DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • guys I need some advice who to lvl for current round 2: Wolverine , hood or lazy thor. Hail mary how does ur Wolverine fare in round 1?
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unwise, thanks for the kind words. However, please know that when you saw my members lounge and raised me one emerald lounge vip room, you hurt my heart

    I've been holding on to that for a while
  • Unwise, thanks for the kind words. However, please know that when you saw my members lounge and raised me one emerald lounge vip room, you hurt my heart

    I've been holding on to that for a while

    Actually, IIRC, that was HailMary's idea. icon_lol.gif

    Sorry. Still love you guys!
  • My score:
    I was not able to play optimally or even maximize what I was doing. The wife was ready to kill me. I ended top 10 for both subs, though I don't know specifically where.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    As long as we're being honest, lawyer's not in our alliance. I saw someone mention that early. Yes I creep your lounge, IT HAS EMERALDS. Don't judge me.

    We have like 70 people pending that we kinda sorta never got around to hitting dismiss... We dismissed like 50 at one point but they just never stopped so we stopped dismissing. We were waiting to see if any members had quit since last tourney. So I think every single bracket's top 10 is littered with fake alliance members. SHH!
  • Last Thing. I think we most agree that the 1* tourney may be a skipper. I really want to concentrate on the Simulator since I am terribad for PVE, I feel like I need to at least hold up my own weight, but I'm going into the 1* tourney. I don't think I can put up another grand, one star is tough to go at continuously, but luckily I don't need to share any heroes between the two events, so I only need to wait out 1* healing times, which aren't bad. So...

    On the other hand, if you guys can get anywhere in it we should be able to take a yellow hood cover for top 100 without breaking a sweat. And the individual rewards are nice, you will never go wrong with a blue Hood cover. bughunt loves the guy, and I'm taking a real shine to the fine fellow after my last few simulator battles. All I'm saying is, if you have the heroes, you may want to think about participating.

    Still, our focus right now is simulator. I want every one of us to get a full set of Lazy Caps. Or MoreCaps. Or Steve-a-reeno. Whatever. Get out their, Djangoliers! Go take what is yours!
  • As long as we're being honest, lawyer's not in our alliance. I saw someone mention that early. Yes I creep your lounge, IT HAS EMERALDS. Don't judge me.

    We have like 70 people pending that we kinda sorta never got around to hitting dismiss... We dismissed like 50 at one point but they just never stopped so we stopped dismissing. We were waiting to see if any members had quit since last tourney. So I think every single bracket's top 10 is littered with fake alliance members. SHH!

    Yeah, you guys need to fill out your remaining spots, then people can't apply any more. How about HailMary? Could you use him?
  • Good job on the simulator so far. I'll be rooting for you the rest of the way!
  • i just finished my patch wolve so i needed some advice on how to procede for now when it comes to iso

    current roster
    wolv 1/2/0 34/50

    Patch 5/5/2 141/141
    Spidey 2/5/2 89/89
    Hulk 5/1/2 76 78/79
    Loki 5/3 62/89
    Psy 5/3/3 58/115
    IM40 3/2/3 57/77
    DD 5/3/5 53/141
    Punish 3/5/5 53/141
    Thor 1/3/3 50/66
    Hood 3/4/2 44/89
    panth 3/3/3 41/89
    mag 1/3/1 25/43
    doom 2/0 25/25
    rag 2/1 15/28
    BW 0/1/0 15/15

    Mmag 3/5/5 85/85
    Ares 4/4/5 71/85
    hawk 5/5/3 43/85
    Cap 3/5/5 40/85
    Thor 4/3/5 29/77
    storm 5/5/3 23/85
    BW 5/3/5 16/85
    daken 5/5 11/85
    wolv 5/5/3 9/85
    moon 5/5/3 8/85
    spidey 5/5/3 6/85
    bull 5/5 6/85

    IM 35 5/5/3 50/50
    Mstorm 5/5/3 50/50
    BW 5/5 40/40
    juggernaut 5/5 30/40
    hawk 5/5 1/40
    venom 5/5 1/40
    yelen 5/5 1/40

    any tips would be appreciated
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good job on the simulator so far. I'll be rooting for you the rest of the way!

    That's messed up beezer. I'm like right here dude.

    Dlaw. We would gladly take your refuse but we're full. Those are leftover from when we opened a 20th slot when the tourney began
  • Good job on the simulator so far. I'll be rooting for you the rest of the way!

    That's messed up beezer. I'm like right here dude.

    Dlaw. We would gladly take your refuse but we're full. Those are leftover from when we opened a 20th slot when the tourney began

    Well shoot this is awkward, I thought you had taken a left out of here...
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    guys I need some advice who to lvl for current round 2: Wolverine , hood or lazy thor. Hail mary how does ur Wolverine fare in round 1?
    I assume you're talking about my AWolv. My Patch saw zero action. My default team for round 1 was AWolv + Psyduck + OBW, with LThor subbed in when character lockouts mandated it. For the scaling I was seeing, they were great. I will, of course, be swapping in Doom for Psyduck in round 2.

    Just based on gut reaction (since your roster is farther along than mine) and a prelim skim, I'd level BP or Hood. Both are buffed for the current event, BP is a great tank (till a possible further nerf), and Hood is a great support char.
    Dlaw. We would gladly take your refuse but we're full. Those are leftover from when we opened a 20th slot when the tourney began
    That's messed up, you bastrd. I'm like right here dude. icon_cry.gificon_lol.gif
    Unwise, thanks for the kind words. However, please know that when you saw my members lounge and raised me one emerald lounge vip room, you hurt my heart

    I've been holding on to that for a while
    That's what you preemptively got for future-calling me refuse! icon_twisted.gif
    dlaw008 wrote:
    My score:
    I was not able to play optimally or even maximize what I was doing. The wife was ready to kill me. I ended top 10 for both subs, though I don't know specifically where.
    "I only got rank #1 on my main leaderboard. I couldn't even maximize or 'play optimally.'"

    Don't think we don't see right through your humble-brag, Oberster Kommandant Law.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Last Thing. I think we most agree that the 1* tourney may be a skipper. I really want to concentrate on the Simulator since I am terribad for PVE, I feel like I need to at least hold up my own weight, but I'm going into the 1* tourney. I don't think I can put up another grand, one star is tough to go at continuously, but luckily I don't need to share any heroes between the two events, so I only need to wait out 1* healing times, which aren't bad. So...

    On the other hand, if you guys can get anywhere in it we should be able to take a yellow hood cover for top 100 without breaking a sweat. And the individual rewards are nice, you will never go wrong with a blue Hood cover. bughunt loves the guy, and I'm taking a real shine to the fine fellow after my last few simulator battles. All I'm saying is, if you have the heroes, you may want to think about participating.

    Still, our focus right now is simulator. I want every one of us to get a full set of Lazy Caps. Or MoreCaps. Or Steve-a-reeno. Whatever. Get out their, Djangoliers! Go take what is yours!

    I have the roster, but possibly not the play time. I'll try to take a crack at 1* in between Sim goes, but my order of priority is:

    The Simulator
    Wife and Children
  • So after going to bed with 3.5 hrs to go, 1-1-2 in Main-Easy-Hard, after having consistently led all three (until dale showed up in my bracket!), I woke up this morning to:

    Top 50
    Top 50

    That's... demotivating.

    Stupid game with it's stupid awkward end times. There must be a better way to balance this stuff.

    Adding insult to injury I got a Green 2* Wolvie and a Blur BP with my paltry two tokens.
  • guys any tips on who to level now?
    current roster
    wolv 1/2/0 34/50

    Loki 5/3 62/89
    Psy 5/3/3 58/115
    IM40 3/2/3 57/77
    DD 5/3/5 53/141
    Punish 3/5/5 53/141
    Thor 1/3/3 50/66
    Hood 3/4/2 44/89
    panth 3/3/3 41/89
    mag 1/3/1 25/43
    rag 2/1 15/28

    Ares 4/4/5 71/85
    hawk 5/5/3 43/85
    Cap 3/5/5 40/85
    Thor 4/3/5 29/77
    storm 5/5/3 23/85
    BW 5/3/5 16/85
    daken 5/5 11/85
    wolv 5/5/3 9/85
    moon 5/5/3 8/85
    spidey 5/5/3 6/85
    bull 5/5 6/85

    juggernaut 5/5 30/40
    hawk 5/5 1/40
    venom 5/5 1/40
    yelen 5/5 1/40

    any tips would be appreciated
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    I'm focusing on the buffs just now. E.g. I just put another ten levels into Doom as he's buffed this round. I'll do the same with Hood next round.

    It comes down to play style. I like Hulk, others don't. In simple terms, level your go to team!

    I would recommend trying to get at least one 141 though, to serve as a detterent in PvP.

    Edit: I'd have found the last month or so much harder without OBW... icon_e_wink.gif
  • already got a maxed patches the ones on the list are those that are not maxed out yet to there covers
  • Damn good performance, grats on placing well.
  • I'll do what I can in the 1* as I atleast have a 50 IM35, 50 storm, 40 Jug combo I can use.

    I got 3 or 4 Ares covers out of my 1st round rewards...
  • round 2 of the sim is kicking my ****. already level 100's in normal mode icon_e_sad.gif havent checked hard yet as im scared. ill not be much help i feel.