DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Getting bored waiting for my shield to expire... time to make chocolate chip waffles!
  • Ferret can you let me know when/if you shield in hollow-point? I can wait about 2 hours before hitting you.

    Is this going to be a thing? I would ask you Shield types before hitting you, if it is. I hit reckless for 40 points this morning. Good thing too, it means I only lost 40 points net during the time it took me to fight that battle. And it wasn't a long time.

    Hollowpoint has been redonkulous for me. I got over 1000 last night, thinking to shield at 1100, per my normal. By the time I shielded an hour later I was at 930 or so, after fighting continuously. One guy hit me four times consecutively at 3am while I was playing, and I kept skipping him because I was looking for no retals. When I woke up this morning I tried to get some matches in to get back over 1000, at least but could barely net about 30 points in an hour. I NEVER shield this much. What's going on?
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Ferret can you let me know when/if you shield in hollow-point? I can wait about 2 hours before hitting you.

    Is this going to be a thing? I would ask you Shield types before hitting you, if it is. I hit reckless for 40 points this morning. Good thing too, it means I only lost 40 points net during the time it took me to fight that battle. And it wasn't a long time.

    Hollowpoint has been redonkulous for me. I got over 1000 last night, thinking to shield at 1100, per my normal. By the time I shielded an hour later I was at 930 or so, after fighting continuously. One guy hit me four times consecutively at 3am while I was playing, and I kept skipping him because I was looking for no retals. When I woke up this morning I tried to get some matches in to get back over 1000, at least but could barely net about 30 points in an hour. I NEVER shield this much. What's going on?

    I'm guessing the Thor covers? It has been crazy.

    Fortunately I know Ferret's mo and was able to keep track of his status since you all are a top alliance. So I skipped him eventually. Saw you once as well (first time I think in PVP) but didn't want to wait to here back about shield status.

    If you haven't run across Kakko yet they have a gifted grey suit and are in the 1200 point range. Hit that as much as possible.
  • I do love me some banana bread. Not as much as twerking though.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Ferret can you let me know when/if you shield in hollow-point? I can wait about 2 hours before hitting you.

    Is this going to be a thing? I would ask you Shield types before hitting you, if it is. I hit reckless for 40 points this morning. Good thing too, it means I only lost 40 points net during the time it took me to fight that battle. And it wasn't a long time.

    Hollowpoint has been redonkulous for me. I got over 1000 last night, thinking to shield at 1100, per my normal. By the time I shielded an hour later I was at 930 or so, after fighting continuously. One guy hit me four times consecutively at 3am while I was playing, and I kept skipping him because I was looking for no retals. When I woke up this morning I tried to get some matches in to get back over 1000, at least but could barely net about 30 points in an hour. I NEVER shield this much. What's going on?

    I'm guessing the Thor covers? It has been crazy.

    Fortunately I know Ferret's mo and was able to keep track of his status since you all are a top alliance. So I skipped him eventually. Saw you once as well (first time I think in PVP) but didn't want to wait to here back about shield status.

    If you haven't run across Kakko yet they have a gifted grey suit and are in the 1200 point range. Hit that as much as possible.

    I'd totally hit that.
  • Here's another thing:

    Do some people have an alarm that buzzes their phone as soon as I unshield?

    How is it possible that I keep getting hit by a guy (Narkon? was it) several times in the morning when I play, then when I unshield and fight 5 hours later I've immediately been hit by that guy again when my battle is over? I didn't even hit him back the first time, that I remember, so he shouldn't even have me in a retal node. Has this guy been playing constantly all day long?

    Very frustrating. you should at least get two free battles when you unshield. To be hit that fast is lame.

    Oh, and by the way, there was no one I recognized in my season bracket, until I discovered that the guy in first is also in second place and shielded for the new shield training at 1800+ points. If this guys stays shielded and rising for the next 24 days I'm going to blow a gasket.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Here's another thing:

    Do some people have an alarm that buzzes their phone as soon as I unshield?

    How is it possible that I keep getting hit by a guy (Narkon? was it) several times in the morning when I play, then when I unshield and fight 5 hours later I've immediately been hit by that guy again when my battle is over? I didn't even hit him back the first time, that I remember, so he shouldn't even have me in a retal node. Has this guy been playing constantly all day long?

    Very frustrating. you should at least get two free battles when you unshield. To be hit that fast is lame.

    Oh, and by the way, there was no one I recognized in my season bracket, until I discovered that the guy in first is also in second place and shielded for the new shield training at 1800+ points. If this guys stays shielded and rising for the next 24 days I'm going to blow a gasket.

    I've never dealt with Narkon much in PVP but he is a PVE monster so I wouldn't be surprised if he is playing all day long.
  • Ferret can you let me know when/if you shield in hollow-point? I can wait about 2 hours before hitting you.
    woah totally sorry i missed this untill now. But if you ever see me feel free to take a hit if you need. 99% of the time it wont be a problem and that last 1% i'll get over rather quickly

    -edit- anyhow to add on. I was playing while working and work was pretty decent paced today so ddint check forums much as all. Again sorry for the delayed response.
    If you ever need to get ahold of me in the future feel free to send me a tweet @MTGOFerret
  • MTGOFerret wrote:
    Ferret can you let me know when/if you shield in hollow-point? I can wait about 2 hours before hitting you.
    woah totally sorry i missed this untill now. But if you ever see me feel free to take a hit if you need. 99% of the time it wont be a problem and that last 1% i'll get over rather quickly

    -edit- anyhow to add on. I was playing while working and work was pretty decent paced today so ddint check forums much as all. Again sorry for the delayed response.
    If you ever need to get ahold of me in the future feel free to send me a tweet @MTGOFerret

    No worries, since we were in that pvp bracket together recently I know you play like Jozier, staying unshielded and climbing back up if necessary.
  • MTGOFerret wrote:
    Ferret can you let me know when/if you shield in hollow-point? I can wait about 2 hours before hitting you.
    woah totally sorry i missed this untill now. But if you ever see me feel free to take a hit if you need. 99% of the time it wont be a problem and that last 1% i'll get over rather quickly

    -edit- anyhow to add on. I was playing while working and work was pretty decent paced today so ddint check forums much as all. Again sorry for the delayed response.
    If you ever need to get ahold of me in the future feel free to send me a tweet @MTGOFerret

    No worries, since we were in that pvp bracket together recently I know you play like Jozier, staying unshielded and climbing back up if necessary.

    Exactly icon_e_smile.gif
    However with the new MMR ruleset I have no idea how im going to adapt my game play or if I'll even need to O.o
    But overall, all i can say is TinyKitty got real! lol
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    dlaw008 wrote:
    How is it possible that I keep getting hit by a guy (Narkon? was it) several times in the morning when I play, then when I unshield and fight 5 hours later I've immediately been hit by that guy again when my battle is over? I didn't even hit him back the first time, that I remember, so he shouldn't even have me in a retal node. Has this guy been playing constantly all day long?
    Quite possible.
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Oh, and by the way, there was no one I recognized in my season bracket, until I discovered that the guy in first is also in second place and shielded for the new shield training at 1800+ points. If this guys stays shielded and rising for the next 24 days I'm going to blow a gasket.
    So, do you really lose nearly zero points from just about all incoming attacks, or are point losses still same old, same old?
  • The hunt is nearly over THE HUNT IS NEARLY OVER.

    i can sum this event up in one word. I just replace the first letter of Hunt with a "C"
  • The hunt is nearly over THE HUNT IS NEARLY OVER.

    i can sum this event up in one word. I just replace the first letter of Hunt with a "C"

    Oh tiny kitty, is that still going on?

    *Checks event rankings*... still number two in the main...

    *Comes to only logical conclusion*... everyone has given up icon_mad.gif
  • I have just about given up too. I do the 3 highest nodes and that's it. Why stress myself out when i will clearly finish in the top 20.

  • The hunt is nearly over THE HUNT IS NEARLY OVER.

    i can sum this event up in one word. I just replace the first letter of Hunt with a "C"

    Oh tiny kitty, is that still going on?

    *Checks event rankings*... still number two in the main...

    *Comes to only logical conclusion*... everyone has given up icon_mad.gif

    I've never broken top 50 in my main. Clearly my PvE / Hunt strategy is not what it should be!
  • hi beezer, saw u in the season global bracket icon_e_biggrin.gif I saw quite a number of forum people in the bracket also
  • hi beezer, saw u in the season global bracket icon_e_biggrin.gif I saw quite a number of forum people in the bracket also

    Yeah I saw you when I joined, we also have KingSucram and Krow from 5DV, entropic, kid icarus and your very own ferret.

    Should be fun!
  • lol it wil be a long journey 20+ days icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Oh no.


    It is reckless442 in my season one bracket! Aaaaaaggghhhh!

    I must have somehow clicked on the wrong button or something when I checked her roster. Damn these fat, clumsy fingers of mine!

    I'll see you guys later. I'm going to go cry in the shower.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Oh no.


    It is reckless442 in my season one bracket! Aaaaaaggghhhh!

    I must have somehow clicked on the wrong button or something when I checked her roster. Damn these fat, clumsy fingers of mine!
    Hahaha, gotta love those Fat Fumbling Fingers of False Fortune! icon_lol.gif

    Don't worry. I've got Bubbleboy in my bracket, so we can be hopeless together. Bonding, Django-style.

    Also, this is what I thought of when I read your comment:
