*** Black Panther (T'Challa) ***



  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Forgot to mention that my rankings are in the context of how good black panther is with each character assuming that youre in the typical "2 good characters + loaner" in pvp situation, since i think that scenario best exemplifies what actual synergy bp has with each other character. The rankings arent whether or not its possible to make a good team with bp and that character, but rather how hard it is to make a good team in general with the two characters: the low tier characters are low tier because they dont add that much to bps existing skillset, and if you end up using them, then you need a very specific/synergistic third to offset their weaknesses, and the team comp would revolve more around bp and the third in most cases.

    For psylocke, falcon,bp i would say that thats a pretty goon killer team, but in normal pvp i dont see it being fast enough. This team is also a lot more about how falcon synergizes with psylocke than it does bp+psylocke synergizing well together.
    Doom -> Black conflicts.

    For this, I would be fairly happy with either BP's black or Doom's, depending on situation. The fact that they overlap doesn't bother me that much, especially since BP lays strike tiles on yellow, rather than red. If the enemy teams strongest color is something I'm afraid of, and there are red tiles on the board, I can Summon Demons, but if either of those two things isn't true, I can Rage. Also, I can depend on the AI using which ever option is the worst on defense, but it was going to do that anyway.

    Of course the only person who covers the G/R/P gap is somewhat meh, but I retain hope that Doom will one day have a decent purple power of his own. Then you'd really only need the featured hero to have green and red. Of course, it's a shame that there are none of those around.

    Rage of the panther is so strong that i cant see many situations where i would use summon demons over it, especially since they both cost 12. Blue is an upgrade over defense grid but is average in general. Again, it isnt impossible to make a good team with bp doom, but its a lot harder than if you went bp cmags instead.

    Think about it this way: if you broke the team down based off ofhow good the ability is in the team: cmags+bp would give you 2 amazing abilities blue/black) and 3 very good abilities (red,purple,yellow), meaning that your third barely has to contribute at all to the team in order for the team to function, meaning that bp/mags has pretty damn good synergy. Doom/bp on the other hand, gives you an amazing black, one great ability in yellow, and one average ability in blue needs a lot more help to become a good team. Doom would probably be bumped up if he had a purple though.
  • Doom is just not strong enough overall to use up one of the 3 (or 2 in PvP) available character slots, and there's a 50% chance the AI picks Summon Demons over Rage of the Panther on defense, which is pretty close to forfeiting a defensive victory, and sure such events are rare to begin with but you really don't want to give those away when they do occur.

    BP's ability are generic enough that he doesn't have any strong/weak synergy, aside from trying to cover enough colors. Even there, he's probably one of the better guys to go with The Hood on offense because he tanks all of The Hood's colors, provided someone else can cover red/green.
  • I don't hate Storm/BP on offense -- it's generally true that her green is pretty bad because there's so many better greens out there, but if your third has good-to-great powers in two of red/purple/blue, then casting green gives you somewhere between 9 and 16 AP for potentially killer moves, and that's pretty darned good as a 4th or 5th option.

    For example, Deadpool/Storm/BP your tile priorities are probably yellow, black, red, purple, green, blue, in that order, but if your board is starved of the first four, getting green to shake up the board and pick up enough AP to Battleplan+Alott and get you one match away from Rage or Whales is a pretty great ability, especially for being your #5 option. Same with Cap/Storm/BP and Mags/Storm/BP (although Mags/BP is good enough that Storm hardly matters).

    Now, defense is a whole other story, since Storm using her yellow or black over BP's is a disaster, and the range of guys that have good-to-great abilities in red/purple/blue but not a significantly better green isn't very wide, but putting together these kinds of teams is actually kind of fun for those times where you just want to get a break from playing Sentry/Daken/Thor/Patch/Magneto all day long.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Designing a team for defense is a moot point anyway. On offense/pve, Doom has a significant AP acceleration into casting Rage of the Panther. Especially if you can toss on a MN mags (TU)
  • I agree that BP has a lot of decent covers that he works "ok" with but I have to be honest after I maxed him out I was pretty disappointed. I'd been running with Patch/Punisher and Patch/Hulk and had some pretty good synergy there. I haven't really gotten that with BP. I will normally run him with Hulk since Hulk tanks his Black, and rage is really the key to BP. I just find myself having to health pack BP after about 2-3 fights which can be pretty costly when I can go far longer with a Patch/Punisher combo. Heck, I even get a lot more mileage out of Patch/LCap. Overall, I would say BP just doesn't have a great synergy partner at this point..
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    That....doesn't sound right. BP has a ton of health, he really shouldn't be needing THAT many health packs
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Fisben wrote:
    I agree that BP has a lot of decent covers that he works "ok" with but I have to be honest after I maxed him out I was pretty disappointed. I'd been running with Patch/Punisher and Patch/Hulk and had some pretty good synergy there. I haven't really gotten that with BP. I will normally run him with Hulk since Hulk tanks his Black, and rage is really the key to BP. I just find myself having to health pack BP after about 2-3 fights which can be pretty costly when I can go far longer with a Patch/Punisher combo. Heck, I even get a lot more mileage out of Patch/LCap. Overall, I would say BP just doesn't have a great synergy partner at this point..

    That's not a fair comparison, comparing between patch and BP. Patch is the top 5 characters, and he is sought after bec of his true healing. You can play for hours and don't need a health pack for him.

    So to say that you use more health packs playing BP than patch is a moot point, since patch don't need health packs!

    If you are comparing BP with pun or Lcap, then logically you need less health packs bec he has more health than the 2 of them...
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    atomzed wrote:
    Fisben wrote:
    I agree that BP has a lot of decent covers that he works "ok" with but I have to be honest after I maxed him out I was pretty disappointed. I'd been running with Patch/Punisher and Patch/Hulk and had some pretty good synergy there. I haven't really gotten that with BP. I will normally run him with Hulk since Hulk tanks his Black, and rage is really the key to BP. I just find myself having to health pack BP after about 2-3 fights which can be pretty costly when I can go far longer with a Patch/Punisher combo. Heck, I even get a lot more mileage out of Patch/LCap. Overall, I would say BP just doesn't have a great synergy partner at this point..

    That's not a fair comparison, comparing between patch and BP. Patch is the top 5 characters, and he is sought after bec of his true healing. You can play for hours and don't need a health pack for him.

    So to say that you use more health packs playing BP than patch is a moot point, since patch don't need health packs!

    If you are comparing BP with pun or Lcap, then logically you need less health packs bec he has more health than the 2 of them...

    Pretty sure that BP & L.Cap have the same 8500 health.
  • But I have run LCap and Pun with Patch and have MUCH better synergy and use far less health packs than BP. Even Hulk and Patch are a better combo simply because Hulk has so many HP that he can take a beating for many rounds before you have to health pack him, plus he regenerates so much faster than everyone else. I'm not saying BP isn't a viable character, I just haven't found great synergy with him to this point. I'm actually having more luck running BP with Hood now as that seems to be a viable combo.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pwuz_ wrote:
    atomzed wrote:
    Fisben wrote:
    I agree that BP has a lot of decent covers that he works "ok" with but I have to be honest after I maxed him out I was pretty disappointed. I'd been running with Patch/Punisher and Patch/Hulk and had some pretty good synergy there. I haven't really gotten that with BP. I will normally run him with Hulk since Hulk tanks his Black, and rage is really the key to BP. I just find myself having to health pack BP after about 2-3 fights which can be pretty costly when I can go far longer with a Patch/Punisher combo. Heck, I even get a lot more mileage out of Patch/LCap. Overall, I would say BP just doesn't have a great synergy partner at this point..

    That's not a fair comparison, comparing between patch and BP. Patch is the top 5 characters, and he is sought after bec of his true healing. You can play for hours and don't need a health pack for him.

    So to say that you use more health packs playing BP than patch is a moot point, since patch don't need health packs!

    If you are comparing BP with pun or Lcap, then logically you need less health packs bec he has more health than the 2 of them...

    Pretty sure that BP & L.Cap have the same 8500 health.

    You are right, I remembered wrongly.

    @fisben, if paired with hood, I think Lcap has more synergy. The only good thing BP-hood combo is that BP tank all color for hood, so hood don't take any dmg.
  • I always see 5/3/5 build. With true healing, won't the additional defence tiles be worth it or are we just going on the average of not having the countdown out long enough to benefit from the additional tile?

    Bp was one of my first three star and i always sold him. Note i regret that
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I always see 5/3/5 build. With true healing, won't the additional defence tiles be worth it or are we just going on the average of not having the countdown out long enough to benefit from the additional tile?

    Bp was one of my first three star and i always sold him. Note i regret that

    Were going on how you never prioritize the ability in the first place because of how defensive abilities are extremely overcosted in this game. Once you play with bp, youll realize that you save much more damage over the course of the game if you use the 9ap that you would have used casting defense grid killing them instead,l. The ability is just way too slow to be useful in any meaningful way, compared to the immediate impact you get from black/yellow.
  • Blue is weak but back when Battleplan did 1/3 of what it currently does it was not a bad choice.

    For some reason even though everyone knows defensive ability is generally underpowered they went ahead and improve BP's offensive ability anyway.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    After building my BP to 3/5/5 I was satisfied for a day or so, it's not like either yellow or blue WAS particularly useful. Then (seriously not even a week after I got my 13th cover) they changed his abilities and made his Yellow on par with Punisher's Green minus the board destruction but with the extra TU buff (which doesn't consume that AP!)

    Luckily I was only a few days out from day 195 as well and was able to respec him to 4/4/5 pretty quickly. I don't recall how long after I got my next BP reward, but it was either a PVP top 100 or PvE progression and I never looked back. The number of times I can reach max protect tiles at level 3 is only occasionally more often than the times I could with level 4 or 5.

    If you want defensive tiles, there are better cheaper options. If you are using BP, you are using him for his Black, and his yellow makes that more destructive.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Black Panther's weak power is kinda meh compared to his other two powers. Let's give him a tiny bit of board control.
      Defense Grid - Blue 8 bluetile.png
      Places a Blue Countdown tile that converts a basic color tile to a strength 9 Protect tile every 2 turns. If 3 or more Protect tiles are in play, conversion is suspended.
        Level 2: Max 3 protect tiles out at a time Level 3: Increases Protect strength to 14. Max 4 protect tiles out at a time. Level 4: Increases Protect strength to 18. Max 5 protect tiles out at a time. Level 5: Choose any tile for the
      bluetile.png countdown tile, which activates every turn.
      Max Level: Strength 140 protect tiles
    • fmftint
      fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
      Have you ever looked at Black Panther's art work? Inside his cover you see the front of his legs, his back and his face. How is that even possible?
    • Chrono_Tata
      Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
      I don't really see his back? It's just his cloak blowing out behind him.
    • I agree, it's always looked a bit weird to me

      You're absolutely right, it's pretty clearly his back, his face and the front of his legs (you can tell it's the front of the legs because of the knee pads)
    • Oldboy
      Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
      He calls himself Black Panther. Doesnt that allow him to contort his body in weird ways? I mean, have you seen a cat (or dog for that matter) lick itself? .... icon_e_biggrin.gif
    • GuntherBlobel
      GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
      It's not nearly as bad as the stuff you'll see on Esher Girls, but it totally reminds me of those kinds of poses.