DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Welcome. Welcome.

    Did you have any trouble finding the required three bananas, two litres of canadian maple syrup and the pink flamingo?
  • Unknown
    edited June 2014
    Tannen wrote:
    Welcome. Welcome.

    Did you have any trouble finding the required three bananas, two litres of canadian maple syrup and the pink flamingo?
    I have it all right here next to the bacon flavored nipple clamps and the car battery.
  • Oh an rkd we accept you as one of us gooble gobble gooble gobble
  • coolbond wrote:
    Oh an rkd we accept you as one of us gooble gobble gooble gobble
  • coolbond wrote:
    Oh an rkd we accept you as one of us gooble gobble gooble gobble
    Uh oh o.O
    Just wanted to klick on it, I guess I don't dare to do it now icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • rkd80
    rkd80 Posts: 376
    Thanks everyone!! The love is overwhelming. I have never felt closer to a bunch of anonymous strangers that I met through a mobile game since..well...never. I feel like my life has meaning now.
  • rkd80 wrote:
    Thanks everyone!! The love is overwhelming. I have never felt closer to a bunch of anonymous strangers that I met through a mobile game since..well...never. I feel like my life has meaning now.
  • rkd80
    rkd80 Posts: 376

    There ya go, now this feels more like real life.
  • Don't tell anyone, but the screwy rubber-banding from TaT totally saved me. In a couple of days of steady grinding I went from like #400 to #5. Let's see if I can continue to hit the nodes at this pace.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Don't tell anyone, but the screwy rubber-banding from TaT totally saved me. In a couple of days of steady grinding I went from like #400 to #5. Let's see if I can continue to hit the nodes at this pace.

    Brave frontier id: 7038450215

    Yes, the main nodes opening 3+ days before the end was great for us lazy bums who blew off the first few days and did not bother to grind the subs. I almost feel bad for those (Bowgentle) who did the 2:24 schedule. I was unable to play first subs bc of work and RL but have over 70k pts now mainly from just the essentials. Also, it will be interesting to see if most newbies of low rosters got scaled out with the new patch update. Scores have slowly increased so it may work out better for us even if somewhat painful.

    On another note, I finally booted Brave Frontier up. My paste is screwy so its at the beginning of this post.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Don't tell anyone, but the screwy rubber-banding from TaT totally saved me. In a couple of days of steady grinding I went from like #400 to #5. Let's see if I can continue to hit the nodes at this pace.

    Brave frontier id: 7038450215

    Yes, the main nodes opening 3+ days before the end was great for us lazy bums who blew off the first few days and did not bother to grind the subs. I almost feel bad for those (Bowgentle) who did the 2:24 schedule. I was unable to play first subs bc of work and RL but have over 70k pts now mainly from just the essentials. Also, it will be interesting to see if most newbies of low rosters got scaled out with the new patch update. Scores have slowly increased so it may work out better for us even if somewhat painful.

    On another note, I finally booted Brave Frontier up. My paste is screwy so its at the beginning of this post.
    Since my Hood/CMags is "only" at 188, I guess I'm still somewhat ok.
    Stopped timing my subs yesterday, just a clear in the morning and one before bed, regardless of end time.
    Rubberbanding the tinykitty out of the 4 highest nodes in the main now.

    This keeps me in top 40 easily after each refresh, so mission accomplished (as long as I get up in time for the final hour of this glorious event, but that's the usual for ANY PVE EVER).

    I'm definitely sitting out the next event though, this is beyond draining.
  • Still can't stop grinding, I'm seem to be somehow addicted to it 0.0
    But instead of every 2.24 grind I "just" grind in the morning, my lunchbreak, evening and before I go to bed. Slightly better, but I wish I finally can call Mostorm mine and stop this madness, tonight I dreamt of MPQ...

    And yes, whatever the reward is, I take the next PVE easy.

    rkd80 Can I have a doughnut too? icon_e_smile.gif
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    Tannen wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Bummed about The Ladder. I'm sure the Shield guys are no happier.

    But, since everything has to be a joke, now at least they can get Nazerith or Klingsor.

    Also bummed about The Ladder.

    They can't get Klingsor, he quit after season 1 ended. Nazerith is still around though. icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Klingsor is still in the Venoms, just playing a lot less.
    Also, Ladder icon_e_sad.gif
    Klingsor keeps promising to demote himself to one of the lower 5DX, but he hasn't yet.

    We're bummed about TheLadder (and the other members who have decided to stop playing), but we've made it a priority to ensure that any new S.H.I.E.L.D members fit the group. That's more important than getting a gazillion points from newbies who will burn out.

    I did demote myself in Sentry PVP! I am now a Toxin. I can't handle the time commitment to be hyper competitive in everything and still maintain good relations with friends and family. I'm also working on my own mobile pvp game. I still play because I enjoy it, but I don't slave over the device. Also, my son used up all my HP by accident, respeccing Hulk back and forth. I lost thousands so shielding is a precious commodity now. I have also decided to not spend another buck on this game, so casual it is...
  • I did demote myself in Sentry PVP! I am now a Toxin. I can't handle the time commitment to be hyper competitive in everything and still maintain good relations with friends and family. I'm also working on my own mobile pvp game. I still play because I enjoy it, but I don't slave over the device. Also, my son used up all my HP by accident, respeccing Hulk back and forth. I lost thousands so shielding is a precious commodity now. I have also decided to not spend another buck on this game, so casual it is...[/quote]

    gotta love kids. I am sure someone on the forums will recommend a class action lawsuit for IAP issues, heck it worked against apple. Maybe your son just wanted you to start 5deadlytoddlers.
  • 5deadlytoddlers!
  • I wanna be in 5DeadlyToddlers!

    I wanna I wanna I wanna! Waah!
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Apparently, Kakko ended up just renaming "X - 23" to "The X-Men 5 .", complete with awkward concluding dot. Either that, or he burned $100 just to bring over quite a few members of his "old" alliance. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    HailMary wrote:
    Apparently, Kakko ended up just renaming "X - 23" to "The X-Men 5 .", complete with awkward concluding dot. Either that, or he burned $100 just to bring over quite a few members of his "old" alliance. icon_rolleyes.gif
    Waiting for the lawsuit over the name.
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    HailMary wrote:
    Apparently, Kakko ended up just renaming "X - 23" to "The X-Men 5 .", complete with awkward concluding dot. Either that, or he burned $100 just to bring over quite a few members of his "old" alliance. icon_rolleyes.gif
    Waiting for the lawsuit over the name.

    Twysta is planning on pressing charges since we now know who stole the final . from our alliance!
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    HailMary wrote:
    Apparently, Kakko ended up just renaming "X - 23" to "The X-Men 5 .", complete with awkward concluding dot. Either that, or he burned $100 just to bring over quite a few members of his "old" alliance. icon_rolleyes.gif
    Waiting for the lawsuit over the name.

    Twysta is planning on pressing charges since we now know who stole the final . from our alliance!

    Maybe kakko is female as she can't go anywhere without her period. (Swing and a miss).

    Btw, if anyone sent me a requedt in brave frontier and I did not accept yet, shoot me a PM as I may not have recognized the name. (I am EvilGoku in game).