Galactus Hungers 10/8 - ?



  • CyberVenom2001
    CyberVenom2001 Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    I've been using X-Force Wolverine, Iron Fist and an unneeded Kamala Khan. Using 3 retired boosts (+3 black/green, +3 blue/purple, and +3 All) gets me Iron Fist feeding Surgical Strike in turn 1. Then if I'm lucky, make a green match to go for a lucky cut turn two to get rid of CD or cosmic tiles. About to finish round 4 using this.
  • hamsingame wrote:
    ^ Highest level is 395.

    EIGHT teisatsu's in a row

    XFW, Prof X, Iron Fist. It really does seem like match 5s or bust though.

    However one thing I noticed was that on the final time against Galactus I retreated with him at about 5k and got 0 points towards the total. Thanks D3!

    Patch green -> Loki black works kinda ok for the teisatsu node. Still dicey but they have spare health anyway :p

    And I found xfw, iron fist, mags works better (at least in round 6, haven't made it to 7 yet)

    I got that 0 points notification too but I'm pretty sure it still counted. Because I jumped from 2nd to first place in the alliance I am merc'ing in :p
  • I've been using X-Force Wolverine, Iron Fist and an unneeded Kamala Khan. Using 3 retired boosts (+3 black/green, +3 blue/purple, and +3 All) gets me Iron Fist feeding Surgical Strike in turn 1. Then if I'm lucky, make a green match to go for a lucky cut turn two to get rid of CD or cosmic tiles. About to finish round 4 using this.

    Bit of a waste of retired boosts if you ask me.

    Use surgical after the first cd's go off. Chances are you'll break enough that he won't have enough ap and needs a 2nd go. Same with holding off iron fist black to clear the board a bit of cosmic tiles

    Extra few turns to gather green or purple to run iron fist again.

    The third guy use mags. Usuall with the all boosts/random cascades you can get enough red (to run more cascades and get blue back on the board) or more rarely blue to squeeze that extra bit of damage
  • ZekeBarrett
    ZekeBarrett Posts: 85 Match Maker
    Topic name needs to be changed to Money Hungers, Just one big money grab if you ask me,
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    the first time i played that node, when i got to gorgon, there was a teisiatsu there. i had no idea it was gorgon. thought there was infinite gorgon team-ups or something.
  • Hate round 6. You are not only playing against galactus but the game board. Each time I choose my 3 heroes, the tiles of the needed colours are on vacations, imposible to power up any single one.
    The I.A. is cheating bad
    Please D3. Dont become candy crush!
  • Oshalei
    Oshalei Posts: 17
    This officially sucks.

    I was originally disappointed to find that the event wasn't a super fun super accessible prize
    Giveaway like I had expected an anniversary event to be. But I was game to try and slog through it. The obw/she hulk/3* storm combo won me a few fights although still very reliant on luck. I don't have if or force or any of the other suggested characters though and once we crossed over to round 5 it was over.

    At this point I can't even beat all of the unlock nodes with my current roster.

    And I would probably have just been disappointed with that .....except there also aren't any OTHER pve things to do. I can't replay any old nodes. So I basically can't do anything but pvp for 2.5 days? What on earth would posses the team to make an event that resulted in a large portion of the user base being totally unable to play the game? i can only pvp so much with my limited roster. So there's literally nothing for me to do besides DDQ and killing all my characters off in hopeless fights?

    Just....a very strange decision by the developers.
  • Oshalei
    Oshalei Posts: 17
    Akari wrote:
    ZiggyLiggy wrote:
    Just a quick thought would she hulk green deplete his black? His main color is blue but random factor for second color?

    Both of She Hulk's AP drain colors are chosen randomly. It's a serious crapshoot, and I've never once gotten it to completely drain his black. Now I choose to spend the green on Mohawk's Lightning Storm and build more AP instead...

    I had it drain black a few times. If it did I could win (until round 5 and then it required absolute gobs of luck - only won once and I used a ton of boosts for it).

    Mohawks lightning storm is so slow that by the time I built it it was pretty worthless - but that might be because I don't have her fully covered.
  • Slyli
    Slyli Posts: 15
    Just posting to verify that the previously mentioned round 6 team of hulk obw and jugs is perfectly consistent and actually fun to run. Just had a 4/5 wins in round 6 with that team and the loss was due to a miscalculation.

    For extra safety you can boost blue purple and green black.

    Basic strategy is Hulk getting hit by the first 3 countdowns - don't match any of the first ones to maximize cascade potential. For the same reason, also avoid matching green for the first two turns.

    After the first green cascade event, Jugs can start shaking the board. If you happen to have lots of green, Hulk's thunderclap starts becoming the better shaker / damage dealer.

    You may want to let some cosmics resolve for aggressive reckoning them. If timers start to become an issue, obw can stall them. But in many cases this is not even needed and I have found myself in more than one occasion sitting on 30 blue ap.

    Hulk's red can also finish him when needed, with or without stored green. Usually if things go well, you may get to finish him with a series of headbuts and obw heals, just for the added humiliation effect.

    It is fun, quite consistent and you get to make choices. Characters are also very common to boot. Now the essentials actually start to become a bit more of a headache.
  • Wintersmith
    Wintersmith Posts: 76 Match Maker
    Moon Roach wrote:
    What gets me on this, my alliance is struggling on Round 4, I'm managing to beat Galactus maybe 2 out of 5 times, it says 2 out of 8 rewards earned, and my last 2 victories earned me 40 ISO each.

    40 ISO.



    I suppose it's better than having to use 3 health packs...

    Yeah, getting 40 iso reward for downing Galactus on round 5. Just awesome.
  • tranceazn
    tranceazn Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    I was finally able to beat Galactus twice in Round 6. Less than 250k to round 7!

    My prize: 40 iso. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Figure15
    Figure15 Posts: 284 Mover and Shaker
    Hulk, mostorm, gsbw. All iso color boosts.

    Get hulk to tank and anger will power storm green and gsbw purple. It's almost winfinite. This works on round 5, round 6 might be a bit tighter but still doable. The plus is I only need to spend a health pack on hulk maybe once every 2-3 rounds.

    Im short about 700k for the legendary token, it's gonna be tight.
  • USTA
    USTA Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    I get the idea of using IF & XFW or Hulk & Cap Marvel vs Galactus but I don't have enough covers of them to be useful for me. But this is also a great team:

    2* icon_blackwidow.png / 3* icon_storm.png / 3* icon_magneto.png and a bit of AP boosts icon_razz.gif

    First collect purpleflag.png then greenflag.png then everything

    Let him generate AP so icon_blackwidow.pngpurpleflag.png steals them
    With 3 rounds passed and quite and amount of AP, fire off icon_storm.pnggreenflag.png
    That will remove some cd/cosmic tiles and get you enough blueflag.png to delay cd tiles..
    .. or better enough blackflag.png / yellowflag.png First icon_storm.pngblackflag.png to spam the board then icon_magneto.pngyellowflag.png to overwrite his cd tiles.
    And so on.

    It works pretty well since you have 2 ways to generate AP, 2 ways to create cascades and 1 way to delay cd tiles.

    Downside is: little damage but you get to a point where galactus cd tiles will never trigger.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Galactus round 8 is bonkers

    - 4x 1 turn CD tiles
    - Each CD tile generates 5 cosmic tiles (and does 1,010 damage)
    - Galactus generates 5AP for each cosmic tile he eats
    - Health 32,320

    So Galactus first batch of CD tiles has the potential to generate 100AP.

    Only strategy from here might require Hulk or Cap Marvel to soak up damage.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    OJSP wrote:
    How are you going to do that with 4 CD tiles to deal with?

    That's the point, you don't deal with them. Let Hulk or Marvel get hit 4 times when the CD damage comes in and pray Galactus doesn't cascade into 6 cosmic tile matches. Then use your newfound AP to accomplish whatever you can the next turn.

    note: very high level Cap Marvel's damage threshold will be too high with the boost. So would require a mid-level Cap Marvel.
  • Ouroboros9999
    Ouroboros9999 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    USTA wrote:
    I get the idea of using IF & XFW or Hulk & Cap Marvel vs Galactus but I don't have enough covers of them to be useful for me. But this is also a great team:

    2* icon_blackwidow.png / 3* icon_storm.png / 3* icon_magneto.png and a bit of AP boosts icon_razz.gif

    First collect purpleflag.png then greenflag.png then everything

    Let him generate AP so icon_blackwidow.pngpurpleflag.png steals them
    With 3 rounds passed and quite and amount of AP, fire off icon_storm.pnggreenflag.png
    That will remove some cd/cosmic tiles and get you enough blueflag.png to delay cd tiles..
    .. or better enough blackflag.png / yellowflag.png First icon_storm.pngblackflag.png to spam the board then icon_magneto.pngyellowflag.png to overwrite his cd tiles.
    And so on.

    It works pretty well since you have 2 ways to generate AP, 2 ways to create cascades and 1 way to delay cd tiles.

    Downside is: little damage but you get to a point where galactus cd tiles will never trigger.

    This worked for me, thanks for the info.

    I agree with everyone else, this event has really made me unmotivated to play. Normal cover progression is totally stopped, and no real hope of good rewards. Less events mean less ISO, and all the gold tokens are **** 2 stars--would it really have killed them to lower the draw odds? Get people pumped and excited to try out new characters. Why is that so hard for them to understand? It's almost like their goal was to get people to play less and put the game aside, or get angry and NOT spend any money.
  • BlackIC
    BlackIC Posts: 65 Match Maker
    With all due respect to the MPQ Development Team:

    1. May we get the metrics on how the MPQ community is faring in this event?
    2. May we get a response on the approach of how this event was created in respect to the lessons learned from the Ultron one?

    Thank you.
  • I second the request for info on how the community is doing. My group finished off round 1-3 while I was at work yesterday so all I've done is run characters into turn 3 board wipes. This thing could be fun if I say had ten turns or could have time to wipe his counters. We are pretty much stopping after getting our first Cyclops.
  • Only comment so far regarding that:
    IceIX wrote:
    Hey all,

    Wanted to share a few things about how Galactus works and what we're expecting versus what we're seeing.

    To start, it seems like a lot of people are on a basic disconnect here, looking at the boss battle similar to how Ultron ran in terms of how things work. Meaning that Ultron should be going down pretty regularly. He's powerful, but his real power lies in the fact that killing his body doesn't stop him. You need to crush every one of his drones and main bodies to win. So winning rounds is a pretty regular occurrence. Game-wise, what this means is that players won fairly easily against Ultron and took their lumps against the drones. The stopping timer there was health packs based on when the drones finally wore you down. What this also meant is that the higher end Alliances would chew through the entire Event in about 12 hours and let it kinda sit for 3 days.

    Galactus is different. The "minion" fights against the villains are relatively simple. They're there as minor hazards but relatively easily winnable. Galactus on the other hand is a massive threat. He's not going to be stopped by gnats. Iron Fist punching him in the toe isn't very painful. So he gets bored and swats them away. In game terms, this means that players are going to be beaten. Winning a round against Galactus is an achievement. You're supposed to lose. Every time you do, you're still chipping away at his life. It's an exercise in damage in aggregate. Over the 3.5 days, hitting him over and over to finally bring down the big bad is somewhat slow, but certainly effective.

    Overall, most of the higher end Alliances are in Round 6 or knocking on the door to Round 7. Which is actually slightly faster than we were expecting people to get just based on the math. So everyone's doing pretty darned well in terms of progression. There are some teams rockin' the Winfinite, other teams that are pushing through with some interesting strategies (who woulda thought OBW would be a rock star against Galactus?). Not many Alliances are getting anywhere near full clears. Which is actually intended. You're supposed to lose your Health Packs on Galactus, rather than against the minions like on Ultron. It's also why we changed up the play method for this round too so that it's not just a flip flop between Ultron and minions till you win. There's a set number of times you can hit Galactus before you need to take a break to let minions refresh. That break means that you have plenty of times for Galactus drained Packs to refresh while you can go in and get some Black Vortex in. Or play Simulator (up soon). Or get your Devil Dino on when that starts up. It's a different design than the rush of Ultron where that was pretty much all players did while it was open.

    Long story short, you all are doing really well against Galactus. Yes, the gameplay is different. I'm sure most of you aren't used to going into a battle with the idea that you may well lose. But given that you're still pulling out wins with pretty strong regularity, I don't see any reason this wouldn't continue into Rounds 7 and 8, and on to Cyclops awesomeness.

    At the outset, going into the boss battle, you're looking at winning like normal. After all, it works elsewhere in the game, and it worked against Ultron. So suddenly getting rocked by Galactus is a shock. Keep at it. If things are really going to go poorly, we'll look at doing refresh timer changes and the like that we can do server-side as a quicker band aid style fix for run 1. After that, we'll figure out what we want to do for difficulty on run 2 (and any other runs that we do in the future, of course).
  • goozen
    goozen Posts: 16
    Reading what IceX wrote shows that the developers are missing the main issue. This event is simply not fun! Even if people are doing better, its only because of the massive need to min/max and use very specific teams. We have only about 5 viable heroes for this event, if you dont have them you are in trouble. If they wanted to do a more skill based event, simply only let us use certain heroes or provide us with them to have more control over it. This is like playing EVE with more P2Win and RNG.
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