DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    dlaw008 wrote:
    I finished round three at 162,946. I probably lost about 4000 points to wife aggro when we were out for a family dinner on my special night off work. Doesn't she understand how important it is for me to time this stuff just right? I mean, she could talk to the kids while I play. Glad I could add something to the team. My Lazy Thor and I are dreading round 4, though.
    Hehe, priorities, eh? I did a couple of fights in line at Disney Hollywood Studios. I kept thinking/hoping that other people in line were also playing MPQ, but it turns out that mobile Tetris and Candy Crush knockoffs are pretty popular.

    Noob: I probably will. I want those BP covers.
  • Noob: nope, gonna tank in Shield Training before i enter, then do my usual 700 points icon_e_smile.gif

    Doug: i have 1 of each Thor cover so i hope that will buff him a little bit or im screwed too.

    HailMary: i miss you
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Came first in my hard mode. Came top uh... 10? in easy mode. Sitting on 156.5k points atm.

    I'm pretty sure that we won both events. We came at least top 2 on both. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Congrats all.

    Got G Ares, 2 x G AWolv, Y Hood on my tokens.

    Going to go fairly hard on the Hood Tourney, cos I want those BP covers. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I got Pyslocke in mine, the only decent one icon_e_sad.gif oh well

    Now that i have 10 covers for patch i can level him up to 102, the same as Doom. So i think i'll level Patch up first icon_e_smile.gif
  • anyone leveling hood for new pvp with alliance rewards? hood is also a good defensive character. ..

    Not sure. My play time generally limits me to doing well in either PvE or PvP - I can't really do both at the same time. Though I would like some more BP covers.
  • Finished round 3 with 161091 and nothing from tokens. Got 787 in Lord of Thunder.

    Great job everyone.

    I have a question about scaling for you all. All of my nodes are stuck on 230 enemies - is everyone else seeing that too? If not, does the scaling go up because I'm taking low amounts of damage in the round? Or because I'm heading during the rounds? I don't think I'll be able to do much for round 4 but hopefully I can learn to keep the scaling down for future events.
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    All your kitchens are belong to us....whooooo hooooo!!!

    FittedKitchens rules!!! icon_twisted.gificon_lol.gif

    / me leaves room /
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Finished round 3 with 161091 and nothing from tokens. Got 787 in Lord of Thunder.

    Great job everyone.

    I have a question about scaling for you all. All of my nodes are stuck on 230 enemies - is everyone else seeing that too? If not, does the scaling go up because I'm taking low amounts of damage in the round? Or because I'm heading during the rounds? I don't think I'll be able to do much for round 4 but hopefully I can learn to keep the scaling down for future events.

    Bit of both, but healing in the rounds definitely causing your scaling to be more severe.

    I've been retreating to prologue to heal. Takes longer, but keeps it manageable.

    For what it's worth, I think this is one of the most broken parts of the game. Scaling shouldn't be based on whether you heal or not, particularly if each game is taking you 30 minutes. Personally I would make it more time-based - depending on how quickly you complete a round to the game average, should depend on where your scaling hits.
  • I've heard that quite a lot but I've never seen any noticeable difference in scaling based on having used healing and I tend to finish a lot of fights on full health.
  • Thanos wrote:
    Dude, You're ugly.
  • Tempest wrote:
    I've heard that quite a lot but I've never seen any noticeable difference in scaling based on having used healing and I tend to finish a lot of fights on full health.

    Then you're lucky! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • No, just awesome icon_e_smile.gif
  • Tempest wrote:
    No, just awesome icon_e_smile.gif

    Hah, true!

    I'm not enjoying this round. Ran out of health packs in two seconds flat this morning. Some of the combinations are just AWFUL. D3 are evil.
  • Hey now that they are giving out patch was wondering your thoughts on his build? I am planning to respec to 355 but I'm considering 553. I think My main consideration is whether they will completely remove spidey heal and if so will 5 yellow be absolutely necessary?
  • Well i just did my 1st run through of hard and got 20000 points so im sitting on 176000 i think at the moment. gonna do easy mode when i get my health packs back icon_e_smile.gif but so far, some missions are nearly 3000 points. I LIKE icon_e_smile.gif
  • Hey guys. Sorry for spam message but I'm looking for a strong alliance to join.

    Consistently high ranking (currently 7 overall in simulator) and in a small alliance but looking for one more organised and (not to be too cocky) more at my level.

    PM if you get a vacancy.

  • MikeFensom wrote:
    Hey guys. Sorry for spam message but I'm looking for a strong alliance to join.

    Consistently high ranking (currently 7 overall in simulator) and in a small alliance but looking for one more organised and (not to be too cocky) more at my level.

    PM if you get a vacancy.


    Seriously dude, instead of spamming all alliances, could you not just post your message in the Looking For Alliance Thread that is right up top. That's why its there. Thanks icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    MikeFensom wrote:
    Hey guys. Sorry for spam message but I'm looking for a strong alliance to join.

    Consistently high ranking (currently 7 overall in simulator) and in a small alliance but looking for one more organised and (not to be too cocky) more at my level.

    PM if you get a vacancy.

    If you haven't yet, post your query here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5159

    Strong, open alliances do track that thread. Spamming closed alliances won't do you any good.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    I maxed out my hood for the tournament. He's at 50 something. I also moved spiderman into the 80s from the 40s and almost have patch at 110. If I get more black panther covers I will max him out to whatever level he can get up too. Then work on black widow, hulk patch and spiderman.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    So what's the best build for black panther? 535 445 or 355