Welcome to the new and "improved" DDQ

dr tinykittylove
dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
I was surprised and pleased to see the art update with all the new characters.

A N00b was not amused to see the fun new opponents in the nodes.

Goon feeders in the 2* wave node, really? Good thing SW's a soft support character and not a rampaging beast like some others.

Then Ultron sentries in the first wave of the Big Enchilada, because clearly new players were having a way too easy time with ninjas.

The old DDQ was an awesome training ground for new players. I don't know what this new one says - "You have to be this tall to ride."?

It's still doable with the usual level 94 2*s, but I don't think the low level half-covered 2*s N00b used to clear the old Big Enchilada when I started out are going to do the job here anymore.

Please tell me I'm wrong.


  • elusive
    elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
    I already posted in the event thread, but the Ultron sentries are horrible. It took me at least as long just to clear them out as it did for me to beat the entire round in the past, all because they kept causing cascades and healing themselves every other turn. No joke, they had 30 AP in every color by the time I managed to kick them out. I haven't kept up with the game in a while and usually just play DDQ or an event that has a cover of a hero I like, and the former was a great way to have fun while still feeling like I was making progress; if this is an indicator of what's to come, now it's going to be a stressful pain in the tinykitty.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Great Job, Demiurge!
  • "Hey guys...check it out...I have a great idea...let's take the one thing in the game that works amazingly well for every level of player and totally make it more complicated and exclusionary."

    For the record - I blitzed through no problem. But then I have a roster that is well developed and capable after a year of playing every day. I might rage quite trying to take on those Ultron Sentries at the 2* level. I also have had no problems with the kind of monotone routine that DDQ has taken on in my life. I enjoy that it is consistent and it has always felt like fun to me, as opposed to other elements of the game that often feel like purely brutal grinds.

    Good luck new players. Get those 2*'s championed ASAP!
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    You know what they say, "if it's not broken you'd better fix it"
  • Well, forget Ultron sentries, I hate those and hope they don't stay, always liked playing DDQ with my coffee in the morning, enjoying my routine. We need easy and non-competitive playground in this game, we don't need another grinding event please DEV.
    Instead, keep DDQ the way it was, but expand it.
  • Just wait. I am sure the symbiotic goons are coming too.
  • Arctic_One
    Arctic_One Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    The one feature that no one had any complaints about and you go and change it. Why?
    This is not a rhetorical question. I honestly love to know of the process in which this clearly foolish decision was made. You were on a hot streak, all praise the mighty devs! And now the **** mobs will return. The forums will turn red, the sky will fall.
    Honestly, DDQ was perfect, mindless, fast paced and fun with some decent rewards.
  • elusive
    elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
    Arctic_One wrote:
    The one feature that no one had any complaints about and you go and change it. Why?
    This is not a rhetorical question. I honestly love to know of the process in which this clearly foolish decision was made. You were on a hot streak, all praise the mighty devs! And now the **** mobs will return. The forums will turn red, the sky will fall.
    Honestly, DDQ was perfect, mindless, fast paced and fun with some decent rewards.

    I always did wonder why they would give us such nice free things for relatively little effort when compared to the rest of the game.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yep, they took the best part of the game (since it was FAST and EASY) and ruined it (SLOWER and HARDER).

    But in compensation you get daily 4* and more ISO, just like we've all been begging for!

  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Random enemies means just because today is hard doesnt mean tomorrow is, or 5 days from now either.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    I always feel like there's a one step forward, two steps back with this game.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,581 Chairperson of the Boards
    Random enemies means just because today is hard doesnt mean tomorrow is, or 5 days from now either.

    It wasn't hard today, it was however an unexpected change and also harder than usual for no improvement in reward, so it is no wonder that people are commenting on this 'fix' to something that clearly wasn't broken before.
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    I would have been happy if they had altered the rewards slightly to be a tad better along with the other changes. A third taco or a bit more iso each day would hardly break the game.
  • TheRealJRad
    TheRealJRad Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    That was unnecessarily more difficult. I feel sorry for any players who rely on DDQ for roster development.
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    They were on a roll of good changes, and I was thinking of recommending this game to my friends again.

    Then, here comes the solution to the problem of 2* rosters having too easy a time transitioning to 3* rosters, also known as lol-suck-it-new-guys.
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    Yes, excuse me waiter(D3)... I frequent this establishment quite often and I like to order the same thing every time when I come here. It's called the Big Enchilada, it's delicious. All the right ingredients all mixed up and cooked together perfectly. This Sir, is not my Enchilada! I demand you take this back and ask the chef to make me my Enchilada the way it used to be.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wasn't expecting this so went into TBE with 3* Daken, Patch and Dr. Doom (all championed) and wiped on the last wave. This never happens, by the time I had death with the Ultron goons the AI had 30ap in every colour and a board full of special tiles for the second wave to pummel me with. Finally completed that just for the next taco node to almost wipe my 2* team of OBW, Daken and Thor.

    Please put Deadpools Daily Quest back to how it was. Seriously nobody had any issues with it at all and it certainly didn't need fixing.

    Also anyone notice how this change occurred at the weekend? Who is guessing that by Monday D3Go! are hoping this too shall pass?
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    I did enjoy having my champ 2* team stunned to death by that last node. I can't wait for tomorrow! icon_e_wink.gif

    On a serious note, I think they made it worse by adding a mover in the first part of Under the Sea. That was a great learning node for younger rosters to prepare for the Big Enchilada and other wave nodes.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    So, you took the one aspect of the game universally loved, something people have explicitly requested that you not change, made it significantly harder, and added no additional rewards.

    #"@+ you Demiurge/D3.
  • M C K
    M C K Posts: 96 Match Maker
    I'm just going to hop in here now and save everyone a lot of time. I aggregated all the responses from this thread, combined similar points, and have crafted a targeted message to the company with everyone's feedback included. Let me know how this sounds. Thanks!
    "Dear D3GO:

    Please stop making my game harder!

    MPQ Forum"