DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • MTGOFerret wrote:
    allorin wrote:
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    finally got the Mag/OBW/BP mission done. man that thing was a TinyKitty

    In Normal or Hard? In Normal mine is lvl 120s. Burned all 5 health packs, then got lucky and managed to fire of a summon demons before Mags destroyed my party. Rage of the Panther is no laughing matter either.

    I don't even want to look at the Hard version. icon_e_surprised.gif

    In hard, I was able to completely clear normal without much fuss
    What team are you running?
  • I ground all hard nodes to one point, the big easy nodes and did a run-through of the rest. It took me literally all day. I'm somewhere around 84,000 pts now, in total. Which is I guess something like plus 21,000 from yesterday.

    I had used HP to finish my Spiderman with 5 blue covers, so I ran him, Hood and level 100 Doom through that Thor mission. Stun lock Thor and wait while Dooms attack tiles do all the work. It worked pretty well. Overall, I used a lot of health packs throughout the day, though. I would NEVER do this for a Lazy Cap cover, but I want to pull my weight at one of these. I'll jump back into the one star tourney some more tonight. My hood is max yellow, but it's a great cover so you guys should get one. I could use the blue from individual awards, though.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    I'm currently at 78k, waiting for both to refresh.

    With Daken, I run spider-counter and stun him when I know I'm going to match green -- he's a pain in the butt if left alone.

    I'll put a couple of points into lone star. I've still got my original team, which should do decently.
  • I'm on 79000 which im proud off as my levels are ridiculous.i did each node once in normal mode and i only did 4 missions in hard mode but they started at 4000 points as i waited for rubberbanding to kick in. Ill do a pass in normal tonight hopefully get at least 85000 if i can.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    4000? I cry. Mine started around 2k for hard and 3k for easy.

    Also, coolbond, my thoughts at looking at your roster...

    - Don't need to level spidey. You have the important 5 blue, and keeping him low allows patch to tank yellow for him. (if you're interested the swapover point is around 100)
    - Normally I'd say level mags, but you're missing a lot of covers. (I need to level my mags too, but... buffs.)
    - You could level punisher, but if you do, you might consider swapping to 5/3/5 -- when I use punisher with patch, I never use pun's strike tile generator (else, why use patch), but I do use his black. A lot. His red is also good, but doesn't hold a candle to "Best there is".

    Other contenders are
    - panther - nice aoe black and tanks blue for spidey, gives you a secondary use for yellow + env, blue is "alright" but you're running spidey.
    - psylocke - decent black single + attack tile, you will never use red ("Best there is" reigns all over every other red abilty) or blue (it's mediocre in the first place, and spidey stun wins games)
    In all cases (except mags) you're missing an active purple ability.

    Given the above, I'd pick either panther or punisher. Both give you a decent active black attack. Panth's black is stronger and he'd tank for spidey, but punisher is fully covered and does provide decent alternate abilities if patch is dead.
  • I'm on 79000 which im proud off as my levels are ridiculous.i did each node once in normal mode and i only did 4 missions in hard mode but they started at 4000 points as i waited for rubberbanding to kick in. Ill do a pass in normal tonight hopefully get at least 85000 if i can.
    **** 4000 points??? Max I've seen for mine is 2.8k points.

    Could you explain what you did in the FB group??
  • Trying this "rubber banding " method. So less stressful lol I got tired of all the grinding. Can't do it anymore. From now on I'm gonna get a piggy back ride of the leaders icon_e_smile.gif
  • Joined the subs this evening and got from 49001 to 77362. Could have gotten more, but too many of the nodes are hard/deadly. I'm rather surprised I was able to get that many points.
  • Trying this "rubber banding " method. So less stressful lol I got tired of all the grinding. Can't do it anymore. From now on I'm gonna get a piggy back ride of the leaders icon_e_smile.gif

    I need that. So how does it go? Wait 24 hours each pass? Two passes per subvent? That's kinda what I was planning, but I figured it still took me all day to clear everything. I finished grinding hard mode this afternoon around 2:30 or so, and I'm still in number one. Usually I'm overtaken quickly.

    We're seventh in the One Star Tourney and hardly anyone is playing, judging by what was said here. Crazy.

    Okay, so time for the inevitable what do you guys think I should level question. I'm sitting on 100,000 iso. I don't know what to do with it. I could probably get my Patch (currently 80 something) pretty high, or my GSBW (97 I think), or lift up BP or Psylocke some. I've used Hood quite a bit during this simulator and I think I like him. Maybe he should be the recipient? I don't think any of my 3* guys are fully covered, but I could probably put one of them near the soft cap. Maybe I should save it all for Lazy Cap! Everyone like a big Capn', right?

    "Got a little Captain in ya?"

    "No sir, I have a huge Captain in me (phone)!"

    Oh man, where's HailMary...
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Aw man.

    - Do you have 1250 hp banked as well? If it were me, I'd be tempted to spend it on that last mags cover and level him to 141 first. (I somehow managed to fully cover my mags and still haven't levelled him up.)
    - You've got 5 green covers in GSBW, and she'll do nicely at higher levels, too. She's also not in line for a funbalance. You could get her to 128 as well.
    - You could wait til we get a blue hood in lone star and level him -- The only issue here is if you've got 5 blue, there's no point to leveling him to full, as you want other people to tank his colors while he steals ap in the background, so just aim for enough hp that he survives most aoes.
    - Panther is a possiblity -- he covers spidey for blue and yellow -- but he's not fully covered.
    - Doom is fully covered, but I don't know if an extra 15 levels would be a wise investment.
    - I would say don't do Patch or Psylocke, you're coving most of their abilities with Punisher...
    - Lazy thor > Lazy cap. Lazy cap will be better than his 2 star variant but overall, I don't think he'll see much love while spidey is around. Lazy Thor on the other hand...

    Hrm. If I were sitting on 100k, I'd do mags. He's currently the highest damage dealer in the game aside from Patch (with less restrictions). If I didn't want to do Mags, I'd probably do Panther or GSBW. I do love me some aoe skills. Probably favouring Panther, as there's less ap required for RotP and he tanks two of spidey's colours. I'd also probably drop a little into Hood. At least enough to give him 1.5k - 2k HP (somewhere between level 50 - 65).

  • Hrm.

    My Spidey only has one blue cover. This is incredibly frustrating, as the global scaling / enemy configuration seems to be predicated on everyone having a useable Spidey. I don't!
  • just looked at the rankings on the pvp event turns out we are 8th with 3k points
  • What madness is this? I come here and we are on the SECOND PAGE OF CHAT.

    Disgraceful. If we don't chat, then we will forget about each other. We wont communicate and in the end, divorce. I don't want to divorce any of you. But i will. AND I WILL GET EVERYTHING.
  • But seriously, waiting on my second rubberband to kick in. Levels are slowly getting higher. Nearly 2000 points for sim 8,9. Hopefully in another hour or so,they will get above 3000. I need to get me some points.
  • Any thoughts on two star Magneto build? I have a chance to change it a little now if I want.
  • Veikka wrote:
    Any thoughts on two star Magneto build? I have a chance to change it a little now if I want.
    If you have CStorm, my ideal build for MNMags is 3/5/5. Your MNMags purple will feed CStorm's blue wind storm, which is one of the best powers of any 2* character (and why you would never have reason to use MNMags' blue ability). These two characters are my main go-tos. I'm staying behind the 50 mark in the 1* skirmish so I can finally get the last purple cover I need, then hopefully I'll be able to level him after the start of the Round 3 Sim.
  • But seriously, waiting on my second rubberband to kick in. Levels are slowly getting higher. Nearly 2000 points for sim 8,9. Hopefully in another hour or so,they will get above 3000. I need to get me some points.
    I forgot to thank you for posting the PvE guide last night! It helped so much in understanding some of the terms used here (that I kind of put together in context, but was never really sure of). It helped take the stress off of grinding, and has made my night / morning so much more enjoyable, especially having to work haha.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Wow my hard nodes are so hard. I am not sure if I am going to be able to beat any of them anymore. Everyone is at 150 or above.
  • Hey guys! This is Klingsor, your friendly forum poster! Just wanted to extend an invitation to any members of DjangoUnbuffed to leave your alliance and come join us! If you are interested PM me! Thanks! Congrats on a great effort so far! The difference between 2 and 3 is only 2500 ISO and 400 HP so that's not too bad...You guys think Shield is going to ride the rubberband to the top again?
  • klingsor wrote:
    Hey guys! This is Klingsor, your friendly forum poster! Just wanted to extend an invitation to any members of DjangoUnbuffed to leave your alliance and come join us! If you are interested PM me! Thanks! Congrats on a great effort so far! The difference between 2 and 3 is only 2500 ISO and 400 HP so that's not too bad...You guys think Shield is going to ride the rubberband to the top again?

    I honestly wouldn't have thought that any of us make the cut for 5DV. AlphavsOmega could only get into the junior alliance.... Hey, we should start a junior alliance, DrKingSchultz!

    But yeah, Shield is going to ride the rubberband again. They have this stuff nailed. Truth be told, klingsor, if you really want to be number one your best bet would be to see if you can get in with them. You are working way too hard trying to beat them.