DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • it was not in a row that would be horrible but they were in the same week
  • ended the tourney at 2 place with 512 hopefully it will get me a top 10 position
  • preparing for the final push for this round, best of luck to you all
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Just broke the 100,000 mark. Doubt i can get much higher. The levels have nearly killed all my guys. I swear to god, if my levels don't drop after excluding OBW from these subs for 90% of the time, i will cry. Then i will kill IceIX. Then cry some more.
  • allorin wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Rajjeq wrote:
    90,784 as of tonight. The scaling is causing much death and destruction. On the bright side, I just scored my first Spiderman (yellow) from a standard token! Also, I'm in 3rd place in the one star tournament with 600ish points.

    How about that, Allorin? One token, one Spiderman. How do you like them apples?

    I don't. I don't like them apples. Not one little bit.

    (Lucky you, Rajjeq!)
    Let's not forget that the prior thirty tokens were total ****. Feel better now?
  • I must be the only one who is happy getting standard tokens and 1* guys. After selling all my 1* heroes last month,I've started collecting them again.... So gimme gimme gimme
  • I actually shielded for the first time ever today. One star tournament, at 646 in third. It would be fairly easy to be hit for 150 points at any time, since anyone can beat anyone. Especially with the simulator ending at the same time, I figured the 75hp for shield assures my 100hp and two covers for top 10.

    Although it is SO painful to spend HP on something other than roster slots.
  • Rajjeq wrote:
    Although it is SO painful to spend HP on something other than roster slots.
    #3 grants You 2x *** covers, 3000 ISO and 100 HP. Don't tell me it's not worth spending 75 HP icon_e_smile.gif
  • Hey everyone

    Finished round 2 with 105 K points and about 510 in 1 star skirmish. I wanted to do more but I'm at work now and it was hard to get much in this morning.

    Good luck with round 3!
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Emeryt, I never said it wasn't worth it, I just said I had never done it before and it was painful icon_e_biggrin.gif .

    I managed to scratch my way to 98544 in Simulator. I died repeatedly, again, and was totally out of health packs after my final (thankfully winning) fight. In other helpful news, unlike the last two subs where my boosted character was only level 18 for most of it (Doom/Psy), the next two are BP at 51 and LazyThor at 89. So it should be easier (crosses fingers).

    Let's ROCK Lord of Thunder. I have ZERO Patches. Happily, I have a level 89 3/3/3 LazyThor so that should help.
  • Waited until 11:10a on the rubberband sitting at 93.5K. Took LazyThor Sim and Wolv/DD/IM40 down to 1 in normal and hard because they were the easiest for me with MNMags and CStorm combo. Hit 105K by the end of it. Added bonus, have my final purple cover for MNMags that I've been waiting on thanks to 1* tourney! icon_e_smile.gif

  • Rajjeq wrote:
    I actually shielded for the first time ever today. One star tournament, at 646 in third. It would be fairly easy to be hit for 150 points at any time, since anyone can beat anyone. Especially with the simulator ending at the same time, I figured the 75hp for shield assures my 100hp and two covers for top 10.

    Although it is SO painful to spend HP on something other than roster slots.

    heh i completely understand the pain of shields :-/ Thankfully i only need one black cover and my hood is DONE.. im flirting with disaster right now though sitting at #43 so i guess i should finally stop with the sim and get back on that so i dont screw the pooch so to say lol.

    Anyhow for the sim im currently at 3/3/14 106006 and that 3rd place in easy mode is going to bug the hell outta me icon_e_confused.gif
    Okay i lied i couldnt let the 3rd stand had to go back and now hope that i keep the 2nd LOL
    Now to try to raise my rank in the 1star in these last 9 mins

    oops totally forgot to submit this.
    So anyhow here's an "update"
    got 106180 in the simulator
    got my top 50 in hardmore
    now im just hoping i got my top 2 in the easy
    (got a freaking hawkeye red lol)
  • oh nice! Lord of Thunder alliance PvP with Patch as reward!
    You betcha I'm gonna get at least top 10 for this!
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    I'm afraid I was called away for the last hour or so... I managed 98743.

    Also just pulled a Lazy Thor green from an event token.
  • did not end well for me the last round hopefully this one will be better.
    wonder what 2* its going to be for LoT?
  • Finished the last round of Sims with 102,103 points. Currently in 14th place overall. Haven't started the next round of Sims yet.
  • Anyone else still waiting on rewards? So far I only received my player rewards from one of the simulators (not sure which; pretty sure I ended up top 5 in both) and from One Star, no alliance rewards from any of 'em. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Forge wrote:
    Anyone else still waiting on rewards? So far I only received my player rewards from one of the simulators (not sure which; pretty sure I ended up top 5 in both) and from One Star, no alliance rewards from any of 'em. icon_e_sad.gif

    Nope, haven't got them yet.

    Why does it take so long to get the Alliance rewards? I know we have to wait for EVERYONE to finish in order for the points to be tallied up, but I don't understand why that takes over 45 minutes. Do people like, pause the game and leave for hours, and the game has to wait for them to finish?
  • Rajjeq wrote:
    I managed to scratch my way to 98544 in Simulator. I died repeatedly, again, and was totally out of health packs after my final (thankfully winning) fight. In other helpful news, unlike the last two subs where my boosted character was only level 18 for most of it (Doom/Psy), the next two are BP at 51 and LazyThor at 89. So it should be easier (crosses fingers).

    If thats the case I'm feeling pretty good about my lvl 108 BP icon_e_smile.gif

    I might have to put some ISO into Lazy Thor though, I've got some covers for him so should be able to boost him up to a reasonable level, just need the ISO now icon_lol.gif
  • That can't be it, because if you finish after the sub closes, it doesn't count.