DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Well I managed to hold on to my number 1 spot icon_e_smile.gif

    Bubbleboy made a push towards the end. Which I didnt really expect as he had already green cover capped his IW so I figured he wouldnt push too hard. Guess I was wrong but I held on to that coveted #1 spot icon_e_smile.gif

    I'll post a screenie later but I'm at work at the moment.
  • HailMary wrote:
    Thanks, Sugarman & Moghwyn!

    scAvengers did an incredible job, as well!

    P.S. - I may steal the transparency idea from your sig at some point. icon_rolleyes.gificon_e_biggrin.gif
    you need to delete background and then save as .png

    Looks like MPQ is starting to have a real community icon_e_smile.gif
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Anyone know what happened to the opening screen with the upcoming events?
  • Emeryt wrote:
    HailMary wrote:
    Thanks, Sugarman & Moghwyn!

    scAvengers did an incredible job, as well!

    P.S. - I may steal the transparency idea from your sig at some point. icon_rolleyes.gificon_e_biggrin.gif
    you need to delete background and then save as .png

    Looks like MPQ is starting to have a real community icon_e_smile.gif

    What is this madness with rival alliances talking to one another? This will not be tolerated. Disgusting behaviour. From now on we must hate each other. I'll start: you smell like poop.

    There i said it.
  • Guys, we kicked ****. On that list in the general discussion forum, we were second in points per member. Go Django!
  • nice work everyone !
  • Meant to post earlier, but got lost in the hectic tourney and membership tsunami:

    Great job going over 1000 points, Noob! I don't know how you do it, but that was incredible and it really pumped up our score.

    Congrats on the impending wedding, Tempest! Or condolences on the loss of your bachelor-hood, whichever is more appropriate. Now you will never be able to make out with Rogue and lose all your powers. So take that how you will.

    One of us ought to keep a spreadsheet with our scores. And in future tournaments we may want to keep some kind of strategy ledger, so that we can optimize all of our strategies for best success. Or not, if it's a pain in the tinykitty. Still want to have fun, but it might help some of us looking for the best times to push for scores, best times to shield, finding easy bracket times, etc.

    Again, nice job everyone! Enjoy your rewards!
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    edited March 2014
    nice work everyone !
    I just noticed: written backwards, your name is 1000 boon ...

    Quite fitting, considering your performance in the Alliance tournament. icon_e_biggrin.gif You seriously gotta share some tips at some point... or, ya know, just give them to me... that works, too. icon_lol.gif
    Pats0132 wrote:
    Anyone know what happened to the opening screen with the upcoming events?
    No idea. D3 might be tweaking it (or dropping it altogether) since it had a habit of "announcing" events that had already ended for over a day.
    dlaw008 wrote:
    One of us ought to keep a spreadsheet with our scores. And in future tournaments we may want to keep some kind of strategy ledger, so that we can optimize all of our strategies for best success. Or not, if it's a pain in the tinykitty. Still want to have fun, but it might help some of us looking for the best times to push for scores, best times to shield, finding easy bracket times, etc.

    A score spreadsheet would be pretty simple in Google Docs. A strategy ledger, though, might take some thought if it's not simply going to be a big list of tips, though everything should of course be private, so no forum links to anything anyone decides to make. PM/FB-only.

    Speaking of strategy, Polarity updated his 1*->3* progression guide to include MoreThor, and dubbed him one of the most powerful 3*'s in existence. So, if any of you can do well in the Heroic Juggernaut PvE (i.e. have MoreThor and relatively high-level IM40/AWolv/1*'s), I think it'd be a good idea to do so, since it's giving out a lot of MoreThor covers. I'm running baby MoreThor, maxed MBW, and maxed AWolv/MStorm with decent ranking success even though my refresh timing is all out of whack and I'm barely doing 1/3 of the nodes, but I know that those who've progressed further have likely dropped several core PvE chars. I hope the second half of the PvE will also hand out MoreThor covers.

    Also, I'm aiming for an easy Ares cover in the new PvP. My MMR needs to cool down, and I've decided to build an Ares to give Thor some breathing room. Is anyone gunning for Psylocke covers?
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Meant to post earlier, but got lost in the hectic tourney and membership tsunami:

    Great job going over 1000 points, Noob! I don't know how you do it, but that was incredible and it really pumped up our score.

    Congrats on the impending wedding, Tempest! Or condolences on the loss of your bachelor-hood, whichever is more appropriate. Now you will never be able to make out with Rogue and lose all your powers. So take that how you will.

    One of us ought to keep a spreadsheet with our scores. And in future tournaments we may want to keep some kind of strategy ledger, so that we can optimize all of our strategies for best success. Or not, if it's a pain in the tinykitty. Still want to have fun, but it might help some of us looking for the best times to push for scores, best times to shield, finding easy bracket times, etc.

    Again, nice job everyone! Enjoy your rewards!

    We didnt even have a plan for this tourny and we did extremely well, imagine how good w would be if we actually had one lol I still think the best way forward is to enter tourny's either 10 or 5 hours before they end to maximize your shields and points but thats just me icon_e_smile.gif I am sure in the next update D3 will implement a way to see our team mates scores as this is kinda pivotal but we can talk about it if they dont. Once again well done to everybody on our success icon_e_smile.gif
  • I shall be going for the Pyslocke covers as the only covers for Ares are the red ones. I already have him maxed at red. Or maybe they are giving out the full 3 covers now?? im not near my phone so i cant check but last night it was just the 1. Havent entered yet but will do my usual 5 hours before the end.

    As for Juggernaut event, i havent entered so i will miss out on the covers, as i didnt have a roster capable of doing the nodes. Oh well i'm sure i will get Thor covers down the line. I dont think i will miss out on anything as i have a strong enough squad for the time been. Also as i stated i should be buying a slot today so we can get 2 new members. I have written out a new recruitment drive which i shall post in a minute or 2 icon_e_smile.gif The baby is crying so i must tend to her first. KIDS!!!!
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I shall be going for the Pyslocke covers as the only covers for Ares are the red ones. I already have him maxed at red. Or maybe they are giving out the full 3 covers now?? im not near my phone so i cant check but last night it was just the 1. Havent entered yet but will do my usual 5 hours before the end.
    Just the one cover for all three Ares tiers. icon_cry.gif But, I have less Psylocke covers than Ares, and looking at how cover rewards are coming out, I think I'll be building towards a MoreThor/Punisher/Panther 3* team: tanky-hitter triple whammy (no blurple powers, though). What do you think?
    As for Juggernaut event, i havent entered so i will miss out on the covers, as i didnt have a roster capable of doing the nodes. Oh well i'm sure i will get Thor covers down the line. I dont think i will miss out on anything as i have a strong enough squad for the time been.
    Yeah, Heroic Juggs has been tough on people who've ditched their 1*'s. For me, that means less level scaling, though, so yay! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Oh btw i noticed earlier that you guys were talking about trying to find a goood program to use for image editing. Look up ****, also if i recall adobe ended up releasing an ooold version of photoshop along with the key to use it. ... ee/#!AenE5

    the above link explains how to get it.

    **** can be found at

    anyhow i prefer **** because its what i learned using and can be used on any OS inclduing Linux, but i certainly wont fault anyone who chooses Photoshop.

    As for the Heroic juggs. not having 2* wolvie has been HELL on me but i've been running a 1 cover thor,lvl 50 5/5/3 storm and lvl 69 3/5/3 IM40, it's rough but i've been able to beat every mission so far.
  • Cleo, i think you need the full rainbow of colours. maybe not having one is ok but two is asking for trouble.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Cleo, i think you need the full rainbow of colours. maybe not having one is ok but two is asking for trouble.
    I was afraid of that.

    Let's hope I get lucky with C.Mags cover pulls. I wonder who's a good third to pair up with MoreThor + OBW. Punisher's green and MoreThor's green would seem to directly compete, though I guess MoreThor can be used as a green battery who hits on yellow and red.
  • HailMary wrote:
    Cleo, i think you need the full rainbow of colours. maybe not having one is ok but two is asking for trouble.
    I was afraid of that.

    Let's hope I get lucky with C.Mags cover pulls. I wonder who's a good third to pair up with MoreThor + OBW. Punisher's green and MoreThor's green would seem to directly compete, though I guess MoreThor can be used as a green battery who hits on yellow and red.

    I use Punisher,OBW and Thor as my 3. Got all colors covered and as for Thor and Punishers green been in conflict, well that's true but I mainly use Thor as my shield and green supplier, but depending on the situation sometimes I'd use Thor's green instead like at the end of the game. I will continue to use Thor until I get more covers for Patch or until I level Iron man
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I use Punisher,OBW and Thor as my 3. Got all colors covered and as for Thor and Punishers green been in conflict, well that's true but I mainly use Thor as my shield and green supplier, but depending on the situation sometimes I'd use Thor's green instead like at the end of the game. I will continue to use Thor until I get more covers for Patch or until I level Iron man
    Ah, I see.

    Why IM40? Just for his yellow and tankiness? Or, do you think his red & blue aren't unusably expensive?
  • HailMary wrote:
    I use Punisher,OBW and Thor as my 3. Got all colors covered and as for Thor and Punishers green been in conflict, well that's true but I mainly use Thor as my shield and green supplier, but depending on the situation sometimes I'd use Thor's green instead like at the end of the game. I will continue to use Thor until I get more covers for Patch or until I level Iron man
    Ah, I see.

    Why IM40? Just for his yellow and tankiness? Or, do you think his red & blue aren't unusably expensive?

    His tankiness for sure but with him gaining all ap with his yellow including PURPLE for OBW I can see it been an infinite loop of healing/stealing and dealing damage by feeding Punisher icon_e_smile.gif that's if I can't get covers soon for Patch or maybe Hood
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    His tankiness for sure but with him gaining all ap with his yellow including PURPLE for OBW I can see it been an infinite loop of healing/stealing and dealing damage by feeding Punisher icon_e_smile.gif that's if I can't get covers soon for Patch or maybe Hood
    Ah, got it. Thanks!

    In unrelated news, I got a Bag-Man in my Heroic daily reward today. I didn't realize it until now, but I probably haven't gotten a single Bag-Man in the entire second half of my MPQ time so far. Had to happen sometime, eh?
  • HailMary wrote:
    His tankiness for sure but with him gaining all ap with his yellow including PURPLE for OBW I can see it been an infinite loop of healing/stealing and dealing damage by feeding Punisher icon_e_smile.gif that's if I can't get covers soon for Patch or maybe Hood
    Ah, got it. Thanks!

    In unrelated news, I got a Bag-Man in my Heroic daily reward today. I didn't realize it until now, but I probably haven't gotten a single Bag-Man in the entire second half of my MPQ time so far. Had to happen sometime, eh?

  • IM40's blue is nigh-worthless. His red is an option, depending on the rest of your team, but with morethor/ lazythor you probably won't use IM40 red. Punisher goes great with lessthor, but morethor is slightly different, isn't he? His yellow is always a decent option with almost any team.

    I don't have any morethor covers, not one. icon_e_sad.gif Even if I did, I'm not sure where I would put him, given my existing roster. Punisher, Hulk and magneto are pretty much a dream team. Some substitute Patch for Punisher, but I personally rate him just slightly lower. I have to finish leveling BP, in case the upcoming CMags/ Spiderman nerfs hit hard.

    Get it? Nerfs? Hit hard? I should do stand up.