DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • We suspend the IQ minimum when other alliances are around. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Not to rehash The Thread any longer, but I am curious about something. Where does Nazerith come up with these guys?

    I make no implications about cheating or anything else, but he's recruited so many monster scorers that nobody has ever heard of, or that never have been part of the forums. How does one recruit those guys with whom one has no method of contacting? I remember there was a slight ripple of surprise when he recruited slobofix, since people in my alliance had seen the name in events, but no one had any idea who she was. Similar story with these others. How is it even possible to recruit them?

    I only ask out of curiosity; we have absolutely no plans to kick professa d in order to pick up josemartins. (This last statement may or may not be true).
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    dlaw008 wrote:
    We suspend the IQ minimum when other alliances are around. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Not to rehash The Thread any longer, but I am curious about something. Where does Nazerith come up with these guys?

    I make no implications about cheating or anything else, but he's recruited so many monster scorers that nobody has ever heard of, or that never have been part of the forums. How does one recruit those guys with whom one has no method of contacting? I remember there was a slight ripple of surprise when he recruited slobofix, since people in my alliance had seen the name in events, but no one had any idea who she was. Similar story with these others. How is it even possible to recruit them?

    I only ask out of curiosity; we have absolutely no plans to kick professa d in order to pick up josemartins. (This last statement may or may not be true).
    Well it could be that all those recruits were lurking in the forums and never bothered registering.
    And if you use that linechat thingy you don't even need to post first to be able to write a pm.
    So, recruiting can work without an active presence on the forums.
    As to why those people are flocking to the X-Men... well I'm sure it is because MAD SKILLZ. And IQ.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Not to rehash The Thread any longer, but I am curious about something. Where does Nazerith come up with these guys?
    I know two of the X-Men 2 guys - Mwoh Vet and Oj3341 - were both HulkUnited members before they jumped ship about a week out from the end of season two. They were doing pretty well but I don't think I ever saw them go past 1000 on any event while I was with them. And I'm pretty sure Oj has dumped a load of cash on the game cause he definitely didn't have a max covered Laken or Sentry before he left.
  • My highly educated I.Q. infused guess is that he breeds them in little tiny incubators, with a mixture of sperm, hatred for life, and ****. He then carefully injects "play harder essence" into them until the magic target of 183 is reached and they are able to be hatched. I could be way off though.
  • It's simple, they just play harder until they 183.

    My IQ isnt that high so I don't even know what that means. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wonder why they don't go OVER 9000 though.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    He then carefully injects "play harder essence" into them...
    Is that like Tiger Blood?
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Hi! We just wanted to say we also thought it was weird when Slobofix joined X-Men. We never heard anything about those X-Men players either...they didn't come from the forum, nor from the FB pages we follow - we're very active on FB (Nazerith writes in one of those pages), and we never saw any of those guys there. The only two players who were really good on FB lately were a guy who wouldn't play PvE and another who wanted to be casual.
    We don't know what this "we play harder" thing is all about, and we can't say it's illegal, but we sure would like to shield in PvE icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    HairyDave wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Not to rehash The Thread any longer, but I am curious about something. Where does Nazerith come up with these guys?
    I know two of the X-Men 2 guys - Mwoh Vet and Oj3341 - were both HulkUnited members before they jumped ship about a week out from the end of season two. They were doing pretty well but I don't think I ever saw them go past 1000 on any event while I was with them. And I'm pretty sure Oj has dumped a load of cash on the game cause he definitely didn't have a max covered Laken or Sentry before he left.
    Iiiiiinteresting. Perhaps that's part of the incentive package: PayPal.
    He then carefully injects "play harder essence" into them...
    Is that like Tiger Blood?
    Pretty sure it's Sex Panther. "Sex Panther, apply directly to the bloodstream!"
    danikalil wrote:
    We don't know what this "we play harder" thing is all about, and we can't say it's illegal, but we sure would like to shield in PvE icon_e_biggrin.gif
    It's beyond the comprehension of us mortals.
  • Okay, so when does Noob join the X-men?
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Okay, so when does Noob join the X-men?

    that would be horrible if he did that... he can join a non top 100 alliance but thats it haha
  • What the heck is going on!?!? X-mengate in the last pvp. Defense of there cheating with horrrrible spwlling. (If you can decipher that you just won a grand prize of 2000 iso and 100 hp) Noob becoming a shieldite? It's times like these that make me reflect on my life and wonder..... where would I be and what would I do without the forum and mpq? I'd probably be much smarter and actually know what Iqueue is. (Or be able to spell Iqueue. It just doesn't look right) Anywho just checking back in with my favorite djangos after a long hiatus due to summer travel. In other words..... I'M BACK!!!!! icon_cool.gif
  • Django would like to offer a warm welcome to our newest member.... FLO98

    But apparently he cheats and has vanished, so we got someone else.

  • well well guys looks like the little fly have entered the spiders lair, lets give him a warm welcome icon_twisted.gif
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yay, welcome Jamie!

    Now talk to us, since apparently we have some standards here now, whaddyaknow.
  • Hi Jamie, welcome to the family!

    I'm the cookie dealer in town icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Welcome, Jamie Madrox!
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Now talk to us, since apparently we have some standards here now, whaddyaknow.
    Standards and strategery. My momma always used to say "fight fire with fire!", so when it comes to "not cheating" (i.e. cheating), what better way than to turn Django into the only 45-member alliance in the realm, via the clever application of Multiple Man? (IGNs: Jamie Madrox, J4mie Madrox, J4m13 M4dr0x, jAm3e mAdRoX, Jamee Madrocks, JimmyMads, James the MadRocks, MadDogJim, JiminyRocker, RockabillyJamJam, JamieMadrox_2, Matt Damon, ElJamoMadroxo, JJAngryStones, et al.)
  • I just found the video of TU1 dancing on his prom night

    Funny. But i found what you get up to when the gf is away.
  • I don't know who changed your thread title... But 1000 thumbs up! icon_e_biggrin.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif