Galactus Hungers 10/8 - ?



  • Willis
    Willis Posts: 49
    Cody722000 wrote:
    Our Alliance score just got worked out and moved us into round 2, but it still says 7+ hours until I can fight and none of the essential nodes reset. Is that how Ultron worked? Am I forced to wait the 8 hours even in a new round? Or is it because I don't have 1 of the essentials and they would refresh if I beat all 5?

    You're just stuck waiting for the next wave of essentials. Even if you could do that last essential you'd have to wait the 8 hours before you could hit galactus again.
  • M C K
    M C K Posts: 96 Match Maker
    Cody722000 wrote:
    Our Alliance score just got worked out and moved us into round 2, but it still says 7+ hours until I can fight and none of the essential nodes reset. Is that how Ultron worked? Am I forced to wait the 8 hours even in a new round? Or is it because I don't have 1 of the essentials and they would refresh if I beat all 5?

    I have the's not refreshing for me either
  • Thanks for the data points guys. I edited my post but it's stuck on page 2, I now see a "new missions in ____" banner on the fight. It's roughly an hour less than how long I have until I can straight fight Galactus.
  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    I played some of my unlocks in Round 1 and some in Round 2, but I appear to only get 5 unlocks in this 8 hour window. This is different from Ultron, where your unlock nodes would reset when new rounds came available.

    Same thing here, except I used up all my unlocks in round 1 when it wasn't registering the damage until later. Now that the round is over it has me completely locked out of round 2.
  • Willis wrote:
    While we wait for the servers I'll just post what I've seen before they crashed.

    Every turn Galactus turns a random basic tile into a 3 turn countdown tile that does damage and converts 2 basic tiles into cosmic tiles that you have one turn to get rid of before he eats and gains 2 AP in each color per cosmic tile. He seems a lot less scarier than Ultron to me. Of course he's still at puny levels so we'll see how dangerous he gets in later rounds. For the essentials 2 are wave nodes and the other 3 are normal fights.

    One of the nodes is just hand ninja goons, another is classic bullseye with 2 maggia goons, and one of the wave nodes is 2 waves with a bunch of doombots with the doctor appearing in the 2nd wave

    He is not that scary... just get rid of those cosmic tiles. Like u say, he gains 2 AP in every color. But u seem to have missed his black power. It cost 28 AP, which he can get if u dont get rid of those cosmic tiles. If he gets it off, u are done. It does (and im not joking) 1000000 team damage....
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    If your Galactus node unlock is not too far behind the 8pm EDT essential node reset, you should wait for him to unlock first if at all possible. This will get you one more fight against Galactus per cycle.
  • This guys is crazy rd 3. He launches so many cosmic tiles you are doomed if you dont have a board shaker or clearer. His black power comes super quick and you are doomed
  • djpt05
    djpt05 Posts: 178
    So what teams are you using and having success with against galactus?
  • Yeah, Galactus' AP gain escalates super quickly on round 3. He demolished my team in no time. Due to some cascading from his cosmic tile countdowns, he hit 28 black AP on like, turn 7 and flattened my guys. XD
  • Knyghtmare
    I'm using She-Hulk for her green and red, GSBW for her pink and green, and Hood for his yellow and black. Worked well as long as the board doesn't only have blue.

    S.H.I.E.L.D Commander
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    I joined in round 3 and daaaaaamn... I'm using Hood, She Hulk, OBW, which won 2 out of 5 times. Hood isn't THAT useful but his yellow/black attacks are nice to have, and have won the match for me. She Hulk never seems to target Galactus's black though.
  • AgentCoulsonLMD
    AgentCoulsonLMD Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    Rounds 1-3 I've used Iron Fist/Luke Cage and Kamahla Khan. using Purple to feed black. Did get "world destroyed" in one battle.
    Thinking perhaps Doc Ock may be good because of all the special tiles.
    Perhaps Magneto (3 stars) quicksilver and Scarlet witch?
    blade using green???
  • Rounds 1 and 2 I used Blade, Astonishing Wolvie and IM35. Blade's black ability works wonders on prolonging the inevitable until I can figure something out...
  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    So what happens if the entire board is clogged? Does he still spawn his CD tiles?
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Blahahah wrote:
    So what happens if the entire board is clogged? Does he still spawn his CD tiles?
    interesting thought. clog everything with mostorm. will his cds spawn over attacks and will the cosmics spawn over attacks? wish I could try, but gotta wait 6h 23m.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been using the boosted characters and burning him out so far. Can't play round 3 yet, so I want to know, how much hp does he have in round 3? He only had 10k in round 2 and I could bring him down with torch/patch/fist before he got anywhere close to 28 black ap.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    Blahahah wrote:
    So what happens if the entire board is clogged? Does he still spawn his CD tiles?
    interesting thought. clog everything with mostorm. will his cds spawn over attacks and will the cosmics spawn over attacks? wish I could try, but gotta wait 6h 23m.

    Someone has to try this.. very curious if this works.. toss in Hood to keep stealing black so you can recast and recast!
  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2015
    Malcrof wrote:
    TxMoose wrote:
    Blahahah wrote:
    So what happens if the entire board is clogged? Does he still spawn his CD tiles?
    interesting thought. clog everything with mostorm. will his cds spawn over attacks and will the cosmics spawn over attacks? wish I could try, but gotta wait 6h 23m.

    Someone has to try this.. very curious if this works.. toss in Hood to keep stealing black so you can recast and recast!

    It would be difficult to test since any match would open up 3 new tiles, though that being said if you can just snuff out the things somehow that would be interesting.

    Thinking about it, Old Man Logan might be able to mess with it since his ability ends the turn also.

    Also can you bubble them? If you bubble a cosmic, can it still be collected?

    Also (to the comment below) I think SG is on record beating the likes of Thanos, so her being the ultimate weapon against Galactus wouldn't be super out-of-meta.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    He can create countdowns of any color, and you have to make a match each round (barring SG yellowflag.png etc, etc) so he'll have a valid target unless you get lucky and 3 tutile.png drop in.

    I'm just hearing that he makes more than one CD a turn in round 3. At least flooding the board would group them at the top, and if the strike tiles prevent the cosmic tiles from spawning, that would be a double bonus.
  • maybe someone can help me i got a question about the reset.

    is the reset of time for galactus and missions done automaticly or do i have to activate the reset via playing...?

    so do i have to set an alarm for the middle of the night or do i have an 8 hour window where i can do my hits to him?
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