DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    allorin wrote:
    Tempest wrote:
    No, just awesome icon_e_smile.gif

    Hah, true!

    I'm not enjoying this round. Ran out of health packs in two seconds flat this morning. Some of the combinations are just AWFUL. D3 are evil.
    Yep, I took a quick look at some of the combinations when the subs first opened. I will not be enjoying this. I just hope they'll buff my L102 LThor into a walking natural disaster (or, for Tannen, a Humanoid Typhoon).

    Ballatician: I haven't seen any L230s yet. I suppose it does help that, in the last round of subs, I've wiped out my entire core team multiple times. But, levels start around 70 for me, and the highest I saw was L203. I didn't do all Hard unlocks, because the Spidey + IW + someone fight wasn't valuable enough to risk team wipeout at enemy L170ish.
    Pats0132 wrote:
    I maxed out my hood for the tournament. He's at 50 something. I also moved spiderman into the 80s from the 40s and almost have patch at 110. If I get more black panther covers I will max him out to whatever level he can get up too. Then work on black widow, hulk patch and spiderman.
    I'm curious about your leveling strategy. The forum consensus seems to be that 3* chars only outperform L85 2* chars at L100+, thus one should really only level 3*s if you can get them to L90+. Why do you have a number of 3* chars in the L50s-70s range? Was that in response to PvE buffs?

    As for BP, WYP has 3/5/5, TheLadder has 4/4/5, just for reference.

    On an unrelated note, as someone who never built a 2* Daken, and is quite annoyed at playing against Daken in PvP, I'm somewhat looking forward to 3* Daken. I just hope that the 3* Pheromone Rage animation will be shortened.
  • Hey now that they are giving out patch was wondering your thoughts on his build? I am planning to respec to 355 but I'm considering 553. I think My main consideration is whether they will completely remove spidey heal and if so will 5 yellow be absolutely necessary?

    On my 141 Patch I run 355 because 553 is like dropping a grenade at your own feet.
  • Thanos wrote:
    All your Intergalactic Space Fleet are belong to us....whooooo hooooo!!!

    FittedKitchens rules!!! icon_twisted.gificon_lol.gif

    / me leaves room /

    Some things can't be unseen. icon_e_sad.gif
  • The CStorm, Mag and GS:BW node is ridiculously hard icon_e_sad.gif

    Was completely wiped by them once and managed to beat them on 2nd try with just 30 health left on my last character
  • I'm getting my tinykitty handed to me in this round. Scaling and buffed and available characters are knocking me hard. Funny part is, I am way back in the standings, so clearly it hasn't gotten everybody in my brackets. A bum of a Lazy Thor isn't helping me. BP was my all-star last round when he was buffed. Oh well. Gotta keep the momentum rolling.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    I'm getting my tinykitty handed to me in this round. Scaling and buffed and available characters are knocking me hard. Funny part is, I am way back in the standings, so clearly it hasn't gotten everybody in my brackets. A bum of a Lazy Thor isn't helping me. BP was my all-star last round when he was buffed. Oh well. Gotta keep the momentum rolling.

    must try harder icon_e_wink.gif

    in actually doing well in this round strangely. Even though i have a **** Thor. I did a refresh this morning and now in afraid to check hard mode lol so ill watch some 24 instead icon_e_wink.gif
  • I manned up and paid for LThor covers this round.

    Not helping as much tho. LThor as a hero is pretty worthless unless you have maxed covers
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    dlaw008 wrote:
    I'm getting my tinykitty handed to me in this round. Scaling and buffed and available characters are knocking me hard. Funny part is, I am way back in the standings, so clearly it hasn't gotten everybody in my brackets. A bum of a Lazy Thor isn't helping me. BP was my all-star last round when he was buffed. Oh well. Gotta keep the momentum rolling.
    Ouch. I think we're missing something critical regarding enemy scaling. I'll say more on FB when I'm actually home, instead of stormed in at the airport. But yes, I think I've been lucky in that my special characters have generally increased in level in the same order that they're buffed in the subs: Psy < Doom < BP << LThor.

    EDIT: Whoops, my Psy has a couple more levels than my Doom... but only a couple.

    I haven't started yet. But I'm still seeing two-digit enemy levels across the board.

    JuLi: How many covers did you buy? They're going for 1250 HP each, right?
  • HailMary wrote:
    JuLi: How many covers did you buy? They're going for 1250 HP each, right?
    I bought a 10 pack, lucked out and got 4 *** covers. Only 1 was LThor, tho.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    JulietLima wrote:
    I bought a 10 pack, lucked out and got 4 *** covers. Only 1 was LThor, tho.
    What were your other 3*s? I don't see myself ever buying a 10-pack, but congrats on the nice cover haul. I surprised myself just by buying single daily deals.
  • HailMary wrote:
    JulietLima wrote:
    I bought a 10 pack, lucked out and got 4 *** covers. Only 1 was LThor, tho.
    What were your other 3*s? I don't see myself ever buying a 10-pack, but congrats on the nice cover haul. I surprised myself just by buying single daily deals.
    Don't remember the specifics but 2 were black panther. That really helped me because his buffed Yellow & Blue are ridiculously powerful
  • 206K points for now.. some nodes are pretty interesting. Had to use some cheap tactics for the dinosaur.

    Btw. this last event seems to reward a lot more points than the events before.
  • So last night when I was grinding round 3, I watched Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor, Iron Man 2 and then Avengers Assemble.

    Today, I saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and loved it. (Though they didn't dwell enough on the Winter Soldier's background for me.)

    Me, a Marvel fanboy? What makes you say that?
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    How'd you see the winter soldier. I didn't think it was out yet. Man I wish i got those black panthers. I just got a blue psylocke.
  • allorin wrote:
    So last night when I was grinding round 3, I watched Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor, Iron Man 2 and then Avengers Assemble.

    Today, I saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and loved it. (Though they didn't dwell enough on the Winter Soldier's background for me.)

    Me, a Marvel fanboy? What makes you say that?
    Isn't Winter Soldier just Bucky?

    I heard he'll be the next "Loki". Marvel's new big bad.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    HailMary wrote:
    (or, for Tannen, a Humanoid Typhoon).

    Lol. Does that make you Milly or Meryl? Cos collecting Humanoid Typhoons is what they do best -- or at least try to do best, anyway. icon_e_biggrin.gif
    HailMary wrote:
    As for BP, WYP has 3/5/5, TheLadder has 4/4/5, just for reference.

    Don't think I'd aim for 5 blue. Not unless you're not planning on using spidey / CMags. 4/4/5 or 5/3/5 if you're using one of them would seem to be the way to go. Of course, 5 yellow when you're running another strike tile generator may also be bad... on the flip side, it's a decent yellow power.

    Also, Shield are pushing the hood tourney. They're 8.5k at present, nearest neighbour is 4.7k.

  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    We have momentarily taken first in the overall bracket from your smooth ebony hands. Where are our congratulatory posts? Where are the edited topic names in our honor? I just want to be loved icon_e_sad.gif

    Son of a, in the time it took me to type this you've jumped past us again. I thought about doing a node to jump back but I foresaw a vicious cycle. Well played you magnificent bastards
  • I went to do prologue missions to heal my characters but ended up getting wiped.


  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Tannen wrote:
    HailMary wrote:
    (or, for Tannen, a Humanoid Typhoon).

    Lol. Does that make you Milly or Meryl? Cos collecting Humanoid Typhoons is what they do best -- or at least try to do best, anyway. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Tch. I'm obviously Priest. icon_razz.gif I try to instill some sense into the Typhoon while also toting around my own personal arsenal.

    Also, I'm quite enjoying my buffed LThor: 10K+ health, 3500+ Call the Storm. Like whaaaaaat?
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    We have momentarily taken first in the overall bracket from your smooth ebony hands. Where are our congratulatory posts? Where are the edited topic names in our honor? I just want to be loved icon_e_sad.gif

    Son of a, in the time it took me to type this you've jumped past us again. I thought about doing a node to jump back but I foresaw a vicious cycle. Well played you magnificent bastards
    You mean "you inglorious basterds," don't you? icon_lol.gif

    Also, I'm very much enjoying giving the AI a taste of its own Round 3 medicine by playing LThor + Hood + OBW against Patch + Loki + IM35. How 'bout them power-stifling apples?!