DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • 159K.. maybe 4-5 tokens from this round.
  • holy **** **** **** **** kitchen **** kitchens!!!

    Django #1
    the scAvengers #2

  • dayum. I'm kind of behind everyone Q_Q

    I must be in a super noob bracket. 155k puts me at 7 overall, 5th in hard and 20 in easy
  • Finished Round 3 with 161K, 6 in normal and 2 in hard. Currently 9th overall. I've played smarter and haven't been grinding. I'm without LazyThor, but I purchased Logan's Loonies earlier today and will be getting the guaranteed LT once I have the rest of my coins from Rnd 3 and LoT icon_e_smile.gif
  • Nice work everyone, I'll have to check to see if we got top 2 in both subs tomorrow as it's late and it takes ages to arrive. If we did that's 10k iso right? icon_e_smile.gificon_e_smile.gif

    Wiped on my last fight vs Hood/MBW/Pyro. Nasty combo of trying to rush & black widow stun/pyro blast/hood yellow gaining AP/more stun/pyro blast. I think I would have got top 2 in both brackets if I'd won that, but got top 2 in hard and top 5 in easy, with a total so far of 169935 points. Managed to get a top 25 in Thor tourney too.
  • Only 2 star heroes from 5 highly trained tokens.. pretty bad icon_e_sad.gif

    Glad we'll get all that ISO to alliance from top two alliance rewards.
  • Just amazing, first place twice. Any chance you will celebrate long enough to miss the final round? icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I got 168k points
  • Well, it's gone 4am UK. I ground out rnd 3 to have 25k in Normal, and 31k in Hard. Both good enough for top five finishes in each. (Was 1 / 1, but peaked about 30 mins too soon.) Finished top 50 in LoT too, with 529.

    So after a disappointing round 2, I'm now on 142,689. And very, very tired.

    Four Highly Trained tokens got me: Bullseye Black, Bullseye Black, Ares Yellow and.... Psylocke Red. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Alliance finished top 50 in LoT, and top 2 in at least one of the sim rounds.

    Terrific stuff everyone - well done!
  • allorin wrote:
    Alliance finished top 50 in LoT, and top 2 in at least one of the sim rounds.
    You won both rounds. Check out above - I linked final standings screens icon_e_smile.gif
  • Nicely done!
  • DJANGO DJANGO DJANGO icon_e_wink.gif
  • Truly, thou are the best mandingo fighters in the Marvel cosmos.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    For sale, 3 patch covers. Factory sealed, never been used

    In other news, not sure if this is common knowledge but apparently there are 4*s lurking in the event tokens. I just got 847464638357563 wolverines, a bullseye, and a green xforce. The packet description led me to believe 4* couldn't be pulled from these

    Congrats django, may your shenanigans riddled celebration bring the forum to its knees
  • I'd like to take this moment to thank each and every one of you.....Nah that would take too long. Instead i'll just say YIPPEE
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    There's nothing quite like getting over a dozen reward pop-ups at once.

    Great job, fellow Djangoliers! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    And thank you, fellow forumites! We really just <sniffle>... do it for our fans. You are what keep us going! You and the power of friendship... and mad cheddar. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    P.S. - I've had interesting token luck today:
    Powered-up daily deal: Bullseye P.
    Standard node-reward token: BP K.
    Sub placement tokens: Doom K, Ares R, AWolv R.
  • Well i am off to bed. The last round can wait.even though i shall wake up to horrible scaling no doubt lol we finished 1st in one event and that's all that matters. We proved it doesn't take a whole load of planning to win. Just a great bunch of people and some fun. Now i shall take these awards to bed and tuck them under my pillow icon_e_wink.gif
  • I finished round three at 162,946. I probably lost about 4000 points to wife aggro when we were out for a family dinner on my special night off work. Doesn't she understand how important it is for me to time this stuff just right? I mean, she could talk to the kids while I play. Glad I could add something to the team. My Lazy Thor and I are dreading round 4, though.
  • anyone leveling hood for new pvp with alliance rewards? hood is also a good defensive character. ..