On Galactus run 1 (Game feel vs Ultron)



  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    mouser wrote:
    omg, just saw Galactus round 8 stats, they've gone fully bonkers. Don't know whether to laugh or cry.

    - 4x 1 turn CD tiles
    - Each CD tile generates 5 cosmic tiles (and does 1,010 damage)
    - Galactus generates 5AP for each cosmic tile he eats
    - Health 32,320

    So Galactus first batch of CD tiles has the potential to generate 100AP.
    Everyone should just quit as soon as they hit round 8. That right there is TinyKitty.
  • Yep, even by original standards with starlord dance off, elektra dodging the planet, and the lower ap totals, round 8 would have been near impossible to down Galactus.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    Monday Morning Announcement

    IceIX: Hello everyone. While we understand that most of you are frustrated with Galactus, believe it or not, everyone did much better than expected. However, what we did expect was high sales, which turned out to be far less than we forecasted. We predicted much more HP, Healthpacks, Boosts, and ISO would be sold. We're not sure what happened there but unfortunately we had planned to use that revenue to develop new PVE storylines and gameplay.

    With that said, we're going to release 6* Apocalypse ahead of schedule to help boost sales. The only way you can obtain this character is if you trade in 10 Legendary Tokens for a "Days of Future" token that will give you a 1% chance to add him to your roster!! You may have noticed the token name, yes we originally planned to have a 'Days of the Future Past' PVE, but it is now cancelled. Don't worry we'll revisit the idea in a year or so.

    Anyways happy gaming! Enjoy this Anniversary and don't forget to bring your own cake!
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    We're already 15 pages in but I thought I'd throw my drop into the bucket.

    "You're supposed to lose."
    Simply put: this leads to an experience that isn't fun. What's right, wrong, challenging, not challenging, etc., etc. - all that aside: at the end of the day, it just isn't fun.

    "So everyone's doing pretty darned well in terms of progression."
    No. The top alliances are doing well, which is the only group you tune for. The rest of us are at the back of the bus, as usual. Dying over and over.

    "But given that you're still pulling out wins with pretty strong regularity, I don't see any reason this wouldn't continue into Rounds 7 and 8, and on to Cyclops awesomeness."
    Again, you're talking about the top 1% of players. But then again, you ONLY ever talk about them.

    "The rewards are 3 4* covers, quite a few tokens through both progressions and nodes, and various other smaller rewards. It's pretty on for a boss battle in comparison to prior rewards, plus the Legendary token which wasn't there before."
    No, the rewards are nada and zip. The top 1% will get some 4*s, the rest will get nothing. Reduced odds for anniversary tokens was probably the biggest disappointment for the whole thing. You give out WAY, WAY fewer tokens AND they have worse odds? Ouch. So far my rewards for this whole event are ~8 tokens => 250 ISO each. Not exactly "Legendary."
  • Just to add my two cents in as well, I am just about to hit day 365, Happy anniversary to me. I consider myself to have a decent roster, but this event sucks. I'm seriously only playing now because of my alliance. This is quite possibly the worst idea in ANY online game ever. Getting my entire team wiped out in 30 seconds or less is not fun in any way, shape or form. I don't expect to win every time, it should be hard. But I should at least have a chance to do more than 2k damage and have my whole team wiped out. I had every intention of spending money this event to support the game, now there is absolutely no way because I think that is exactly what this was designed for and I refuse.

    Devs definitely need to get on the ball and fix this. 30 second matches are NOT fun, us vets don't mind losing, what we mind is there being absolutely no skill involved and just praying that you get a good board drop.
  • spatenfloot
    spatenfloot Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    I think people would be much happier if immediately after entering the match it gave you a "defeated" message, 5000 points to progression, and 500 iso.
  • Eppy35
    Eppy35 Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    waittrina wrote:
    Just to add my two cents in as well, I am just about to hit day 365, Happy anniversary to me. I consider myself to have a decent roster, but this event sucks. I'm seriously only playing now because of my alliance. This is quite possibly the worst idea in ANY online game ever. Getting my entire team wiped out in 30 seconds or less is not fun in any way, shape or form. I don't expect to win every time, it should be hard. But I should at least have a chance to do more than 2k damage and have my whole team wiped out. I had every intention of spending money this event to support the game, now there is absolutely no way because I think that is exactly what this was designed for and I refuse.

    Devs definitely need to get on the ball and fix this. 30 second matches are NOT fun, us vets don't mind losing, what we mind is there being absolutely no skill involved and just praying that you get a good board drop.

    Yep, I bet there are a lot of people like you. I am one of them. The only reason I am playing at all is because I don't want to screw my alliance over. I will steer clear of anyone associated with this company when deciding how to celebrate any milestone in my life, I would like people to enjoy themselves.

    I am pretty sure this event did the exact opposite of what they wanted. I fully planned to buy some HP on this event but I don't think they will ever get any money out of me again. I am highly considering just waiting till the console version comes out and grit my teeth while I give them $15 and be done with them.

    I wonder how many people like me have posted to the forums for the first time ever just to let them know what a colossal screw up this event was.
  • Coik
    Coik Posts: 19
    So. Woke up this morning, did my runs at Galactus from the overnight refresh. All three teams the same: GSBW, XForce, Witch, boosted with +2all, +2black/green, +2blue/purple.

    1st try: 15k . Respectable, considering we were at the end of Round 5 and he had around 20k health each fight.

    2nd try: 11K. Okay, not bad.

    3rd try: 791.


    I didn't forget a digit. Seven hundred, ninety-one damage.

    What. The. Tinykitty.
    Azoic wrote:
    I bought a Stark...
    El Satanno wrote:
    Most matches, you win or you die in three turns.


    No...no, it couldn't be.


    OH **** RUN

    (Sorry for the hack job)
  • Monday Morning Announcement

    IceIX: Hello everyone. While we understand that most of you are frustrated with Galactus, believe it or not, everyone did much better than expected. However, we received less sales than we expected. We had predicted much more HP, Healthpacks, Boosts, and ISO would be sold. We're not sure what happened there but unfortunately we had planned to use that revenue to develop new PVE storylines and gameplay. With that said, we're going to release 6* Apocalypse ahead of schedule to help boost sales. The only way you can obtain this character is if you trade in 10 Legendary Tokens for a "Days of Future" token that will give you a 1% chance to add him to your roster!! You may have noticed the token name, yes we originally planned to have a 'Days of the Future' PVE, it's cancelled now. We'll revisit it in a year or so. Anyways happy gaming! Enjoy this Anniversary and don't forget to bring your own cake!

    Sadly? We'd still have people in the forum telling us it was all our fault because we "wanted everything for free," or "didn't spend enough money."

    Some days I wonder if we've actually got paid spokespeople posting as "regular" folks.

    While I'm at it, everyone make sure to thank a whale today. They continue to be the driving force behind what the poorer folks end up with for a "game."

  • Monday Morning Announcement

    IceIX: Hello everyone. While we understand that most of you are frustrated with Galactus, believe it or not, everyone did much better than expected. However, what we did expect was high sales, which turned out to be far less than we forecasted. We predicted much more HP, Healthpacks, Boosts, and ISO would be sold. We're not sure what happened there but unfortunately we had planned to use that revenue to develop new PVE storylines and gameplay.

    What happened is we're not paying money when we're still going to lose and not receive any good prizes. Cyclops is looking out of reach no matter how much I pay and those Galactus tokens aren't real rewarding when I even get one instead of a boost.
  • Unknown
    edited October 2015
    The beatings will continue until morale improves.

    Happy Anniversary!
  • CFacto
    CFacto Posts: 74 Match Maker
    I find it reassuring that even the 'whales' can't take this event; I thought at first it was just because I only have a 3* team, from playing (casually) for almost the full two years on and off.

    Funnily enough the final straw was the feeder events suddenly scaling out of all control. Carnage can fire his scythes attack every turn due to the old feeder goons trick? **** off.
  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    This post made me wish for the downvote button again....
  • hesjingixen
    hesjingixen Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    IceIX wrote:

    The "minion" fights against the villains are relatively simple. They're there as minor hazards but relatively easily winnable.

    Ya know, I believed this when the event started. However, I've just wiped multiple times to the most ridiculous "minion" fight possible. It starts with round 1 of 5 Thugs, 2 Hitmen, and 1 Muscle that (after the lovely fix from the devs) are scaled into infinity. Then, when I finally managed to break my way through that, what's waiting for me? Oh that's right, Hood, Kingpin, and Bullseye, also scaled into infinity. Yesterday I managed to BARELY squeak out a win (on my second try) vs. 7 Teiatsu followed by a level 300+ Gorgon.

    How are those minor? How are those easily winnable? Again, if the scaling had been "broken" like when the event started, I'd believe what you said (health packs are for Galactus). Given the "fixed" scaling.....I can't possibly believe anything you say.
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2015
    The event is an absolute disaster.

    The rewards are garbage. No one, absolutely no one, will get the legendary token. The event tokens are horrible. I've opened around 16 and ALL were 2*

    We're likely to compete r7, and for what? A Cyclops that's basically the same as the one we already have. Very original thinking d3. Instead of new characters, we'll create yet another revamp.

    Did we expect a hard fight? Yes. Did we expect an impossible event? Absolutely not. Did we look forward to having fun for the anniversary? Foolishly yes. Are we? Absolutely not.

    This event was an absolute atrocity and instead of trying to correct it, instead of trying to please the players who pay your checks, you come out with some garbage post about it's working as intended?

    So, you intended to anger and alienate your consumer base? Well done d3. Well done. Just one time I'd like to see you guys say, you know what? We made a mistake.

    That would mean so much more than the garbage token we'll get as compensation that will give us our daily moonstone.

    Absolutely disgusting and horrible business practice.
  • hesjingixen
    hesjingixen Posts: 215 Tile Toppler

    Ya know, I believed this when the event started. However, I've just wiped multiple times to the most ridiculous "minion" fight possible. It starts with round 1 of 5 Thugs, 2 Hitmen, and 1 Muscle that (after the lovely fix from the devs) are scaled into infinity. Then, when I finally managed to break my way through that, what's waiting for me? Oh that's right, Hood, Kingpin, and Bullseye, also scaled into infinity. Yesterday I managed to BARELY squeak out a win (on my second try) vs. 7 Teiatsu followed by a level 300+ Gorgon.

    How are those minor? How are those easily winnable? Again, if the scaling had been "broken" like when the event started, I'd believe what you said (health packs are for Galactus). Given the "fixed" scaling.....I can't possibly believe anything you say.

    Just wiped 2 more times to some of the "easily winnable" Galactus minion fights. I'm done. This is event is over for me.
  • We all need a little bit fun, hm? icon_e_biggrin.gif

  • greengiant33
    greengiant33 Posts: 24
    edited October 2015
    I would like to hear the double talk spin in regards to the minion fights were rough in Ultron but easy in Galactus. Yeah that is no more. Now that we all have to use our health packs on Galactus and the minions because someone decided lets make the game even less fun. We will take back one of the positive spins we feed "you the gamers" by tossing scaled minions. Take that gamers. You are complaining so here let me give you more beatings. I know we lost several players after they nerfed lady thor and xforce. Many people I am talking to are going to be leaving after this 1st Galactus fight so they do not leave fellow alliance mates empty handed. Devs need to act very fast or the exodus from this game will be high because of the issues before this anniversary and now during this hyped event that has high percentages on 2*. Last anniversary a new 4* was a rare thing. We had either 3 or 4 actual four stars so devil dino was a welcomed reward with high probability of getting him. Now 4* are less rare in the game so getting one should have higher percentages during this anniversary. There should be a new 5* that is equally as bad as devil dino was compared to all other 4* at the time of the 1st year anniversary. We all thought devil dino was only cool because he was new and would have high hit points. Overall his abilities were not that great compared to several 3* at that time.

    On day 693
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Every 8 hours, I'm spending about 1 hour playing this event to die over and over again, over the course of four days. About 10-12 hours of gaming total. For a single 4* cover.

    "Oh! But you're getting tokens and other rewards!" <-- 2* covers and 40iso are not rewards.

    In contrast, I can spend about 2 hours in one PvP match to get the 1000pt 4* cover. In the time and effort I spend to get a single Cyclops cover, the same amount of effort can get me 6 other 4* covers.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    Adding my voice to the chorus: this event was poorly designed if the goal is to create a fun experience for the most users.

    If there was another goal, I'm interested to hear about it and how well it achieved that goal.


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