IW vs. QS - 4* DDQ matchup

lymang Posts: 97 Match Maker
edited September 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Should I dump some ISO into IW and hope it helps against QS? I am very concerned this will skew my scaling all out of wack. icon_e_sad.gif

Followup: tried about 6 times, unsuccessfully, but could see it was doable. Decided to heck with it, put some ISO into her (lvl 173) and tried a few more times, I think I got it right on try 9 or 10.

I got a Prof X blue cover from my token.

Mod interference: Improved subject line for merged thread. -DayvBang


  • gmp72
    gmp72 Posts: 164 Tile Toppler
    Might as well get the conversation started.

    icon_invisiblewoman.png vs icon_quicksilver.png

    Who's managed it, and what's your advice for lower covered/levelled IW ?
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    I beat it on the first try 2/2/3 147 IW with no boosts.

    The fight is very straightforward. Just get your invisibility tile down and keep him from getting too many locked tiles. Direct matching away his tiles or using force bubbles+crush kept him from getting that far. It was a long match but overall an easy victory.
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    My 2/2/3 147 had an easy time of it

    You should be fine
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    I beat it with a l145 355 IW.

    This one was actually pretty fun and puzzle-y, with the locked tile management.
  • lymang
    lymang Posts: 97 Match Maker
    brisashi wrote:
    My 2/2/3 147 had an easy time of it

    You should be fine

    Based on that I'll give it a try without any modifications, might as well! Worst case burn a health pack.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Level 166 3/5/5 Baglady, beat it on the second try.

    Takes two uses of green to down QS, but with an invisibility tile on the board and matching away locked tiles when necessary it's pretty easy.
  • Can somebody please tell me why IW's rival is Quicksilver? Do they hate each other in the comics, or is this just some contrived **** the devs put together so that QS has a chance with his AOE?
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've just taken my level 70 3/2/3 up to level 168 which goes against all my keep everyone steady and even philsophy, but it's done now.

    Not anticipating any PvE scaling problems. I think. I hope.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    The match-ups are more based on matching/opposing in-game mechanics than any rivalries in the comics.
    In that sense I actually think QS was a pretty inspired choice. Your invisibility is useful, but you have to make an effort beyond *deny color X* to keep his team damage ability from going off and damaging you.
  • Yeah, I haven't a hope in hell in doing this with my 130 IW. Not unless I find a 5 leaf clover and my luck drastically changes.

    Even if I manage to turn invisible he still kicks my **** with his blue due to all the cascades and blues falling from the ceiling.

    I'm on my 6th try now and the most i've got him down to is 9k, match damage just doesn't do anything to him :/
  • xequalsy
    xequalsy Posts: 231
    edited September 2015
    I had a fairly easy time of it - managed it on the second try with my 3/1/4 IW. I took her to 120 for this, in the hopes that she'll be able to tank a skill plus match damage, but didn't end up needing to, since I got the needed yellow very quickly and never let my invisibility tile expire. It was so satisfying to see every QS skill miss after the last two times! I especially liked the actual Puzzle part of it - you needed to manage the QS locked tiles.

    The token trolled me though and gave me a yellow IW, so she's at 4/1/4 for now I guess icon_razz.gif

    EDIT: For those struggling, remember to boost +2 R/Y (most important) and then boost match damage, since that'll be how you do most of the damage if low levelled/covered.
  • I beat it on my eleventh try. My IW is 1/2/3, lvl 131. Basically you need to use the invisible ability and farm up blue and green. If he has at least 3 locked tiles use your blue, then green to remove the locked tiles AND you'll need a bit of lucky to not die until you can farm up your yellow.
  • Picklechu
    Picklechu Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Assuming you can stay invis and avoid an unlucky situation with a Supersonic going off, any IW should be able to finish this one given enough time.
  • I haven't tried this yet with my 1/0/0 Invisible Woman, but this sounds quite possible doesn't it?

    All we have to do is get the invisibility tile out before we die and stop him from getting 5 locked tiles while protecting the invisibility tile.

    A long fight, but shouldn't be too hard and will get easier with boosts.
  • 10th try, with a 2/1/1 level 94 IW. Advice from here was what got me through, yellow out as soon as possible, carefully save up blue and green. When 3 locked tiles down, place some bubbles near the locked ones then green them out of existence.

    A bad board destroys you though, blue cascades are evil. PX Purple out of the token, he's now 2/2/0 so that was worth it!
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got it on my fourth or was it fifth try with my now 168 3/2/3. No boosts.

    Invisibility tiles and keep matching the locked TU's. Rest is just being careful and matching your colours before he does.

    Sadly, this is the end of my 4* DDQ experience, as my X-Force and IW are my only characters with enough covers to even have a chance.

    Not anticipating any adverse PvE scaling issues from bringing her up to 168 from 70 and far above the average level of everyone - either way, too late now.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have a level 199 IW, 5/4/2 so I used match damage boosts and won on my 2nd try. Tons of yellow to start, so I was invisible early and often. Just had to keep matching away the locked team ups and whittle him down slowly. He got his blue off once, but it wasn't enough.

    Got an IW blue with the token. Um, thanks?
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    Merged two topics on the Invisible Woman and Quicksilver DPD encounter to keep things tidy. Please keep all discussion on the topic in this thread here. Thanks!

    I used a level 100 3/5/5 Invisible Woman and was able to beat the node on my second try (with +2 B/P and R/Y boost) for those who are debating putting ISO into IW. I was able to survive one Supersonic attack (brought me down to 800 and change in the health point department though).

    The key, as others have mentioned, is getting that yellow invisibility tile out as quick as possible and keeping an eye out for how many locked tiles QS has out. I imagine different builds and levels should be able to pull it off but it is very helpful to have 5 green covers. Good luck!
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Remember: Quicksilver can use your Force Bubbles but not the other way around. You'll really want to fire blue & green back-to-back, and try to pop any of his locked tiles that are out with them. Casting green with none of your bubbles down just gives him ammunition. Also, you may want to avoid putting Force Bubbles on a TU tile to make them clearly identifiable, but there is a slight difference in the graphic. His locked tiles have some faint lines along the top that looks a little like a knight's visor, while Sue's do not.

    I gave it a few tries at 124 and bumped her up to 142 before succeeding.
  • TheRealJRad
    TheRealJRad Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    I gave it a quick go without boosts (have been just to see how it'll go). It wasn't bad, but I had a really bad board.

    Thanks to all for the heads-up about the locked tiles.