On Galactus run 1 (Game feel vs Ultron)
Saddest event I have witnessed in a phone game.
Money grubbing event that caters to those who have maxed 4star or 5 stars, or an arsenal of maxed 3 stars. The new or average player has no stake in this.
Please update your ratings in the app store accordingly. I would ask all of you high end players to keep speaking up for the little guys like myself who don't normally come to these forums.
It's sad that I call myself a little guy even though I have spent more than 300$ on this game. Only got 2 maxed 3 stars.0 -
As a fan of logic and solving puzzles, hence why I play MPQ, if you look at the response and delay in response, here's a logical conclusion that can be drawn.
The amount of time where there was no communication at all, was so that everyone could vent their frustrations and angers and point out the flaws that they've noticed during the actual gameplay. This allows the results to be collected, and an explanation concocted that would produce these results that we've seen. An incompetent plan has been executed successfully, as opposed to a competent plan hasn't panned out as well as intended. I'd rather have an admission of the latter.
We've seen plenty of times in the past, events roll out, multiple problems arise, dead silence, then an explanation that perfectly explains everything that happened. I think it shows a trend of Demiurge/D3 Go! being reactionary, and definitely trying to save face. They'd rather think they know what they're doing than admitting there are variables that are likely out of their control (underestimating player participation, bugs not found in testing [yes, I believe they test], etc.) that they can acknowledge, then adjust accordingly that would provide a better user experience. Instead, they'd rather provide a bad user experience get piled on by frustrations that are not acknowledged, then deliver an explanation that makes the situation worse, but since it went according to their expectations, they are ok with it.
A lot of the points in his original post have been addressed by others, probably better than I could have, so no need to repeat them. One I haven't seen addressed in the way I'd want to isIceIX wrote:Long story short, you all are doing really well against Galactus. Yes, the gameplay is different. I'm sure most of you aren't used to going into a battle with the idea that you may well lose. But given that you're still pulling out wins with pretty strong regularity, I don't see any reason this wouldn't continue into Rounds 7 and 8, and on to Cyclops awesomeness.
You seem to be judging the race to the finish line on performance, so far. You can't judge a race on how it's started. You can only judge it based on how it's finished. Our scores are pretty high because we've been able to complete the earlier rounds, which are a lot easier, after multiple server outages and requests to Check Internet Connection. The amount needed to finish Round 6 is ~83% of what is required to finish Rounds 1-5. The amount to finish Round 7 is 66% of what is required Rounds 1-6. The ramp up in difficulty is a huge reason that success in Rounds 1-5 will not continue into Rounds 6, 7 and 8. Rosters that can handle Rounds 1-5 might not have the same success in Rounds 6-8. Off season PVPs where the scores won't affect a season score, overlapping with the earlier Rounds will also account for more resources (time/effort/healthpacks, etc) being able to be allocated to Galactus Hungers meaning greater chance of success in the earlier rounds. Black Vortex has started and will end / overlap with the later Rounds of Galactus Hungers, meaning the same resources need to be split between more events.
Lower difficulty and overlapping events are 2 reasons that I could easily think of that could cause us to not pull out wins with pretty strong regularity and continue on into Rounds 7 and 8. There are plenty more, but I've got more posts to dig through and more topics to post.0 -
I bought a Stark at the beginning of the anniversary after hearing about last year, but will be requesting a refund. I agree with what someone said above: I sat down with a cup of coffee, and told the wife that reading the forums was more entertaining than Galactus. I am sure the event was only tested in round 1 when it was entirely fine.
Epic rewards for downing him...40 iso!!! Meanwhile, the 500 and 1000 iso, tokens, and crit boost (!!!) remain.
We are on round 7. I have 350k points or so. That legendary token won't happen. I might not even earn that epic 3* torch! You guys just slapped the user base so hard. I continue for the alliance, but honestly considering uninstalling before anniversary is even over.
And that ninja/Gorgon node? I got to Gorgon and said, fine, take this Widow Sting TU! And...nothing. It didn't work on him. And fully filled with red ap Gorgon went to town.0 -
Hello! I'm proud to say that my alliance is among those few who are doing better than expected. We're busting our collective ****. Guess what? It's not fun. Whether or not it's functioning as designed really doesn't matter. We're playing because we're in it together and for better and worse, the structure requires us all to work for it. But the fun we're having is in spite of the event, not because of it. The fun comes from all 20 of us moaning about how **** it is to be done on turn 3, or getting 40 Iso after being lucky enough to win, or how we would fix the event, or even how much more fun Ultron was! Is that functioning as planned?
I'm going to repeat a lot of what's already been said. I want to be clear about my stance because while I'm not angry like many, I am very deeply disappointed.
I think the core principle of Galactus is sound. Hell, I even think the whole "you're supposed to lose" idea is not bad in principle. The big thing is that without winning, there isn't even a sense that any progression is being made at all. The overwhelming majority of posts here tell the same story: Win on turn 3 or die. That isn't fun. 2k of match damage is laughable progress toward a goal of over a million. There are plenty of ideas abound how to retain the feel of a near-futile struggle against a celestial nemesis that allows us to actually play the game. As it stands, you're not even playing most of the time. You can often just look at the starting board and see 3 characters dead. Even with a favorable board, it takes so little to go wrong to make it a wipe. Moreover, even though my alliance is winning more often than not, I have not heard once among all 20 of us (and many more counting the other 3 groups in our meta-alliance) that it was due to anything more than sheer luck.
Ultron was a vastly more enjoyable event for the simple reason that your victory was not so completely contingent on simply how the board fell. Stories abound about pulling a last-ditch victory, a clutch power with a sliver of health to spare, or losing out to that one stupid bomb. All are good things to have. Galactus offers that so rarely it hardly bears mentioning. Most matches, you win or you die in three turns. This is bad.0 -
Worst part of this completely horrible anniversary and event?
A really good guy, who probably, no, certainly, thinks this sucks as much as the rest of us, having to come up with a spin to defend this - as always - horribly communicated and terribly designed event and anniversary.
Sorry Ice, I wish it wasn't always you who has to step up to the plate to take one for the team.
I can only imagine how much you just want to say "THIS SUCKS", but your job requires you to spin this.
Sometimes you only hate your job, sometimes there's Galactus.0 -
Agree with you Bow
Ive said many times ICEx's post is full of lies and face saving horsekitty
but I will reiterate it has nothing to do with him as a person, they sent someone out to get whipped and he did.
Though I will not thank you for coming and commenting. I hate this company now, wish the game would go to someone who knew what they were doing.0 -
Dauthi wrote:IceIX wrote:The "minion" fights against the villains are relatively simple.
I hope you are kidding. You have a node feeding Carnage red AP from Konrans that I (a seasoned veteran) just wiped on locking my chance to even fight Galactus. Unbelievable.
Mine decided to use the goon powers instead, so it was super easy. Yay for more randomly determined matches!0 -
For the past few months I've had a feeling about you guys. The feeling came really clear when you guys released the first five star, SS. And now I know what it is, with the release of this Anniversary "Fun" event: either you guys are incompetent or you guys are finally doing everything for money and **** the fun. The fact that the moveset clearly says 3 turn countdown but it manifests itself as a 2 turn tile leans toward the incompetent side, and when somebody brings it up to you in the first few pages of this thread, you misdirect and ask him if he wasn't just reading it wrong. I know Ultron is hard in the lore and all, but this is a video game where fun should be a priority. It's not fun when people have to resort to exploits and cheese the game just to find some combo that has even a halfway decent chance at Ultron. You can easily get overwhelmed by all the CDs that he keeps spawning and before you know it, he has 30 AP. This event needs a major overhaul, and I"m dreading having to do the same ol' thing for Red Hulk. I really want to quit, and the only thing holding me back is my obligation to my alliance. And for God's sake, why is it that we still have to put up with the 20 (40 Anniversary bonus!) iso ****?0
I just returned to this game after several months of absence... and I'm already beginning to wish that I hadn't.
From a transitional player 2-3* player, this is just crazy.
This wasn't a 'welcome back to MPQ!' moment; this was a 'RUN AWAY FROM MPQ FOREVER' moment.
Has MPQ finally become Alliance-mandatory?0 -
Thank you for curing me of my ridiculous obsession with MPQ
Goodnight and Goodluck0 -
This is not a battle when you are dead in 3 turns. Its just a waste of my time.0
I singed up to the forums just to add my 2 cents. This is my second major stint playing MPQ and this is by far the worst event I've ever seen. I've been thinking hard about what is is frustrating and just wanted to share/vent a few thoughts.
I'm in a casual alliance full of friends that mostly play very casually. A friend and I play more competitively, and that's fine, we have fun. We can set our own goals, and usually achieve that. If we want progression awards in pve, we can set ourselves to do a whole event. This event however is completely disheartening. But what's worse is that by trying to obtain the progression awards ourselves, we've effectively locked the rest of our alliance out from the event. It just seems like madness, you've effectively ostricized both the whales and the casuals, so who is this event actually for?
I remember the first anniversary event, it was exciting. The tokens had excellent drop rates. It felt like a way for people in our alliance to actually make some progress, to catch up a little. Now the tokens just give out 250 iso, galactus drains all your healthpacks and the reward for all except the super top end seem to be non existent.
It feels almost like you're players are starving, and you've thrown them some stale crumbs. Let them eat cake, I guess.0 -
Bowgentle wrote:Worst part of this completely horrible anniversary and event?
A really good guy, who probably, no, certainly, thinks this sucks as much as the rest of us, having to come up with a spin to defend this - as always - horribly communicated and terribly designed event and anniversary.
Sorry Ice, I wish it wasn't always you who has to step up to the plate to take one for the team.
I can only imagine how much you just want to say "THIS SUCKS", but your job requires you to spin this.
Sometimes you only hate your job, sometimes there's Galactus.
I am with you and agree that IceIX is most certainly a nice guy and doesn't deserve to be slated as much as he is. However as impossible as his job is he chose his job. In reality it should be the community manager taking the flak and not a producer. Speaking of which where is the community manager these days?0 -
After both participating in and reading these threads it is safe to say two points,
1- pretty much every single player agrees this is not fun, at all
2- if people aren't quitting completely they are stopping spending money on the game
So, those points said, do you really really think it is even remotely sane to keep this clusterkitty of an event going?
If I was a Dev I'd compensate, admit I messed up big time and replace it with a highly reward heavy gauntlet to try to salvage the damage and hopefully win back some player trust.0 -
We are in Round 6 now and can only repeat so many things here are already said...
I was excited about anniversary galactus celebration and this turned into a complete negativ feeling. I really loved this hyper mess Ultron battles where every turn the board changed completely, even server outrage is acceptable, it has shown all planning doesnt often goes with reality, thats how people learn and evolve things!
Beatting nodes after hours of waiting to get wiped out in turn 3 is no fun to play, someone wrote give him 100k health but let me play more rounds to have fun, thats absolutly my imagination of fun too. Throw him everything in the face (or in his case against his big toe) you have and loose is acceptable, but doing some color matches and die without evem one power fired, no fun at all.
What the forum has to offer about ths event has only one name, shitstorm...
And thats unacceptable foe d3 staff or any other company i know, the players are very unhappy with ths 2 year celebration and now things must be changed to get in the right direction again, you never can make everyone happy, but making no one happy is very poor.
I'm a fan of the game and play for fun, at the moment no fun at all! Thx for making ths game and alot right but be also be open for the community critics about this!0 -
In what now stands as my single most amusing Galactus Hungers to Crush Your Spirit event highlight -
My alliance just crossed the Round 5 threshold...only to have Round 5 REFRESH AND START FROM THE BEGINNING AGAIN! (I knew where we were at but I did all the math just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind.)
Just call me Sisyphus. I'll be over here hanging with this rock minding my own business.0 -
El Satanno wrote:<snip>
I'm going to repeat a lot of what's already been said. I want to be clear about my stance because while I'm not angry like many, I am very deeply disappointed.
I think the core principle of Galactus is sound. Hell, I even think the whole "you're supposed to lose" idea is not bad in principle. The big thing is that without winning, there isn't even a sense that any progression is being made at all. The overwhelming majority of posts here tell the same story: Win on turn 3 or die. That isn't fun. 2k of match damage is laughable progress toward a goal of over a million. There are plenty of ideas abound how to retain the feel of a near-futile struggle against a celestial nemesis that allows us to actually play the game. As it stands, you're not even playing most of the time. You can often just look at the starting board and see 3 characters dead.
I'm not upset about the Anniversary rewards or winning or losing Cyclops. I'm just sad that the fun aspects of Galactus Hungers ended so quickly. All I want is for the Devs to know that there is a serious flaw in the enjoyment of "the Galactus puzzle" (Round 5+). I like the concept and I enjoyed the bits of Round 3 and 4 that I got to play. I see the improvements over Ultron.
But I'll repeat: Round 5 Galactus is not a puzzle, and therefore, unfun.0 -
I'm so broke I can barely even afford the ISO to buy boosts all the time. Sigh.0
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