Galactus Hungers 10/8 - ?



  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    giving everyone all 3 covers is kinda silly to me. I think it would be completely reasonable to bump rewards up for every alliance one round ahead of where they end up. I know at least one alliance that has a shot at getting into rd 8, but they are one of only 2 that finished the roided up ultron, so that was to be expected. i'll be curious to hear how far the top top alliances get.
  • It doesn't seem silly to me, because the key component that caused the difficulty spike is the AP increase, which becomes grieviously exaggerated in round 6.

    At the minimum, anyone at round 6 should be getting the whole kit, but I honestly feel this was such a horrific botch that if there's proof someone played at all, they should be rewarded for it. Expecting players to play 3 turn dogfights with galactus every 8 hours for 8000+ points plus any lucky major ability dealt damage on G himself for the entire event is just, well, poor form.

    It'd be a huge salve/goodwill save for the playerbase, and again, it plays into the accounting too, as you have more people accessing each of cyc's covers in order to proceed to whale him up with that anniversary HP that was purchased.
  • Unknown
    edited October 2015
    Round 6: 80% win rate.

    x-force, Iron fist, obw. Use black/green, blue/purple, all boost. Edit: use mags instead of obw

    Try to get 2 purple matches first and leave as many black and blue on the board if possible.

    If there is enough blue on the board to fire obw blue then possible to get that too, use your own judgement.

    Fire iron fist purple twice and should be enough black to fire x-force's black.

    Finish him off with whatever else you can muster (usually there will be tons of greens on the board for x-force).

    If not you've still done 15k+ damage.

    My iron fist isn't even fully covered yet (on 3 purple)

    Could probably replace obw with someone. like prof x (iron first usually gets a few 5 matches and using obw blue is somewhat rare).

    Edit: i found mags works better as the third because he's more versatile with his blue and red skill in case your starting board feeds you that then there's still cascade chances. Especially if you manage to get both mags red and x-force black off.

    Sure it uses all boosts but who else hasn't been saving them up and sitting on 30. Plus it's for a 4 star.
  • I'm so mad at this event. I tried the strategies all of you guys suggested, but I am just building up my 3* and Galactus killed me in 3 turns for every match today. Unless I get a really lucky board, that's not even enough time for me to get enough AP in any color to use any powers at all. I totally get what they're doing. Galactus wipes team after team and, if you don't have a maxed out 4* (5* now?) team, you need so many health packs in order for you to continue playing. Another awful cash grab. And even if the developer says that is not their intention and that they tested and blah, blah, blah, the fact that I feel the way I do about it (and from reading the comments in this thread, I am not alone) means that they aren't doing enough for players to feel they are getting what they deserve out of the game.

    Which brings me to: I don't feel like they're giving us anything really special for this 'celebration'. The rewards aren't even as good as other events they've put on. That plus the constant addition of new covers... They might as well have new players line up so they can directly, physically defecate all over them, instead of doing it virtually with this game.

    Alright. I think I've written enough to justify my having to reset my password to leave this tirade here. I do have a lot of fun with this game, but I am having zero fun with this event (as is everyone in my alliance). I appreciate that they are trying to keep things fresh by mixing things up, but having me constantly lose and having me wait for timers to use my few leveled up characters to continue playing and subpar rewards... How could the devs think anyone (aside from stockholders, obviously) would think this is a good idea?
  • Nerevar83
    Posted this in another thread this is how i did it with a budget team.

    I managed to defeat lvl 6 with a budget team for those of us that dont have maxed XWolves, Hulk/OBW/Jugg. Basicly let the first 3 countdown tiles pop get 3 angers and start juggernauting. Pray to the gods of chaos for good cascades. Use obw blue to keep hulk alive and delay tiles, drop hulk reds when you got the ap. It is very slow but if anyone finds a more budget team please let me know.
  • Natsufan01
    Natsufan01 Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
    Here's my thoughts. As far as the server crashes go, who cares? I mean, I understand getting frustrated about it, but truthfully, if you didn't expect it to happen you were fooling yourself. Especially if you were around for the first Anniversary event.

    The bigger issue is the ridiculous level of difficulty here. I get it, Ultron was a bit too easy. At the time, I didn't have a good roster, and my alliance still got to, maybe even beat, round 6. It could have used a bit tougher difficulty, but not too much. I had fun with it, even if the sentries were a bit annoying. It felt like a struggle against a nearly never ending group of enemies, and difficult boss.

    I also get that Galactus is just ridiculously overpowered compared to Ultron, but this is a game. It should still feel possible, even if it's difficult. My alliance just got past round 4, and I have exactly one group with any success, and that was about 50% success. 166 Cyclops, 140 Scarlet Witch and Iron Fist. I have literally lost every other fight since round 4 if I didn't use those three.

    If they meant it to be this difficult, than the rewards should have been scaled down as well. I never expected to finish all 8 rounds, but I expected to be able to get at least 1 Cyclops cover. Now I'm not so sure that will happen.

    Someone else posted a suggestion, and I can't seem to find it again, of doing this as a reverse wave. You get to bring in a few teams against Galactus. His wipes against each team happen at the current rate, but the AP you gained from the first team carry over to the next. That would give the feel of "we need everyone to beat this guy" as well as the theme in comics and movies of each member getting a hit or two in before being taken out, and the cumulative damage is enough to stop the big baddie. Maybe later versions can implement something like this.

    The worst part of all this? The complete lack of communication today. I get it, yesterday was probably too much to handle. Get your stuff together overnight, and post something in the morning then. Even something as simple as "We've heard your complaints. We are looking at possibilities to resolve the server issues and possibly the difficulty. We're not sure yet if any changes will be made to the difficulty, but we're discussing it." Like they did with the 4 star DDQ node. Just acknowledge us, and give some reassurance that our complaints aren't falling on deaf ears. Even if nothing changes, people want to know that their input was considered.
  • Starshatter
    Starshatter Posts: 63 Match Maker
    I really liked the concept of this event and the crashes have been way down from what happened during ultron, (from my experience) but I do not find this event fun. It's just frustrating. I get that Galactus is a super mega epic bad guy but give us something to work with here. There is 2-3 turns to gain ap before he destroys you. Wait 8 hours and do it again. Whoopie. And to top it off (I know this is just bad luck) but I haven't gotten a single useful token from any of my anniversary or Galactus tokens yet. I was so stoked for this event and now I think I might just watch sports instead.

    An edit to try and be helpful:
    1) reverse wave. Sure all of my guys might get downed but it would create a TON of strategy to place your roster the best way possible.
    (Besides I have 8 hours to wait for them to heal so nbd)

    2) make cosmic tiles similar to charged tiles so if we match them we get bonus ap

    3) get rid of the locked nodes so we can just keep playing

    4) provide a boosted silver surfer to fight alongside, this should be his fight

    5) have silver surfer boosted anyways, this should be his fight

    6) why is jean grey the essential and not mr fantastic? This makes no sense with the comics

    Use any of these solo or alongside each other

    I don't think lowering the points is the way to go. Cuz you want people to play. But then you still have to make it achieveable.
  • The way to try to correct the birthday of shame would place a pve event. Also battles against galactus would not make you lose blood. Then yes it would make sense the double iso, coins and birthday would be interesting. Also create a Token rare, i.e., would leave only 3 * or 4 *. The great failure of this event was to try to do the same as the first anniversary which was a success. At that time were less people in the game and any received token was cause for celebration, even 2 *. Today, except newbies, nobody wants tokens 2 * and many are already with covers 3 * almost finished, like me.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,226 Chairperson of the Boards
    i thought the highest level was 295... My goons are 365
  • hamsingame
    hamsingame Posts: 66 Match Maker
    ^ Highest level is 395.

    So now even the unlock nodes are pretty hard - EIGHT teisatsu's in a row followed by Gorgon? Hope you brought a stunner. Level 250 Ares/Ragnarok protected by level 250 Loki? Hope you brought some health packs. I feel like every time you do a fight in the Galactus event you should get a full burst of health for all your characters at the start, it's just too health pack intensive to do alongside anything else.

    I just did my first round of Round 7 and totalled how many points I got - about 105k. I think I retreated 3 times, doing less than half his health in damage and beat him 3 times (or maybe beat him 4 times retreated twice) by getting pretty lucky with XFW, Prof X, Iron Fist. It really does seem like match 5s or bust though.

    However one thing I noticed was that on the final time against Galactus I retreated with him at about 5k and got 0 points towards the total. Thanks D3!
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    Nerevar83 wrote:
    Posted this in another thread this is how i did it with a budget team.

    I managed to defeat lvl 6 with a budget team for those of us that dont have maxed XWolves, Hulk/OBW/Jugg. Basicly let the first 3 countdown tiles pop get 3 angers and start juggernauting. Pray to the gods of chaos for good cascades. Use obw blue to keep hulk alive and delay tiles, drop hulk reds when you got the ap. It is very slow but if anyone finds a more budget team please let me know.

    I ALMOST won with this, but my Hulk is **** build, 5/5/2, so I couldn't cascade enough green to keep it going. I got him down to 2k hp in round 5 though... good call!
  • Im not winning with it, but Im doing pretty consistent damage with 3CapMrvl/2Wolv/3Cyc.

    Tank his first countdown damage with Cap, gaining 5 AP each, start with boosts, match red at all costs, +4AP boosts with the +2yr and +2all.

    Pray for 22 red, Adamantium Slash/Optic Blast. My rosters currently level 94 capped, so the boosted AS is one of my best spike attacks.

    I imagine if you had a Cap that could tank for HulkBuster or a higher level cyc this could be much better.

    Edit: this is round 6
  • Just a quick thought would she hulk green deplete his black? His main color is blue but random factor for second color?
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    What gets me on this, my alliance is struggling on Round 4, I'm managing to beat Galactus maybe 2 out of 5 times, it says 2 out of 8 rewards earned, and my last 2 victories earned me 40 ISO each.

    40 ISO.



    I suppose it's better than having to use 3 health packs...
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    ZiggyLiggy wrote:
    Just a quick thought would she hulk green deplete his black? His main color is blue but random factor for second color?

    Both of She Hulk's AP drain colors are chosen randomly. It's a serious crapshoot, and I've never once gotten it to completely drain his black. Now I choose to spend the green on Mohawk's Lightning Storm and build more AP instead...
  • Akari wrote:

    Both of She Hulk's AP drain colors are chosen randomly. It's a serious crapshoot, and I've never once gotten it to completely drain his black. Now I choose to spend the green on Mohawk's Lightning Storm and build more AP instead...

    Does storms black move cover the board so he can not put timers? Or does he over power?
  • By all reports, he overwrites all tile types.
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    ZiggyLiggy wrote:
    Akari wrote:

    Both of She Hulk's AP drain colors are chosen randomly. It's a serious crapshoot, and I've never once gotten it to completely drain his black. Now I choose to spend the green on Mohawk's Lightning Storm and build more AP instead...

    Does storms black move cover the board so he can not put timers? Or does he over power?

    Galactus overwrites all tiles with his countdowns. Covering the board won't stop him, sadly.
  • Starshatter
    Starshatter Posts: 63 Match Maker
    edited October 2015
    Yes these level 395 goons are an absolute joke and then if you happen to beat them by sheer luck you are rewarded with 40 ISO?!?!? OH! But then you can face Galactus again and have 3 characters killed in a matter of seconds and wait 8 hours to do it again! Oh joy!

    Galactus Hungers grade = F

    How about you beta test these things by putting a mini version as the DDQ? That way you could test out new game styles while keeping DDQ fun and interesting (the way deadpool likes it)
  • This event is depressingly bleak and makes me want to quit the game. I've only defeated him once and that was a miracle with boosts. (Using OBW, Classic Human Torch, and Juggernaut.)

    Insult to injury, I've been getting a good amount of tokens for the entire anniversary... But have only gotten 2 stars, most of which I have covered.
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