*** Black Panther (T'Challa) ***



  • The new Battleplan is actually pretty close to every 15 EAP + 2 tiles created under the old system. Either that or they ran all their tests by watching the AI play and conclude it's perfectly normal to have enough EAP to eat hot dogs twice in the average match.

    I think it'd have been better if Battleplan creates 2 strike tiles and Defense Grid creates 2 protect tiles (max unchanged).
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Phantron, sweet dreams. My teammate already respecced back to 4/4/5 after getting a lucky yellow from his 5000 pts pack. If he were to tell me he was going to respec to 3/5/5 in the first place back then I would have talked him out of that for sure. Don't you see that abilities like DD traps, Bewilder and Defense Grid have no place in the current meta? They are for when we don't have any better use for the AP, which seems a sad place for any ability to be at and not warranting anything higher than 3 levels. I'm doubly surprised he went 5 blue as he often runs Daken anyway.
  • Going 5 in blue is nothing weird because prior to this change Battleplan is strictly worse than nothing when paired up with Thor or Sentry since it's a 3 match ability that costs more than Sacrifice but cost one less match than Thunder Strike to ensure both abilities won't get used. While the current meta game has no value for defense, no value is still better than negative value.

    Even if his blue generated 2 protect tiles at once (and yellow decreased to just 2) the yellow is still almost certainly better but at least it won't be always better. I got a lot of mileage out of Defense Grid in the BP limited roster events, and I don't use him if it's not roster limited due to his ability to prevent you from using Sentry/Thor effectively. With this change it's now okay to include BP again with the 2 top tier characters though having BP+Thor/Sentry doesn't leave you with room to do anything else interesting in a typical PvP event.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    But it's not like having 5 blue matters on defense because BP's yellow will still get used 99% of the time, so you might as well max it and let it deal more damage instead of maxing the ability that does nothing. Yeah BP can use his blue in Heroics, and that's about it. mBW's blue is better than his though.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    With the Yellow Buff to BP I think he will now pair really well with a lot more characters. I know for shield hopping I will run him with Senty to save Sentry from himself, but for climbing I think he has some interesting pairings.
    1) Punisher 8 green, 9 yellow 6 massive strike tiles, but competing black.
    2) Caps red and Plue, BP yelllow and Black, buffed character
    3) GSBW- Perfect rainbow
    4) LDaken strike tiles, strike tiles, strike tiles!!!!
    5) Patch, 9 green, 9 yellow, 12 black- is that too much over kill?
    6) PantherNeto better than Patchneto icon_question.gif does not regenerate health, but a better rainbow?

    BP still takes a while to get going with 9 yellow and 12 black but he definatly works much better with a lot more characters.

    Any other combonations you are looking forward to pairing BP with?
  • For what it's worth, BP's brand new yellow is bugged...sort of like Patch was bugged when he was first introduced. The in-game description should delete the final word "instead" and replace with "as well." Oh, and the numbers are 175/260, not 175/250, so yeah...if you've got 12 TU banked, 9 yellow gives you +1305 in strikes, not +750.
  • Vairelome wrote:
    For what it's worth, BP's brand new yellow is bugged...sort of like Patch was bugged when he was first introduced. The in-game description should delete the final word "instead" and replace with "as well." Oh, and the numbers are 175/260, not 175/250, so yeah...if you've got 12 TU banked, 9 yellow gives you +1305 in strikes, not +750.
    Wait, so you're saying you get 6 strike tiles if you have 12 TUAP? 3x175 AND 3x260? If that's the case, yeah the wording definitely needs to be changed. That's insane!
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Edit: hmm... Just got 3 strike tiles, which would be correct. Maybe I had bias first time?

  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Ack! So it was not bias the first time, he does indeed spew out 6 strike tiles sometimes: 3x 175, 3x 260. Not sure under which conditions this happens. The new update is full of other bugs :3

  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    locked wrote:
    Edit: hmm... Just got 3 strike tiles, which would be correct. Maybe I had bias first time?
    Only got three here too - definitely didn't use the TUAP though.
  • Also got 6 strike tile. It also doesnt consume the TUAP. Not sure if either factor are working as intended. As far as i know D3 everything is buggy and everything is working as intended until they change it(even then...).
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Justdangit wrote:
    Also got 6 strike tile. It also doesnt consume the TUAP. Not sure if either factor are working as intended. As far as i know D3 everything is buggy and everything is working as intended until they change it(even then...).

    Not consuming TUAP was definitely intended. Just like Avengers Assemble. Pretty sure 6 tiles instead of 3 was NOT intended.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    I tried this and only got 3 tiles (on Android).
  • I also decided to try this out myself and I only got 3x224 (my BP is not 166) with 9Y and 12 TUAP. I managed to pull this off twice during my match and I only got 3 strike tiles each time.
  • ironsmudgie
    ironsmudgie Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Mondo wrote:
    I also decided to try this out myself and I only got 3x224 (my BP is not 166) with 9Y and 12 TUAP. I managed to pull this off twice during my match and I only got 3 strike tiles each time.
    I wonder if it only bugs if you have EXACTLY 12 TUAP. In the pictures above the one with only 3 tiles had 13 TUAP and the one with 6 tiles hqd exactly 12 TUAP.
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    Mondo wrote:
    I also decided to try this out myself and I only got 3x224 (my BP is not 166) with 9Y and 12 TUAP. I managed to pull this off twice during my match and I only got 3 strike tiles each time.
    I wonder if it only bugs if you have EXACTLY 12 TUAP. In the pictures above the one with only 3 tiles had 13 TUAP and the one with 6 tiles hqd exactly 12 TUAP.

    Confirmed, if you have 12 TU exactly you'll get 6 strike tiles, 3 of each strength. Good eye ironsmudgie! icon_e_wink.gif
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    I guess it's coded like this:
        if(teamup_AP < = 12)
        if(teamup_AP > = 12)

    I actually can't think of an if/else that would cause this issue
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    regardless, this guy moved into top tier with this fix, oh so happy for BP, he just became a top strike tile creator.
  • eidehua wrote:
    I guess it's coded like this:
        if(teamup_AP < = 12)
        if(teamup_AP > = 12)

    I actually can't think of an if/else that would cause this issue
    Yup. That would do it. If there was an if/else structure, it would have to be poorly written to accomplish the same thing you coded above. Simple fix really: remove "=" from first if (or change value to 11) and replace second if condition with "else". Presto!
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Man I am loving the new BP. Battleplan feels like what it should have been all along. I think when C.Mag nerf comes, Patch will no longer be in the top 3 of strike tile creation. I think at that point it will be Daken, BP, and Punisher