Galactus Hungers 10/8 - ?



  • hamsingame
    hamsingame Posts: 66 Match Maker
    Better than a level 340 juggernaut. Headbutts for 8.6k, Maybe I should just be glad he's not level 395.

    Lucky no one thought about the Hulk cheese before the event or they would have patched the damage that the CD tiles do out of the game too.
  • TheHueyFreeman
    TheHueyFreeman Posts: 472 Mover and Shaker
    AoB has finished as well. Good riddance!!
  • This event. ZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZ.
    I had never seen a game that its developers try to ruin.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 526 Critical Contributor
    If anyone has attempted the Human Torch survival node currently running (12:30pm EDT; Sunday), could you post the opponents?

    Mine is reading 209-294, so I want to know who to bring to the fight. Thanks in advance.
  • GiantKiller2p
    I'd just like to add my voice to the chorus of folks who are disappointed with this event. Our alliance just finished Round 6, and I can safely say that nobody in our group enjoyed the gameplay past round 3. At all. It was a slog. A grind. Pure and simple. The reactions upon completing Round 6 weren't so much elation at getting a 4* cyclops cover, but just being thankful that we're done (because absolutely none of us have any interest in taking a stab at Round 7). Done, you know, until it starts over. Ugh.

    Congrats to everyone who's done well.

  • 393 days assets and do not remember a worse event. If I wanted to win by luck I would go to a casino.
  • biryon
    biryon Posts: 148 Tile Toppler
    PorkBelly wrote:
    If anyone has attempted the Human Torch survival node currently running (12:30pm EDT; Sunday), could you post the opponents?

    Mine is reading 209-294, so I want to know who to bring to the fight. Thanks in advance.
    There really needs to be a way to see opponents for survival nodes. I went into one expecting goons and scaled up Juggs greeted me with 2 headbutts to the face. No goons at all in that one; just scaled up villains.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 526 Critical Contributor
    biryon wrote:
    PorkBelly wrote:
    If anyone has attempted the Human Torch survival node currently running (12:30pm EDT; Sunday), could you post the opponents?

    Mine is reading 209-294, so I want to know who to bring to the fight. Thanks in advance.
    There really needs to be a way to see opponents for survival nodes. I went into one expecting goons and scaled up Juggs greeted me with 2 headbutts to the face. No goons at all in that one; just scaled up villains.

    For those interested, it's a wave is ISO-8 goons (4, I think) & then C Mags & ISO 8 goons (3, I think) on the 2nd.
  • I actually like the game play. I like how you really need to be creative in looming for ways to knock him down. What I think is really pissing people off is that the rewards are not fitting to level of output. I've been grinding far harder than any other pve and yet to complete even the 3 star side. I'm glad to play my tail off but sucks if all you're getting is 2 star rewards. My alliance is hopefully going to polish round 6 when the nodes refresh but with the amount of energy hero points boosts and time we're all logging a single 4* is weak tea...
  • Banjo
    Banjo Posts: 59 Match Maker
    Absolutely bored to **** of this event. It wouldn't be as bad if you actually had a decent run at Galactus - but basically you're better off just using a bunch of 1*'s, wiping, and getting back to the nodes.

    Not inspiring game design.
  • dukdukduk wrote:
    I'd hate to see how it went for the devs if they treated their 2 year anniversaries with their significant others like they've treated this Galactus event:

    "Hey, I know I've been really building up what I was going to get you for our anniversary and I think you'll be really excited.. oh, you think it's jewelery? No, no. An exotic vacation? Not.. quite. Actually.. it's a new vacuum cleaner. And you're going to need to buy a LOT of accessories for it separately, which I'll leave up to you. You can use it for about a minute or so, then you'll lead to let it recharge for two hours. I know it actually seems worse than the normal vacuum, but I put a lot of thought into this, I promise. Wait, why are you walking to the door?"

    This is the reason why this game will never be at the top of popularity . if you look at the other popular games , they make you believe someone important.
  • Apostrophe
    I think the developers did something really brave here, actually. It takes serious balls to design a gaming event that is designed to be annoying, frustrating, enraging, unpleasant and not at all fun. Seriously. Think about it.

    Now, I absolutely hated everything about this - as we were supposed to. But most of all I hate the rewards : there weren't any. So far I've gotten two recruit tokens and 25 ISO. And the next reward, which is so far away that I can't make it, would be a further 25 ISO.

    My alliance simply stopped trying when Galactus hit round 5 because we could no longer do any damage to him. (You simply die before you can use any powers.) The rewards aren't anywhere near worth the frustration.
  • limonade
    limonade Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2015
    Apostrophe wrote:
    I think the developers did something really brave here, actually. It takes serious balls to design a gaming event that is designed to be annoying, frustrating, enraging, unpleasant and not at all fun. Seriously. Think about it.

    Now, I absolutely hated everything about this - as we were supposed to. But most of all I hate the rewards : there weren't any. So far I've gotten two recruit tokens and 25 ISO. And the next reward, which is so far away that I can't make it, would be a further 25 ISO.

    My alliance simply stopped trying when Galactus hit round 5 because we could no longer do any damage to him. (You simply die before you can use any powers.) The rewards aren't anywhere near worth the frustration.

    I agree.

    It's been a long weekend for everyone.

    Who knows what repercussions this event will have for the future of the game. Hopefully not a lot. Yet, there are many lessons learned from all sides of the table.

    Let's just hope there's better days ahead.

    Feedback: For teams, like mine, compromised of casual players the Galactus event fell flat. Yes, we put lots of hours in this game. But this event felt very much aimed towards the hardcore elite teams that utilizes certain tactics to reach the end of the event at all costs.

    On a similar note, I did not push very hard at the Galactus event and felt greatly rewarded with the little effort I put into the event. Yet, we, as a team of casuals, simply made the decision to stop after round 5. Having satisfied our 2 top tiered players with one more anniversary token. I placed 12th btw.
  • Nefesh
    Nefesh Posts: 82 Match Maker
    limonade wrote:
    Apostrophe wrote:
    I think the developers did something really brave here, actually. It takes serious balls to design a gaming event that is designed to be annoying, frustrating, enraging, unpleasant and not at all fun. Seriously. Think about it.

    Now, I absolutely hated everything about this - as we were supposed to. But most of all I hate the rewards : there weren't any. So far I've gotten two recruit tokens and 25 ISO. And the next reward, which is so far away that I can't make it, would be a further 25 ISO.

    My alliance simply stopped trying when Galactus hit round 5 because we could no longer do any damage to him. (You simply die before you can use any powers.) The rewards aren't anywhere near worth the frustration.

    I agree.

    It's been a long weekend for everyone.

    Who knows what repercussions this event will have for the future of the game. Hopefully not a lot. Yet, there are many lessons learned from all sides of the table.

    Let's just hope there's better days ahead.

    Yeah, this event was the most glitchi, poor designed and most terrible event ever.

    Unfortunately, as history shows D3P doesn't learn on their mistakes... either don't have brains for that or just to stubborn in thinking that all they do is just awesome and everyone must like it. So, be prepared for something worse coming. icon_twisted.gif
  • VazzVegas
    VazzVegas Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    Like everyone else, this event wasn't my bag. It was made to challenge only the top players with maxed out rosters and resources. I actually enjoyed the break I took from the game, but that's probably the opposite of what the dev's wanted. I was ready to drop some (more) cash on some HP but decided not to since I wasn't playing. Why spend optional money on a game you're not enjoying, right?

    I'll continue to play casually but i'll need to see some serious rewards if they want more of my money.
  • ZekeBarrett
    ZekeBarrett Posts: 85 Match Maker
    I started playing after last year's anniversary so I was excited about this one . This was a total letdown. Not just Galactus but the prizes, the awful drop rate percentages on their tokens, etc. Last night I contemplated purchasing a Stark Salary just because they don't run their sales very often. I declined to do so just because this event was no fun and at this rate I don't know if I want to "celebrate" another anniversary event.
  • chamber44
    chamber44 Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    I have nearly $20 in my Google Play account that i was going to use to by a couple cover packs or something. It's money i've accumulated from doing the Google surveys that pop on my phone occasionally, so it is literally free money. But this event is so, so terrible that i can't bring myself to give them a dime.

    It just sucks.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    chamber44 wrote:
    I have nearly $20 in my Google Play account that i was going to use to by a couple cover packs or something. It's money i've accumulated from doing the Google surveys that pop on my phone occasionally, so it is literally free money. But this event is so, so terrible that i can't bring myself to give them a dime.

    It just sucks.

    I know the event sucked, but the HP sale didn't.. even if you had no intention of spending the HP during the event, i would 100% have taken advantage of the sale.. it could be a long while before we get another :/
  • FireWarrior71
    Let's recap...

    Slow grinding gameplay...
    Carrot dangling (4* cyclops)...
    Ultron and Galactus teaming up to destroy the servers (planned???)...
    Rage quitting at round 6 or 7...
    Little to no attainable rewards...
    Galactus 1 or 2 hit kills...

    Check and Check.

    Sounds like a typical D3 "Big" event.
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    the worst event ever icon_mad.gif
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