Anniversary Updates
DayvBang wrote:LegendReborn wrote:Why are the two simple words, "We're sorry" so hard for the developers when it's clear that most people who even beat the event weren't having fun.
Sure but it's pretty evident that they are calling Galactus a successful event and that's troubling because it only begs for a repeat of another future terribly made and playtested event. Ice has essentially come in to say that we're still disconnected from their event because there's no way the issue is on their end with x number of alliances completing the event. Instead of taking it as having an incredibly persistent player base willing to slog through ****, it's high fives around the office that more people than expected got the 3 covers.0 -
LegendReborn wrote:DayvBang wrote:LegendReborn wrote:Why are the two simple words, "We're sorry" so hard for the developers when it's clear that most people who even beat the event weren't having fun.
Sure but it's pretty evident that they are calling Galactus a successful event and that's troubling because it only begs for a repeat of another future terribly made and playtested event. Ice has essentially come in to say that we're still disconnected from their event because there's no way the issue is on their end with x number of alliances completing the event. Instead of taking it as having an incredibly persistent player base willing to slog through ****, it's high fives around the office that more people than expected got the 3 covers.
People still play Heroics...0 -
Dankaminari wrote:slidecage wrote:AE_Fios wrote:Wouldn't it be fair to give everyone the Red Cyclops cover? Since the only alliances that were able to finish the event cheated to get there. I don't blame them, you set an impossible goal to achieve so they found a way around it...but it doesn't send a great message to every alliance that played within the rules and got stuck in round 6 or 7.
most of these are probally heavy paying partys so D3 can look the other way when they bend the rules
You two have no idea what you're talking about. The same alliances you accuse of cheating probably know the ins and outs of this game by many factors more than you. While some of them have acknowledged using a certain method, others probably figured out that Hulk was the key before most everyone else.
My alliance finished round 8 and I am unaware of anyone who even knew about the method. Nobody is arguing with you that the event was a grind and that we were probably crazy for slogging through it, but there is really no need to hate on other players to try and get a reward you were incapable of earning.
I was unable to achieve a reward because I wasn't desperate enough to crash my game repeatedly to gain an unfair advantage. Every top alliance cheated to finish the event, more power to you guys. I'm just looking out for the people that played fairly.0 -
fmftint wrote:smkspy wrote:This event showed there is a huge disconnect between playing the game and being rewarded with progress. 2 stars help build up new comers, but they only serve as frustration for long term players and transitioning people. Even for new players a single three star is incentive to keep playing, I know I jumped for joy when I got my first deadpool cover early in the game, which became useless very early on, but gave me incentive to build up other characters.
We need a three star token category just like you've created legendary tokens, and the random 3 star that must be grinded in pve and especially hard PVP to achieve is the same as playing galactus. It just isn't fun, and sorry, DDQ is no substitute when my 3 Wolverine only gets another cover every 4 days.
I get this a micro transaction action game, but when progress seems impossible especially when it comes to events like galactus, it runs off customers both new and old. And that's what you want, customers not just players.
EVERYONE gets what they NEED!
I agree to an extent, but the number of 4 and 5 characters they're adding really makes it hard for plays to add to their rosters without having to buy hero points then the odds of getting more covers for them decreases as they continue adding new 4 and 5 characters what feels like every week. There simply needs to a new third tier token category that guarantees a new three star (which if you have can sell off for high iso) and a slightly higher percentage for 4/5 star characters. The addition of higher star characters is just inporpotionate to the extremely low chance of getting what now middle star characters. Ultimately this all works against new players because they feel that they can't compete and simply give up.
When a game starts scary away potential new players aka new customers then something is really wrong.0 -
Ice, I'd like to take a moment to talk on behalf of the silent majority of players. The ones with no forum presence. The ones who are still in 2 to 3 star transition land. The ones who only have 15 to 20 roster slots. The ones who may - just may have Dino. But the ones who have barely played a year.
The ones in my alliance who jump in, play a bit every couple of days, but don't regularly throw large sums of money at you.
You're losing them over this Ice. We used to have 20 regular players, with between 10 or 12 on per day.
That's now down to 6 players, 3 or 4 on per day.
Most aren't coming back. We didn't buy during this event because we're not whales - yet. We haven't had the incentive to be whales, even if it was going to happen. But most were looking forward to spending some money. Anniversary Events are, to us, a way to get bang for our buck.
Everything this year is geared towards veterans and whales and competitive alliances.
Now, the compensation is geared to...veterans, whales and competitive alliances.
What about us, who had no chance from the beginning? This whole thing has made us very angry and likely to uninstall. We don't have the money sink encouraging us to keep playing.
You're harpooning your potential whales, guys. Help us keep playing. Do something for us. Please.
Don't measure compensation only on a financial rubric. Consider players who spent time, consider players who got barely five tokens, please compensate those who spent time and gained nothing but dissatisfaction.
Thank you.0 -
scottee wrote:People still play Heroics...
Heroics honestly aren't that bad if you haven't shot your scaling by doing things like winfinite which is fitting because Prof X is essentially why there are any alliances have completed round 8. I got carried by my alliance in Round 8 because I surely couldn't beat Galactus even on great boards most of the time in round 8.0 -
fmftint wrote:They need to make token odds dymanic, they base everything else in this game off your top 3 characters, PVE baseline, PVP mmr, TU levels, why not token odds? The higher your top 3 average character level the greater your 4* odds?
EVERYONE gets what they NEED!
Such a mechanism would be unfair, the people who have been playing longer already have the advantage of a more developed roster so they should not also need to get better odds on tokens too, they simply need another token tier to slot in between heroic and legendary that provides 3* with a chance of 4* and also base event tokens off it plus their essentials for that event.0 -
You already are giving out less tokens than last year, and now you are saying we have to choose between fewer tokens with better odds and more tokens with worse odds?
What is wrong with giving more tokens with better odds? It is a once a year celebration isn't it? Something special?
On your wedding anniversary ask your wife do you want more of things you don't like or a few things you really like? Or do you instead just give her lots of things she really likes since its a special occasion?
Give us more tokens, with great rates. You know everyones scores for events, you know who earned what... Give us our tokens back or even 80% of our tokens back that we earned, and 100% of our tokens back that we bought including the daily deals so we can actually pull with the better odds. You have a record of it. Do some work and fix what you did wrong. The community is worth the effort.0 -
Crowl wrote:fmftint wrote:They need to make token odds dymanic, they base everything else in this game off your top 3 characters, PVE baseline, PVP mmr, TU levels, why not token odds? The higher your top 3 average character level the greater your 4* odds?
EVERYONE gets what they NEED!
Such a mechanism would be unfair, the people who have been playing longer already have the advantage of a more developed roster so they should not also need to get better odds on tokens too, they simply need another token tier to slot in between heroic and legendary that provides 3* with a chance of 4* and also base event tokens off it plus their essentials for that event.0 -
QuizB wrote:Ice, I'd like to take a moment to talk on behalf of the silent majority of players. The ones with no forum presence. The ones who are still in 2 to 3 star transition land. The ones who only have 15 to 20 roster slots. The ones who may - just may have Dino. But the ones who have barely played a year.
The ones in my alliance who jump in, play a bit every couple of days, but don't regularly throw large sums of money at you.
You're losing them over this Ice. We used to have 20 regular players, with between 10 or 12 on per day.
That's now down to 6 players, 3 or 4 on per day.
Most aren't coming back. We didn't buy during this event because we're not whales - yet. We haven't had the incentive to be whales, even if it was going to happen. But most were looking forward to spending some money. Anniversary Events are, to us, a way to get bang for our buck.
Everything this year is geared towards veterans and whales and competitive alliances.
Now, the compensation is geared to...veterans, whales and competitive alliances.
What about us, who had no chance from the beginning? This whole thing has made us very angry and likely to uninstall. We don't have the money sink encouraging us to keep playing.
You're harpooning your potential whales, guys. Help us keep playing. Do something for us. Please.
Don't measure compensation only on a financial rubric. Consider players who spent time, consider players who got barely five tokens, please compensate those who spent time and gained nothing but dissatisfaction.
Thank you.
Thanks for posting. Your voice needs to be heard.
Too many forumites think the 200 or so of the vocal minority here are all that matters in the game.0 -
IceIX wrote:
...Introducing new and different gameplay always involves balance risks, so your feedback is especially valuable when we introduce something like Galactus, and we’re looking forward to hearing what you think of the changes.0 -
My $20-30 per year probably won't be missed, but I think I've decided to become a purely F2P user.0
A couple of quick thoughts for you and the team, Ice, and though I don't anticipate an answer, I would appreciate if you could share this feedback with the team.
To give a little background: I started out as a soloist MPQ player before R47 and part of the reason MPQ was so attractive to me WAS the ability TO BE a relatively successful solo player. I loved Marvel, I loved match-3, and I had just burned out from playing similar collect-and-build-teams games where guilds and alliances meant everything in regards to progression.
No having to manage multiple people's schedules (mine's completely irregular and influenced by multiple Real Life issues that I have minimal control over and even worse, I only play on an iPod Touch and therefore have no access to data/non-wireless connection) and not having to feel like dead weight on a team because of my irregular playing are the two main reasons I was and am pro-solo.
Though I can appreciate this Galactus event and how it was meant to be a fun group-concentrated effort, I felt very VERY left out and excluded... especially since there was no other event-related PvE going on that was more solo-player friendly.
I participated... but with extremely lackluster and even more frustrating results. If it wasn't Galactus handing my team's **** to me, then it was the impossibility of the nodes... AND THIS WAS ONLY ON ROUND ONE.
I have a solid 2-3* team and the event was just completely undoable to the point it was pointless to participate and I never even passed Round One because even IF I managed to defeat Galactus all on my own, then the nodes were just impossible.
I realize that I'm a very very small minority, but... I guess because I started playing with your game since pre-R47 (and yes, I took intermittent breaks here and there) and was used to being able to participate in events and STILL progress at least a little even in previous more Alliance-encouraged events, the impossibility of this Galactus event where an Alliance and its efforts are integrated into everyone's literal progress was really disappointing.
I appreciate that a lot of the changes that have been made over time were made to make the game feel more inclusionary (in multiple ways), but I have to say that as a solo player I truly felt EX-cluded from participating in Galactus.
Since it is Alliance-mandatory, I guess that should be no surprise and that the onus is on me, but...
I've been with you guys since R47. I kept playing BECAUSE I COULD do decently well ON MY OWN.
I've paid into the game to expand my roster to include most everyone I have ever earned through events and I currently have 46 slots.
I would like to keep playing as I am, but... if the only result of my solo playing is being excluded in such major events such as Galactus, then maybe my time is up and it's time to call it quits.
People complained because they weren't progressing to Round Eight fast enough even with some people utilizing the force quit mechanic. Interestingly enough, a lot of people (according to you) still made it past Round Eight.
I'm bummed because I couldn't even get 50% past ROUND ONE.
I don't and never have and never will expect to compete with the really big boys and girls.
But I guess I wanted to be able to still participate more than I was able and allowed to.
That said, thanks for listening.0 -
Crowl wrote:fmftint wrote:They need to make token odds dymanic, they base everything else in this game off your top 3 characters, PVE baseline, PVP mmr, TU levels, why not token odds? The higher your top 3 average character level the greater your 4* odds?
EVERYONE gets what they NEED!
Such a mechanism would be unfair, the people who have been playing longer already have the advantage of a more developed roster so they should not also need to get better odds on tokens too, they simply need another token tier to slot in between heroic and legendary that provides 3* with a chance of 4* and also base event tokens off it plus their essentials for that event.
Yep, let's look at class of 2015. There is a "birthday" token, then a 2 star black widow token, then another "birthday" token then...way down at 800 points is a 3 star bullseye. For transitioning players with a few high 3 stars but mostly 2 star that 800 is almost impossible to achieve. Why not make that second "birthday" token after 2 star character a 3 star token? It makes the game fun, it helps those players build up their rosters while long time players get their legendary tokens easily.
It doesn't hurt their bottom line and encourages players to continue playing.0 -
DayvBang wrote:LegendReborn wrote:Why are the two simple words, "We're sorry" so hard for the developers when it's clear that most people who even beat the event weren't having fun.
The OP still gives the impression that there wasn't much wrong with the event and the problems are mostly with our understanding, which doesn't seem very encouraging as far as getting the appropriate fixes.
Personally, I liked that they tried to do a different style of event and I also like the minions nodes before they got their dose of steroids because we got to face a far wider variety of baddies than we usually do in pve events, but other than that very little, so in the car analogy that seems more the level of liking the colour and the cup holders than anything as vital as the body design.0 -
Just a reminder to everyone, the 1st Anniversary and the first boss battle (Ultron) were two different things.
The 1st Anniversary did have increased tokens, a little bit in the regular events, and a lot in the lightning rounds.
The Ultron event had a lot of tokens because you could win them in the regular battles of the event.
These were two separate things. That is all.0 -
upping the rates after the sale is over.............................................................0
I'm on board with everyone that feels robbed of tokens, I bought the daily deals in both Galactus and anniversary, made it to round 8 and got the legend token, got 800 in vortex, and fairly well winning tokens from beating Galactus so all in all I had about 19 event tokens and 14 anniversary tokens for a total of 33, I pulled 1 4* (not d dino but usable), 4 3* (all unusable), and the rest were 2*'s. I will gladly forfeit the 9k iso and even the 4* for a chance at better odds with new tokens, I would only be willing to give back the 4* though if I can spec him to where he was prior to the pull (imhb was 544, pulled a black to make him 553)...kind of insulting really, 2-3 tokens? What about the other 30+? A 10-pack might lessen the sting but still nothing compared to all those pulls being ****. Not to mention, last night when I finished vortex I had 5 anniversary tokens, my plan was to hold them until we got a reply but I wanted the daily so i cashed them in for a total of 6...the free tokens you guys are offering doesn't even cover what I cashed in this morning....I am not expecting any HP compensation for the 1050 I spent since the tokens were available for purchase, just a fair shake of tokens with better odds....
Not expecting any of this to happen but at least I spoke my peace for what is fair....0 -
I liked the nodes before the steroids too, but did not like the essential aspect of it. Completely random characters and if you have few covers for them, you have to build a team that worked around them. Not to mention all the players that had few to none of the essential characters. I didn't have Jean Grey, but imagine all the players that didn't have those 3 stars.0
fmftint wrote:what is unfair about everyone getting what they need for where they are progressed? Token odds based on roster level would encourage everyone to continue leveling their characters instead of soft capping
Giving one person a much better reward for the same amount of progress in a particular event is clearly unfair, they already have the advantage in that their roster will get them to that progress reward far more easily and that it can allow them to do more events all at once, so there is no need for that to be compounded by their reward for the same amount of progress in an event being better.0
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