DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • grael23 wrote:
    Shieldbro... I don't know... I have to have a closer look at him. Maybe read a guide. I just found 2* Cap such a waste of time so I made the same assumption about Shieldbro too. I was stunned to see how many Djangoliers use him. I will have to give him a second look.

    Shieldbro is awesome on offence. I suspect notsomuch defence, though I haven't ran into another 141 Shieldbro. He is great for two reasons. His Red kills - compare Shieldbro's Red to Hulk's, and marvel at the difference. It is a thing of awesomeness. The second reason is that with a 3/5/5 build both his Blue and Red ability can overwrite ANY tile. ANY tile. Worth their weight in gold.
  • grael23
    grael23 Posts: 54
    I mean absolutely no offense, Allorin (and I love my Hulk) but saying someone's red offense is better than Hulk's is like saying you think the Silver Surfer could beat Aunt May in a fight. I love Jade Jaws, but he ain't bringing it with the red. icon_e_wink.gif

    But you're right, Shieldbro's blue and red make for great utility. I just don't like those countdowns unless you've got The Hood...?

    But (and this is just IMHO and my play style), if I needed Red and Blue on my team, I'd still take CMag's blue and red over Shieldbro's.

    But maybe I'm missing something? Maybe it's like Hulk's green and it works better in play than on paper? How do you use Shieldbro's blue and red?
  • Heh - I compare it with Hulk to demonstrate opposite ends of the 3* Red spectrum. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    C Mags may be better - but I don't have him there yet...

    And I've spent weeks in these forums with HailMary and TU1 - I'm immune to offence. icon_lol.gif

    Edit: the thing about the CD tiles is you can place them where they should be safe. I think I lose about 1 in 20 - I can live with that.

    How do I play blue and red? In the recent PvE I was using Blue to stun Daken, so that I could grab Green for Hulk without Daken producing Strike tiles. Red to quickly take out big hitters like Buffed Ares (having a decent Red tank means you can match as much Red as possible, keeping it out of Ares' and Moonstone's hands), or to down Daken in one. Both to overwrite Daken's strike tiles, or goon CD tiles if in a jam.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    grael23 wrote:
    But (and this is just IMHO and my play style), if I needed Red and Blue on my team, I'd still take CMag's blue and red over Shieldbro's.

    But maybe I'm missing something? Maybe it's like Hulk's green and it works better in play than on paper? How do you use Shieldbro's blue and red?
    Oh man, Hulk G is so much better in play than on paper!

    For Shieldbro R, think about it this way: on top of all other attacks by your heavy hitters, you get a steroid-injected Adamantium Slash virtually for free every three turns and the bonus ability to overwrite literally any tile (CD, attack, strike) every three turns. If you pair him with Punisher, you can use the R AP return for a Retribution finisher. Shieldbro B essentially negates most match damage after one return, and negates almost all match damage after two returns.

    In PVP, I found (my puny) Shieldbro to be a bit slow, as well, esp. compared to CMags' crit insanity and the LThor triple whammy. But, his damage-per-AP on red is sky-high. Shieldbro + Hood is a good combo, since Hood can not only reduce Shieldbro countdowns, but steal AP to let you fire Shieldbro powers earlier.
  • The way i look at ShieldBro who i love using by the way is people should give him a try and level him up before they say "he's not good" The amount of people bashing him and then i look at their rosters to find they have a level 60 version or lower is ridiculous. That's like me saying Hulk is **** despite me never using him at a high level. If he is not to peoples tastes then thats fine but give someone a tryout before you make your call. That's what i did and now he is the 1st guy in my team. He is a utility player but a great one.
  • The way i look at ShieldBro who i love using by the way is people should give him a try and level him up before they say "he's not good" The amount of people bashing him and then i look at their rosters to find they have a level 60 version or lower is ridiculous. That's like me saying Hulk is **** despite me never using him at a high level. If he is not to peoples tastes then thats fine but give someone a tryout before you make your call. That's what i did and now he is the 1st guy in my team. He is a utility player but a great one.

    To say my view (yeah yeah once again)
    Shieldbro really is solid and all around "good"
    But he doesnt excel in any one area.

    He's got reasonablely high HP ( simular to BP i think)

    His red:
    -It does a reasonable amount of damage and gets even better with each use but 3 turns IS alot.
    -The tile overwrite utility is nice.

    -In most cases i'd rather just use Patch's The Best there is.

    His Blue:
    -It is a semi-reasonable stun and the fact it leaves a defense tile is what makes this ability above average and make it shine.
    -Once again that countdown timer is a pain
    -The tile overwrite utility is once again a nice benifit

    -I'd much rather use Spidey's blue for spammed stunning or cmags blue to surgical tile removal that leaves protect tiles behind.
    -If i was just looking for a useful blue with about the same AP cost related i think the best this can be compared to is CStorms in which case its case by case which i would want more.

    His yellow:
    Does anyone every actually use him for this?
    -All jokes aside any time you can get a yellow active ability its a bonus regardless of how large or small it is.
    -The protect tiles are okay but certainly but the AP cost almost completely negates any honest use you might get from this ability.

    -As far as yellow abilities go I think i'd much rather have either Spidey's yellow for healing ( can almost get it twice for this amount of AP) Or BP's (which you CAN get twice)

    So overall Shieldbro due to his recent overwhelming availability is AMAZING for newer players with small to non existent 141 rosters, but for the vets who already have a decent selection will usually choose to pass on using him to have a more specialized character for a given function.
  • Some good points you weird ferret thing icon_e_smile.gif but then who are the vets gonna turn too when Spidey and Mags get nerfed in due time? This is why i leveled my Cap, also cause i had no covers for the other 2 lol I also see alot of regular forumites and vets who are using 141 Cap so he has his uses in that regard too icon_e_smile.gif
  • grael23
    grael23 Posts: 54
    Wow, great points both here and on the Facebook page.

    I feel like I individually went around and kicked everyone's dog and then you all individually invited me in for tea, sat me down, gave me some cookies and then politely explained why that dog didn't deserve to be kicked.

    You guys rock. You're all gentlemen and scholars.

    But...I generally agree with everything Ferret said.

    I think it comes down to what covers you've got and if you want to spend cash on those covers. If you needed a blue and red team member and you've got a 10 cover Shieldbro, I'd say it's worth putting cash into him rather than an 8 cover Patch or CMags. But even with those two at 9 covers... Well, I'd really have to follow the community votes and lean towards CMags for blue and red. But if he's your only option, it's still a great option.

    I just think that Shieldbro's 11 red and 12 blue is just too much to get going. And then those count downs? Man, you're looking at 4 + 2 turns to get his blue going and 4 + 3 turns to get his red going.

    I definitely have new respect for Shieldbro. But unless CMags gets nerfed into Ragnarok Land and they double the cost of both his blue and red I'd still take him over Shieldbro any day (and regarding that nerf, it's freaking MAGNETO! He takes on the Xmen single-handedly and keeps asteroids in geosynchronous orbit around the earth with his powers. Leave him alone. 'Sides. He sucks on defense).

    But again, I was lucky to farm those Magneto LRs while I had the chance. Without those, it's simply making the most of who you've got - and now I understand that Shieldbro is an absolutely solid utility character.
  • grael23 wrote:

    But...I generally agree with everything Ferret said.

    GET OUT!!!!
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    grael23 wrote:
    Wow, great points both here and on the Facebook page.

    I feel like I individually went around and kicked everyone's dog and then you all individually invited me in for tea, sat me down, gave me some cookies and then politely explained why that dog didn't deserve to be kicked.

    You guys rock. You're all gentlemen and scholars.
    Hehe, I'm not hugely bullish on Shieldbro, ergo, I haven't leveled him usefully for PVP. icon_razz.gif Based on his cover art, Shieldpup would be Alpha from Up, so yeah, kick away. icon_lol.gif
    grael23 wrote:
    But...I generally agree with everything Ferret said.
    Ferret has this annoying habit of being, like, right about, like, stuff... 'n s---.
    grael23 wrote:
    I just think that Shieldbro's 11 red and 12 blue is just too much to get going. And then those count downs? Man, you're looking at 4 + 2 turns to get his blue going and 4 + 3 turns to get his red going.
    They do take a while to rev up (though just to clarify, 4 + 3 is for the second red nuke, not the first). Thus, I think he's great in PVE. For PVP, I don't see me leveling him anytime soon. He might become my 7th 141, after LT, CMags, Hulk, BP, Hood, and maybe UberDaken. Wow... I'm actually saying things like "my 7th 141." dafuq.
  • HailMary wrote:

    Hehe, I'm not hugely bullish on Shieldbro, ergo, I haven't leveled him usefully for PVP. icon_razz.gif Based on his cover art, Shieldpup would be Alpha from Up, so yeah, kick away. icon_lol.gif

    Shieldpup is more like Scrappy from ScoobyDoo. If you can find a use for him, it probably involves an (un)timely death.
  • 3268804_8872254301_capta.jpg

  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    And he couldn't even punch a vegetarian painter with a combover into submission. Hitler was all like: "You know, Mein Kapitän, I take pity on you. I tell you vat, I go off myself, ja? You say you end world war, ja? Get many fraulein."
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bring it cap

  • Guess who popped into my queue tonight? Everyone's favorite TU1. Enjoy the points you got from my retreat. I could do it again but one is enough for now. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Some good points you weird ferret thing icon_e_smile.gif but then who are the vets gonna turn too when Spidey and Mags get nerfed in due time? This is why i leveled my Cap, also cause i had no covers for the other 2 lol I also see alot of regular forumites and vets who are using 141 Cap so he has his uses in that regard too icon_e_smile.gif

    My team usually consists of Patch or Pun as my DPs strike tile gen followed up by Panther for his skill set along with inherent tankiness then the 3rd slot really just depends on what utility skill set I need is. Hell sometimes that's even OBW to be abused with the strike tiles for fast kills! :p
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Whoo-hoo! Day 101!
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    grael23 wrote:
    Tannen: Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Great to have another around! You still back home or you fled the coop?

    Still in Aus, unlikely to move any time soon, family and all that. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Don't listen to the Shieldbro fanboys. Black Panther's where it's at. Cap's all like, "Gimme 4 turns and I can shield you to the face for 3.5k or stun you for two rounds." BP, on the other hand, takes those 4 turns, and then kills you and your two friends. Bonus points if you get enough green for Patch's Berserker Rage beforehand.

    LazyThor is also a keeper.

    Uberdaken sounds... scary.
  • Tannen wrote:
    grael23 wrote:
    Tannen: Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Great to have another around! You still back home or you fled the coop?

    Still in Aus, unlikely to move any time soon, family and all that. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Don't listen to the Shieldbro fanboys. Black Panther's where it's at. Cap's all like, "Gimme 4 turns and I can shield you to the face for 3.5k or stun you for two rounds." BP, on the other hand, takes those 4 turns, and then kills you and your two friends. Bonus points if you get enough green for Patch's Berserker Rage beforehand.

    LazyThor is also a keeper.

    Uberdaken sounds... scary.

    Sorry about hitting you in falcon Tannen... just found out you run with these clowns icon_redface.gif

    If you weren't shielded the retal should be nice and against a *relatively* easy team.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Don't stress it Breezer. I'm happy cos I'd already picked up the 1.1k yellow falcon (I missed out on the pve yellow cover because I couldn't play the last 4 hours of the event). I wasn't shielding and knew I'd be knocked down a bit.

    Fair warning, I'll probably retal, although I might skip ya for funsies. icon_e_biggrin.gif