DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Microtom wrote:
    HailMary, you're in my bracket icon_twisted.gif
    Heh, I noticed. We clearly need to gang up on wathombe. icon_twisted.gif I just want top 5, not #1.

    Are you getting any opponents above 620 points?

    Also, I like your 2/5/4 MoreThor. I assume you spent HP?
  • HailMary wrote:
    Microtom wrote:
    HailMary, you're in my bracket icon_twisted.gif
    Heh, I noticed. We clearly need to gang up on wathombe. icon_twisted.gif I just want top 5, not #1.

    Are you getting any opponents above 620 points?

    Also, I like your 2/5/4 MoreThor. I assume you spent HP?

    Nothing, I got hugely lucky with the tokens I got from both jugg events
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Microtom wrote:
    Nothing, I got hugely lucky with the tokens I got from both jugg events
    Bravo, sir.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179

    DjangoUnbuffed is complete, and I just got two Courageous tokens: black Hulk & red Punisher.

    <mic drop>
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Thank you all. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Also, this got fancy really quick. Emerald Lounge, indeed. I snuck in here awhile back to scope out the compe... uh... potential friends and I'm sure it was only a normal chat room at that point.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Tannen wrote:
    Thank you all. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Also, this got fancy really quick. Emerald Lounge, indeed. I snuck in here awhile back to scope out the compe... uh... potential friends and I'm sure it was only a normal chat room at that point.
    Yeah, we renovated. Note the Italian marble balustrades and alabaster end tables. We were going for an antebellum bourgeois motif for our combination recreation area and command center, but somehow some mid-century modern snuck in there. Darn the Danish. I blame TU1.

    Oh, and I hear that you left your old alliance to apply to Django. A hat tip to you, good sir.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    HailMary wrote:
    Oh, and I hear that you left your old alliance to apply to Django. A hat tip to you, good sir.

    I like here better than there.

    This place seems full of fun. Also the marble balustrades are nice, but - and don't take this the wrong way - the gold-plated taps in the bathrooms are just a tad gaudy.

  • HailMary wrote:

    DjangoUnbuffed is complete, and I just got two Courageous tokens: black Hulk & red Punisher.

    <mic drop>

    I've been using LRs to try to tank. I think I need to change that - I needs me some Hulk black!
  • Finally joined the LOT event this morning and i don't know what i did to deserve the bracket of hell icon_e_sad.gif i got nellabow,chuckova,spacelobster and soenottelling in mine.CURSES.Luckily i tanked hard and also shielded last out of the top 10 and currently lie in 2nd with 935 points. I almost broke the 1000 point mark 3 times, only to be attacked. CURSES.

    On a brighter note i got my Punisher to 111, gonna be 113 in 2 hours. Also started tanking straight after i put my shield up. Now i get to join the LR's for the first time in weeks. YAY
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    allorin wrote:
    I've been using LRs to try to tank. I think I need to change that - I needs me some Hulk black!
    Yeah, I tank just about every LR I actually manage to enter. This one, though, I got in just as it began, and saw seed teams for the first 250 points, so I figured I'd try to go for it.
    Finally joined the LOT event this morning and i don't know what i did to deserve the bracket of hell icon_e_sad.gif i got nellabow,chuckova,spacelobster and soenottelling in mine.CURSES.Luckily i tanked hard and also shielded last out of the top 10 and currently lie in 2nd with 935 points. I almost broke the 1000 point mark 3 times, only to be attacked. CURSES.

    On a brighter note i got my Punisher to 111, gonna be 113 in 2 hours. Also started tanking straight after i put my shield up. Now i get to join the LR's for the first time in weeks. YAY
    This is what you get for your strategery! icon_lol.gif I'm bracketed with wathombe and Microtom, and just broke 800 to take 3rd. A 5DeadlyVenoms member is in first with 963. In other news, with a sample size of 2, I've determined that being part of an alliance is motivating me to score significantly higher than before, though that could be due to generally increased competition in the Alliance Epoch.
  • I'm calling it, guys. Happy to get my three Psy covers, sad to still have no number 1 under my belt.


    My envy for dx9's roster is through the roof right now.


    One day……… one day.

    Anyone else have good luck in LoT? I'm not even attempting much in HM or the LRs besides gaining iso.
  • I was in first when I last checked (at work at moment) but I suspect I wont hold onto the top spot, only ever wanted the 3 Psy covers though so thats not bothering me. I'll report back final info when I get home from work icon_e_smile.gif
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    I've got Nemek sitting at the top of my bracket. I'm not getting first. I'll settle for 2nd... Or maybe lower, depending on people who are shifting.

    Actually, I'll watch this to the very end. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • So i remade my sig pic and it now has everybody's names and just the ONCE so please don't make fun of me as its not nice.

    Now everyone lets make fun of HailMary
  • Had pretty good chance for top 5 but servers down now.. or something wrong at my end.
    2 covers is ok I guess when I didnt need to shield.
  • What time did you start, guys? It might be useful to know how Shield coordinates their start times, and if you have them in your bracket...

    Nice job, Spider, if we can pull 800's or so in alliance events, it should be smooth sailing. On that note, since leveling Cmags to his soft cap at 128, I've banked about 11,000 ISO for whoever is buffed in the alliance PVE. Hopefully I can get to 20 or 30,000 before it starts. It won't go far, probably, but I'll need all the help I can get to try to pull my weight.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I've got 5DeadlyVenoms' LoreNYC topping my bracket. But, I'm edging out wathombe for third with 880, so I'm happy. I keep getting Comm Link Disrupted, though, so we'll see.

    Anyone else have good luck in LoT? I'm not even attempting much in HM or the LRs besides gaining iso.
    Yeah, I did 1 LR for actual placement. I've tanked all the others. Haven't started Heroic Juggs Part 2, yet.
    dlaw008 wrote:
    What time did you start, guys? It might be useful to know how Shield coordinates their start times, and if you have them in your bracket...
    I start 24-28 hours before close. Nice leveling of CMags, btw. I've been trying to maintain an Iso buffer of 30K that I'm only really using to pump into LThor when I get his covers.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    So i remade my sig pic and it now has everybody's names and just the ONCE so please don't make fun of me as its not nice.
    Awwww yeah, dat sig pic is smooooooth. Smooth as buttah.
  • HailMary wrote:
    I've got 5DeadlyVenoms' LoreNYC topping my bracket. But, I'm edging out wathombe for third with 880, so I'm happy. I keep getting Comm Link Disrupted, though, so we'll see.

    I think this is how it ended:

  • just made the most amazing rush for 4th rank with 3+ minuts left on the clock in the end it ended with a victory and <1min on the clock. what is your guys most memorable clutch plays?