DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Level punisher. I have him maxed and he's awesome. I am working on maxing out patch myself. At 100 currently. Just spent time maxing out lazy thor black panther and psylocke to the max without having all the covers. I finished 1 in easy and top 50 in the hard mode. I went out in the easy mode to get the three tokens and got all 2 stars. Haven't gotten a 3 star in forever. I have about 200 points in the 1 star tourney. If I can go out and get me a invisible women I will go for the win.
  • Final scores for round 1 guys thanks to IceIX - this is why we keep him in our team icon_e_smile.gif

    bughunt 56492
    HailMary 56031
    coolbond 55821
    MTGOFerret 55704
    00001noob00001 55659
    Ju Li 54427
    Verne 54291
    Spider-America 54231
    Pats123 53562
    TheUnwiseOne 53539
    dlaw008 53054
    Ballatician 51463
    Mimmer 51298
    Allorin 51168
    Veikka 51126
    IceIX 50631
    GozuTashoya 49516
    Rajj 49001
    Tannen 48582
    Tempestos 17546
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    I got 64360 and ranked 35th right now. Haven't completed all the nodes on hard yet but at work. So should be able to complete tonight or during lunch.
  • Well i used up all my healthpacks already and got nowhere icon_e_sad.gif
  • Final scores for round 1 guys thanks to IceIX - this is why we keep him in our team icon_e_smile.gif

    bughunt 56492
    HailMary 56031
    coolbond 55821
    MTGOFerret 55704
    00001noob00001 55659
    Ju Li 54427
    Verne 54291
    Spider-America 54231
    Pats123 53562
    TheUnwiseOne 53539
    dlaw008 53054
    Ballatician 51463
    Mimmer 51298
    Allorin 51168
    Veikka 51126
    IceIX 50631
    GozuTashoya 49516
    Rajj 49001
    Tannen 48582
    Tempestos 17546
    So I assume this means we don't have to bother with screenshots? And wow, everyone did great. I'm a little sad my luck was bad at the end there and all my guys died icon_e_sad.gif.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Yeah I used mine up and now at 70000 and ranked four with 3 hard nodes left and then completed them all. Dr doom is helping a lot.
  • I'm definitely playing in the One Star tourney. I never got rid of my C Squad Team, so I have:

    Iron Man 49
    Storm 50
    Black Widow 40
    Juggernaut 39 (about to max him; he's actually really useful because he has so much health and only needs 6 red/6 green to start going)
    Venom 30

    My Doctor Doom is currently at his level max of 53, but he's pretty awesome at this level when buffed anyway.


  • Sorry I haven't posted here in awhile, I was on a flight last night that didn't arrive home until 10:30 pm EST. I still managed to grind the end of the event in the taxi home - I didn't catch a screenshot but I think I ended up at around 50 k pts after round 1. I have 71401 pts now after my first clear of round 2.

    Also, wow! I didn't even notice that IceIX is part of our alliance. That's awesome it feels like a celebrity has joined us. Welcome to our group - hope you have fun with us!

    FYI I'm gonna try to get us a good score for the 1* skirmish (as well as grinding out Round 2 of the simulator) since I only need 1 Blue and 1 Yellow to finish off my Hood. Hopefully we can all put a bit of time in and squeak out a Yellow Hood for everyone. Fighting with 1* is super painful but I'm gonna give it a go.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Coolbond - Punisher is fantastic, but collides with Patch somewhat. Your Spiderman probably doesn't need leveling, you have 5 blue covers and the extra health is really not that big a deal, I've found. Your best best at this point would be Cmags (until the Nerf), but it looks like you're cover constrained on that one. The best strike tile abusers in the game are Cmags with 5 red or blue covers and OBW with at least 4 black covers. You ideally want a striker to pound people with you strike tiles. BP might be good, he has color differential with Patch, and his black can be abusive since your strike tiles will apply to all his aoe attack. I have also seen others suggest IM40 since he can fire his yellow, stunning himself, the Patch will have almost all the tiles for "Best There Is". I would probably pick one of those.

    I maxed Hulk, since he works really well with Punisher, but I feel as though he has a little less synergy with Patch.
  • HailMary - that wasn't a veiled brag! I took the screenshot when I stopped playing, and there was still about an hour to go! I knew I wouldn't hold number one, I ended top ten in both. But if I waited, the event would have ended and I couldn't get a screenshot at all.
  • I'm sure maxed Hulk also works well at the end of PVP tournaments as a defense, because who the hell wants to deal with that.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Coolbond - Punisher is fantastic, but collides with Patch somewhat. Your Spiderman probably doesn't need leveling, you have 5 blue covers and the extra health is really not that big a deal, I've found. Your best best at this point would be Cmags (until the Nerf), but it looks like you're cover constrained on that one. The best strike tile abusers in the game are Cmags with 5 red or blue covers and OBW with at least 4 black covers. You ideally want a striker to pound people with you strike tiles. BP might be good, he has color differential with Patch, and his black can be abusive since your strike tiles will apply to all his aoe attack. I have also seen others suggest IM40 since he can fire his yellow, stunning himself, the Patch will have almost all the tiles for "Best There Is". I would probably pick one of those.

    I maxed Hulk, since he works really well with Punisher, but I feel as though he has a little less synergy with Patch.

    but on the other hand who does the hulk work good with? i mean his best ability is anger and at max level the enemy needs strike tiles to do enough damage to even start to piss him of unless they use abilitys

    i suppose i will start leveling obw just incase spidey gets put down soon
  • Leugenesmiff
    Leugenesmiff Posts: 401 Mover and Shaker
    If any current member doesn't have at least 60,000 points in Simulator as of this morning and you'd like to replace them with someone who does let me know.
  • I just finish pushing also. round 2 is hard. ..
  • coolbond wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Coolbond - Punisher is fantastic, but collides with Patch somewhat. Your Spiderman probably doesn't need leveling, you have 5 blue covers and the extra health is really not that big a deal, I've found. Your best best at this point would be Cmags (until the Nerf), but it looks like you're cover constrained on that one. The best strike tile abusers in the game are Cmags with 5 red or blue covers and OBW with at least 4 black covers. You ideally want a striker to pound people with you strike tiles. BP might be good, he has color differential with Patch, and his black can be abusive since your strike tiles will apply to all his aoe attack. I have also seen others suggest IM40 since he can fire his yellow, stunning himself, the Patch will have almost all the tiles for "Best There Is". I would probably pick one of those.

    I maxed Hulk, since he works really well with Punisher, but I feel as though he has a little less synergy with Patch.

    but on the other hand who does the hulk work good with? i mean his best ability is anger and at max level the enemy needs strike tiles to do enough damage to even start to piss him of unless they use abilitys

    i suppose i will start leveling obw just incase spidey gets put down soon

    Wulk works amazingly with Patch but honestly most high level teams can and will use abilities that can trigger it.
    Hulk having 9k or so life, and half decent damage abilities in his own right can be a good motivation to skip by you in the que.
  • If any current member doesn't have at least 60,000 points in Simulator as of this morning and you'd like to replace them with someone who does let me know.

    Please stop spamming every alliance with this message. We dont kick people out with low scores. Stop by 5DV, they may have an opening.
  • Anyhow Finally got around to making a simple signature for those of us who wanted something without images but still represented us.
    Also I've added a hotlink on mine to pull you directly to our facebook group.
  • MTGOFerret wrote:
    Anyhow Finally got around to making a simple signature for those of us who wanted something without images but still represented us.
    Also I've added a hotlink on mine to pull you directly to our facebook group.

    HOTLINKS???? you pretentious bastard icon_e_smile.gif
  • MTGOFerret wrote:
    Anyhow Finally got around to making a simple signature for those of us who wanted something without images but still represented us.
    Also I've added a hotlink on mine to pull you directly to our facebook group.

    HOTLINKS???? you pretentious bastard icon_e_smile.gif

    I didnt even get thumbed icon_e_sad.gif You stingy **** icon_e_surprised.gif