Anniversary Updates



  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    Decent answers to most issues imo. Thanks iceix and devs. Final judgement reserved till we see galactus 2. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Shulu
    Shulu Posts: 14
    As someone who is in the 3* transition with 130 days of play. I feel this event was purely for veterans of the game. Nodes and galactus where impossible after a certain point. Was this intended to be this way?

    I intended to play lots and win lots which would have made me spend cash for roster spots. I did get a cyclops but that was being in a great alliance and being completely carried in this event.

    A frustrated player.
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    I wish I hadn't bought and opened all those one packs so far. Oh well, nice change though for the next week.

    I am glad changes will be made to Galactus so we don't have to rely on exploits or one set of builds. Hopefully you guys will make it so you don't NEED to use Prof X for infinite turns to win past round 6. I was in one of the alliances that beat round 8, and we all were complaining. We spent more ISO on boosts that were essential to beating him than we were taking in from the event. We also had to rely on the force close of the game if we got a bad board, so our health packs were shot. Multiple people (myself included) were just a hundred thousand points short of the legendary, which was painful to get so far for nothing but the regular rewards. The Galactus event made everything else unplayable due to the huge drain on health packs, even from the sub nodes after the stealth patch went out to make them hard, so please take that into account since there will be other events running at the same time.

    I am surprised you expected fewer to make it that far. In a normal PvE, which I never use boosts on, 100 alliances win alliance cover. If you are in one of those top 100 alliances, chances are every player also won a second cover for being top 100 in their bracket, and many would be top 20. So this event doesn't really give out more covers or rewards than a regular PvE, and is 10x harder. The biggest thing was the required use of boosts to be successful. It made me very unhappy to come out net negative ISO this event.

    Overall, I look forward to see what changes will be made, and hope that some playtesting is done before they are released.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    I've opened a dozen or more anniversary tokens and pulled nothing but 2*s, so thank you for fixing that. In the future, if you want to give out something that your players will like, but don't want to break the bank on covers the answer is simple: ISO. Take the 2* odds, cut them in half and make the other half ISO rewards of 500-1,500.

    You were right about a basic disconnect, but I think you were a little off on its origin. To me the disconnect was on what the anniversary should be.

    To players, anniversary should be: "Thank you for helping us grow this great game through two successful years, we understand that without the players, there is no game, so here are some events with better than normal prizes and rewards."

    That's what we expected, and not what we got.
    A standard new character pve release gives out far more tokens, hp and iso than galactus did, with much less frustration. Not to even mention "double iso" on pvp events that actually give no iso at all.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    IceIX wrote:

    Other packs in the game have gotten much better since last year, and the Anniversary packs are unsatisfying relative to them.
    It seems like most players would rather have fewer, more valuable tokens than more, less valuable ones.

    So in response to your feedback, we’re making these packs much more valuable:
      The odds of Devil Dino in the 1x pack are getting doubled, and they’re getting increased in the 10x and 40x packs by about 10%. The odds of 3-stars are increasing by about 50%, to be about 20% better than a Heroic pack. The odds of 4-stars are increasing by 140%, to be about 20% better than a Heroic pack. The odds of the Iso-8 and Hero Points rewards are unchanged.
    That change will be going live in today’s patch.

    Can this be implemented across the board from here on out? I think most players would rather have less tokens with a higher % rate for 3 and 4*s, which is why it sucked when Legendaries were released but there was no inbetween token for '3* and above'. We've all grown tired of 2*'s.

    - Is there any plans to readjust the Anniversary Season Progression? 2* Wolverine at 3000 is lousy.
    - Any chance that the HP/ISO can be extended? Many players, including myself, did not purchase HP because the Anniversary tokens did not have good odds. I would glady buy some HP if the sale is back on.
    - Can we end the Devil Dino novelty? Let's make him a regular character. If I do not get enough covers for him this year then there is no reason for me to wait until next year to finally fully cover him.
  • IceIX wrote:
    fmftint wrote:
    what about people who earned and opened the PVP anniversary 10 pack? or all the packs earned and already opened? or were we just supposed to hoard them for days hoping for the odds to change?
    10 pack tokens are also covered. I'll amend the OP. As for individuals, that's why we're handing out bonus tokens to everyone in general. Do keep in mind that you still got stuff from those original tokens, it's not like they were useless and now they're suddenly useful.

    If you gave me the option to return all the iso from my anniversary tokens (since they've all been useless and sold) in return for opening 10% fewer of the new tokens I'd take it.
  • Saintsfanuk
    Saintsfanuk Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    Shame there is nothing for people who bought any 40 packs during that time as some bought a galactus one because the anniversary packs had such bad odds. Should have waited I guess.

    The rest sounds good though as long as Galactus lasts longer than 3 moves it has a chance to be fun.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:
    Other packs in the game have gotten much better since last year, and the Anniversary packs are unsatisfying relative to them.
    It seems like most players would rather have fewer, more valuable tokens than more, less valuable ones.

    This shouldn't have been a surprise. Of course people weren't happy about "special" tokens with worse odds than regular heroics. Remember last year, when somebody had a brainfart and forgot to set some of the events to hand out anniversary tokens instead of event tokens, and people got mad? This year, if that had happened people would be happy. If you design a special item that players will celebrate not getting, you did something wrong.

    Not to mention that you're not even handing out more of them this time around! I raked in huge numbers of the things from lightning rounds last year, far more than I'll have a chance to this time even if I bought every daily deal (not happening) and ground the heck out of Simulator subs.

    (Also, now I'm not exactly thrilled about opening that progression 10-pack this afternoon. Three tokens at better odds is something, I guess.)
  • AtlasAxe
    AtlasAxe Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    Beyond people having nodes getting stuck on Black Vortex, we also didn't ISO any time a node was stuck. This was at least 50% of the time.

    Also, the main anniversary fight node (Iceman/OML/Cyclops) does not pay 2x ISO.
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    Tarouza wrote:
    Ice I have to vehemently disagree about 2 of your points,

    number one about more tokens being available. Last year with the Lightning rounds we earned a whole lot more tokens that we did from our events this year so that arguments does not hold water at all.

    Number 2 about odds being similar to last year. Also blatantly false, last year had much better odds then this year, about a 30 percent overall difference (37 vs 26 percent chance of a 3 star or better).

    Third, honestly all this does is reward the people that decided to hoard there tokens, they earned the same prizes as everyone else yet now their rewards have a much greater value then other simply because they haven't opened the tokens yet. I will gladly give back my roughly 3.5k ISO I earned on about 14 tokens (4 purchased) if you give me back my tokens so that the playing field is level again

    The third point is key. Why should we be punished because we decided to open our supposedly great tokens when we got them. You even incentivize us to open them by giving us a great daily deal that only is applicable if we open all of our tokens, missing out on one of the great aspects of the anniversary if we decide to hoard. How does this make sense at all?
  • Esheris
    Esheris Posts: 216 Tile Toppler
    Can I have all my tokens that I opened back? I'll trade you the Iso I got for them.
  • SuperRecoome
    SuperRecoome Posts: 59 Match Maker
    For a lot of people the opened tokens were not useful, now if they had waited they'd have a MUCH better chance at getting something good. They'd have a 140% better chance at a 4 star. Instead of just tossing 2 tokens at everyone who has been opening theirs, how about you take the total # of tokens opened and give half that # back. I've bought a token every day of this event, not to mention the ones I've earned, and if I had saved them until today I could have probably gotten at least something useful. (My very first pull was good, so I'm not complaining about that, but every pull since has been worthless.)
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    Ice, just a thought, since you have changed the anniversary odds is there a chance or having the sale run again til end of anniversary? It will give people who were put off by the previous token odds the chance to buy packs.
  • Nooneelsesname
    Nooneelsesname Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2015
    Words not contained in this post: sorry, apologies, pardon...

    Oh sorry, there's a pardon but it's commanding us to pardon you for your grammar rather than asking us to pardon you for the mistakes your company made in this clusterkitty.

    You still don't get it.

    Edit: For clarification - that last you is directed at whoever at Demiurge/D3 is responsible for the wording/spin/kitty-polishing of the OP, not necessarily IceIX as a person who very well could totally get it but has to be the messenger.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    IceIX wrote:
    lower odds of Devil Dinosaur since many players already have all the covers they need of him

    This kinda caters to Year 1 players. I would like to add covers to my 1/2/5 Dino. This is the 2nd anniversary, so there is a lot of players that have started within the past year, who don't have any Dino.
    IceIX wrote:
    So in response to your feedback, we’re making these packs much more valuable:
      The odds of Devil Dino in the 1x pack are getting doubled, and they’re getting increased in the 10x and 40x packs by about 10%. The odds of 3-stars are increasing by about 50%, to be about 20% better than a Heroic pack. The odds of 4-stars are increasing by 140%, to be about 20% better than a Heroic pack. The odds of the Iso-8 and Hero Points rewards are unchanged.
    That change will be going live in today’s patch.

    Mentioning % changes sounds like a lot more than if you listed the numbers. If you increased the number 1 by 200%, it is 2.
    IceIX wrote:
    We're committed to making this the best Anniversary yet. Thanks for sticking with us and offering extremely valuable feedback along the way.

    You've got a huge task ahead of you. I'd be ok if it was on par with last year's, doesn't have to be the best.
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    Before Galactus 2 goes live, I think it would be very reasonable for you to disclose the updated Galactus ability stats, yes?
    It doesn't have to be much before the event launches (because I imagine they might be tweaked right up to going live), but giving us some FACTS would be much better than the confusion we all faced on Galactus run #1.....
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    thisone wrote:
    Ice, just a thought, since you have changed the anniversary odds is there a chance or having the sale run again til end of anniversary? It will give people who were put off by the previous token odds the chance to buy packs.
    Unlikely, but I'll ask. The sale prices (like most other sales) were timed to run with some first party featuring, and we don't tend to run that separately.
  • Words not contained in this post: sorry, apologies, pardon...

    Why would they be sorry? More people completed the even than expected. That means that they are ok with rolling out an event during anniversary and giving roughly the same amount of 4* as they are on a normal release. Did they plan any extra goodies for this anniversary is it just another way for them to dress up a normal season?

    It shouldn't take a massive forum uprising and terrible game issues to create an event that actually celebrates the community and it definitely shouldn't take so much **** to hit the fan to receive a basic "sorry".
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    K8ee wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    fmftint wrote:
    what about people who earned and opened the PVP anniversary 10 pack? or all the packs earned and already opened? or were we just supposed to hoard them for days hoping for the odds to change?
    10 pack tokens are also covered. I'll amend the OP. As for individuals, that's why we're handing out bonus tokens to everyone in general. Do keep in mind that you still got stuff from those original tokens, it's not like they were useless and now they're suddenly useful.

    If you gave me the option to return all the iso from my anniversary tokens (since they've all been useless and sold) in return for opening 10% fewer of the new tokens I'd take it.

    lol i still have the 15 anniversary token "covers" i redeemed in my que. you can have them back and give me anniversary tokens i earned and also bought as a daily deal. one can wish.....lmao
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,581 Chairperson of the Boards
    Shame there is nothing for people who bought any 40 packs during that time as some bought a galactus one because the anniversary packs had such bad odds. Should have waited I guess.

    It does seem like those people that bought 10 and 40 packs of Galactus should get the extra tokens too, most would have only bought those ones due to the anniversary ones being worse than heroics.