Galactus Hungers 10/8 - ?



  • tranceazn
    tranceazn Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    Currently in Round 6, beat Galactus once and almost beat him a second time.

    I used Hulk, Grey Black Widow and the Hood. Boosts were 2 black/green AP, 2 purple/blue AP, and 2 red/yellow AP.

    Position hulk to take the damage when the first set of countdown tiles goes off, so he triggers anger which should litter the board with green. This should make multiple matches of green, allowing you to get a bunch of thunderclaps off. If you get lucky, the board will also match purples or yellows, and I used GBW's purple skill to set up green matches. Finished off Galactus with the Hood's Twin Pistols.

    The second time I needed one more turn to take him but Galactus decided to cascade my board, going from 8AP to 30AP in one hit.
  • Every time we have one of these, I feel like I'm getting screwed.

    In our alliance of 16 people, I've brought in three players. Those three have brought in another three. We're bringing in the new customer base that the game wants, by saying, hey, join us, you'll get bonuses, you'll get help, I can give you things.

    However, every time we have an event, all those newbies that I've convinced to play the game hit a brick wall and sit there, unable to do ANYTHING. Their rosters of one and two star characters, plus a couple of threes that have been leveled just past 'useless' gets shoved into the gaping maw of Ultron or Galactus and spit out instantly.

    So all these new players get discouraged, frustrated, can't achieve any reasonable results, and either quit the game or quit the event. So I have a choice: dump my actual RL friends to join a power leveling alliance, or be one of two or three people in my alliance who can actually achieve anything.

    We just reached level 4 with a Alliance point value of 655415, and I've contributed 247906 of those points. Literally a third. I've killed Galactus five times every round, I've only died once. And I won't get squat for this, because the people who want to play can't, and there's only so much I can do on my own.

    Things like this narrow the player base, instead of growing it, and I'm running out of ways to convince my friends to try something that is impossible for them to enjoy.
  • Jawsome
    Jawsome Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Throwing my voice in here, this is pretty bad.

    I have a decent roster with fist SW Cyclops (fist is just missing one purple).

    Round 5 was decent, I could win half the fime, felt fairly challenging but I couldn't imagine it getting much harder than that. Compared to ultron I still needed way more luck than skill or thought.

    Round 6 is dumb, SW doesn't even work anymore because generally ive lost before the tile can even go off.

    If round 7 or 8 is even harder, this is entirely impossible. We may get a single cyclops cover but this is a terrible event for celebrating a 2nd year of anniversary. Our alliance was considering boycotting but I don't even think that message would be heard at all.

    Ultron was great, bring back ultron.
  • I've been a whiner about how whale-centric this game is for a long time. The cost of HP shows that the devs see us as people who should pay them $100 for a match-3 game; the other HP packs are all but worthless. It's been fun to try to screw with their prices by playing for free and earning what I can, but it also means that I've got a very incomplete roster.

    But this time I don't think that it's the whale-centric behaviour. I haven't heard from anyone, even the whales, that this is "easy." Since the 5*s are not whale-material (or are several thousand $ whale material), they aren't playing into this, and lots of people with maxed 4* rosters seem to be having issues as well.

    I really think that this is a poorly-playtested event more than a money-grubbing event. It's been fun to kamikaze the roster at this sucker a few times (my team's only on round 4), but I just don't see anybody benefitting from this, whale or not.

    Unless a whale is willing to jump in and prove me wrong?
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    scifigrl47 wrote:
    Every time we have one of these, I feel like I'm getting screwed.

    In our alliance of 16 people, I've brought in three players. Those three have brought in another three. We're bringing in the new customer base that the game wants, by saying, hey, join us, you'll get bonuses, you'll get help, I can give you things.

    However, every time we have an event, all those newbies that I've convinced to play the game hit a brick wall and sit there, unable to do ANYTHING. Their rosters of one and two star characters, plus a couple of threes that have been leveled just past 'useless' gets shoved into the gaping maw of Ultron or Galactus and spit out instantly.

    So all these new players get discouraged, frustrated, can't achieve any reasonable results, and either quit the game or quit the event. So I have a choice: dump my actual RL friends to join a power leveling alliance, or be one of two or three people in my alliance who can actually achieve anything.

    We just reached level 4 with a Alliance point value of 655415, and I've contributed 247906 of those points. Literally a third. I've killed Galactus five times every round, I've only died once. And I won't get squat for this, because the people who want to play can't, and there's only so much I can do on my own.

    Things like this narrow the player base, instead of growing it, and I'm running out of ways to convince my friends to try something that is impossible for them to enjoy.

    I faced a similar problem prior to this event. My alliance is made of some real life friends and their real life friends. Unfortunately my friend's friends are very new players who probably haven't even beaten the prologue (No 3* characters). Our ranks drastically decreased and it got to the point that if I kicked someone out, some players threw a hissy fit.

    So before Galactus I told them we all need to play hard for this or leave the alliance until afterwards.. well I ended up leaving the alliance I created to join a new one. It's sad that you cannot play this game with your real life friends because it's too competitive.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm mad too, but I'm fully ADDICTED TO THE SALTY TEARS! I can't stop clicking on ALL the threads! icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif I don't know why I'm deriving such joy from this dumpster fire, maybe because it's all I've got.
  • AsylumTKJ
    AsylumTKJ Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    Any advice on round 6?

    This is a nightmare for me...

    My roster:
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    AsylumTKJ wrote:
    Any advice on round 6?

    This is a nightmare for me...

    My roster:

    Fist. Witch. Cyc. Boost +2 purp. Juggs TU. Pray to whatever god you believe in.

    I've been getting 50% wins in round 6 with Fist, Torch, Xforce. Boost +2 purp, +2 all, Juggs TU. Juggs has saved my bacon at least 3 times now. Match purple on first match if possible, get lucky with black generation, use surgical strike, profit.
  • 5* characters currently in play lack the ability to deal with Galactus AP ramp up ability because it's all cooldown/tile manipulation.

    The simple problem is that someone knee jerk reacted and made last minute changes 24 hours before the event and it shifted the event to be near undefeatable.

    We were under the impression Galactus would spawn cd tiles that then turned into cosmic tiles, which he initially would consume for +1 black AP. This left, in theory, ap denial tools in play. We weren't aware that the number of cosmic tiles produced would increase per round, nor the number of cool downs.

    They then changed his gain to +1 all when people realized certain characters could flatline his black, reduced his CW cost to 28 when they realized StarLord could stall him with a dance off, had him destroy all tiles when they realized Elektra could shadowstep, and finally when we were still saying "Well maybe AP denial is key" increased his cosmic tiles to feed him +2 AP base. And this was before we were aware that his cosmic tile output and number of cd tiles were going to increase as well as the AP would increase -more- per tile.

    Who ever is behind that fiasco with the support page info being updated and altered 24 hours before event start, and if they were responsible, those changes being done to galactus, ruined this event in the process.
  • AsylumTKJ
    AsylumTKJ Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    I've been using SW/IF/Cyk all the previous rounds. It was very effective, I almost never lost on him.
    But now, everything goes too fast. SW tile doesn t have time to proc.
  • RyanL24 wrote:
    It is a little frustrating, but... it's what I've been waiting for. This is not a FTP game anymore.


    This game hasn't been FTP in forever.

  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    I have a 60% win rate on round 5, what changes from 5 to 6? Round 5 is already insane...
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Akari wrote:
    I have a 60% win rate on round 5, what changes from 5 to 6? Round 5 is already insane...
    more cds every turn that make more cosmics that make more ap. enjoy lol
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    TxMoose wrote:
    Akari wrote:
    I have a 60% win rate on round 5, what changes from 5 to 6? Round 5 is already insane...
    more cds every turn that make more cosmics that make more ap. enjoy lol

    I think we have a fundamentally opposite definition of enjoyment here icon_lol.gif
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Little bit of good news, Galactus CD tiles and AP generation is the same in round 7 as round 6. Health jumps from 24k to 28k.

    - Health: 28,320
    - Creates 3x countdown tiles that create 4 cosmic tiles.
    - Eats cosmic tiles for 4AP each
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    mouser wrote:
    Little bit of good news, Galactus CD tiles and AP generation is the same in round 7 as round 6. Health jumps from 24k to 28k.

    - Health: 28,320
    - Creates 3x countdown tiles that create 4 cosmic tiles.
    - Eats cosmic tiles for 4AP each
    if that's the case, there will definitely be alliance that finish 7. not sure we can get there but that is good to hear.
  • Finishing up rd 5 (711k left). 2 days should be enough for rd 6 right? I figure thats when we will get to rd 6.
  • greengiant33
    Please do not comp me with a token or two when hardly anyone gets to the last rd. Since the lack of testing just give those that complete the 2nd to last rd the reward for the 3rd cyclops.

    Very Annoyed!

  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Please do not comp me with a token or two when hardly anyone gets to the last rd. Since the lack of testing just give those that complete the 2nd to last rd the reward for the 3rd cyclops.
    to me if they bumped everyone ahead one rd (those who finish 7 should get the rd 8 award too, finish 6, get the rd 7, etc), it would go a long way to rebuild some positivity. of course that sounds like I'm asking for a handout for no work. not like I've been beating my head against that wall or anything. a token and some iso will not reinstate the good will/excitement I had leading up to the event.
  • Honestly, this one was so bad, because the transparency on those last minute Galactus tweaks showing there was no testing of the outcome, I think they should give every alliance that locked into Galactus +1000 HP for a roster slot (or whatever the player chooses) and all 3 Cyclops covers.

    Write it off as a gesture of goodwill, and if people pay extra HP to increase Cyclops' covers on their rosters, well, that's more income, right?

    But, that's probably unlikely.
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