DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    7 in a row would make me quit the tourney as well. Ack.
  • qtquazar wrote:
    I think it was the final tourney before alliances kicked in, I pulled 7 Caps in a row on the event tokens. Quit the tourney.

    edit: sorry, that should have been a 7.

    The only time I bought a ten pack, was to get a guaranteed BP as I had none, and I wanted to open the nodes on the PvE (Hulk?) which required them.

    I got my BP (Blue, ack).

    I got a Cap.

    I got (I think) a 2* Thor.

    I got 7 M Hawkeyes.

    D3 stopped getting quite so much of my money at that point.
  • with a couple of hours before the last reset i am currently in the lead with 150,6k and 1 on normal with 20,2k and 2 on hard with 22,3k
    how are your guys brackets?
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    I couldn't play this sub until last night due to work, but the rubber banding was great. Got all the way from 98k to 137k in one run before my guys got murdered. I ended up 3/1/1. I also used my might level 102 LazyThor to run up to 700 and second place in Lords of Thunder and grab my final magneto purple cover. I'm very excited to be hopefully getting my first Patch covers.

    p.s. I'm loving all the defensive wins Lazythor is giving me.
  • I'm not going to be able to play tonight so I decided to make a push in Lord of Thunder last night and throw up a 24 hr shield, since I really want a red Patch for respec. I'm sitting on 787 points now.

    I'm curious about how many of you don't use shields? It seems like a number of you said that you don't, I want to know if I'm in the minority who uses them. I hate retaliation so I almost always play 4 hours before the end, and then put up a 3 hr shield afterwards. I'd love to not use them but I find they're necessary, and I'm surprised that some of you are able to place well without using them.
  • i use shields too my modus operandi tend to go in at the 3 hour mark and rush to the top then shield
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    I can't wait for human torch. Hope he's next and not lazy daken lol.
  • Sitting on 145000 with a refresh still to go so i should make it to 150000 which ill be happy with

    As for the new Daken and Human Torch, i would love both of them. Daken was my most used character and i still use him from time to time. Id be quite happy with a new one icon_e_wink.gif
  • TheHueyFreeman
    TheHueyFreeman Posts: 472 Mover and Shaker
    Just want to come in and tip my hat to you guys, Catcher Freem... I mean Django. You're doing the name proud.
  • Just want to come in and tip my hat to you guys, Catcher Freem... I mean Django. You're doing the name proud.

    Cheers dude. You ain't doing to shabby yourselves icon_e_wink.gif
  • I'm curious about how many of you don't use shields? It seems like a number of you said that you don't, I want to know if I'm in the minority who uses them. I hate retaliation so I almost always play 4 hours before the end, and then put up a 3 hr shield afterwards. I'd love to not use them but I find they're necessary, and I'm surprised that some of you are able to place well without using them.
    I use them when I need the 3* covers (not often nowadays) or if there seems to be a chance of getting the 4* cover. Usually I can get in the 100 HP reward range if I'm playing near the end, but since the recent tournaments have been ending at the same time as PvE sub-events, it's a case of choosing between getting 100 HP with a shield (total earned = 25) or 50 HP without so I won't use a shield and usually get bumped down to 50 HP rewards. Fortunately the Hood event doesn't end at the same time as the PvE event and has BP covers, so I will push & shield for that one.
  • I have 150k pts
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    I have 150k and in 8th place. I am currently sitting at 34 in the thor but have 444 and would like a red and yellow but I will just take the yellow and sell the green. First place is over 300 points ahead of me.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Also love that black panther is the winning character in the next tournament. Have 222 and could use any of the covers.
  • Do any of you have a level 243 Hood on Simulation 9 of Hard?

    I thought the max level was capped at 230...
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    No mine is lower than that. U need to lose some matches and lower ur mmr.
  • Do any of you have a level 243 Hood on Simulation 9 of Hard?

    I thought the max level was capped at 230...
    Holy cow. Mine is at 120. What's BW on that for you?
  • bughunt wrote:
    I'm curious about how many of you don't use shields? It seems like a number of you said that you don't, I want to know if I'm in the minority who uses them. I hate retaliation so I almost always play 4 hours before the end, and then put up a 3 hr shield afterwards. I'd love to not use them but I find they're necessary, and I'm surprised that some of you are able to place well without using them.
    I use them when I need the 3* covers (not often nowadays) or if there seems to be a chance of getting the 4* cover. Usually I can get in the 100 HP reward range if I'm playing near the end, but since the recent tournaments have been ending at the same time as PvE sub-events, it's a case of choosing between getting 100 HP with a shield (total earned = 25) or 50 HP without so I won't use a shield and usually get bumped down to 50 HP rewards. Fortunately the Hood event doesn't end at the same time as the PvE event and has BP covers, so I will push & shield for that one.

    I use them this way.
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Do any of you have a level 243 Hood on Simulation 9 of Hard?

    I thought the max level was capped at 230...

    Yeah, level 258 because he's buffed in this event. Hope they don't put the character with the major buff in next round (3* Thor) or he will be around level 300.

    7860 HP makes him a bit of a pain, but at least he's not with a hard hitter.
  • allorin wrote:
    I got 7 M Hawkeyes.

    D3 stopped getting quite so much of my money at that point.
    I know it's a running joke in the Marvel Universe that Hawkeye is useless but can D3 at least make the Hawkeyes of this game somewhat useful? zzz