DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • That dude didn't spam our alliance. We don't even have top 100 cred! icon_e_sad.gif

    Lol now I feel a little bit guilty as he spammed mine but I think it was because we were near the top when he started spamming icon_eek.gif
  • Ok guys I have two 3* fully covered, the hulk and lazy shieldbro, right now and I'm wondering which to lvl up. I already know some of y'all stance on shieldbro but would like to hear what you have to say about him compared to hulk. Cheers

    Shieldbro is significantly better. I've been growing increasingly disappointed in the Hulk: all he's good for is tanking hits and getting angry every one in a while at the cost of huge chunks of his hp. He's completely useless offensively, and is really bad for extended playsessions since you have to get hit in the first place to make him good. Shieldbro, on the other hand, has the best red in the game. He might be a little slow and clunky, but once he gets going with his red, it'll easily deal 6-9k damage over the course of the game. Shieldbros also does a ton more in PvE against goon fights.

    Agreed, but I will say Hulk/Patch/Fathor is my favorite suicide, quick kill team. Get 9 green, use berserker rage, put Hulk in front (make sure he is leading) and bam, if he hasn't killed the enemy team already Fathor will call a storm and wash them away.

    Sadly this is the only use I have for him, and the situations in which I would use this team over Patch/Magneto/x are too few and far between icon_cry.gif
  • Agreed, but I will say Hulk/Patch/Fathor is my favorite suicide, quick kill team. Get 9 green, use berserker rage, put Hulk in front (make sure he is leading) and bam, if he hasn't killed the enemy team already Fathor will call a storm and wash them away.

    Sadly this is the only use I have for him, and the situations in which I would use this team over Patch/Magneto/x are too few and far between icon_cry.gif

    Yep, Hulk is now really only an effective choice for Elite tourneys, so of course we're getting tons of use out of him lately. o_O

    So funny that he used to be the most effective scarecrow in the game, and now it's the 3* with the least health (Hood) that people are skipping.
  • Also, you need to recruit an active Australian member, and force them to make their in-game name Men at Twerk.
  • Ferret, did you notice if the guy on top of our season bracket lost points or was he cheating? Still says 5000 players.

    StopSpot, or SpotStop or something. Not showing up at the top of the shield leader board either.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    That dude didn't spam our alliance. We don't even have top 100 cred! icon_e_sad.gif
    I'm pretty sure door-to-door salesmen generally avoid cults. They're like the two sides of Mission Impossible kablooey gum.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Also, you need to recruit an active Australian member, and force them to make their in-game name Men at Twerk.

    Aw. I feel sad now. There's no way I can change my in-game name to "Men at Twerk", I've got Tannen all set and rolled out. ;D

    Breezer... I never got you on a retal node for some reason. Oh well, all good. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Tannen wrote:
    Also, you need to recruit an active Australian member, and force them to make their in-game name Men at Twerk.

    Aw. I feel sad now. There's no way I can change my in-game name to "Men at Twerk", I've got Tannen all set and rolled out. ;D

    Breezer... I never got you on a retal node for some reason. Oh well, all good. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I'm submitting a ticket to customer service. You just have to decide between you and Grael which is going to be MenatTwerk.
  • Thanks all for your input on which 3* I should lvl (even got a comment from WYP icon_e_biggrin.gif ) I have decided to lvl shieldbro as he will be the better option in the long run and not just a meat shield. Hopefully I'll be getting him high enough soon so I can finally take part in the race to 1100 one of these pvps. Cheers

    P.s With my saying cheers where do the majority of you think I'm from? (Hint I had it posted in my profile for a little while)

  • P.s With my saying cheers where do the majority of you think I'm from? (Hint I had it posted in my profile for a little while)

    UK would be the obvious guess, so I'll go with India.
  • 6234 clearly implies Germany.
  • spent all day yesterday suiciding my team in pve to try and be able to take part. guess what i'm doing today? same bloody thing. oh the fun.
  • So... Magneto (Classic)...

    I've currently got him specced at 5/3/5 which I've been happy with so far but havnt been using him that much so i've not level capped him or anything. I've now got the covers sat waiting to be used that I could respec him to 5/5/3.

    So... 5/3/5 or 5/5/3... discuss icon_e_smile.gif
  • Ferret, did you notice if the guy on top of our season bracket lost points or was he cheating? Still says 5000 players.

    StopSpot, or SpotStop or something. Not showing up at the top of the shield leader board either.

    not sure but i did have him in my first season one pvp bracket as well. It'll certainly be something to keep an eye on.
  • 5/3/5 is better for defense, 5/5/3 is better for speed runs. As much as I'm an advocate for strong defense, 5/5/3 has been AMAZING for me.

    It does matter whether you have a high-level Patch or not. If you do, you can burn through 5 matches in the time that other combos can do 3. Huge for making unshielded pushes or charging. Also makes farming LRs for ISO a total breeze. I can run up to 500 in a LR without using 0-1 health packs. People will retaliate against you more often, but the gain is worth the loss.

    I tend to run a scary defense team up to 900ish. LT/Hood, LT/BP, etc.... then, when I'm ready to shield, I'll sub in Patch and 5/5/3 C. Mags and rip off 200 points in one mad tear before shielding. And laugh as the retals bounce off while I'm applying or selling my 1100 prog cover. Then later when I'm selling the prog 4*. Then later when I'm watching Parks and Rec.
  • Cool, maybe 5/5/3 is the way forward then, I usually run with a 141 patch in my goto line up and that extra speed killing would be useful.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    5-5-3 Magneto is inifinite turns. Much, much more so than Spidey. Lately I've had bad luck with my 5 blue Spidey - he depends on the blue AP too much, alas, and can't replenish it if stuck.
    I used to have a compromise 5-4-4. Won red and purple and wanted to experiment and went with red first. 5-5-3 feels much more versatile and save-your-baconey, also amazing with strike tile producers.


    That's right, let the Hulk get angry all he wants, instead of stunning and slowing yourself down you just spam and nuke, spam and nuke.
    I will most probably stay at 5-5-3 myself, it's fitting because I always advocate cheaper builds - 5-5-3 mStorm, 3-5-5 oBW, for instance.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    P.s With my saying cheers where do the majority of you think I'm from? (Hint I had it posted in my profile for a little while)

    And Aussie because spiders.

    You're a marsupial leprechaun.
  • ugh you know how to know you're day isnt going to be pleasant ?
    It starts off with someone plugging up the toilet and hiding the plunger >.<
    Of course this all happened when you woke up late (11:30) still havent fed the cats and need to work at 12:00 icon_eek.gif

    Figured I'd just share how my morning/afternoon is going so far.
    So how's everyone else's day been? icon_rolleyes.gif
  • My day's good. Can't bring myself to face lvl 250+ opps in pve, so I wandered around getting my tinykitty handed to me in Titanfall repeatedly.

    And every once in a while xboxlive brings me a new gem.

    I'm not in the habit of posting links, and I'm neither a fan of Jpop or modern metal music, but when you put it all together it seems just random enough to be Django-applicable.