On Galactus run 1 (Game feel vs Ultron)



  • To sum up this event: Broken... Utterly broken. Top to bottom.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    One additional comment:
    IceIX wrote:
    Overall, most of the higher end Alliances are in Round 6 or knocking on the door to Round 7. Which is actually slightly faster than we were expecting people to get just based on the math.
    I'm curious about the math. With my best team (OBW + HT + X-Force; all AP boosts) in Round 5, I've got a 40% loss rate due to the inability to match one or more CD tiles on turn 2. But, if I can match one or more of them, then I have a 40% chance to "beat" Galactus and another 20% for a near win. In other words, nearly half my of my plays are futile --- and its obvious by turn 2. Otherwise, I'm doing pretty well. (There are some strategies I've learned about turn 1 that help; but again, that's one single turn to solve the puzzle! It's crazy!)

    So, I wonder... is the math premised on the cold hard reality that 40% of the time the initial board is unsolvable. If so, that's the flaw in the Event. If that's a mistake, or misguided in some way, then I hope that Galactus Hungers will be improved upon when we see it again in a few months.

    However, if the reward targets for rare prizes (% players earning 4* covers) force you to intentionally design puzzles like this, then I'm afraid you're never going to create fun puzzles --- addictive tasks: maybe.

    I still think this is a fun game on the whole. I don't want to see it become one big slot machine (it has enough of that already).
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    Well, let me start off by sincerely congratulating all the top-tier alliances that have played in this event. I don't know who they are and I am not particularly interested in finding out. Just, congrats!

    Now, on to my rant. I have been reading comics for the better part of 45 years and am fully aware that Galactus is supreme and not to be beaten easily. That being said, I can't help but feel deeply disappointed, and I mean bottom-of-the-Marianas-Trench disappointed, in this Anniversary event. When I go up against Galactus with my top team and come out with only doing 900 points of damage - 900 POINTS!!!!!, then the only reason to keep playing is to not let my alliance mates down by just walking away. I have been playing since just after the last anniversary, so about a year now and have managed to put together a pretty good roster. I was so looking forward to this anniversary event!! Really! However I liken this event to knowing that an anniversary is coming and there is going to be a great gift (in the form of Anniversary tokens). Anticipation grows with each day until it is THE DAY! I'm giddy with delight! The doorbell rings and I know it is the mailman, or FTD guy, or UPS delivering my Anniversary gift only to open the door to a Galactus-sized bag of flaming dog poop that has been soaked in gasoline and lit with a flamethrower.
  • I fail to see where there is any fun at all at generally dying in 3 turns. There is no fun in that at all and if this is how you intended for us to enjoy your celebration then without splurging out a load of expletives like id like to, you need to have a rethink!
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    This isnt a puzzle. It is instadeath. The only way to win is to cheat by force closing the app until you have a perfect board, and even then you need broken combos, almost all centering around sw.

    The devs need kicked in the shins. If not drastically modified for r2, I know my ipad is going to have some more free space.
  • This event proves the developers are all sadists who hate their customers and we're all masochists for putting up with it. If this anniversary week is supposed to be a celebration, why does it feel more like punishment? Why is the difficulty so extreme as toremove any fun whatsoever?

    On anniversary tokens I have gotten nothing but 2 star.png ****. My alliance has become so disenfranchised with Galactus, many have given up. So I ask the question is this what you intended? What do you have to say for yourself? I wish my brothers never told me about this heartbreakingly painful game.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dammit Azoic, now that'll get patched. Delete your post.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Everyone else has said my negative points pretty well. In short, it is not very fun. And unlike other people who spent money in the sale beforehand, this and the token quality prevented me from spending the $50-100 I was allotting. I know there is a tendency for things to be overblown on the forums, but I really hope that players are having solid conversations at NYCC about this (though I am afraid it would mostly be to on-site marketing and not the people who really need to hear it).

    That out of the way, let me state one positive. I didn't realize until yesterday that the Cosmic Tile overlay is supposed to represent "Kirby Dots" and that is pretty cool.
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    If there are no changes planned let us all just boycott round 2, or even the game altogether. Even as recent as yesterday I was still considering breaking my close to 2 years of abstinence on spending in this game, when I accounted my losses at rounds 4 and 5 to bad strokes of luck, but round 6 onwards was just a huge slap on both sides of our faces. This isn't' Marvel PUZZLE Quest anymore, this is Marvel SUICIDE Quest. Which game sends their characters to die over and over and over again, ON PURPOSE? And they tell us we are supposed to lose? In other games, guaranteed death matches are one-time events, where the story progresses after the character dies. How is this guaranteed-death match a one-time event? We're sending our guys out to their deaths again and again so often it's starting to make us look sadistic.

    From reactions in my alliance we could be boycotting round 2, and I don't blame them. We started out excited, all promising to do our best for that cover, and 2 days later I see complete exasperation in every single one of them.

    You were this close to earning my money D3, and you blew it. Then again, I guess one person doesn't make a difference to their bank accounts anyway, they've earned enough from all the whales feeding them the past 2 years. So much for the celebrations, I was looking forward to the anniversary so much after the fun I had last year.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm drinking tonight!! I just went 6 for 6 in round 7 with HT, Xforce, IF. My Xforce is at level 209. I could take him higher but the seizure inducing flashes going level by level is too much for me. If I can do this in round 8 I'm going to Vegas!
    My boosts are 2 of every color, and I do not use the boost to all colors.

    Galactus needs a good board, with cascades to have a chance. I have lost on 3 turns and won in 3 turns. This event has 0 room for error, and you need major luck, and the fact that in round 7 Galactus is saying trivial is a joke. The nodes around Galactus are no longer a cake walk.
    Good luck everyone
    May the board be ever in your favor!
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh, visually the Galactus fight is great! Kirby-dot cosmic tiles, his trademark GIANT HAND forced perspective, and the animation for his kill shot is straight out of "If This Be Doomsday!" If only it weren't actively unpleasant to play.
  • ocarina59
    ocarina59 Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Why put such a hard character to fight, to discourage players to take as much as possible on their credit card? I think you abused a lot and I'm not the only one to think so. Some even think to remove the game. icon_evil.gif
  • Unknown
    edited October 2015
    Marvel Puzzle Quest?
    Marvel - yes
    Puzzle - hell, yes. Puzzling how Galactus and Anniversary is so cack.
    Quest - yep, quest-ioning how Galactus and Anniversary is so cack.
    (See what I did there?)

    Same sentiment as everyone else - it's not fun. Happy Anniversary!

    But from a constructive viewpoint - I think just re-running the Ultron event but literally just with Galactus skin would be preferable by a zillion percent! Or forget the re-skin actually! If they just acknowledged they screwed up and did something like this, it would go a long way into alleviating the negative feelings across the board!
  • "Overall, most of the higher end Alliances are in Round 6 or knocking on the door to Round 7"

    THIS is the problem right here. the vast majority of the players in this game ARE NOT in a higher end alliance, but you are tuning the game based on them and their roster strength.

    seriously look at these progressions. if only the higher end alliances can achieve them, make a game just for them and then make one for the other 98% of the player base. otherwise you can stuff this game.
  • LHammer
    LHammer Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    Just a brief conceptual observation, then I'll be on my way again.

    Everyone gets excited for a new event because they want to DO something. Even people who aren't in a hardcore alliance and know that they will not be competing for the top tier awards still look forward to DOING the event.

    In the case of the Galactus event, what is it you're supposed to DO?

    Die. Horribly. Over and over and over.

    The absolute elite alliances are probably willing to DO this 24/7 for a chance at Classic Cyclops. The vast majority of the player base is being asked to DO this for three to four under-powered heroic tokens.

    Does this sound like what anyone wanted to DO in a new event?
  • HossDrone
    HossDrone Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
    "Since killbots have a kill limit the solution was clear. I simply sent wave after of wave of men at them until they reached the kill limit and shut down"

    - Captain Zap Icelx

    Thank god we are all dead and won't have to mourn each other.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    omg, just saw Galactus round 8 stats, they've gone fully bonkers. Don't know whether to laugh or cry.

    - 4x 1 turn CD tiles
    - Each CD tile generates 5 cosmic tiles (and does 1,010 damage)
    - Galactus generates 5AP for each cosmic tile he eats
    - Health 32,320

    So Galactus first batch of CD tiles has the potential to generate 100AP.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    mouser wrote:
    omg, just saw Galactus round 8 stats, they've gone fully bonkers. Don't know whether to laugh or cry.

    - 4x 1 turn CD tiles
    - Each CD tile generates 5 cosmic tiles (and does 1,010 damage)
    - Galactus generates 5AP for each cosmic tile he eats
    - Health 32,320

    So Galactus first batch of CD tiles has the potential to generate 100AP.
    Sounds FUN!

    Please enjoy the new game mode, Marvel Suicide Quest
  • If the end result of the match is to have Galactus swat you away like flies, have it happen at the END of the match, after you have won, IF you win even. Knock half the health off or something. I really struggle to find the drive to throw characters into the fights against Galactus now because I get like 3 matches.

    I don't have a greatly covered roster, and it seems like for this event more so than any since I started playing I am being punished for. It's horribly disheartening, and for the past day I have been looking for other things to play because of it. Your anniversary event should be about celebrating another milestone, not destroying your player base.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    mouser wrote:
    omg, just saw Galactus round 8 stats, they've gone fully bonkers. Don't know whether to laugh or cry.

    - 4x 1 turn CD tiles
    - Each CD tile generates 5 cosmic tiles (and does 1,010 damage)
    - Galactus generates 5AP for each cosmic tile he eats
    - Health 32,320

    So Galactus first batch of CD tiles has the potential to generate 100AP.

    Bahahahahahahahahaoh my god that's not even infuriating anymore, it's gone straight through and out the other side to morbidly hilarious. It's not even a cash grab, because no amount of money gives you a team capable of beating Galactus at that point. You die on his third turn, period. Does this even count as a game anymore, as opposed to performance art?