DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Well, reading that thread gave me a good 15 mins entertainment on a break at work. Cheers Emeryt!

    Alliances were worth the add for the drama alone... icon_e_biggrin.gif

    TU1: I'm ready with the DjangoRedux alliance when you are ... icon_lol.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Bowgentle wrote:
    It's a bit crazy seeing all these new alliances and some of the top 10 alliances crumbling (and I don't mean the 5somethings, they don't crumble yet).
    I thought people in the top alliances would stay there, which obviously was a wrong assumption.
    And it's pretty crazy how far these things can swing if just 5 people switch.
    Unless you're S.H.I.E.L.D of course, you guys can easily lose 5 people without anyone noticing as long as reckless and Bee are still there icon_razz.gif
    S.T.E.A.L.T.H's rise and The X-Men's rise have indeed been interesting.
    beemand2g wrote:
    lol edit "as long as Reckless". Seriously it is a team effort if me and reck were not about, bubble, beezer, wyp, nemek, etc would post insane numbers. we just work for each other and don't force people to participate if they have other commitments. I know when I have a period I can't play these guys will work to get me that 250hp.
    So you're saying yer all crazy. Yeah, that's about what we figured. icon_razz.gif
    I'd hate to think what would happen if I left Django. The apocalypse i'd imagine, or worse like when Justin Timberlake left NSync
    You are, at best, our Joey.
  • haha but Joey is the best, the funniest and gets all the girls. Your Gunther.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    haha but Joey is the best, the funniest and gets all the girls. Your Gunther.
    Ohhhh, you touch my tra-la-la.
    Mmmmm, my ding-ding-dong.

    Gunther is a BAMF and a musical genius.
  • Another development: psykopathic is no longer with the x-men. The question we are now all asking, where is psykopathic? icon_eek.gif
  • Lol yea we are a insane bunch.
  • beemand2g wrote:
    we just work for each other and don't force people to participate if they have other commitments. I know when I have a period I can't play these guys will work to get me that 250hp.

    I just reread what you had written.


    Are you sure you want to use that excuse? (Even if you could get away with it every month.)
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    So, it seems 2xL85 right from the outset will be the natural state of PVP affairs for L141 players from now on.

    Even with my blasphemously good luck, it's been a wall of L85s from 50 points onward for the last two events.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Yah, I'm hitting max 85's off the bat. The good news is that I'm also getting 30-40 points per match at current.

    If only it would stay like that, I'd be happy, but I suspect that I'll soon have all 141's out of the gate, and then all 395's... You know, going on my pve experience. ;D

    Erm. I see Psykopathic as still being in the X-Men... Maybe I have outdated info, but he was there when I just checked on my phone.

    The Sheild boys and girls work together really well to keep first. If someone's off for whatever reason, the others pony up a few more wins and stay ahead of all the competition by a wide margin. -- Although the entry requirements for X-men look like they want to press you guys hard. 1100 average pvp score + 6k seasonal points. I'm pretty sure that I'd fail that requirement on pvp average alone...
  • haha but Joey is the best, the funniest and gets all the girls. Your Gunther.

    Can I be Lance Bass
  • Yeah I think there was a glitch on my phone. I see him back there as well.

    I think that if I can achieve half of the teamwotk that shield accomplishes each event I'll be happy. The fact that someone can take a break each pvp and they still achieve first each time speaks volumes about their work ethic in this game and life.
  • I respect the other alliances like xmen and 5dv but we don't have no requirements at Shield. We just want to enjoy the game. If we had point requirements we would be shuffling our team every few events. I like your alliance and a few other alliances who are built on that let's enjoy the game and progress as a team principle. Forget this rooster strength or you have to score requirement nonsense I wouldn't be in shield if they had those requirements. Probably still be with someone alliance I joined because they had my name in it lol. Props to beezer as he recruited me and didn't make me pay hp for a place on the team.
  • I agree with all of that. If you can only be a member if you score 1100 on pvp then that is just a joke. Fear of been kicked if you don't reach that milestone? The game doesn't need uber alliances where you must reach a quota. THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE. That in itself is what leads to burnout for some players. Putting stress on others FOR A GAME.

    When you take away all the shiny stuff, at the end of the day who cares if you come first in a match 3 game? Seems silly when i think about it. What does that accomplish? The game and its mechanics already put enough stress on it's user-base without the players doing it to themselves as well. I know if this alliance ever became serious and needed scores to keep your place, i would be the first person to leave. It may all start off sweet and lovely but when someone cant score for some reason then thats when it gets all childish and pathetic. We have all seen it happen already in other alliances. But if people want to put themselves in that position then it's on them when things go sour.

    Those are my 2 cents.
  • I am late to this party, and every Django party bc if I twerked, I'd dislocate a hip. As beee stated, we work as a team bc we talk and like each other and pitch in where we can. There is no set quota or requirements on score but self motivation and team pride. We all have a competitive streak which helps but we score high bc we want to, not bc we must or else Walkyourpath or Nemek beats us down. For the record that has only happened once and it was only bc I stole Twysta's salsa (silly inside joke).
  • I don't twerk either. My milkshake does bring all the boys to the yard, but they come to beat me up.

    Yeah, our strategy of finding and recruiting people who are psychopaths in the game but also are good people has paid off nicely. Nemek and I don't have to do any wrangling as a result. People just naturally talk and coordinate, and we know in advance if people won't be able to contribute so the team can adjust accordingly. If anything, I'm waaaay more worried about self-induced burnout in our team members than I am alliance pressures causing problems.

    Now then - Goku, Bee, Beezer, get back in the Simulator! You can waste time with your forum friends once you've finished your nodes. I don't think these Djangos are a good influence on you anyways. I'm going to talk to their mothers.
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    haha but Joey is the best, the funniest and gets all the girls. Your Gunther.

    I was going to bring up his clothing line...but after some research (yea don't judge me) I find out that it was Chris who created the clothing line Fu Man Skeeto.

    Also, the title is City's for the taking!! Suck it Liverpool!!
  • Arsenal fan but felt sorry for Liverpool what a complete bottle job.
  • Utd fan through and through but would rather city won it than liverpool. Especially with that knob Gerrard crying the last week, just makes it more sweeter icon_e_smile.gif
  • City really I guess they are the lesser of evils but I can't believe Man U ain't in the top 4 moyes really done you guys over. I got a lot of time for united fans as they are usually proper fans I feel teams like city and Chelsea are to plastic for my liking I never knew a Chelsea or City fan when growing up lol.
  • True united fans wouldn't want city to win it. I've known people from Manchester and the team they hate the most is their cross town rivals. They never cheer for them in anything and hate them and their fans. Unwise one you are just showing your name by saying you'd like city to win it.