On Galactus run 1 (Game feel vs Ultron)



  • Unknown
    edited October 2015
    Arphaxad wrote:
    My alliance is a top 100 PvE alliance, that can get top 50 from time to time. We have players that rank top 100 in PvP. We are an above average alliance, not quit elite, but better than most.

    30 hours to go and we still have 1 million health on stage 6. All 20 players are playing every open node we get. I do not see how any alliance outside the top 10 will clear 8 stages.

    Frankly, the experience is so poor most of us are talking about not even playing stage 7 when we eventually clear 6.

    I hope the devs realize what a fail this has been. It was a great idea, just very poorly executed.

    This perfectly sums up the problem with the entire design of this event, and exemplifies how off-base Ice's comments were. It seems that they have designed an ANNIVERSARY event aimed at presenting a challenge for the top handful (10?) alliances, at the expense of alienating the vast majority of their player base. It's truly incredible.

    I don't belong to a top 100 alliance and don't have a desire to; this is because I cannot commit to that degree due to my work schedule. You know what? I'm fine with this. I feel perfectly fine with continuing to slowly build my roster via DDQ and those events that I can participate/place well in.

    It stings, though, to face an event like this and know that you have no chance of attaining ANY worthwhile rewards (I guess unless you get ultra-lucky and pull a 4* cyclops from one of those terrible anniversary tokens) simply because you are not in the top handful of alliances.

    I don't want handouts. I don't want things to be dumbed down or made so accessible that those "hardcore" players have no incentive to separate themselves from the pack. I just want a challenge that does not rely on pure luck, with suitable, actually attainable rewards for completion.

    Using the progress of the top 1-2 alliances as justification that the "difficulty" of an event is set properly is inane.

    Edit: just wanted to say that I'm on day 360; neither a newbie nor a veteran. I've been patient and have slowly built up my roster to have 9 fully leveled 3*'s. I have no idea what the composition of the player base is like, but I suspect that I'm probably representative of the average player.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    dokiy wrote:
    I'll pop in as well. Playing just about a year. My alliance is into round 7, so we got a Cyclops cover. Yay for us. That's about all we are happy with. The in-game chat is all negative. Ultimately Galactus battles are BORING. After going 0-6 and running out of health packs I"m suppose to go play PVP? Hahaha, yeah no. I have no characters left!

    doesn't even matter the pvp is messed up to, points not counting, matches resetting, the list goes on....really screwed the pooch d3, happy anniversary indeed...very strange I was under the impression anniversaries were a joyous time to be celebrated and remembered like if this game is still around next year, "hey you remember how awesome last years anniversary was?" unfortunately it will be the complete opposite "$h!t looks like they announced the anniversary event, enjoy some time off" "oh yeah cool looks like I will have some extra money since I will not be spending any on the game"

    would also like to add that there are almost 20 pages in this thread already ( at the time of this writing) that has to be some kind of record or something, right? Too bad 99% of the posts are negative.... icon_e_sad.gif
  • xdogg
    xdogg Posts: 335 Mover and Shaker
    "It seems like a lot of people are on a basic disconnect here, You're supposed to lose" Those are some great lines, I'm going to remember them.Did you by any chance happen to work for a casino?
  • There is a huge difference between a Herculean and a Sisyphean task. With the right amount of time, toil, and exertion, there is a chance of completing the Herculean task. The normal PVE legendary token level is like this; it takes a lot of time and work, but it's ultimately attainable.

    A Sisyphean task is at its heart undoable. No matter how hard you try or how close you get that rock up the hill, you will never succeed. This is what Galactus feels like. Even if we eek out a few wins against Galactus, there's no way 1.25 million is attainable.

    I really like this game. I doubt I will quit any time soon. My alliance (routinely top 100 and often top 50) is on level 7 and it looks like 8 won't be an issue. That said, many in alliance are now threatening to leave permanently and that makes me really sad. Success does not equate with satisfaction. To be honest, the only way any of us are getting any points is by using the force-quit loophole. No one in our alliance thinks this is fun and using the exploit just feels wrong.

    Happy anniversary! Can you sign these divorce papers? icon_e_confused.gif
  • 100% of my top 20 PVE Alliance hates this with a passion.

    The last hour I spent reading the previous 9 pages of criticism was more enjoyable than playing the Galactus event.

    To be clear, reading the forums is more fun than playing the game.

    Weird, this is just what I'm doing now... Wonder what Ice thinks about that?

    It really is a simple fix for all of these complaints to just increase his health to the total round health, however many million HP's that is, and have him only absorb one AP at a time per cosmic tile. This preserves the cosmic scale of fighting Galactus, while still showing that your alliance if heroes, while constantly dying, is slowly whittling down the overall health of Galactus.

    Players get multiple more turns to do as much damage as they can before Galactus swats the fly's away. We don't 'down' the boss until the end of the round, at which point it truly feels like the alliance has contributed to something big. (Hopefully the rewards can change to reflect this)
  • Wow.
    I have never seen something as poorly designed as this event in any mmo game. It's so luck based you could just replace it with a lottery that may award you points or kill you 3 random characters.

    It is like you tried as hard as you could to make Galactus the least funny, the most frustrating experience for a player.
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    Realized I haven't seen it said much, but when your best strategy is to wipe your roster to goon fights to get max points, there's a flaw in the event.
  • Philly79 wrote:
    would also like to add that there are almost 20 pages in this thread already ( at the time of this writing) that has to be some kind of record or something, right?...
    Uh, what happens if the forum server has an outage from high traffic? Do we get forum tokens as compensation? icon_e_smile.gif
  • Lboogie
    Lboogie Posts: 55
    Spoiler alert....but did everyone enjoy the 202-232 human torch wave node consisting of yelena venom and juggs followed by bullseye daken and moonstone. What do i get for this a std token and the opportunity to wipe to G again...and still the galactus hunger token sits and waits. This event...i cant say anything that hasn't been said time and time again in this 20 page forum. Not fun at all. Maybe simulator will be better than this again...and i despise simulator. Please devs you know what you have to do...please make this up to us....PLEASE!!!
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX, is this working as intended? I had 18 victories in R7 and only collected 4/8 rewards, FOURTEEN x 40 iso8.png
  • DaVidCi
    DaVidCi Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    First of all, I don't want my post to be just another angry rant. So I'm just going to give my two cents worth and possible tweaks to the gameplay mechanics.

    Personally I feel that this event is pretty badly designed for a gameplay experience where you want the players to feel like they are going up against a nigh invincible cosmic entity. The fact that luck plays a greater role in winning than strategy (Marvel Luck Quest?) defies the fundamental concept of a game where you have to strategize and plan your roster to take down different combination of goons and AIs. Am I having fun? No. Am I aiming for top progression? Yes. Is it possible given the current conditions? No. Will I switch to other games? Used to be no but it's a distinct possibility if dev continues to be disconnected with what gamers want, a satisfying and rewarding gameplay.

    I came into this event expecting an epic boss showdown but ended up grinding losing battles. That said, the dev could consider tweaking the gameplay for the second run of this event if any. The fundamental concepts can still apply (i.e. AP generation but at 1AP per cosmic tile). However, let galactus have uber high HP and gamers' objective is to deal as much damage as possible before galactus finds us annoying and swat us out of his almighty sight with his" cosmic swat" icon_lol.gif where we live to fight another day (or just clear essential nodes to fight him again). Points gained will be proportional to damaged dealt and contribute to the overall alliance progression.
  • Viking Tacos
    Viking Tacos Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    So I posted about my son's disappointment over galactus back on page six of the thread. I appreciate all of the positive responses I've received, never really expected that. I was just venting my feelings.

    I have to tell everyone what my son said to me today. "Pop, you know galactus is kind of like the fantastic four movie. You expect it to be cool and then it is just a dumb mess."

    I love my kid.
  • Our alliance just beat round 8 and we all agree that this was not a good time at all.
  • I'm going to post this on another topic, but I figured out how to have way more success than failure against Galactus.

    Hulk, PX, and Jugs. I'm in round 8, and it's working really well for me. My Hulk is 150, my PX is 170, and my Jugs is only 15.

    I am not having success with any other combo.

    Still a terrible event, but I believe it's consistently beatable with this combo.
  • Lboogie wrote:
    Spoiler alert....but did everyone enjoy the 202-232 human torch wave node consisting of yelena venom and juggs followed by bullseye daken and moonstone. What do i get for this a std token and the opportunity to wipe to G again...and still the galactus hunger token sits and waits. This event...i cant say anything that hasn't been said time and time again in this 20 page forum. Not fun at all. Maybe simulator will be better than this again...and i despise simulator. Please devs you know what you have to do...please make this up to us....PLEASE!!!

    Actually, to be honest, I DID enjoy that node. Was it stupid hard? Yes. But it was hard in a way that actually allowed for strategy, unlike Galactus. That node was one of the very, very few things in this event that I've enjoyed. (The other thing being that we can choose which version of Wolverine to use for his essential node. That was cool.) Other than those two things, though, this has been the worst. And personally, I'm grateful to get standard tokens because they seem to have better odds of getting 3* than the Galactus Hungers and/or Anniversary tokens. I totally agree with the guys saying that at this point reading the forums is significantly more fun than playing.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    So I posted about my son's disappointment over galactus back on page six of the thread. I appreciate all of the positive responses I've received, never really expected that. I was just venting my feelings.

    I have to tell everyone what my son said to me today. "Pop, you know galactus is kind of like the fantastic four movie. You expect it to be cool and then it is just a dumb mess."

    I love my kid.

    from the mouths of babes but yet this company cannot see...burned by a child, ouch
  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    If Galactus was designed according to lore, why does he have 15k HP less than a max Silver Surfer?
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    I was the lucky member of my alliance to lose to big G to push us into Round 7. Then he just sat there at zero health for a couple minutes before it finally kicked us to Round 7.

    I was so happy to get the Cyc cover so I could stop since I also reached the HUGE 25 HP progression award at 350K on the fight. I don't feel like trying to lose to him to grind another 100K just to pull a 2* from the $@#@ token.

    I would have quit this event long before this if it wasn't for my alliance members that weren't ready to give up.

    I love how we are celebrating the game by not being able to play the game. I've played so little of the game since these events started its laughable. I'm just so glad I didn't drop the $$$$ I was planning to on HP.
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    Lboogie wrote:
    Spoiler alert....but did everyone enjoy the 202-232 human torch wave node consisting of yelena venom and juggs followed by bullseye daken and moonstone. What do i get for this a std token and the opportunity to wipe to G again...and still the galactus hunger token sits and waits. This event...i cant say anything that hasn't been said time and time again in this 20 page forum. Not fun at all. Maybe simulator will be better than this again...and i despise simulator. Please devs you know what you have to do...please make this up to us....PLEASE!!!

    I just beat that node with Patch 153, IF (low, only 104 but with 5 black), Torch 127. Torch's green single handedly wiped the entire team, both of them. They killed my IF early but left his tile in the lower corner, then Patch got taken out later, and it was just Torch vs Venom and then the next team. With Torch's green doing 3000 a turn, it's not so bad!
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Magisse wrote:
    Philly79 wrote:
    would also like to add that there are almost 20 pages in this thread already ( at the time of this writing) that has to be some kind of record or something, right?...
    Uh, what happens if the forum server has an outage from high traffic? Do we get forum tokens as compensation? icon_e_smile.gif
    Yes, but 74% of the posts in the tokens are 2* theories about how the random drops aren't actually random.