DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Too bad I don't know how to post screenshots, the Hood's Intimidation, which is supposed to be a friendly tap, does 2020 damage at this level.

    When you guys say lose MMR, do you mean just going into the match with a weak team and retreat? I thought that doesn't do anything for the PVE content.
  • Score check going into the last 8 hours of play? I'm at 151,641 with current standings at 7/6/1. Not sure how I'll approach tonight.

    Depending on if I pull a LazyThor tonight with the reward tokens, I might take the leap and buy Logan's gold deal this weekend so I can get a guaranteed LT and have those nodes unlocked and continue playing / contributing over the weekend.
  • Score check going into the last 8 hours of play? I'm at 151,641 with current standings at 7/6/1. Not sure how I'll approach tonight.

    Depending on if I pull a LazyThor tonight with the reward tokens, I might take the leap and buy Logan's gold deal this weekend so I can get a guaranteed LT and have those nodes unlocked and continue playing / contributing over the weekend.
    Just bought the Asgard Treasure pack because YOLO

    The Logan's Gold deal is quite silly. What are you gonna do with 35 HP? Everything is handled in 25's
  • Ok guys and gals how we all doing?

    Currently sitting on 146000 overall but i still have both refreshes to do. The levels in hard mode are stupid so i will just do one mission for the highest points. But the nodes in easy are looking good. Nearly at 2000 points for a couple of them icon_e_smile.gif so i should easily break 150000. Keep on pushing icon_e_smile.gif

    I also have 726 points in the Thor event so im good for a top 10 icon_e_smile.gif

    Ballatician: You cant really tank or retreat anymore in PVE. You could do it 50 times and not see a difference. They fixed it after the Hulk event. However i retreat like a badass in Shield Training before each PP and its always worked. I got those 726 points in less than an hour and a half cause i was only facing ow level teams icon_e_smile.gif
  • Ok guys and gals how we all doing?

    Currently sitting on 146000 overall but i still have both refreshes to do. The levels in hard mode are stupid so i will just do one mission for the highest points. But the nodes in easy are looking good. Nearly at 2000 points for a couple of them icon_e_smile.gif so i should easily break 150000. Keep on pushing icon_e_smile.gif

    I also have 726 points in the Thor event so im good for a top 10 icon_e_smile.gif

    Ballatician: You cant really tank or retreat anymore in PVE. You could do it 50 times and not see a difference. They fixed it after the Hulk event. However i retreat like a badass in Shield Training before each PP and its always worked. I got those 726 points in less than an hour and a half cause i was only facing ow level teams icon_e_smile.gif
    I'm only at 134k (from last night). Gonna begin my final run tonight
  • Decided to do my bit in PvP, so fought up to >500, got hit to <500, fought up to >500, got hit to <500, fought up to 550, got hit to 529, got bored and shielded. icon_lol.gif

    We're third at the mo', so that ain't too bad.

    Am 2 in Hard, and have just started plugging away at Normal. Hope to be circa 150,000 come the end.
  • I worked OT last night, I was on the clock until 4:45, but I knew I had to play the simulator if I intended to get in the extra refresh. Now I'm tired and bored, waiting for later to play like TU1. Someone better entertain me quick, or I'm kicking a random person from the alliance. And by random, I mean HailMary.
  • You've seen Hard Mode rankings? #1 Django, then some random Alliance, then the scAvengers icon_e_smile.gif

    Makes me wonder where would You be if not for HailMary on vacation? icon_twisted.gif
  • I think when we have our full team and nobody is getting married,nobody is on their honeymoon and nobody is on vacation, we will pose more of a challenge icon_e_smile.gif
  • I think when we have our full team and nobody is getting married,nobody is on their honeymoon and nobody is on vacation, we will pose more of a challenge icon_e_smile.gif

    We DO pose quite a challenge. It's still crazy to me that we are not Shield, and we were not 'created specifically to beat Shield' (5DV), but we are just a bunch of friendly people that like the game and we are a top 5 alliance.

    I recently discovered that a very old friend of mine plays this game. I told him that if I had known I would have tried to get him into my alliance, but we were full. When I told him it was DjangoUnbuffed he was in shock. He doesn't read the forums, but just from seeing us in the standings we are (sort of) famous. I never really thought about all those players (2 million downloads now) that don't come here, checking on the alliance scores and seeing us near the top on every event.

    It's kind of cool, in a nerdy way.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    I think when we have our full team and nobody is getting married,nobody is on their honeymoon and nobody is on vacation, we will pose more of a challenge icon_e_smile.gif

    We DO pose quite a challenge. It's still crazy to me that we are not Shield, and we were not 'created specifically to beat Shield' (5DV), but we are just a bunch of friendly people that like the game and we are a top 5 alliance.

    I recently discovered that a very old friend of mine plays this game. I told him that if I had known I would have tried to get him into my alliance, but we were full. When I told him it was DjangoUnbuffed he was in shock. He doesn't read the forums, but just from seeing us in the standings we are (sort of) famous. I never really thought about all those players (2 million downloads now) that don't come here, checking on the alliance scores and seeing us near the top on every event.

    It's kind of cool, in a nerdy way.

  • dlaw008 wrote:
    It's kind of cool, in a nerdy way.

    That it is. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Had a much better couple of days. Over 50k cumulative for this round, so back to feeling like I'm doing my bit. icon_e_smile.gif
  • 40 more minutes. Then i can finish off my refresh, YAY icon_e_smile.gif also i am just 5 more levels from maxing out the Punisher. Ugh so close i can taste it lol at least i should be able to get him to another 2 levels after we get all our rewards tonight. I can finally move on to someone else soon.
  • So after all the rewards tonight i will have 10 covers for patch. What level could i train him to? Is he worth using with 10 covers? Or should i level up Doom or Ironman 1st?
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    I think when we have our full team and nobody is getting married,nobody is on their honeymoon and nobody is on vacation, we will pose more of a challenge icon_e_smile.gif

    We DO pose quite a challenge. It's still crazy to me that we are not Shield, and we were not 'created specifically to beat Shield' (5DV), but we are just a bunch of friendly people that like the game and we are a top 5 alliance.

    I recently discovered that a very old friend of mine plays this game. I told him that if I had known I would have tried to get him into my alliance, but we were full. When I told him it was DjangoUnbuffed he was in shock. He doesn't read the forums, but just from seeing us in the standings we are (sort of) famous. I never really thought about all those players (2 million downloads now) that don't come here, checking on the alliance scores and seeing us near the top on every event.

    It's kind of cool, in a nerdy way.
    We're nerdy little rock stars!!! icon_razz.gif
  • bughunt wrote:
    Do any of you have a level 243 Hood on Simulation 9 of Hard?

    I thought the max level was capped at 230...

    Yeah, level 258 because he's buffed in this event. Hope they don't put the character with the major buff in next round (3* Thor) or he will be around level 300.

    7860 HP makes him a bit of a pain, but at least he's not with a hard hitter.

    He's at 243 for me as well. He's actually managed to party-wipe me a couple of times.
  • Hard Mode.

    #1. Django 539401
    #2. the scAvengers 535642
    #3. some random team 7k less.

    Good job Gentlemen (and TU1) !
  • Well guys thats me for this round. Just had the BEST and most nerve racking match ever. It was my team of Punisher, BP and Ares against Mags,Venom and Brawler. It was like a game of chess, the longest match i ever played, cause i didnt wanna lose for you guys. I knocked out Mags first, then the Brawler took out my Punisher. I took him out with my Ares and then Venom devoured Ares staright after. It was just BP and Venom and we both had 2000 health. Match 3 after match 3 until i beat him with 17 health left.....and got 2442 points icon_e_smile.gif

    I have finished that round on 157,261 points and looks like top 5 in the Thor event to booth. COME ON REWARDS icon_e_smile.gif

    Well done guys and gals, looks like we will get 1st in the normal mode too icon_e_smile.gif proud of each and every one of you except HailMary.

    edit: Emeryt smells like poop
  • Well guys thats me for this round. Just had the BEST and most nerve racking match ever. It was my team of Punisher, BP and Ares against Mags,Venom and Brawler. It was like a game of chess, the longest match i ever played, cause i didnt wanna lose for you guys. I knocked out Mags first, then the Brawler took out my Punisher. I took him out with my Ares and then Venom devoured Ares staright after. It was just BP and Venom and we both had 2000 health. Match 3 after match 3 until i beat him with 17 health left.....and got 2442 points icon_e_smile.gif

    I have finished that round on 157,261 points and looks like top 5 in the Thor event to booth. COME ON REWARDS icon_e_smile.gif

    Well done guys and gals, looks like we will get 1st in the normal mode too icon_e_smile.gif proud of each and every one of you except HailMary.

    edit: Emeryt smells like poop
    wow. 17 health left!?!?! u're living on the edge! LOL

    I'm at 155k points. I think I'll call it a day
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Just completely wiped out everyone viable, so I'm sitting at 164K main, ranks 2-1-5.

    I'll hopefully hold onto top 25 in LoT. Didn't shield and prioritized PvE, got attacked for 137 pts over the course of the day. Thumbs up to Veikka, though: nice going! icon_e_biggrin.gificon_cool.gif

    P.S. - Last I checked, we're ranked #1 in both alliance sub rankings. icon_e_biggrin.gif