Anniversary Updates

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Wanted to update you all on some changes we’re making to the Anniversary in response to your feedback.

Anniversary Tokens
Our aim with the Anniversary packs this year was similar to last year: a pack that we could give out lots and lots of tokens for. We increased the availability of Anniversary tokens relative to last year and kept them roughly comparable (higher odds of Iso-8 and Hero Points rewards, lower odds of Devil Dinosaur since many players already have all the covers they need of him), but that led to an unsatisfying experience for a couple of reasons:

Other packs in the game have gotten much better since last year, and the Anniversary packs are unsatisfying relative to them.
It seems like most players would rather have fewer, more valuable tokens than more, less valuable ones.

So in response to your feedback, we’re making these packs much more valuable:
    The odds of Devil Dino in the 1x pack are getting doubled, and they’re getting increased in the 10x and 40x packs by about 10%. The odds of 3-stars are increasing by about 50%, to be about 20% better than a Heroic pack. The odds of 4-stars are increasing by 140%, to be about 20% better than a Heroic pack. The odds of the Iso-8 and Hero Points rewards are unchanged.
That change will be going live in today’s patch.

To reward the folks that already purchased Anniversary packs, we’ll be giving out the following tomorrow:
    Everyone that played during the Anniversary through today will get two additional Anniversary tokens. Anyone who bought an Anniversary 10-pack before this change takes effect will get an additional three Anniversary tokens for every 10-pack they bought. This also includes the 10 pack from progression rewards. Anyone who bought an Anniversary 40-pack before this change takes effect will get an additional Anniversary 10-pack for every 40-pack they bought.

Slightly more alliances than we expected (111) made it to round 7 of Galactus, and 49 alliances met the final score target in round 8. But we got lots of feedback about the experience of getting there that we want to act on, so we’ll be significantly re-tuning the event for its second run this weekend.

In particular:
We’ll be working to make sure that even in later rounds, there are multiple interesting strategies to tackle Galactus.
We’ll be aiming to make each individual fight against Galactus feel meatier and more satisfying, lasting longer than a short, predictable number of rounds for more players.

We’ve got fixes for some bugs and miscellaneous balance issues as well.

Introducing new and different gameplay always involves balance risks, so your feedback is especially valuable when we introduce something like Galactus, and we’re looking forward to hearing what you think of the changes.

A few players that completed round 8 hadn't received their third Cyclops (Classic) cover yet. Those covers have gone out now, so you should have them waiting for you.

There was a bug with Black Vortex where in some cases, an opponent would remain on a pin after the mission was complete. We’re still investigating the cause of this. We haven’t seen the issue with the Class of 2015 event - please let us know if you run into it in that event or any others.

Server Issues
We had two episodes where some players couldn’t reach the game servers at the start of the Galactus event.

We’ll be sending out 100 Hero Points and 2000 Iso-8 to everyone who played on 10/8 or 10/9. Those Hero Points and Iso-8 will go out today.

To conclude, we’ve been reviewing all of the Anniversary feedback throughout the forums, and we’ve taken it into account. If you've got new questions and comments, feel free to bring them up here.

We're committed to making this the best Anniversary yet. Thanks for sticking with us and offering extremely valuable feedback along the way.

As a more (kinda) off topic thing, sorry about the relative radio silence from me for the past couple days. NYCC was pretty crazy this year, really cut down on my ability to pop on here. I'll be back to relative posting normalcy tomorrow. Pardon the grammar mistakes in this post, trying to get it up using a chiclet with in-flight wi-fi. Yay for that!


  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    what about people who earned and opened the PVP anniversary 10 pack? or all the packs earned and already opened? or were we just supposed to hoard them for days hoping for the odds to change?
  • LegendReborn
    LegendReborn Posts: 301
    edited October 2015
    Was cheating your event an unintended strategy? I guarantee you every alliance who beat round 8 had people who abused force closing the game because your event wasn't play tested properly after your last minute changes.

    Why was the max progression unreachable for most players when in the normal PVE max progression is obtainable by pretty much everyone with at least two essentials?
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    lol wished they were better odds before i used them when i got them. lol hopefully we'll get a boat load more
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    So the 10 tokens I already opened (5 bought) are meaningless? Please give us fresh tokens for the ones we have already opened so that we can have the proper anniversary experience. Just because we don't whale and spend HP for 10- or 40-packs doesn't mean we aren't worthy of compensation. Two extra tokens is nice, but giving us a second chance with opened tokens would actually help build up goodwill.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been among the unhappy hordes on here, so let me say right now: this is a pretty good response. There's a couple issues I'd like to see answered more specifically, but you can't necessarily hit everything any one person was looking for.

    I do hope you guys can tweak Galactus into shape in such a short time. There's the potential for a fun event buried in here, I'm certain. But if it's not fully baked in, you might be better off doing an Ultron rerun instead...
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    These changes all sound good.

    Thank you for acknowledging and responding to our criticism.
  • Cylaali
    Cylaali Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    What about the people who have already opened anniversary packs? I just opened 5 single and 1 10-pack just an hour or so ago!!! icon_evil.gificon_evil.gificon_evil.gif
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    IceIX wrote:
    It seems like most players would rather have fewer, more valuable tokens than more, less valuable ones.

    Yeah, cuz we'd rather get fewer 3* and 4* (with fewer, more valuable tokens) than more 2* (with more, less valuable ones).

    Would you rather have 1 Legendary token or 10 event tokens? I'd rather have a bird in the hand, than 2 in the bush.

    Maybe a different analogy. Would you rather have 1 (fewer) $100 bill (more valuable) or 10 (more) $1 bills (less valuable)?
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Thanks Ice for the response, these all seem like pretty positive changes! I don't envy you for all the hate you're about to take tho... icon_eek.gif

    Good luck and keep your head up, I really think everyone knows it's not your fault icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    is there a way where we don't need to use up health packs every time we are "suppose" to lose to galactus. that was limiting our ability to play pvp greatly.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015

    Say no to tokens

    Please remove 40 iso as a reward till all real rewards have been earned
  • Tuttle0606
    Tuttle0606 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Wish I would have known this BEFORE I opened my Pvp 10-pack or any other anniversary token I earned.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    fmftint wrote:
    what about people who earned and opened the PVP anniversary 10 pack? or all the packs earned and already opened? or were we just supposed to hoard them for days hoping for the odds to change?
    10 pack tokens are also covered. I'll amend the OP. As for individuals, that's why we're handing out bonus tokens to everyone in general. Do keep in mind that you still got stuff from those original tokens, it's not like they were useless and now they're suddenly useful.
  • Noobulator
    Noobulator Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    What about missing iso in Black Vortex? That was totally ignored here.
  • Noobulator
    Noobulator Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    IceIX wrote:
    fmftint wrote:
    what about people who earned and opened the PVP anniversary 10 pack? or all the packs earned and already opened? or were we just supposed to hoard them for days hoping for the odds to change?
    10 pack tokens are also covered. I'll amend the OP. As for individuals, that's why we're handing out bonus tokens to everyone in general. Do keep in mind that you still got stuff from those original tokens, it's not like they were useless and now they're suddenly useful.

    Ice they've all be 2*, not exactly useful...
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    Thanks for changing the tokens so quickly. I'm looking forward to seeing how galactus changes.
  • Rather than viewing force close as a bug, why not make it a tactical choice?

    Retreat from boss fight if you want to: the node will remain unlocked but you will score no points and take retreat damage.

    Instantly more interesting and engaging and gives you a tactucal choice based on board evaluation.
  • Yeah but those 2*s are useful to the average player. Can't be mad that you get massively sub heroic drop rates for 3* and 4*. Moonstone is useful! She's your 2k anniversary season reward and wolvie 2* is your 3k! They must be good.
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:
    fmftint wrote:
    what about people who earned and opened the PVP anniversary 10 pack? or all the packs earned and already opened? or were we just supposed to hoard them for days hoping for the odds to change?
    10 pack tokens are also covered. I'll amend the OP. As for individuals, that's why we're handing out bonus tokens to everyone in general. Do keep in mind that you still got stuff from those original tokens, it's not like they were useless and now they're suddenly useful.

    Yes, the ISO from selling the 2*s obtained as a result of opening my tokens was extremely useful for someone in the 4* transition.
  • Tarouza
    Tarouza Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    Ice I have to vehemently disagree about 2 of your points,

    number one about more tokens being available. Last year with the Lightning rounds we earned a whole lot more tokens that we did from our events this year so that arguments does not hold water at all.

    Number 2 about odds being similar to last year. Also blatantly false, last year had much better odds then this year, about a 30 percent overall difference (37 vs 26 percent chance of a 3 star or better).

    Third, honestly all this does is reward the people that decided to hoard there tokens, they earned the same prizes as everyone else yet now their rewards have a much greater value then other simply because they haven't opened the tokens yet. I will gladly give back my roughly 3.5k ISO I earned on about 14 tokens (4 purchased) if you give me back my tokens so that the playing field is level again