Galactus Hungers 10/8 - ?



  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    So after my alliance got short changed significantly, the newest round of this being insanely difficult, this is not that fun.

    The initial bug ensured all my alliances attempts were on the round 1 Galactus.... meaning we lost out on a lot of possible HP from his having more HP in round 2 or 3.

    Thanks for that.

    Now in round 4... the difficulty is off the charts tough. No way I'm making any significant progression rewards at this rate. Why even play if I know I'm not going to actually earn anything worthwhile?

    Server issue combined with overtuned diffculty results in this being a grueling chore that I have to wipe my entire team to 8 hours just so I'm not letting down my alliance.
  • Tihad
    Tihad Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    This event is literally unplayable and not even remotely close to fun. Had the server issue keep most of our alliance out of the first rounds. With this latest round, it is instant kill in 3 or 4 turns. Whomever planned this event should be demoted for doing such a poor job. Would be one thing if it were challenging, but this is just cheap.
  • Galactus reminds me of the boss The Lost of game The Last Remnant. Or you end up with him in five rounds or goodbye planet.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    vinicius18 wrote:
    Galactus reminds me of the boss The Lost of game The Last Remnant. Or you end up with him in five rounds or goodbye planet.

    wow, a real, straight-faced "Last Remnant" reference in the wild. Who would have thought!?
  • eckorock
    Is there a Galactus countdown tile bug?? It says they are supposed to be 3-turn countdowns and they are showing up 2-turn !!!

    makes it a LOT harder.
  • DirigiblePilot
    DirigiblePilot Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    eckorock wrote:
    Is there a Galactus countdown tile bug?? It says they are supposed to be 3-turn countdowns and they are showing up 2-turn !!!

    makes it a LOT harder.

    As far as I understand it, for some reason he puts down Countdown Tiles before the "start of turn" phase (which is when countdowns tick down), so the tiles are placed as 3-turn tiles but immediately tick down to 2. Pretty annoying and confusing.
  • limonade
    limonade Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    Welp. I'm out of my 10 Health Pack and did all nodes. Most of my good 3* and 4* are down. Managed to do a combined total of 6k damage to Galactus in round 4, mainly due to a string of bad luck.

    Wow. This--plus dpd 4* only event. I'm starting to feel like an unwanted step-child. LOL.
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    nesler wrote:
    I just went to the trouble of resetting my long-forgotten password to log in and say:

    This event is an absolute mess. D3, this is not an exaggeration: you need to take a step back, and figure out how to make up for this by running an anniversary event that is actually fun next week. I'm somewhere around day 600 on this game. And from that perspective, I can say for certain that this event is very, very badly broken. Worse than that, it simply isn't fun, or interesting.

    Fix it.

    Beyond broken!! I was ok the first round and saw all the same problems as others have mentioned here where points weren't showing up, etc. Once I got to round 3, I might as well have stopped and gone to bed. I tried all the different team-ups suggested by alliance mates and others on the forums and I don't think I got past my 5th turn. Tried OBW's purple several times and it just fizzled and did nothing! Went back to the screen and tried it again and still nothing. Massive fail here, D3!!!!!!
  • _Ryu_
    _Ryu_ Posts: 149
    Vhailorx wrote:
    vinicius18 wrote:
    Galactus reminds me of the boss The Lost of game The Last Remnant. Or you end up with him in five rounds or goodbye planet.

    wow, a real, straight-faced "Last Remnant" reference in the wild. Who would have thought!?

    Was that that one, as soon as his feeds touched the ground it was game over? i can still remember but never beat him... bad omen for galactus fights!
  • _Ryu_
    _Ryu_ Posts: 149
    Maybe this should show us the difference between some Ultron guy thats a thread to planet earth and Galactus devouring as many planets as he wants. If you look this way, the difficulty is set right icon_e_wink.gif

    For real, its like taking your sheeps to the slaughter, but only only who gives up can loose!
  • Eent 3 for 5 in rd 5. People are complaining about a rd 1 bug. The point values for rd 1 are so pitiful in comparion to later rounds its no use using THAT as your scapgoat for why you didnt get far in the event.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Round 6: 3x CD tiles that create 4x cosmic tiles each, and 4AP gained per cosmic tile. So potential 48AP on the board to start the game.

    Either die turn 4 or get lucky and delay it till turn 5.
  • Apostrophe
    So far the most logical strategy I can think of is this : You take in Spider-Man, Deadpool and Scarlet Witch. You boost Purple AP. Your goal is to build up to 14 Purple AP and drop Deadpool's whales on the bastard. Scarlet Witch is coming along to help you with that Purple tile builder of hers, if you get lucky. Spider-Man is coming along to serve as a tank - he is boosted in this match and has high Hitpoints, and he builds shields as you match Purples.

    That's the most sensible approach I can think of.

    At Galactus level 4, I have been able to do this successfully once - and the whales did kill Galactus. But I wiped out maybe three times also, without really doing any damage. He builds that Black AP so, so quickly. If you get an unlucky board, you die in two or three turns. Four, if you're lucky.

    I think maybe this is the approach the devs had in mind when they designed Galactus. I can't think of any other combination of characters that has more potential to be successful.

    Does anyone else have any better ideas?
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    Apostrophe wrote:
    So far the most logical strategy I can think of is this : You take in Spider-Man, Deadpool and Scarlet Witch. You boost Purple AP. Your goal is to build up to 14 Purple AP and drop Deadpool's whales on the bastard. Scarlet Witch is coming along to help you with that Purple tile builder of hers, if you get lucky. Spider-Man is coming along to serve as a tank - he is boosted in this match and has high Hitpoints, and he builds shields as you match Purples.

    That's the most sensible approach I can think of.

    At Galactus level 4, I have been able to do this successfully once - and the whales did kill Galactus. But I wiped out maybe three times also, without really doing any damage. He builds that Black AP so, so quickly. If you get an unlucky board, you die in two or three turns. Four, if you're lucky.

    I think maybe this is the approach the devs had in mind when they designed Galactus. I can't think of any other combination of characters that has more potential to be successful.

    Does anyone else have any better ideas?
    Cyclop + IF + Patch
    Boosts: Yellow+Red, Green+Black, All colors

    Complete 1 yellow or 1 pink match. Use cyclop or IF abilities (depends on your match). Pray for cascades or possible 5 match. If not -> try to gain 13 black as fast as you can. Kill galactus with cyclop black (make sure he is stunned) and patch red. If you don't have all colors buff take pink+blue and try to get green matches to use patch' s green ability and deal the maximum amount of damage with matches before dying.

    managed to beat him in 4 out of 5 matches on round 5 with such strategy (well technicaly 3 out of 5 but in one of the attempts he was left with 40 HP so i get almost max points from it).
  • I'm very disappointed by Round 6. He only needs seven cosmic tiles to win and starts the ap train on turn 4. This was very poorly developed. I have tried several board break and mitigation strategies and many health packs. This just happens faster than you can get the ap to deal 24k damage, even with boosts.

    If this event hadn't been so ridiculously overpowered, it would have been just hard enough to make it really fun and exciting. The devs couldn't have tested this at round 6 stats. They've become the MICROSOFT of game developers. Make some code and send it out live to make the users test it for you. Remember the Ultron bugs? And they learned nothing from the server crashes of Ultron. Service was still down the first hour with brief periods when it worked.

    I thought things would be different this time. Forget half full, this glass is officially EMPTY.
  • Been playing this game for 7 months now, play on a daily basis still on a transition from 2 > 3 star got a few maxxed 3 stars. Within the 1st couple of hrs after the connection issues had been resolved our guild was already on round 4. Which then wipes out any opportunity for 2 star players to contribute, so devs give them an anniversary reward of a couple of fingers in the air and a boatload if frustration. We're on round 5 now managed to get to turn 4 on my latest attempt before the consumed tile kicked in which resulted in cascades which resulted in more consumes and game over. What an utterly pointless and unbelievably frustrating experience this anniversary has been so far. The lack of planning and testing on this event shows how clearly the developers are focused on generating funds by just pushing out new covers as fast as they can and forget the experience of the various level of players in the game. What a complete game farce
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm liking Cyclops + Iron Fist + Scarlet Witch for the Galactus battles. Generate purple, transmute to black, FULL BLAST!
    I'm only on round 5 though, might not work as well in later rounds.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster wrote:
    I'm liking Cyclops + Iron Fist + Scarlet Witch for the Galactus battles. Generate purple, transmute to black, FULL BLAST!
    I'm only on round 5 though, might not work as well in later rounds.

    The problem with all these switch fueled strategies is that Galactus is just faster than Switch. he start rolling on round 3. She takes until round 4. So by the time her first cooldown goes off (assuming it didn't match itself away instantly), galactus may already have killed you if his cosmic tiles were well placed and couldn't be matched away, and even if not, switch's countdown may not spawn much purple if its surrounded by countdowns and cosmics.

    And I can't really think of faster player ap battery than switch. So I am sort of at a loss to figure out how to reliably beat him in round 6 and above.
  • FewRa
    FewRa Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    This event is not sense, how D3 can do a event where the boss kill you only after 3 turns? I have the feeling that the aim of this fight is not to win but to find the way how to make the more damage before to be kill to have more point.

    Normally birthday event should make you happy and this one make the opposite (bad choice by D3). icon_evil.gif
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Quebbster wrote:
    I'm liking Cyclops + Iron Fist + Scarlet Witch for the Galactus battles. Generate purple, transmute to black, FULL BLAST!
    I'm only on round 5 though, might not work as well in later rounds.

    The problem with all these switch fueled strategies is that Galactus is just faster than Switch. he start rolling on round 3. She takes until round 4. So by the time her first cooldown goes off (assuming it didn't match itself away instantly), galactus may already have killed you if his cosmic tiles were well placed and couldn't be matched away, and even if not, switch's countdown may not spawn much purple if its surrounded by countdowns and cosmics.

    And I can't really think of faster player ap battery than switch. So I am sort of at a loss to figure out how to reliably beat him in round 6 and above.

    also she can't convert cosmic tiles so if her countdown gets surrounded by them no good.
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