DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    ew. That sucks.

    I do think that they do need to tweak the pvp point loss, especially as having high level guys doesn't discourage that lower ranked 2* with maxed OBW/Thor from coming after you.

    It's extremely devastating being hit at high levels, as there's almost no way to recover safely, all the guys ahead of you are only worth 20ish points (if you're lucky) and the people below you are hitting you for 40+. I'm going to quote myself for a second, because I did write this out a while back in a discussion about pvp, and cut and paste is so easy...
    Tannen wrote:
    ... to promote people shielding less and retaliating more, allow a LOSING, high ranked, player to lose no more points than they would get if they chose to retaliate.

    Currently if someone much lower than you sees you unshielded they'll attack for 50 points, which you lose from your total, if you choose to retaliate, you will gain somewhere between 0-5 points. More telling, you allow them to retaliate against you for an additional 50 points. This behaviour encourages people to get to a "high" score and then shield until the end of the event. It also serves to actively discourage people retaliating anyone below them (why give someone a free shot at your points). It doesn't solve the "people joining late need a boost" because everyone that could give those players points are shielded to avoid point loss -- and are thus removed from the pool of players that the lower ones can attack. In the last hour of tournaments it actively discourages the top few from playing, even if they get passed by someone, because the risk far outweighs the gain. (ie I can unshield and hit a few people to try to gain that spot back, or I can just take whatever my current reward tier is and not risk dropping 30 ranks to two attacks)

    What I'm suggesting is that in the case where a high level player is attacked by a lower one, the point loss for the higher player be restricted to the amount that they can gain back in a retaliation -- no change made to the attacker's gain. So in the first example, while the lower player still gains 50 points, the higher player loses only the 0-5 points that they can regain upon retaliation. It also means that people will be more willing to break shields later in the tournaments as losses at that point to people much lower won't drop you all the way out of the running.

    One potential issue is that people could game the system to power boost a lower, colluding, player to a much higher spot quicker (eg constantly retaliating between players) as the lower player gains ~45 to each point neutral loss that the higher player takes. You could fix this issue by making each additional hit within X minutes worth 50% less until they're not worth attacking (just like the current pve logic). As a side note this also prevents people from farming the same person over and over.

    I still think that ^ is the best way to solve the pvp point "issue"...

    As a side note, got hit 5-6 times last night (lost 180ish points) -- I wasn't going to shield the last 24 hours... ALL of the teams had a Spiderman with 5 blue. Looking forward to seeing what will happen when spidey's nerfed, suspect that defensive teams will be MUCH more valid at that point...
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Tannen wrote:
    I still think that ^ is the best way to solve the pvp point "issue"...

    As a side note, got hit 5-6 times last night (lost 180ish points) -- I wasn't going to shield the last 24 hours... ALL of the teams had a Spiderman with 5 blue. Looking forward to seeing what will happen when spidey's nerfed, suspect that defensive teams will be MUCH more valid at that point...
    I like your proposal, though it does mean a significant amount of point inflation. If a highly uneven fight can give +50 points to one player and only -4 to the other, I think we're gonna see hardcore players regularly crossing the 2000-point line.

    Also, yes, so many minikitty Spideys, OMFG. I think this is the third tournament in which I crossed the 900-point line, and coupled with the new MMR, there are L100+ Spideys and maxed OBWs just everywhere. My last fight was a retal on a Spidey + AWolv that, I think, was at 920+ points. It was cake, but pushing AWolv to 900+ is a testament to the power of Spidey stun.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    It would lead to a lot more points being "generated" at the lower end of the pvp pool, yes. I would hope that it wouldn't get too far out of hand, as when the lower players converge on the higher players, their score increases decrease, and assuming that the leaders keep playing, they should still stay ahead.

    It _would_ mean that if you had a grindy leader, the top score could be huge, and it would mean that that bracket would be, on average, higher than other brackets.
  • Woo hoo! First top ten finish in pvp. icon_e_biggrin.gif Guess hard work really does pay off icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    edited May 2014
    Woo hoo! First top ten finish in pvp. icon_e_biggrin.gif Guess hard work really does pay off icon_e_smile.gif
    Congratulations, man!
    Tannen wrote:
    It would lead to a lot more points being "generated" at the lower end of the pvp pool, yes. I would hope that it wouldn't get too far out of hand, as when the lower players converge on the higher players, their score increases decrease, and assuming that the leaders keep playing, they should still stay ahead.

    It _would_ mean that if you had a grindy leader, the top score could be huge, and it would mean that that bracket would be, on average, higher than other brackets.
    Well, you're suppressing defensive point losses without similarly suppressing offensive point gains, right? Thus, you're essentially boosting high-end scores, which then boosts high-end scores even more because there are more high-point-value targets available. It's like a weaker version of the Kyip Effect.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Emeryt: Oh dear... I bet the big K is not going to like that at all. Be prepared for accusations of poaching players.

    HM : Yeah, it would be a lesser version of the kyip effect, which you can obviously tweak a little - allow more points to bleed from the higher player if need be, or have it limit losses to 30 points, max. (Side note: I didn't get to hit kyip. T_T)

    I just know that for all of the season one pvps I've ended up shielded at the end... To prevent massive point loss, even though I don't really care that much (so far, will probably change) about the prizes.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2014
    Oh wow. 5D lost a few of the forumites that I know are normally on their roster.

    Anyone know what happened? Did someone have a tantiechuck?
    Woo hoo! First top ten finish in pvp. icon_e_biggrin.gif Guess hard work really does pay off icon_e_smile.gif

    Grats man!
  • Tannen wrote:
    Oh wow. 5D lost a few of the forumites that I know are normally on their roster.

    Anyone know what happened? Did someone have a tantiechuck?

    Check out the X-Men roster...
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Check out the X-Men roster...
    Heh, yep. That was a bit of a surprise, or... not, noting what ragthor said in The X-Men's thread.

    EDIT: Ah, I see Emeryt linked to... that. Right.
  • Tannen wrote:
    Oh wow. 5D lost a few of the forumites that I know are normally on their roster.

    Anyone know what happened? Did someone have a tantiechuck?

    Check out the X-Men roster...
    Holy cow, Psykopathic left!

    Curiouser and curiouser...
  • This makes me happy
  • This makes me happy

    I can't honestly say it makes me happy, but it does kind of validate my expectations.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    This makes me happy

    I can't honestly say it makes me happy, but it does kind of validate my expectations.

    There's a saying that springs to mind about reaping what you sow. But who knows, as DecoyDuck said, it could all be a big ploy, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest lol
  • I'm just waiting for arognt to come in saying it was all written in the book of patches or whatever they call there sacred scrolls.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's a bit crazy seeing all these new alliances and some of the top 10 alliances crumbling (and I don't mean the 5somethings, they don't crumble yet).
    I thought people in the top alliances would stay there, which obviously was a wrong assumption.
    And it's pretty crazy how far these things can swing if just 5 people switch.
    Unless you're S.H.I.E.L.D of course, you guys can easily lose 5 people without anyone noticing as long as reckless and Bee are still there icon_razz.gif
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    It's a bit crazy seeing all these new alliances and some of the top 10 alliances crumbling (and I don't mean the 5somethings, they don't crumble yet).
    I thought people in the top alliances would stay there, which obviously was a wrong assumption.
    And it's pretty crazy how far these things can swing if just 5 people switch.
    Unless you're S.H.I.E.L.D of course, you guys can easily lose 5 people without anyone noticing as long as reckless and Bee are still there icon_razz.gif

    lol edit "as long as Reckless". Seriously it is a team effort if me and reck were not about, bubble, beezer, wyp, nemek, etc would post insane numbers. we just work for each other and don't force people to participate if they have other commitments. I know when I have a period I can't play these guys will work to get me that 250hp.
  • beemand2g wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    It's a bit crazy seeing all these new alliances and some of the top 10 alliances crumbling (and I don't mean the 5somethings, they don't crumble yet).
    I thought people in the top alliances would stay there, which obviously was a wrong assumption.
    And it's pretty crazy how far these things can swing if just 5 people switch.
    Unless you're S.H.I.E.L.D of course, you guys can easily lose 5 people without anyone noticing as long as reckless and Bee are still there icon_razz.gif

    lol edit "as long as Reckless". Seriously it is a team effort if me and reck were not about, bubble, beezer, wyp, nemek, etc would post insane numbers. we just work for each other and don't force people to participate if they have other commitments. I know when I have a period I can't play these guys will work to get me that 250hp.
    Don't lie. You people are insane!

    I wish I could be like you...
  • I'd hate to think what would happen if I left Django. The apocalypse i'd imagine, or worse like when Justin Timberlake left NSync
  • I'd hate to think what would happen if I left Django. The apocalypse i'd imagine, or worse like when Justin Timberlake left NSync

    They'd probably convince me to leave stealth and then we'd place above 5DV and compete with x-men for the second spot because we would finally be rid of the one dead leg. (Jk I won't be leaving stealth as I put 100 buckos into that baby)