Galactus Hungers 10/8 - ?



  • Malcrof wrote:
    chamber44 wrote:
    I have nearly $20 in my Google Play account that i was going to use to by a couple cover packs or something. It's money i've accumulated from doing the Google surveys that pop on my phone occasionally, so it is literally free money. But this event is so, so terrible that i can't bring myself to give them a dime.

    It just sucks.

    I know the event sucked, but the HP sale didn't.. even if you had no intention of spending the HP during the event, i would 100% have taken advantage of the sale.. it could be a long while before we get another :/

    I debated this, but in the end, with Ice's response and then complete bail out when called on his falsehood, I'm much happier waiting for any apology/statement and deciding to buy HP on as need basis as always, instead of being suckered into a sale and then hating myself for it as they do nothing except go "Mission accomplished! Paid, Suckers!" afterwards.

    Im just glad I was waiting till the end of the sale anyway. I don't currently "need" HP and was feeling burnout anyway. If I'd bought HP and then been confronted by Galactus and Ice just straight up lying to the userbase, I would have been a lot more displeased.
  • yai!!! 8 2* covers from the golden tokens on this event... im so happy
  • MonoElm
    MonoElm Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    This was the worst event in MPQ history. I've been playing this game since beta, and I can't tell you how much I hated every second of this event. I have truly never seen another game where it is so obvious that the devs view the players as dollar signs and nothing more. They very clearly don't care about us enjoying the game, they only care about our hard earned cash. This anniversary has been a joke.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yep, I'll chime in on this. I missed the first anniversary event, and was really excited to take part in this. I've sunk a small amount on this just to get roster spots (which I think should always be a one time purchase for $5), but was severely disappointed with the rewards for achievements both for beating Galactus himself and anniversary tokens. Personally, I think they should have removed 2 star characters for the tokens. For just starting players like myself (3 months?) getting even 1 3 star character of anybody is a major incentive to keep playing, to buy HP to slot them in, or help people like me or GF to slightly level up the low 3 stars that we do have.

    This event was solely for people playing from day one, ultra strong alliances, and whales. Everyone on my level of maxed out 2 stars and building three stars were completely left out. Could not even come close to finishing progression points, and for those without essential characters were completely left out of the game. My GF for instance only had two of the essential characters...lots of fun for her amirite?

    An event like should have been used to draw new players in and keep starting players hooked, but instead it just demoralized those people instead. I'm not quiting by any means, but next time I'm just going to skip this event I think. I won't get a Red Hulk just like I didn't get a Cyclops or even a lousy three star Human Torch. Honestly, if it wasn't for the DDQ I might have dropped the game altogether, but at with at least that I'm slowly moving ahead in the game. A cool anniversary event would have made me from a fan of playing to completely addicted, but instead has toned my enjoyment greatly.

    Just a casual player's thoughts on what seemed to be something an already stingy game could have used to say thank you for all the support and money it's customers have over two years, but drawing in new customers.
  • I think I actually liked this event. The good news is if people follow through on their threats of quitting this game D3 can focus on tailoring this game to players with similar interests as myself. With that in mind, I think it's important you understand more about my general interests when creating future content.

    Aside from Galactus, I also enjoy long walks on broken glass and relaxing in jellyfish tubs while someone gently blows sand in my eyes.
  • I enjoyed this event, but solely because I have a full roster from playing since the begining and know a bunch of char combos.

    My brother, whom i introduced to this game, doesn't have as an advanced roster and i totally inderstand why everyone is upset over the event

    Simply put if you didn't have a decent hulk, what are you going to do if you die on your second turn?

    If you had a full hulk level 7 is actually easier than 6 because the extra cd tile makes hulk far more reliable.

    I was winning 80% of fights.

    Which brings me to my next point: you can't look at how only the top teams are doing and then look at the average numbers and think 'hey people are winning kinda regulalry' when it's just the players with advanced rosters winning and everyone else losing.

    It would be wise to make the newer players happy, because other than whales who want to use hp to mz out every new char the day they're realeased, no other established player ia going to spend money.

    They really should focus on making newer players happy and keeping the player basr strong. If the player base dwindles, the game becomes less popular, and even the whales will stop playing.
  • Do any of you people who are complaining about this actually understand who Galactus is?

    It should take an epic team to beat him. He freaking eats planets!

    And yes, I've been playing since beta and have a good roster, but I've earned it by spending time on the game, not spending money. In two years, I've spent less than $15 on this game. Of course it took a while to get good stuff, but it's a *game*, people. Lighten up. There are plenty of parts to this game for the beginners and mid-levels. Quit whinging and go play Candy Crush if this is too hard for you.
  • estomk wrote:
    but it's a game

    Yes it's a game. And games are meant to be fun.

    What happens if games aren't fun? People stop playing. It stops being profitable to run servers. The game dies.

    You've only ever spent $15. I doubt you'll soend more. You really think it's wise for d3 to cater the game to your (our) demographic abd piss off the new players who are the ones yet to put in their $15?

    Who cares who galactus is. If they couldn't think of a way to make galactus fun then it shouldn't have been put in irregardless of what the next marvel movie is going to be.

    But it wouldn't have been hard to make halactus fun, heck even in this thread chain people have come up with a bunch if good suggestions. And instead you're telling them to stop whining and suck it, when they're coming up with ideas that eould make the game fun and still make galactus feel like the super power he is
  • I'm impressed at how many people are calling it like it is here. In months past there have been many sycophants who just blindly come to the defense of d3. There have been a few select people who have been pointing this out for months. A matter of fact lack of vision from a management perspective, and a lack of talent from a development perspective.

    Specifically to this event, as a guy who has played for almost 500 days, who already has no respect for this company, I am truly aghast at how **** this event was. I said it elsewhere, that you know an event stinks when the best thing about it was the prize given to players because the e-z bake oven servers shut down.
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