Galactus Hungers 10/8 - ?
I think the developers forgot that some challenges are simply not fun. The only alliances doing well are the ones with specific cover maxed 3 and 4 stars, and even they need a lot of board luck. Everyone else is just getting destroyed.
Want to equalize the playing field? Give everyone the same characters (Silver surfer loaners?) to beat the big bad. Doesn't matter if they're a newbie or veteran, if their strategy is good and they spend time, they'll win.0 -
I've read some of the complaints and just wanted to chime in and say that I'm finding this event to be very fun and a nice break from the norm. I'm actually playing much more than I have in quite some time. I wish MPQ did things like this on a semi-regular basis. As someone who's played since launch I'd gotten to where I was a bit burned out on the game. Adding more of these types of events which change up the standard mechanics of the game would go a long way in helping the game to feel fresh and interesting.
Thanks0 -
I'm revising my earlier complaint since Ice explained the whole point of this. We are supposed to get obliterated some of the time, if not a lot. He said beating G at all is an achievement and even in Round 7, I have still successfully beat him without boosting to all colors, but I'm certainly not beating even half the time. Each time though, we are chipping away a significant amount of health and I'm convinced a dedicated alliance can reach Round 8, but I'm curious on how many will actually complete the entire event, all eight rounds. With just a small change in perspective and expectation, and a losing game turns into a war of attrition. We eat away at his bar and he eats our health packs.
Bye bye health packs!0 -
Supposed to be an achievement hmm. The big achievement is by round six before I make my first move I can tell if I'm going to get obliterated or stand a chance. Game miraculously gave me the power of PRECOGNITION! If my colours aren't on the board, The WWE's chairman Vince McMahon's music drops. You've got no chance no chance in hell! A couple moves later I'm toast. If I got a decent board I can use some skill and win. I get a good board maybe 1 or 2 times out of five so it's really becoming an aggravation to play. The addition of the LT is supposed to give players something to strive for but just over halfway through round six, just under a day and a half left and no one in my alliance is even halfway to it and this is an alliance whose majority of their player base hits progression regularly. Why not just put beside the token in parentheses (for elite players only). Bah I'm done ranting thank you for the precognitive powers though way more enjoyable then the crapload of 2*s everybody seems to be getting.0
Of-Incidious-Mists wrote:Supposed to be an achievement hmm. The big achievement is by round six before I make my first move I can tell if I'm going to get obliterated or stand a chance. Game miraculously gave me the power of PRECOGNITION! If my colours aren't on the board, The WWE's chairman Vince McMahon's music drops. You've got no chance no chance in hell! A couple moves later I'm toast. If I got a decent board I can use some skill and win. I get a good board maybe 1 or 2 times out of five so it's really becoming an aggravation to play. The addition of the LT is supposed to give players something to strive for but just over halfway through round six, just under a day and a half left and no one in my alliance is even halfway to it and this is an alliance whose majority of their player base hits progression regularly. Why not just put beside the token in parentheses (for elite players only). Bah I'm done ranting thank you for the precognitive powers though way more enjoyable then the crapload of 2*s everybody seems to be getting.
Galactus is a battle of pure luck and almost all that are doing well are cheating. The devs do not say anything because they are the whales that keeps the running game.0 -
Chiming in and repeating the current mood - this event is not fun. It is not enjoyable.
Being swatted down every single time, to express it simply - is a bit demoralizing.
Minion grind is fine. I get that. The alliance I'm in at the moment is Round 6. And apparently that is 'good'. Great. Pat on the back. Thanks for the little cheer after getting wiped after the second or third round as Galactus swats my roster away.
Personally, I have to say this is one of the worst events. I understand it's Galactus, and that's why I'm getting my butt handed to me, but the overall experience for this event is not fun. Not rewarding.
For a new player, how is this fun? And as a vet player on day 539, how is this supposed to be a great event? The hype run up was great and then the actual event was a horrible let down. I'm almost devoid of enjoyment in playing this story. And the question returns, how is this event fun? What the hell am I missing here?
The Ultron event was fun and rewarding. It kept a player like me invested and playing every single day for the entire run. This time around, I can't wait till this is over. This was a poorly constructed event.0 -
Don't know why everyone is ****. Dark matter just finished off the world eater no problem.
So quit your **** and suck it up butter cup.0 -
Spider-man 6234 wrote:Don't know why everyone is ****. Dark matter just finished off the world eater no problem.
So quit your **** and suck it up butter cup.
Congrats. Cheers. High Five. Slow clap0 -
This event inspired me to get the 5th black and green cover for my hulk.
So theres that.0 -
Spider-man 6234 wrote:Don't know why everyone is ****. Dark matter just finished off the world eater no problem.
So quit your **** and suck it up butter cup.0 -
Orangecrush wrote:Spider-man 6234 wrote:Don't know why everyone is ****. Dark matter just finished off the world eater no problem.
So quit your **** and suck it up butter cup.
appreciate your reply man. cause your guy's post there is incredibly douchy.
congrats on finishing the event though.0 -
DeadpoolsTacos have finished off Galactus.
Now just have to grind for the 1.25m progression token lol.0 -
Best team for me has been Hulk/Magneto/Loki. First move is free, then only use Hulk so he takes all the damage and creates green and cascades. You can get free moves if there aren't cosmic tiles or the countdown tiles aren't at 1. The rest of the powers probably will fill up quickly, mostly red for Mags and purple for Loki. Those and Mags' blue change most or all of the board and hopefully break some Galactus tiles.0
Quick tip: Punisher's Red will take Galactus out in one shot if G is below th threshold (for me at 4 covers, that's 30%). Been using Hulk to take damage/shield/board shake, GSBW to generate more green if I happen to get enough purple (and for sniper if I need to take out specific tiles) and Punisher to finish him once G is below 30%. In round 6 I've one 4/6 battles with this.0
That's really great that DeadPoolsTacos and Dark Matter finished him off, congrats. I am both very impressed and very envious.
However, I have a different perspective in my alliance. My alliance is not a top 100 alliance. We are pretty much a top 1000 alliance, usually finishing a season around 1100. And I can tell you that the morale at our level is very different. Most of our members have just given up because they are enjoying this event so little, they're so sick of dying and feeling like they suck. And that was after the first couple rounds. I managed to hang in there with my Jean Gray/Prof X/Scarlet Witch combo, but now on round 5 I am only winning 2/5, and I'm one of the few still playing. Maybe I'll try some of the other character combos mentioned, but it's doubtful how much more I'll play, especially since almost nobody in my alliance wants to participate anymore. I can only imagine what it's like for the 20,000+ alliances that are ranked even lower than us.
I do find the developer comment that people relax between 8 hour rounds by playing some of the other events to be really out of touch. How are they supposed to play when they've decimated their rosters by fighting Galactus? Do they think that blowing our money on health packs was the way we wanted to celebrate the 2 year anniversary? We wanted to get some fun stuff and have some fun feeling pampered. Not repeatedly whacked in the head with a sledgehammer with how underpowered and ineffective our heroes are.
I don't understand how anyone thinks it's fun to repeatedly kamikaze your characters when you're playing an RPG. They aren't just cannon fodder to us. We are role-playing, imagining our characters to be real, to be heroes, so why would we like killing them repeatedly? The game designers must not understand the entertainment appeal of an RPG very well. They must think that we take a very cold and calculating view of our characters and enjoying using them as expendable pawns to achieve our goals.0 -
Congrats to Dark Matter and DeadpoolsTacos. Lock and Load will be joining you both in seeing Galactus off our planet. Took a while to figure out different ways of doing the most damage to him for the whole team, but in the end with a lot of health packs used we will cross the line as well.
To others still fighting the good fight, stay the course and keep hitting him as hard as you can.0 -
I agree with all of the hate towards this event. What d3 doesn't realize is this event would have had less backlash if it wasn't anniversary week. Poor planning and bad design to top it off, among the other myriad of problems with anniversary week.
Having said that i am having 80% success with she hulk cyclops loki. G/b +2, r/y +2, +2 all ap boosts. Cyclops yellow fuels s hulk red destroying any cd or cosmic tiles on the bottom and you can even use loki purple to get tiles on the bottom then smash with shehulk. Or use cyclops yellow and then loki purple to make red matches. Don't worry about matching anything but yellow or purple. Loki and shehulks cascades will provide green and black to fuel furious charge and full blast.
It's been working pretty well for me 5/6 times. And that's without any resets. If you have to circumvent the system just to have a chance then the event is broken and needs to be scrapped.
But why this week? Who made that bonehead decision to make us guinea pigs this week of all weeks. You have data that tells you the past 2 years what the slow times of the year are and that's when you experiment. Not now?0 -
I get that you're supposed to get beaten, but my issue is that this has way less reward than most PvE events, or at least it seems that way. I was averaging at least a three star cover or two a day from non-DDQ PvE/PvP material before the anniversary stuff, but have gotten nothing but useless two stars from any anniversary tokens won from anywhere in the game. Incredibly disappointing.
Agreed, Galactus is totally not fun, but he's manageable if you just want to get to the minion fights to raise your score: just throw in three lesser characters and accept they'll be dead in two turns. But for that sacrifice that's more significant than in normal PvE events, I feel like you actually get less. Work harder than normal for less reward than normal. No. I'd waste my health packs on this if it didn't feel it was a blatant attempt to get me to do exactly that.0 -
I'd hate to see how it went for the devs if they treated their 2 year anniversaries with their significant others like they've treated this Galactus event:
"Hey, I know I've been really building up what I was going to get you for our anniversary and I think you'll be really excited.. oh, you think it's jewelery? No, no. An exotic vacation? Not.. quite. Actually.. it's a new vacuum cleaner. And you're going to need to buy a LOT of accessories for it separately, which I'll leave up to you. You can use it for about a minute or so, then you'll lead to let it recharge for two hours. I know it actually seems worse than the normal vacuum, but I put a lot of thought into this, I promise. Wait, why are you walking to the door?"0 -
Haetron wrote:Only comment so far regarding that:IceIX wrote:Hey all,
Wanted to share a few things about how Galactus works and what we're expecting versus what we're seeing.
To start, it seems like a lot of people are on a basic disconnect here, looking at the boss battle similar to how Ultron ran in terms of how things work. Meaning that Ultron should be going down pretty regularly. He's powerful, but his real power lies in the fact that killing his body doesn't stop him. You need to crush every one of his drones and main bodies to win. So winning rounds is a pretty regular occurrence. Game-wise, what this means is that players won fairly easily against Ultron and took their lumps against the drones. The stopping timer there was health packs based on when the drones finally wore you down. What this also meant is that the higher end Alliances would chew through the entire Event in about 12 hours and let it kinda sit for 3 days.
Galactus is different. The "minion" fights against the villains are relatively simple. They're there as minor hazards but relatively easily winnable. Galactus on the other hand is a massive threat. He's not going to be stopped by gnats. Iron Fist punching him in the toe isn't very painful. So he gets bored and swats them away. In game terms, this means that players are going to be beaten. Winning a round against Galactus is an achievement. You're supposed to lose. Every time you do, you're still chipping away at his life. It's an exercise in damage in aggregate. Over the 3.5 days, hitting him over and over to finally bring down the big bad is somewhat slow, but certainly effective.
Overall, most of the higher end Alliances are in Round 6 or knocking on the door to Round 7. Which is actually slightly faster than we were expecting people to get just based on the math. So everyone's doing pretty darned well in terms of progression. There are some teams rockin' the Winfinite, other teams that are pushing through with some interesting strategies (who woulda thought OBW would be a rock star against Galactus?). Not many Alliances are getting anywhere near full clears. Which is actually intended. You're supposed to lose your Health Packs on Galactus, rather than against the minions like on Ultron. It's also why we changed up the play method for this round too so that it's not just a flip flop between Ultron and minions till you win. There's a set number of times you can hit Galactus before you need to take a break to let minions refresh. That break means that you have plenty of times for Galactus drained Packs to refresh while you can go in and get some Black Vortex in. Or play Simulator (up soon). Or get your Devil Dino on when that starts up. It's a different design than the rush of Ultron where that was pretty much all players did while it was open.
Long story short, you all are doing really well against Galactus. Yes, the gameplay is different. I'm sure most of you aren't used to going into a battle with the idea that you may well lose. But given that you're still pulling out wins with pretty strong regularity, I don't see any reason this wouldn't continue into Rounds 7 and 8, and on to Cyclops awesomeness.
At the outset, going into the boss battle, you're looking at winning like normal. After all, it works elsewhere in the game, and it worked against Ultron. So suddenly getting rocked by Galactus is a shock. Keep at it. If things are really going to go poorly, we'll look at doing refresh timer changes and the like that we can do server-side as a quicker band aid style fix for run 1. After that, we'll figure out what we want to do for difficulty on run 2 (and any other runs that we do in the future, of course).
Sooo... fighting a lvl 180 Jugs who gets extra green from an ISO-8 Mutant is supposed to be "fun" and "easy to do"? I dont know about that....0
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