Galactus Hungers 10/8 - ?



  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    What happened to the event tokens in the goon nodes? At least on ultron you had a chance to get 3 tokens per round, plus one for the separate fight against the non-tetris ultron. This version has a chance to get one and one given per round end. Weak.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    so, the way I see it there are 4 issues:

    1 - server
    2 - lock-outs after round is cleared.
    3 - token pull rate
    4 - galactus fight difficulty

    so #1. it shouldn't come as a surprise and while I missed about an hour during the heart of lunch, I can understand the difficulties that starting an entire player base at once can present. I think there may be work-arounds for that and solutions, but I have no knowledge of the nuts and bolts of how the tech is implemented, so whatever. this can be understood, although very annoying and

    #2. I really wish a red would comment if this was by design or unintentional. if unintentional, it really needs to be fixed and if by design, that is a key piece of info that should have been communicated prior to the start. the way its set up, along with #4, not sure anyone is getting Cyclops.

    #3. really feel that this was built up to be similar to last year's anniversary and now that there are 6 times as many 4*s and the pull rate is not only lower than last year's anniversary, but are lower than regular old heroic tokens. that just seems really ****. I'm sure there are reasons but I can't think of any logical reason to make anniversary tokens have a WORSE 4* draw rate than either last year or even heroics. in addition to this, there are no event tokens in the essential nodes, unlike ultron where there were 2 nodes every round/refresh where tokens were a possibility.

    #4. only played 1 match at level 3 because I was banging away early before the server went down. but from what I hear level 4 comes down to pure luck. unless some wizard comes up with a viable strategy, along with #2, I see nobody getting Cyclops. maybe some top alliances figure some stuff out but many of the top top alliances aren't even active here.

    all adds up to a huge disappointment in an event that most of us were really excited to take part in. if I was in a lower alliance I may be tempted to throw in the towel. not giving up, but I see very little chance at success here and it doesn't look fun at all. not sure what they can do about 1 and 4 on the fly, but 2 and 3 looks like they might be able to be altered on the fly. if nothing is altered, gonna be a looong anniversary. and we have a dino pvp coming up with kk boosted - if you have yellow fully covered and witch with full blue, matches are going to be forever long and that does not sound like a fun event, similar to deadpool not being a fun even with hood boosted. just not crazy about what I've seen so far and kinda bummed about it.
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Akari wrote:
    Blahahah wrote:
    Sneaky sneaky...

    So what of OBW and Bag-man infinitely stalling out the countdowns?

    OBW works, that's my mainstay. Tough to keep up the blue AP though...

    ragnarok or switch can generate blue ap. . .

    or mnmags

    Hmm, I liked Shulk's red better, but I do have a Ragnarok with 5 red that might help... I'll try it after the unlock. Ragnarok, OBW, Mohawk maybe? I feel like SW would be too slow.
  • This anniversary event, a celebration... is an absolute joke! What were they thinking? Have they actually tested it how is anyone without a 4* roster going to manage past round 4??? I mean its a flip of the coin now on round 4 on 3 star and then there's the 8 hour cooldown that doesnt even reset if you make the next round. There needs to be a balance between generating funds and making good content for the game. So busy banging out new covers everything else gets left behind. So much for looking forward to the event, garbage
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    jagsy wrote:
    This anniversary event, a celebration... is an absolute joke! What were they thinking? Have they actually tested it how is anyone without a 4* roster going to manage past round 4??? I mean its a flip of the coin now on round 4 on 3 star and then there's the 8 hour cooldown that doesnt even reset if you make the next round. There needs to be a balance between generating funds and making good content for the game. So busy banging out new covers everything else gets left behind. So much for looking forward to the event, garbage

    At least the anniversary pvp has more tokens for rewards... that's like 2-3 more 2 stars for selling!
  • Konman
    Konman Posts: 410 Mover and Shaker
    So this is a 3.5 day long event, that will be too difficult to play before the first day is over? That's brilliant.
  • Magnum_Fox
    So, I'm not the only one getting his butt handed to him on round 4?

    I can't do enough damage even with a maxed out patch... forget about denying him any gems. It just feels like quicksand after the 3rd round. Can't keep up.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    i'm not the only one getting wiped after 4-5 turns am i?

    if so, how is this even possible?
  • TheRealJRad
    TheRealJRad Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    This difficulty went to "abysmal" very quick.
  • OzarkBoatswain
    OzarkBoatswain Posts: 692 Critical Contributor
    Does a locked Shadow Step (Elektra black) tile avoid killing Elektra?
  • Does a locked Shadow Step (Elektra black) tile avoid killing Elektra?

    Does not work. It destroys all the tiles several times.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    i appreciate the attempt at delivering something new, but this is atrocious. maybe if the devs could chime in about the secret to actually surviving more than 4-5 turns.
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    I cleared round 4 3/5 times with OBW, Shulk 127, Mohawk 162. 2 of those times Galactus never got a single AP, and the third time he only got AP once at the start. I'd say it's like 40-50% luck. One or two 5 matches in the middle will ensure you have enough AP to deny him tiles until he dies. If I had Shulk higher and doing more damage it would be way easier...
  • lorddeathscyte
    Magnum_Fox wrote:
    So, I'm not the only one getting his butt handed to him on round 4?

    I can't do enough damage even with a maxed out patch... forget about denying him any gems. It just feels like quicksand after the 3rd round. Can't keep up.

    Nope, I am in the same boat. This event sucks.
  • I'm doing ok on round 4 using IronFist+ScarletWitch, with 3* Magneto for the rainbow.
    Red helps a lot, and since it is a quick fight using up all the TU on the board only helps;
    use purple after and cascades are likely.
  • I died on turn 3 once due to a lucky black cascade in Gal's favor.
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    My R4 keeps re-opening but my points aren't going up. I just died to it so basically I killed my characters for nothing.
  • Whoops, wrong thread. Where is the cheese thread?

  • I just went to the trouble of resetting my long-forgotten password to log in and say:

    This event is an absolute mess. D3, this is not an exaggeration: you need to take a step back, and figure out how to make up for this by running an anniversary event that is actually fun next week. I'm somewhere around day 600 on this game. And from that perspective, I can say for certain that this event is very, very badly broken. Worse than that, it simply isn't fun, or interesting.

    Fix it.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    1/6 in my first attempt on Round 5.

    basically necessary to win by round 4. He makes 8 cosmic tiles at the beginning of round 3 and absorbs them to start round 4. That's 16 ap. plus whatever he might get from cascades. it's entirely possible for him to end the match on round 4 if his tiles are well placed and can't be matched.

    And at 2 countdowns a round, it's impossible to completely prevent him from collecting ap.
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