DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Btw all, congratz to Bowgentle as DjangoUnbuffed's newest commander.

    Now why do I always want to call him BowJangle?

    That's Mr. BowJangle to you.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker

    Also, grats.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dat sig, j... going blind here. So, working as intended.

    Also, thanks.
  • Just wanted to say thanks for having me, looking forward to being here. Bring on the initiation.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just wanted to say thanks for having me, looking forward to being here. Bring on the initiation.
    Welcome, welcome!
    You're lucky to get in while HailMary is away. That saves you the most embarrassing stuff.
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    Just wanted to say thanks for having me, looking forward to being here. Bring on the initiation.
    Welcome, welcome!
    You're lucky to get in while HailMary is away. That saves you the most embarrassing stuff.

    Also, you won't have three days of an inexplicable burning sensation to contend with. That was...unpleasant.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Still no power guys. I managed to sneak in a PVP match this morning while the boss wasn't here so I'll be able to contribute to the daily rewards. Still no word on when I'll have power back on at home though.
  • It is no secret or surprise that I am leaving DjangoUnbuffed after season 3. As a matter of fact, I have all but left already. I am still glomming on so that the spry young whippersnappers can earn my third Fury cover for me, then I am gone. I rarely log into the game any more, at times I have to remind myself that I must fight at least one battle so that I don't miss the daily reward and everyone gets their 10 iso. I don't even come here very often any more. Alliance coordination no longer requires the forums and most of what I see here doesn't encourage return visits. But I want to make two long posts while still a member of the Alliance I helped to found and still hold dear. This one is the first. It is the obligatory 'why I am leaving - what happens now' post.

    To get the first bit out of the way. I am leaving because there is virtually no reason for me to continue playing. I'm not being coy or roundabout. I mean I have next-to-nothing (game-wise) to gain by playing. There is nowhere to progress, I cannot reach any higher level of the game, I cannot add anything to my account that differs in any significant way from what is already there. Four star characters remain largely pointless, and there is no achievement that I can accomplish at this moment that offers any satisfaction. So for me the game has become nothing more than a mental hamster wheel. I can find another hamster wheel that offers more positive reinforcement. Perhaps if I wait 9 months, there will be three more four star characters for me to strive for. So, in short, I'm not angry, I don't think the devs have destroyed the game or that True Healing or Level Adjustment or Spidey Nerfs, or anything else are terrible. I am a bit baffled why they waste their time on these things when there is nothing in the game for me to do, but hey, whatever.

    What happens now? Well sometimes I wonder what will become of DjangoUnbuffed now. I know that we have recruited a bunch of really fine members to replace the many that we have lost. They are a fantastic group and I know they will carry on the Django tradition in excellent fashion (not in faux-turtlenecks). I think sometimes about what they must think of us, and me particularly, in my current indolent state, creating a drag on their success while holding out for that last cover. If only they could have seen me back in the day, charging for 1200 in every tourney, getting every reward, throwing away useless 4* covers; piping in with goofy, inane, fun comments in chat and posts. Bantering with TU1 and HM. If they had seen what we were then, would it have lived up to their expectations? They wanted to be in Django for a reason, and is that reason gone with the passing of the torch?

    I think it is not. DjangoUnbuffed was never meant to be the top scoring alliance, but we were meant to be elite anyway. Creating something like that requires a little bit of magic and keeping it going requires even more magic. The character of DjangoUnbuffed is special and unique. It is impossible to quantify what exactly makes it so, but those who are capable of understanding it already do, those who don't understand never will. If you belong in DjangoUnbuffed, you know it. It is not about getting first place or any other measurable statistic. What makes DjangoUnbuffed elite is intangible and ineffable. May it ever be so.

    I haven't left yet, and this is not the last long post I intend to write. I don't plan on disappearing forever, but I do plan to miss a lot of daily rewards. Maybe someday they'll give me a reason to play at my hardest again.

    So, until the end of Season 3, Excelsior!
  • i cried icon_e_sad.gif
  • daveomite
    daveomite Posts: 1,331 Chairperson of the Boards
    i cried icon_e_sad.gif

    I cried too. I think I even threw up in my mouth...A little.

    Seriously, people like you, dlaw, ladder, clintman, etc, etc, etc all leaving... frustratingly sad. But at the same time, completely understandable.

    And please TUO and dlaw...for the love of all that's holy... Please do not sell your accounts and allow them to join any of the X men alliances. I think I would officially jump off a cliff at that point, though, it may be a short one that I could just step casually off of. You know, I wouldn't want to break a nail or anything.

    Sorry to see you go dlaw and TUO....hope you really enjoy the post mpq life.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    daveomite wrote:
    Sorry to see you go dlaw and TUO....hope you really enjoy the post mpq life.
    Pfff, they're too addicted to actually leave icon_razz.gif
    Don't worry, they'll be around, we got plans for that icon_e_wink.gif
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Don't worry, they'll be around, we got plans for that icon_e_wink.gif
    I get the distinct impression a pit, a basket and some lotion may be involved...
  • daveomite
    daveomite Posts: 1,331 Chairperson of the Boards
    HairyDave wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Don't worry, they'll be around, we got plans for that icon_e_wink.gif
    I get the distinct impression a pit, a basket and some lotion may be involved...! or it didn't happen.
  • daveomite wrote:
    HairyDave wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Don't worry, they'll be around, we got plans for that icon_e_wink.gif
    I get the distinct impression a pit, a basket and some lotion may be involved...! or it didn't happen.

    Pretty sure that is referred to as evidence and we can't have any of that laying around.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    I think sometimes about what they must think of us, and me particularly, in my current indolent state, creating a drag on their success while holding out for that last cover. If only they could have seen me back in the day, charging for 1200 in every tourney, getting every reward, throwing away useless 4* covers; piping in with goofy, inane, fun comments in chat and posts. Bantering with TU1 and HM. If they had seen what we were then, would it have lived up to their expectations? They wanted to be in Django for a reason, and is that reason gone with the passing of the torch?
    dlaw I can only speak for myself: I'm proud of being a Djangolier!
    Thanks for this great alliance and thank you very much for your moving farewell post icon_e_smile.gif
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    It is no secret or surprise that I am leaving DjangoUnbuffed after season 3. As a matter of fact, I have all but left already. I am still glomming on so that the spry young whippersnappers can earn my third Fury cover for me, then I am gone. I rarely log into the game any more, at times I have to remind myself that I must fight at least one battle so that I don't miss the daily reward and everyone gets their 10 iso. I don't even come here very often any more. Alliance coordination no longer requires the forums and most of what I see here doesn't encourage return visits. But I want to make two long posts while still a member of the Alliance I helped to found and still hold dear. This one is the first. It is the obligatory 'why I am leaving - what happens now' post.

    Long live the original 6 cylons.... erm I mean Djangoliers icon_e_smile.gif
  • If you guys ever make an alliance for retirees I might be interested. Yall are funny and I managed to play in one tourney for 20 minutes this season, so yeah icon_e_smile.gif

    Right now me and ladder are sitting alone in a retired shield alliance. Doesn't make for good convo's.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Shamusyeah wrote:
    If you guys ever make an alliance for retirees I might be interested. Yall are funny and I managed to play in one tourney for 20 minutes this season, so yeah icon_e_smile.gif

    Right now me and ladder are sitting alone in a retired shield alliance. Doesn't make for good convo's.
    Goshdarnit, stop making the retirement alliance more interesting than our main one, you people! icon_e_wink.gif
  • Our retirement alliance: where all the cool kids come to die
  • Professa D
    Professa D Posts: 111
    Retirement is the next progression of the game, and from what I hear the people who are already there seem to enjoy it quite a bit. But the good news about retirement can come out of it (at least if there is ever a good reason to do so). How sad would it be if you left the game for 6-9 months and came back to the SAME STORY LINES AND PVP/PVE FORMAT icon_twisted.gificon_twisted.gificon_twisted.gificon_twisted.gificon_twisted.gif

    Meet you in retirement s4 for some non-competitive shenanigans and goings on!