DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    I try it to hit names I recognize towards the end of my run. So they have nice retaliations waiting for them.

    Ah, well that's sweet of you
  • Ferret, get outta mah queue!

    What's the skip policy between friends, Romans, and country men? I've only been hit by people I recognize twice, since I joined the forums. once by beezer and once by Clintman. Those wacky s.h.i.e.l.d hooligans. And after I got it out of my system (sorry Hail Mary!) I've been friendly

    Then coolbond told me to eat his dust. So uncouth...

    If it makes you feel any better I've skipped yuou a fair amount lately as well.
    As for hitting forum members? I tend to only hit penta friend platypus members.
    And as mentioned I'm shielded now so feel free to hit away.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    If it makes you feel any better I've skipped you a fair amount lately as well.
    As for hitting forum members? I tend to only hit penta friend platypus members.
    And as mentioned I'm shielded now so feel free to hit away.

    No worries. It was just an experiment to see what it was like up there in the higher pts world. Apparently while 141s will keep you safe on the way up, 5b spidey don't give a damn.
  • I used to try to skip people I recognized, but I had tanked so well that mostly they didn't show up anyway. Now with the improved matchmaking I have had to be more judicious. I usually skip people that I like or that I don't think would appreciate it. I usually attack people I don't care for or that would thrive on the competition.

    Yesterday I had one of my most torn moments. I attacked locked for a reasonable number of points on my way to 1100 for the K Torch Progress reward. I felt genuinely bad for doing it, and imagined her sig banner as the foundation for some disparaging comment toward me.

    I also had clintman and walkyourpath queued up to end my 1100 point run, because it was the middle of the night and I was thinking that timezones or just generally MPQ mania would virtually guarantee a retaliation I didn't yet want. The funny part was that just as I reached 1100 and was ready to attack each of them, clintman had attacked me and his retaliation node covered up WYP, even though I had already queued him up in another node. Weird.
  • Hey unwise one I see you at 10th in my bracket man. Won't be able to push up for top ten as I have stuff going on in RL but it was cool being in a bracket with you. icon_e_biggrin.gif I'm 30th at 600 points.
  • Also, I want to apologize, folks. I have put up dismal numbers in The Hunt so far. There was just too much going on for me to keep up on everything. Three subvents, two PVPs and Easter weekend with the family have conspired to make me play at poor times, miss complete refreshes, and just generally make my wife mad while STILL not accomplishing much in game.

    Sorry about that. Please just don't put Noob in charge of my punishment!
  • I hate too see what Noob would do. It honestly sends shivers down my spine. Imagine him as president. " My fellow Bro's and Brodettes, Noob HealthCare will change the lifes of each and every bro in this awesome country of ours. Vote for me for another 3 years or however long a president gets, peace out bro's"
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    The funny part was that just as I reached 1100 and was ready to attack each of them, clintman had attacked me and his retaliation node covered up WYP, even though I had already queued him up in another node. Weird.

    We call that teamwork icon_twisted.gif

    Yeah, that is weird. I've attacked people a lot lately just to find them take their own place from the queue. Who knows what's going on or more importantly if it's intended or just weird, random bugs.
  • MTGOFerret wrote:
    I tend to only hit penta friend platypus members.

    We hereby nominates the Ferrety One to do all naming henceforth and evermore.

    We loves the idea of competing with friendly and certainly non-toxicological platypi.
  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    Ferret, get outta mah queue!

    What's the skip policy between friends, Romans, and country men? I've only been hit by people I recognize twice, since I joined the forums. once by beezer and once by Clintman. Those wacky s.h.i.e.l.d hooligans. And after I got it out of my system (sorry Hail Mary!) I've been friendly

    Then coolbond told me to eat his dust. So uncouth...
    I must have skipped you 30 times at the end. (Demiurge made a lot on the skip-tax from me today.) You were only worth 3 or 4 points, so the risk/reward was very low given the team you were fielding. I could find plenty of squishier teams for those points. However, right before I shielded for the final time (about 1.5 hours before the event ended), I did debate attacking so you could have a 45- to 50-pt retaliation chance. But you had already posted that you were skipping my HT, so I figured the gesture would not be appreciated.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    I must have skipped you 30 times at the end. (Demiurge made a lot on the skip-tax from me today.) You were only worth 3 or 4 points, so the risk/reward was very low given the team you were fielding. I could find plenty of squishier teams for those points. However, right before I shielded for the final time (about 1.5 hours before the event ended), I did debate attacking so you could have a 45- to 50-pt retaliation chance. But you had already posted that you were skipping my HT, so I figured the gesture would not be appreciated.

    Sorry about that reckless. That late I'm usually either already shielded or don't need the covers so in the future smack away. And really, how upset could I get for dropping 3 or 4 points? Especially now that I get the "giving away high retal opportunity" mechanic y'all are doing

    This conversation sponsored by the django quad, where other alliances meet to go streaking.
  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    I must have skipped you 30 times at the end. (Demiurge made a lot on the skip-tax from me today.) You were only worth 3 or 4 points, so the risk/reward was very low given the team you were fielding. I could find plenty of squishier teams for those points. However, right before I shielded for the final time (about 1.5 hours before the event ended), I did debate attacking so you could have a 45- to 50-pt retaliation chance. But you had already posted that you were skipping my HT, so I figured the gesture would not be appreciated.

    Sorry about that reckless. That late I'm usually either already shielded or don't need the covers so in the future smack away. And really, how upset could I get for dropping 3 or 4 points? Especially now that I get the "giving away high retal opportunity" mechanic y'all are doing

    This conversation sponsored by the django quad, where other alliances meet to go streaking.
    The retaliation option is pretty interesting for strategy. As much as I want to hit 5DV members when I see them, when I'm at a higher level, I usually skip them because it only helps them in the alliance rankings to get those retaliation options. It's the smart strategy, but not very satisfying. With i see someone from the forums, it sometimes seems like I can give them an assist by hitting them, unless it looks like they are pushing for a progression reward at that moment. Then I'll hold off or skip.
  • I must have skipped you 30 times at the end. (Demiurge made a lot on the skip-tax from me today.) You were only worth 3 or 4 points, so the risk/reward was very low given the team you were fielding. I could find plenty of squishier teams for those points. However, right before I shielded for the final time (about 1.5 hours before the event ended), I did debate attacking so you could have a 45- to 50-pt retaliation chance. But you had already posted that you were skipping my HT, so I figured the gesture would not be appreciated.

    Sorry about that reckless. That late I'm usually either already shielded or don't need the covers so in the future smack away. And really, how upset could I get for dropping 3 or 4 points? Especially now that I get the "giving away high retal opportunity" mechanic y'all are doing

    This conversation sponsored by the django quad, where other alliances meet to go streaking.
    The retaliation option is pretty interesting for strategy. As much as I want to hit 5DV members when I see them, when I'm at a higher level, I usually skip them because it only helps them in the alliance rankings to get those retaliation options. It's the smart strategy, but not very satisfying. With i see someone from the forums, it sometimes seems like I can give them an assist by hitting them, unless it looks like they are pushing for a progression reward at that moment. Then I'll hold off or skip.

    I like this. I like this a lot.
  • I love you all <3
  • It's not that dead in here, is it?
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    We're no strangers to looooooooove. You know the ruuules, and Iiiiiii

    That's my jam!

    Edit: wow, glad this, my 400th post, was something meaningful...
  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    I just wanted to build off of Recklesses post, I try to hit forum goers when I will give more than I take from the retaliations. on my worst days I am worth about 950-1000 points and on good days 1100+.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    S.H.I.E.L.D - 'it's a dirty job inserting points into the system, but someone's gotta do it.'
    I do appreciate it, especially since with you guys there's no risk of getting hit repeatedly and farmed for diminishing points while sleeping.