DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies
dlaw008 wrote:klingsor wrote:Hey guys! This is Klingsor, your friendly forum poster! Just wanted to extend an invitation to any members of DjangoUnbuffed to leave your alliance and come join us! If you are interested PM me! Thanks! Congrats on a great effort so far! The difference between 2 and 3 is only 2500 ISO and 400 HP so that's not too bad...You guys think Shield is going to ride the rubberband to the top again?
I honestly wouldn't have thought that any of us make the cut for 5DV. AlphavsOmega could only get into the junior alliance.... Hey, we should start a junior alliance, DrKingSchultz!
But yeah, Shield is going to ride the rubberband again. They have this stuff nailed. Truth be told, klingsor, if you really want to be number one your best bet would be to see if you can get in with them. You are working way too hard trying to beat them.
LMAO seeing as how 5DV was the first alliance I applied to i find this priceless. No sorry you had your chance, now you can go kindly pike off please.
-edit- now with that said Django took not only me but also Mim in and have been nothing but awesome. I love ya'll0 -
klingsor wrote:Hey guys! This is Klingsor, your friendly forum poster! Just wanted to extend an invitation to any members of DjangoUnbuffed to leave your alliance and come join us! If you are interested PM me! Thanks! Congrats on a great effort so far! The difference between 2 and 3 is only 2500 ISO and 400 HP so that's not too bad...You guys think Shield is going to ride the rubberband to the top again?
Bad manners.0 -
Spider-America wrote:Veikka wrote:Any thoughts on two star Magneto build? I have a chance to change it a little now if I want.
Going x/5/x is pretty clear in my opinion. I am debating if having 5 red is really better than having 4 red. The cost in price and countdown time is pretty heavy. Same goes for 2Mags blue as well. I have now 4/5/4 and got extra red cover if I want to use it.
Of course all this depends quite a bit on what I'll use with him and if I want to def or attack minions or attack heroes. Against minions the red skill at 5 is pretty cool.0 -
I find that post quite ironic from Klingsor for 2 reasons. the first been, yesterday you wrote this about me:
klingsor wrote:
This was done to counter my systematic down voting of theunwise1's posts. I'm not sure what I did was completely wrong, since that dude's posts are generally worthless, so even out of spite the down vote should be spot on 50% of the time. I added him to the foes list and I get a warning about his posts and they are removed for me. It's like a nonsense filter.
Now i find this hilarious as if you see my posts and you see my rep i have, is because the majority of people actually like my posts, stats dont lie. While some may find it annoying, i do my best to make this place fun to be around for the guys and gals i do like talking to here.
Second point and more importantly is. You have complained to anyone who would listen for over 2 weeks that SHIELD have stolen your best players and that its your trying to do the same thing lol
Now maybe you can poach someone from other alliance but not here. We like it here. Its a cool place with cool people, some cool enough to stalk IRL.
However that been said, i do wish you look in all events, as i dont hold grudges or continue fighting, SO peace out*kisses*
0 -
<Villain enters stage left>klingsor wrote:Hey guys! This is Klingsor, your friendly forum poster! Just wanted to extend an invitation to any members of DjangoUnbuffed to leave your alliance and come join us! If you are interested PM me! Thanks! Congrats on a great effort so far! The difference between 2 and 3 is only 2500 ISO and 400 HP so that's not too bad...You guys think Shield is going to ride the rubberband to the top again?
<Villain cackles evilly, wondering if anyone will fall for his sinister plan>
Audience: Boooo! Hisss! Boooo! Hisss!
<Audience throws various rotten fruit and offal at villain>
<Villain runs off, shaking his fist impotently>0 -
Hey, I've been looking in, lonely, for the past couple of days. Look who stirred up all the activity - klingsor! I find that funny.
What's happening, folks?0 -
not much dude. getting my **** handed to me in hard sim, over and over again. fun times lol im nearly on 90000 and still have the easy sim to do, so im on good points i feel. no more grinding for me...that too is bad for your level scaling0
dlaw008 wrote:TheUnwiseOne wrote:We're seventh in the One Star Tourney and hardly anyone is playing, judging by what was said here. Crazy.
Okay, so time for the inevitable what do you guys think I should level question. I'm sitting on 100,000 iso. I don't know what to do with it. I could probably get my Patch (currently 80 something) pretty high, or my GSBW (97 I think), or lift up BP or Psylocke some. I've used Hood quite a bit during this simulator and I think I like him. Maybe he should be the recipient? I don't think any of my 3* guys are fully covered, but I could probably put one of them near the soft cap. Maybe I should save it all for Lazy Cap! Everyone like a big Capn', right?
"Got a little Captain in ya?"
"No sir, I have a huge Captain in me (phone)!"
Oh man, where's HailMary...
And as for ISO hoarding, instead of Lazy Cap (we'll see how he goes), I'd save it for Lazy Thor, who I think everyone agrees will be a beast.0 -
i have done 1 match so far in the 1 star event lol. all i have is juggernaut leveled and dont have the iso to spend on the others. but dont worry, i may even do 2 games before it ends lol0
TheUnwiseOne wrote:i have done 1 match so far in the 1 star event lol. all i have is juggernaut leveled and dont have the iso to spend on the others. but dont worry, i may even do 2 games before it ends lol
Im currently 6th with 330 points.
I only need one black to finish off my hood which is top 50 so I mainly ground that high for the token progression reward and will try to keep it at 300+ to help make sure that we get the alliance cover since im sure more then a few of us could use the yellow cover.0 -
I was kidding about spending everything on Cap. I only have one red Lazy Thor cover that I pulled from a Highly trained token, so I don't think I can do much for him. I was just glad to get one so I won't be locked out of those nodes on his day.
I'm over 101,000 ISO and I'm actually torn between BP and Patch. BP fits better with my existing team, but patch can be better with Cmags than Punisher. And it would be nice having the backup strike tile generator for when I'm out of health packs. I still like Hood, too. And to be perfectly honest, my mischievous streak wants me to max bag-man. I'm not kidding. Can you imagine what people would think seeing a max bag-man in your roster? Hilarious.0 -
dlaw008 wrote:I was kidding about spending everything on Cap. I only have one red Lazy Thor cover that I pulled from a Highly trained token, so I don't think I can do much for him. I was just glad to get one so I won't be locked out of those nodes on his day.
I'm over 101,000 ISO and I'm actually torn between BP and Patch. BP fits better with my existing team, but patch can be better with Cmags than Punisher. And it would be nice having the backup strike tile generator for when I'm out of health packs. I still like Hood, too. And to be perfectly honest, my mischievous streak wants me to max bag-man. I'm not kidding. Can you imagine what people would think seeing a max bag-man in your roster? Hilarious.
Im personally working on bringing up my Punisher because the pve simulator events have taught me one thing. it SUCKS when your main dps guy is locked out due to being on the other side.
But yeah overall you can really go wrong with adding to Patch or BP.
Also I've found that Patch works quite well with either BP or Punisher because of their black.0 -
Veikka wrote:klingsor wrote:Hey guys! This is Klingsor, your friendly forum poster! Just wanted to extend an invitation to any members of DjangoUnbuffed to leave your alliance and come join us! If you are interested PM me! Thanks! Congrats on a great effort so far! The difference between 2 and 3 is only 2500 ISO and 400 HP so that's not too bad...You guys think Shield is going to ride the rubberband to the top again?
Bad manners.
Nah, just funny. Let's take it as the good spirited high jinks it's clearly intended as.
Edit: because let's face it, no one in this alliance would take that offer seriously.0 -
allorin wrote:Veikka wrote:klingsor wrote:Hey guys! This is Klingsor, your friendly forum poster! Just wanted to extend an invitation to any members of DjangoUnbuffed to leave your alliance and come join us! If you are interested PM me! Thanks! Congrats on a great effort so far! The difference between 2 and 3 is only 2500 ISO and 400 HP so that's not too bad...You guys think Shield is going to ride the rubberband to the top again?
Bad manners.
Nah, just funny. Let's take it as the good spirited high jinks it's clearly intended as.
Edit: because let's face it, no one in this alliance would take that offer seriously.
Eh actually I honestly think Klingsor is in-fact childish enough to believe that he might have some random shot in the dark of poaching someone regardless of how slim that chance might be so he's willing to take it.0 -
MTGOFerret wrote:allorin wrote:Veikka wrote:klingsor wrote:Hey guys! This is Klingsor, your friendly forum poster! Just wanted to extend an invitation to any members of DjangoUnbuffed to leave your alliance and come join us! If you are interested PM me! Thanks! Congrats on a great effort so far! The difference between 2 and 3 is only 2500 ISO and 400 HP so that's not too bad...You guys think Shield is going to ride the rubberband to the top again?
Bad manners.
Nah, just funny. Let's take it as the good spirited high jinks it's clearly intended as.
Edit: because let's face it, no one in this alliance would take that offer seriously.
Eh actually I honestly think Klingsor is in-fact childish enough to believe that he might have some random shot in the dark of poaching someone regardless of how slim that chance might be so he's willing to take it.
Surely not, cos clearly - no chance. And I'm not saying that because I think we're the Best. Alliance. Ever. Or because 5DV don't have anything to offer. It's because we're family. You don't quit family.0 -
MTGOFerret wrote:allorin wrote:Veikka wrote:klingsor wrote:Hey guys! This is Klingsor, your friendly forum poster! Just wanted to extend an invitation to any members of DjangoUnbuffed to leave your alliance and come join us! If you are interested PM me! Thanks! Congrats on a great effort so far! The difference between 2 and 3 is only 2500 ISO and 400 HP so that's not too bad...You guys think Shield is going to ride the rubberband to the top again?
Bad manners.
Nah, just funny. Let's take it as the good spirited high jinks it's clearly intended as.
Edit: because let's face it, no one in this alliance would take that offer seriously.
Eh actually I honestly think Klingsor is in-fact childish enough to believe that he might have some random shot in the dark of poaching someone regardless of how slim that chance might be so he's willing to take it.0 -
Who wouldn't want me????
*silence*0 -
MTGOFerret wrote:dlaw008 wrote:I was kidding about spending everything on Cap. I only have one red Lazy Thor cover that I pulled from a Highly trained token, so I don't think I can do much for him. I was just glad to get one so I won't be locked out of those nodes on his day.
I'm over 101,000 ISO and I'm actually torn between BP and Patch. BP fits better with my existing team, but patch can be better with Cmags than Punisher. And it would be nice having the backup strike tile generator for when I'm out of health packs. I still like Hood, too. And to be perfectly honest, my mischievous streak wants me to max bag-man. I'm not kidding. Can you imagine what people would think seeing a max bag-man in your roster? Hilarious.
Im personally working on bringing up my Punisher because the pve simulator events have taught me one thing. it SUCKS when your main dps guy is locked out due to being on the other side.
But yeah overall you can really go wrong with adding to Patch or BP.
Also I've found that Patch works quite well with either BP or Punisher because of their black.
The thing about Patch and Punisher is that while Patch's strike tiles and his red are better, they come with some substantial strings attached. Punisher is absolute easy mode; get your AP and blast away. If I wanted to add Punisher's black to Patch I would rather just save the character slot for someone else, since Punisher really covers the same areas, just maybe not as well. And Hulk teams great with Punisher for two reasons, he covers him on green and red (which Patch doesn't necessarily want) so all the hits and stuns go to Hulk and his Anger doesn't wipe out the strike tiles as easily.
I think I'll go BP for now. He can mesh with my existing team and will work well with Patch if I level him later.0 -
Must admit that I've got a new found appreciation for Doctor Doom. 6 Boosted demons = nasty0
I chose my original high level characters on how well they would allow me to do in LRs to enable me to get extra covers, but now have max LR villain covers & I'm getting close to max covers on LR heroes. I wish I had leveled Patch as fast damage & self-healing makes him useful for continuous fights without spiderman slowing everything down especially if he's tanking a lot of colors. Now I have several other high level characters I think I'm going to aim for LazyThor (currently level 112 3/5/3), GSBW (currently level 24 4/4/5) & switching in one other. I'm only doing this slowly as I keep changing my mind (was leveling BP prior to LazyThor) or spending iso on leveling the currently buffed characters (Dr.Doom) to get them to a decent level so I don't have to spend so much time on the required PvE fights.
I got to 500 points in the 1* tournament for the 50 HP reward, but have dropped to 345 since. I still need blue IW as I have a level 67 5/2/5 at the moment and would like a maxed 3/5/5 eventually. The 1* tournament finishes at same time as PvE so will probably need to pass on trying to get this particular blue cover, but will see how it looks a few hours beforehand.0
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