DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • MTGOFerret wrote:
    lol panda sorry about the Apple products crack earlier but i'll fully admit i rather despise all things Apple.

    WE can still be friends right? icon_twisted.gif

    I don't take it personally - I own the devices that are easily accessible to me. No loyalty. And I am pretty sure we have evolved past friends in the last few pages. We got to 141 together afterall.

    That's completely fair. i'm just one of those nut cases who tried to make every dollar i have stretch as far as possible.
    But in fairness its allowed me to own alot of things i otherwise might not be able to such as a nice plasma tv icon_e_smile.gif
  • Hey ferret - I like your thoughts on shield bro. My son is starting to play MPQ and when he transitions from 1 to 2 stars - I will be encouraging him to shieldbro strictly because of your thoughts. Well played.
  • Hey coolbond. I see you in my god of lies bracket. You shooting for first?
    not really seeing as the pve is about to end and work interfering i will not be able to get first, but its wait and see at this point and maybe
  • Whew. I need a cold shower after Daken let his blue off on me.

    Edit: Daken has bad teeth from the side.
  • So many fine forum folk leaving got me thinking what would happen if i left. It would indeed be a dark day. I just couldn't do that to you all.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    D'oh! You guys blew through 141 while I was sleeping. This is so totally unfair and timezone-ist.

    Hehe. Nah, all good. We've just gotta hit 230 and wait for community scaling to kick in. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Also. Don't leave. None of you are allowed to leave. Ever. Even if you're only visiting.

    Mwhahahahahahahahaha. icon_e_wink.gif
  • I just noticed something. While randomly clicking through the various pages of the in-game cover store I came across the God of Lies page. The new layout features pictures of heroes (presumably those you might find in that particular token) across the top. The God of Lies page features Bagman, Loki, and Bullseye. That should entice some purchases!
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    I just noticed something. While randomly clicking through the various pages of the in-game cover store I came across the God of Lies page. The new layout features pictures of heroes (presumably those you might find in that particular token) across the top. The God of Lies page features Bagman, Loki, and Bullseye. That should entice some purchases!
    You know, that might even work. Just look how this forum thread features TU1, and still people come flocking here. icon_e_surprised.gif
  • I am coming in here I know when the state siders wake up there will be more war (discussion) about member swaps lol. So what's the strategy for today guys.
  • I think you guys should snipe slobofix from men before the end.
  • No matter how many times i have seen this, i will never stop laughing. The song makes it icon_e_smile.gif

    Also this icon_e_smile.gif Anyone who can stop people dead in the street land make em dance is amazeballs
  • Hey thx pats123 for the points earlier. Hope it was a retreat since you know who I am. I'll definitely return the favor some time icon_e_smile.gif
  • ˙uʍop ǝpᴉsdn ǝdʎʇ oʇ pǝpᴉɔǝp ǝʌɐɥ ᴉ ʇɐɥʇ pǝɹoq os ɯɐ I
  • ˙uʍop ǝpᴉsdn ǝdʎʇ oʇ pǝpᴉɔǝp ǝʌɐɥ ᴉ ʇɐɥʇ pǝɹoq os ɯɐ I

    That is a neat trick.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2014
    ˙uʍop ǝpᴉsdn ǝdʎʇ oʇ pǝpᴉɔǝp ǝʌɐɥ ᴉ ʇɐɥʇ pǝɹoq os ɯɐ I

    Rags covers, Rags covers, what hast thou donst icon_cry.gif
  • gamar wrote:
    ˙uʍop ǝpᴉsdn ǝdʎʇ oʇ pǝpᴉɔǝp ǝʌɐɥ ᴉ ʇɐɥʇ pǝɹoq os ɯɐ I

    Rags covers, Rags covers, what hast thou wrought icon_cry.gif

    Lol. And when the third power is released there will be a serious rag drought. Lol.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Lol. And when the third power is released there will be a serious rag drought. Lol.
    The endless Rags rewards constitute a very calculated strategic initiative -- the devs are killing two birds with one stone:
    1. They've finally figured out how to make players actually wish for Daredevil rewards
    2. Season 2 will be themed, and features a denerfed Rags that everyone and their cat will be fielding everywhere all the time, which neatly solves the current MMR problem by turning it into one simple question: "Sup, so.. how big is yours?"
    2b. LT & CMags will no longer be considered OP compared to newly biggified Rags.

    ... so, two birds and a squirrel, I guess.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    HailMary wrote:
    Lol. And when the third power is released there will be a serious rag drought. Lol.
    The endless Rags rewards constitute a very calculated strategic initiative -- the devs are killing two birds with one stone:
    1. They've finally figured out how to make players actually wish for Daredevil rewards
    2. Season 2 will be themed, and features a denerfed Rags that everyone and their cat will be fielding everywhere all the time, which neatly solves the current MMR problem by turning it into one simple question: "Sup, so.. how big is yours?"
    2b. LT & CMags will no longer be considered OP compared to newly biggified Rags.

    ... so, two birds and a squirrel, I guess.
    It also solves the problem of matches against other 141s taking forever and a day.
    So maybe add a snail to the list of dead animals?
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Bowgentle wrote:
    It also solves the problem of matches against other 141s taking forever and a day.
    So maybe add a snail to the list of dead animals?
    OMG, you are such a violent person. What did snails ever do to you?!
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    HailMary wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    It also solves the problem of matches against other 141s taking forever and a day.
    So maybe add a snail to the list of dead animals?
    OMG, you are such a violent person. What did snails ever do to you?!
    They're kinda... slow.
    And... snaily?
    Well, they did more to me than squirrels!
    And they're easier to salt!