DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Now can you tell me how to get glue off my weenie-stick please?
    Belt sander.
    That is Django code for Panda Wins/TheUnwiseOne Loses' right? Because abyss farting seems like a positive thing for this alliance.
    TU1 always loses by default, so you winning this doesn't really mean much. It's like "winning" a Heroic token from an LR: you can celebrate for a moment, but NYAHA BAG-MAN!
    I'm Asian - I am predisposed to like everything hello kitty.
    Can confirm.

  • What self-respecting man-child doesn't let his weenis out for air!?

    One that wears adult diapers 24/7??? You said you liked my squishy hello kitty man-diaper

    I'm Asian - I am predisposed to like everything hello kitty.

    Fine, i'll take it off ;-P
  • Have you seen what a belt sander does to a weenis? i would link the image here but i would probably be banned for life.

    so i'll show you on facebook icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary- you need confirmation? Because it involves a Pikachu...

    TU1- no! That's how it started the last time! Definitely don't want to relive experience. Ever.
  • HailMary- you need confirmation? Because it involves a Pikachu...

    TU1- no! That's how it started the last time! Definitely don't want to relive experience. Ever.

    Again you break my heart when all i do is be nice to you and respect you. I'm hurt. Destroyed. icon_cry.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    HailMary- you need confirmation? Because it involves a Pikachu...
    Wait, but... Pikachu isn't... one of us is insufficiently Asian and/or invoking Rule 34. I am neither, because I am awesome, so... icon_e_surprised.gificon_eek.gificon_cry.gif
  • HailMary wrote:
    HailMary- you need confirmation? Because it involves a Pikachu...
    Wait, but... Pikachu isn't... one of us is insufficiently Asian and/or invoking Rule 34. I am neither, because I am awesome, so... icon_e_surprised.gificon_eek.gificon_cry.gif

    You sir are sick. Truly disturbing. I have heard a lot of inappropriate stuffs here but using a Rule 34 on Pikachu? You are so much closer to TU1 than I thought. Respect retracted.
  • HailMary- you need confirmation? Because it involves a Pikachu...

    TU1- no! That's how it started the last time! Definitely don't want to relive experience. Ever.

    Again you break my heart when all i do is be nice to you and respect you. I'm hurt. Destroyed. icon_cry.gif

    This is familiar.... First the hello-kitty-adult-diaper comes off then comes the 40 minutes of crying....
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    You sir are sick. Truly disturbing. I have heard a lot of inappropriate stuffs here but using a Rule 34 on Pikachu? You are so much closer to TU1 than I thought. Respect retracted.
    I'm pretty sure Rule 34 was made for Pikachu.

    Respect unretractable, because awesome.

    P.S. - Gawd, you have no idea how close TU1 and I are. TU1, remember Paris? Ah... Paris has such lovely sewers.
  • HailMary wrote:
    You sir are sick. Truly disturbing. I have heard a lot of inappropriate stuffs here but using a Rule 34 on Pikachu? You are so much closer to TU1 than I thought. Respect retracted.
    I'm pretty sure Rule 34 was made for Pikachu.

    Respect unretractable, because awesome.

    P.S. - Gawd, you have no idea how close TU1 and I are. TU1, remember Paris? Ah... Paris has such lovely sewers.

    Who could forget Paris. That was the first time we know....teased the homeless kids with baguettes....oh how we laughed. I'm glad we took pictures.
  • HailMary wrote:
    You sir are sick. Truly disturbing. I have heard a lot of inappropriate stuffs here but using a Rule 34 on Pikachu? You are so much closer to TU1 than I thought. Respect retracted.
    I'm pretty sure Rule 34 was made for Pikachu.

    Respect unretractable, because awesome.

    P.S. - Gawd, you have no idea how close TU1 and I are. TU1, remember Paris? Ah... Paris has such lovely sewers.

    I think you are my new fave because awesome. icon_e_biggrin.gif

  • I think you are my new fave because awesome. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    which is pretty great, as there is nothing i like doing more that putting corpses in hilarious and sometimes dirty poses
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Who could forget Paris. That was the first time we know....teased the homeless kids with baguettes....oh how we laughed. I'm glad we took pictures.
    Ah, who could forget le petit heaubeau fishing? Has the statute of limitations run out on, ya know, stuff yet? Can we finally Facebook it now?
    I think you are my new fave because awesome. icon_e_biggrin.gif
    You have no idea how often people tell me this.
    Like, really often.
  • Yup. I am willing to follow you anywhere. Except Paris. Sounds pretty dodgy to have you and TU1 in the same place at the same time.
  • Yup. I am willing to follow you anywhere. Except Paris. Sounds pretty dodgy to have you and TU1 in the same place at the same time.
    ménage à trois

  • Yup. I am willing to follow you anywhere. Except Paris. Sounds pretty dodgy to have you and TU1 in the same place at the same time.
    ménage à trois


    So you are a two sausage, one bun type of guy?

    Oh wait. I'm still mad at you. Not talking.

  • Oh wait. I'm still mad at you. Not talking.
    fine, don't talk then. your loss, someone elses gain. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  • Uhhhhh

    ya'll are having a serious convo in the alliance chat right now and it's making me way nervous

  • Oh wait. I'm still mad at you. Not talking.
    fine, don't talk then. your loss, someone elses gain. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    And no remark about the 2 sausage & 1 bun comment?
  • FoxyMulder wrote:

    ya'll are having a serious convo in the alliance chat right now and it's making me way nervous

    Oh good! It's bun #2!