DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Lol there goes Beezer picking on us Lil Djangos again icon_lol.gif
  • It was just a tiny kitty storm out there tonight. I feel like Torch's intro pvp wasn't this bad but who remembers.
  • Guess who popped into my queue tonight? Everyone's favorite TU1. Enjoy the points you got from my retreat. I could do it again but one is enough for now. icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Of course you retreated *wink wink, nudge nudge*
  • OminoBuffo
    OminoBuffo Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    Hi all, i write here because my currently alliance lose a lot of last PVP/Event reward (3rd skill)!!!
    (some player didnt take ally reward or dont play... probably in 1 week become an inactive... and i dont want watch it).

    I play MPQ on Steam (so... no cheat for me icon_razz.gif).

    Have over 770 hour experience in game (like: it's over nine thousaaannnddd!!!)
    Last Event (The Hunt: was top 3) (in daily mini-event top 5-10).
    Generally in PVP top 25-50 (that's because every time finish at 6 a.m.... not fair!!!) sometime (with a lot of lucky, or different end time) top 10.

    Top Gun: currently position 90 (no yet played today, 400 points)
    Season 1 (for Nick Fury): currently position 310 (no yet played today, 1962 points)

    (now without event, i can focus only on Season 1... untill new event icon_e_biggrin.gif)


    Despite a bad start with my roster... with a "magical" and tactical manouvre, i sold a lot of 3-star hero (Magneto, Doc. Doom, Ragnarok, BW grey and Iron Man mk 40) only because i dont have HP to use for other new slot... with stupid idea to keep hero 1/2-star lvl max (40/50-85), hero never use, like Yelena Belova, Bullseye, Spider-Man Bag-Man, Cap. America (2-star), instead a good hero (and usefull for event/pvp) 3-star.

    But now!!! after a lot of good game and good position top 10 (event) or 50 (pvp) i have ALL heroes!!! (miss only 1: 4-star Wolverine X-Force.... but no problem!!! thx daily reward in 9 day i take my 149° reward: Wolverine X-Force icon_e_biggrin.gifDD)

    Roster: 38 Hero Slot (all)!!!
    All 3-star Hero (3 over lvl 100 (Punisher lvl 141!!!), other 3-star between lvl 40-80)
    All 1/2-star (all base lvl (only BW original, Thor, Wolverine, Storm Modern, and Dake is maxed))

    I'm a F2P player... so for me its just awesome!!! icon_e_biggrin.gif


    Ok... i post this because i need an ally top 100 in Season 1 (because i want Nick Fury!!!!)

    If u have 1 player inactive... or not much active than u want.... i can take his place icon_e_biggrin.gif

    PS: sry for my bad english

    PPS: i copy and paste this in various Ally post... the faster reply will have the onor to have my entire roster at his side icon_razz.gif
  • i copy and paste this in various Ally post.
    thats a big NO NO
  • beezer notice ur pvp pts are always v high do u use a lot of shield?
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    he uses a lot of shield indeed
    it's a kind of a drug

    highly addictive and pricey

    some people can successfully abstain from it, having your HP at low level helps as medics report
  • OminoBuffo
    OminoBuffo Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    i copy and paste this in various Ally post.
    thats a big NO NO

    Why not!?! On 6 ally request: 3 = no (ally full, i dont know when they recruit last player...) so i have other 3 chance to get 1 slot!!!

    I dont know when a slot is free (because i dont stay logged all day for search an ally; and if u post after 1 hour from request... generally its to late!!! every time some1 was recruit ) so i post to a few ally at same time for "save" a slot for me... now i wait answer for this and other 2 ally.

    So... fingers crossed icon_e_wink.gif
  • count me out of this pve by the looks of it guys and gals. missions are too high already. the dev's really do know how to get ppl to hate their game. good job
  • i copy and paste this in various Ally post.
    thats a big NO NO

    Why not!?! On 6 ally request: 3 = no (ally full, i dont know when they recruit last player...) so i have other 3 chance to get 1 slot!!!

    I dont know when a slot is free (because i dont stay logged all day for search an ally; and if u post after 1 hour from request... generally its to late!!! every time some1 was recruit ) so i post to a few ally at same time for "save" a slot for me... now i wait answer for this and other 2 ally.

    So... fingers crossed icon_e_wink.gif

    Whoa, where was this guy when we needed to replace me?

    OminoFetish - to answer the "why not?", in the hope you abandon this thread - Django is full, and Django is loyal. There's no space for anyone else, not just you.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Why not!?! On 6 ally request: 3 = no (ally full, i dont know when they recruit last player...) so i have other 3 chance to get 1 slot!!!

    I dont know when a slot is free (because i dont stay logged all day for search an ally; and if u post after 1 hour from request... generally its to late!!! every time some1 was recruit ) so i post to a few ally at same time for "save" a slot for me... now i wait answer for this and other 2 ally.

    So... fingers crossed icon_e_wink.gif
    There are specific threads set up for your situation:



    Spamming the threads of alliances who aren't actually recruiting is generally considered bad manners. Alliances that are looking to recruit will generally announce that using their thread titles. Further, while I'm amused by the marginal creativity of your post, brevity is the soul of wit. All I got from your voluminous post was that you're on Day 140, a Steam player, decent and enthusiastic in both PVP and PVE, and a pretty cheerful guy, and that's because I bothered to read through your entire post. Making your message more compact and concise will help you a good deal.

    DjangoUnbuffed is currently full, and we are all awesome. We're flattered by your interest, but consider this your rejection letter. We wish you luck in finding an alliance you're happy with. Thank you.
  • Okay, let me state that I am a Cap Fan. I always liked cap, way back when, though I wasn't alive when he punched Hitler. I wouldn't be born for 40 years, give or take.

    So when the forums started to come alive on the new Shieldbro and say he was actually pretty good, I went with my heart and leveled him.

    After playing with him at 141 for a while, I think he's pretty good all around, but not broken good anywhere. So yeah, I still revert to Patch Cmags most of the time. I think he's about on par with BP; they live in the same neighborhood. I do use him with Hood, usually, but hood is really my only 3* utility guy, so he goes in a number of places. Cap does have a niche. He works pretty well on pve and he also is about my only guy who could tank any colors for gsbw in hollowpoint kiss. It's still tough, though to fit him on a permanent 3 star team.

    All the same, he is pretty fun to use. Slamming that shield repeatedly into your foes can give you a sense of power that few other characters really possess. But he doesn't overtake any of the specialized players at what they do.
  • Sorry about hitting you in falcon Tannen... just found out you run with these clowns icon_redface.gif

    If you weren't shielded the retal should be nice and against a *relatively* easy team.

    Don't worry about hitting Tannen, beezer. That's totally fine.

    He's Australian.

    You can hit TU1, as well. He's Irish.
  • Just saw my first djangoliers come into view at #9 in my season bracket. How's things coolbond?
  • beezer notice ur pvp pts are always v high do u use a lot of shield?

    I used to always enter an event either at the 12 hour mark (like top gun since it ends in the morning for me) or at the 24 hour point if it ends at night.

    When I did that I'd routinely just go to the top of my bracket and shield for 8/24 hours. Then closer to the time the event ended I'd make a decision about doing some more or just shielding out (in the morning events). So cheap on shields and good for placement rewards but not progression.

    Now that I've been experimenting with different join times that has lead me to shield a little more (I'm super paranoid about losing points).

    And lately in S.H.I.E.L.D some of us have been pushing/goading/whatevering each other in to higher and higher scores. I've been enjoying PVP so much more than PVE lately that I don't mind using some hp in those situations.

    But when I have the time I like to use walkyourpath's method: get as high as you can at the nine hour mark without shielding. Then use 3, 3 hour shields to climb a little more. He has done this repeatedly to get to 1300/1400.

    But ultimately it depends on the PVP. In Hollowpoint Thor and the Hood got me so many defensive wins I didn't need to shield much at all.

    Top Gun on the other hand was crazyness last night so I've used far too much hp but I'm ok with that since I got the falcon progression reward and should be able to get the IW as well.
  • Ok guys I have two 3* fully covered, the hulk and lazy shieldbro, right now and I'm wondering which to lvl up. I already know some of y'all stance on shieldbro but would like to hear what you have to say about him compared to hulk. Cheers
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Ok guys I have to 3* fully covered, the hulk and lazy shieldbro, right now and I'm wondering which to lvl up. I already know some of y'all stance on shieldbro but would like to hear what you have to say about him compared to hulk. Cheers

    Well, the previous Django chat page had a nice discussion about Shieldbro, and we just inducted Mr. Hulk Guide into our clan.

    It really depends on what you want to do, and what your other characters are.

    - Shieldbro is solid offense as My First 141, meh defense due to AI tile placement, great PVE goon pwnage.
    - Hulk is solid defense, green battery + meat shield, and 5K Anger has good strike tile synergy (if you're into that).

    I maxed Hulk, because Grael would stab me in the eye with a rusty spoon if I didn't. icon_e_biggrin.gif I don't plan on leveling Shieldbro anytime soon, but that's just because I already run a high-level 3* team. Shieldbro is good people. Neither really fits superbly into my core team, but Hulk fits better due to better defense and his habit of barfing green.
  • Ok guys I have two 3* fully covered, the hulk and lazy shieldbro, right now and I'm wondering which to lvl up. I already know some of y'all stance on shieldbro but would like to hear what you have to say about him compared to hulk. Cheers

    Given that you don't already have a solid 3* core team leveling Shieldbro isnt a bad idea at all.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ok guys I have two 3* fully covered, the hulk and lazy shieldbro, right now and I'm wondering which to lvl up. I already know some of y'all stance on shieldbro but would like to hear what you have to say about him compared to hulk. Cheers

    Shieldbro is significantly better. I've been growing increasingly disappointed in the Hulk: all he's good for is tanking hits and getting angry every one in a while at the cost of huge chunks of his hp. He's completely useless offensively, and is really bad for extended playsessions since you have to get hit in the first place to make him good. Shieldbro, on the other hand, has the best red in the game. He might be a little slow and clunky, but once he gets going with his red, it'll easily deal 6-9k damage over the course of the game. Shieldbros also does a ton more in PvE against goon fights.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    That dude didn't spam our alliance. We don't even have top 100 cred! icon_e_sad.gif