to get there, if he drops that on the board, there will be very little that can damage you.)

    Also, now Lazy Daken is starting to scare me. If he gets anywhere near as buffed as LThor and LCap, I'm going to have to max him as well.

    Bring on the Human Torch, then I an start feeling better about spending all my iso on shiney-new-things again.
    Yep, if Dakenator follows suit with significant boosts on 2* Daken's powers, the Gold Triumvirate is going to be a seriously powerful team, esp. with their massive combined health pool. LThor + Mr. Rogers + Dakenator is going to be a frightening team to go up against.

    Good to know about L5 yellow. I forgot that he drops 4 tiles at a time. 1100 damage negation is just mind-boggling.

    I'm so very glad the devs have tweaked events to give more Iso. Even with all the massive event rewards and the upped PvP match-victory rewards, I'm still constantly Iso-starved, now that I'm being veritably inundated with useful 3* covers.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    HailMary wrote:
    Even with all the massive event rewards and the upped PvP match-victory rewards, I'm still constantly Iso-starved, now that I'm being veritably inundated with useful 3* covers.

    Grats on making the transition, but remember getting a 3*** to L100 takes ~82k iso. It takes another ~92k to max them out at 141. In comparision it takes 70k to max a 2**. If you're in 3*** territory, you will never have enough iso again. Ever. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Resist the urge to buy iso, it's a trap. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Tannen wrote:
    Grats on making the transition, but remember getting a 3*** to L100 takes ~82k iso. It takes another ~92k to max them out at 141. In comparision it takes 70k to max a 2**. If you're in 3*** territory, you will never have enough iso again. Ever. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Resist the urge to buy iso, it's a trap. icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Thanks! And yeah, I underestimated the Iso needed to level my BP to his L102 soft cap (even though my LThor went to L102 a coupla days ago icon_razz.gif), and stalled for a bit at ~L90 before the final Sim rewards got me the rest of the way. I'm thinking of pushing Hulk and Hood to L102 ( and maybe Mr. Rogers, if I get real lucky with covers) before trying to level anyone further towards L141.

    As for your last line, you're saying I should buy Iso to level Daredevil, right? icon_e_wink.gif
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    HailMary wrote:
    As for your last line, you're saying I should buy Iso to level Daredevil, right? icon_e_wink.gif

    That would definitely be a trap. icon_razz.gif

    We raked the iso in on the simulator. The two sets of firsts in the subsets netted us 20k each. That tasty 250000 prog reward was another 8k. Plus whatever personal prizes that you scored / won from doing the nodes (for me I think it was about 30-40kish). That was very awesome. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    In summary : we're awesome and it rains iso when we walk by.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Just had a fun moment. Thanks to TU1's tanking method I just found myself as the giant superteam stomping around the midlevel playground. IIRC it was 70 something Thor and CStorm, and 67(!) or so OBW. I was 141 Hulk, 141 Punisher, 141 Black Panther. First turn, I match green. AI matches something innocent, massive cascade falls, like 10 to 12 of everything. Next turn I match black. Then I suffer 3 or 4 powers, then another massive, earth shattering cascade for the AI. I'm annoyed that now this is going to take longer and maybe even cost me a health pack, but never once in fear. Turn four, repeat. Now I'm starting to get nervous. I've got no AP but 3 black because I've been reconned 3 times, suffered call of the storm and multiple Thor powers, as well as 2 wind storms, so two guys are stunned and everyone is at low health. Turn five, once more a massive cascade for the AI and four more power usages, I'm entirely dead.

    Never seen anything quite like it. With the way those gems were falling, I could have been facing a level 30 team. It was incredible.

    Clearly you got cocky, all that fame and hp's gone to your head


    cocky is what you say?

    The same happened to me... more often each time. I finished The Simulator event with 246k points. Rank #60 (last time I checked before ending). So I did not get 8k ISO reward. Nor the red cap.america heroe. My bandrubber was very difficult, I think
    (I 've seen others players with less points in the top ten rankings).

    At the final simulator events my team has been massacred (Spidey (90)- Thor OP 0-2-3(Cap) - Hulk (128) ). The game was doing combo,crítical....again and again. Not blue, nor yellow tiles, nor combo nor criticals for fighting enemies.... Terrible!

    I think game grows in difficulty exponentially... depending of the number of *** heroes each player owns. It's some deceitful... I would say dishonest... . Not sure... But Loosing that way... It would at the very least stressfull. Loosing that way... It would at the very least stressfull. Very stressfull.
  • Wait, they're not really thinking about doing a Lazy Daken, are they? I DON'T EVEN LIKE BABY DAKEN.

    Seriously. I skip teams with Daken, just because I find him so obnoxious.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    FoxMulder wrote:
    Wait, they're not really thinking about doing a Lazy Daken, are they?

    IceIX announced it last news post... Right Here

    Technically it could be an early april fool's joke. But I doubt it. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Man, i cant wait for UberDaken. He is by far my most used character. Granted, i don't usually use him anymore as I've moved on but every chance i get i go back to him. A new Daken makes me happy in my nether regions.