Today's 4* DDQ Feedback [Sep 20 - Nick Fury vs. Magneto]



  • Captain_Carlman
    Captain_Carlman Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    DFiPL wrote:
    And, frankly, this is the same old sad, sorry, "If you don't play the game exactly the way I think you should play it you don't deserve blah blah blah" song that we've been hearing for months.

    Not everybody gives a tinykitty about PvP. Not everybody who plays PvP has any interest in spending on multiple shields to reach 1k or (now) 1300 in a given PvP event.

    Not everybody is willing to go t100 alliance hunting. Some are in an alliance with their friends so that they can share the victories and losses because, y'know, social game.

    And, yet, that has, up to now, been essentially THE avenue to gaining any 4* covers, aside from placement in PvE.

    So, no, it's not that "by now you should have the covers." Because if you're not in a top alliance, if PvP isn't a big part of your play, and you don't have a horseshoe up your **** on token pulls, you AREN'T going to have the covers.

    And that's the player's fault exactly to the extent that "if you don't play the game the way I think you should play the game you don't deserve 4* covers" is valid.

    Hint: it's not tinykitty valid.

    Couldn't have said it better myself, really. I really don't a **** about PVP (because after the three initial nodes, I'm aways thrown to the wolves against maxed out four star characters I have no chance in beating), never bought shields for any reason, and am in an alliance that consists of my real life friends who play. On top of that, I have just absolutely terrible luck when it comes to pulls from any kind of token. I literally went weeks without having a character to level up with ISO since I simply could not come across covers and so I just kept dumping 500 ISO into standard tokens, just to hopefully get something, ANYTHING just to have something to do. Without a way to transition to 4-star effectively, I feel that's what it's going to come down to again.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Omega Red wrote:
    It's fair that you don't like pvp for whatever the reason. I myself don't like things like lighting rounds or heroics pve. You're entitled to play or skip anything you want, that's your prerogative. I don't see how that entitles you to receive elite rewards tough. You want elite rewards then you have to play the elite game. You want to ignore the competitive nature of this game, fine, just don't expect to receive elite rewards for that.

    Also you realize that by asking to cater for the casual, social player you are also imposing your own view of how this game should be played?

    Those of use who are asking for a more lenient DDQ node aren't asking for the entire suite of 4*s on a silver platter. We're asking for a better chance of obtaining ONE cover every FIVE days. How the hell is that affecting the "elite" economy of the game?
  • Captain_Carlman
    Captain_Carlman Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    Pylgrim wrote:

    Athletic medals. Good grades. Beating a game of skill. Becoming a good artist. Grabbing some virtual reward in a stupid match-3 game. All things that require time and effort applied in a certain, specific way until you eventually obtain the results. What is not valid is feeling entitled to do achieve any of those things without the effort and time other people are spending in it.

    I'm not saying "give me free Silver Surfer covers plz", like a ton of people on Facebook do whenever there's a chance of a server outage, but damn D3, throw me a freakin' bone once in a while. As it stands, I have no reason to keep playing in the near future. No reason to keep playing = No money for the developers. I'm not exactly dropping $25,000 USD on a maxed out Silver Surfer like I've been reading about on this forum here, but it's still something they wouldn't be getting if I stopped playing altogether.

    I'm fine with not progressing as fast as the people who are planning every second of their day around when a tournament or event ends, but as it stands right now, I hit a wall and have no way to get around it. I don't expect to beat the 4-Star DPD every time, but I'm not wanting to be slaughtered every single time by having everything stacked against the player, just because I haven't been able to pull the "right amount" of Nick Fury covers out of sheer luck (or lack of it, really). It's a fun game when it feels like progress is being made. It's an extremely irritating one when you're just spinning your wheels.

    Yeah, it's my fault for not diving headfirst into PVP, but I just do not have the time, resources, or money to get involved in it. Hell, at this point, I would just be happy with new content and I would have no problem sticking to that. But as it stands now, it looks like the player like me is getting left behind as it moves more toward the competitive model it seems to be morphing into. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted and I can see myself slowly phasing the game out in the future. It's not the first one and probably won't be the last. We'll see how things go in the near future.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Omega Red wrote:
    DFiPL wrote:
    Omega Red wrote:
    Tried all day in the first event and got nowhere (my XFW is 100 with 1/2/1, so I wasn't expecting to). Same thing this time with a level 94 Fury. Not going to get butt hurt about it because it's just a game a play on my phone when there isn't much else to do. It's still some **** though when the CPU drops your Demolition trap tiles on green tiles in the corners of the board then allowing the AI to get around 20 AP from a number of cascades in their favor (like they need it).

    Oh well. Guess the transition to 4-star land will never happen for me, despite playing daily for close to two years now.

    I hate to be THAT **** who tells you this but if you have been playing for that long and you still have that few covers for x-force and Fury then you haven't been trying that hard to progress. That's OK, we all play and climb at different rhythms but don't come here to lament yourself and fish for sympathy because by now you should have the covers and levels to beat this node.

    And, frankly, this is the same old sad, sorry, "If you don't play the game exactly the way I think you should play it you don't deserve blah blah blah" song that we've been hearing for months.

    Not everybody gives a tinykitty about PvP. Not everybody who plays PvP has any interest in spending on multiple shields to reach 1k or (now) 1300 in a given PvP event.

    Not everybody is willing to go t100 alliance hunting. Some are in an alliance with their friends so that they can share the victories and losses because, y'know, social game.

    And, yet, that has, up to now, been essentially THE avenue to gaining any 4* covers, aside from placement in PvE.

    So, no, it's not that "by now you should have the covers." Because if you're not in a top alliance, if PvP isn't a big part of your play, and you don't have a horseshoe up your **** on token pulls, you AREN'T going to have the covers.

    And that's the player's fault exactly to the extent that "if you don't play the game the way I think you should play the game you don't deserve 4* covers" is valid.

    Hint: it's not tinykitty valid.

    It's fair that you don't like pvp for whatever the reason. I myself don't like things like lighting rounds or heroics pve. You're entitled to play or skip anything you want, that's your prerogative. I don't see how that entitles you to receive elite rewards tough. You want elite rewards then you have to play the elite game. You want to ignore the competitive nature of this game, fine, just don't expect to receive elite rewards for that.

    The only people using the word "entitled" are the people who are playing the "if you don't play the game the way I think you should you don't deserve it" card.

    Nobody who's expressed an issue with the 3*->4* "transition" has used the word "entitled."

    What we've said - repeatedly, and to no apparent avail - is that the way Demiurge are handling things is "make it easier for high-level players to cover their 4* or get 5*, but leave no way for people who aren't big spenders to start a 4* transition." Supposedly there's a feature coming that's going to do that aside from the 4* DDQ. I look forward to seeing if it actually has any effect. The regular DDQ jump-started my 2*->3* transition because I could take my roster of 2* and have a shot at earning 3* covers through the Big Enchilada and tacos. I have pulled *one* 4* cover from either Steam or mobile taco vaults since that changed. And that was mobile, which is very much a 'play a match while on the can' account. Steam is where it's at for me. I was hoping the 4* DDQ would be like that. Slower, of course, because you only get one cover every five days, but I'd be adding a cover now and again instead of pulling one from an event token and waiting a year to pull another.
    Also you realize that by asking to cater for the casual, social player you are also imposing your own view of how this game should be played?

    You've got this weird projection thing going on, you know it? "If you don't blah blah blah you don't deserve the thing" is literally what the song-and-dance has been from people in the transition. When have people advocating for an on-ramp to the 4* transition that doesn't force them into a part of the game made any statements about what high-end players "deserve" or how they "should" be playing?
  • It's hard to say that "4* progress is completely blocked off" when there's a pretty obtainable Legendary token in PVE...

    It'd be gaining 4 stars at a faster rate then I was gaining 3 stars when I first started. And I'm speaking as somebody who doesn't have anybody at 166 most covered 4* is at 5 covers, (Thanks, Growth Industry and empty brackets!) and is terrified of any big PVP push (especially when all my HP goes to roster slots still).

    Progress still feels pretty obtainable to me right now. It may not be as fast as I'd like, but I'm still making 3* progress in the process, while hoping that I get more ants in the future, too.

    (I do think the generic Heroic/Event token odd increase is real too, but that may be personal luck too. Progress is being made, if slowly)
  • xombie666
    xombie666 Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Wow... So freaking pumped! I was able to finish it with my 1/1/3 Fury. Took 15 health packs and a crazy amount of boosts. I got a green carnage cover out of it.

    So much luck was involved. I got lucky with my cascades triggering critical tiles and then he matched one demolition tile causing the other 3 to explode.

    It feels great to have finally completed it but I still can't help but feel upset that this is the new normal going forward.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    colwag wrote:
    It's hard to say that "4* progress is completely blocked off" when there's a pretty obtainable Legendary token in PVE...

    Jury's still out on how obtainable it is, at least for me. I didn't get there in the last one, but I didn't have all three essentials, either. I have a shot at earning this one, maybe, if the final sub is kind. I need a little over 11,000 points to get there after my first clear. I'll be able to do a clear before work in the morning, but I work 9-3 tomorrow, so I'll have to either do a clear when I get home and then do the final grind on nodes which haven't fully refreshed, or skip that clear and just grind down on fully refreshed nodes. I really don't know which would be better.
    It'd be gaining 4 stars at a faster rate then I was gaining 3 stars when I first started. And I'm speaking as somebody who doesn't have anybody at 166 most covered 4* is at 5 covers, (Thanks, Growth Industry and empty brackets!) and is terrified of any big PVP push (especially when all my HP goes to roster slots still).

    Progress still feels pretty obtainable to me right now. It may not be as fast as I'd like, but I'm still making 3* progress in the process, while hoping that I get more ants in the future, too.

    (I do think the generic Heroic/Event token odd increase is real too, but that may be personal luck too. Progress is being made, if slowly)

    Slow progress I'm okay with, as long as there's progress. I don't expect to have ten legendary tokens a week or any nonsense like that. If I'm able to earn a couple a month, fine. That's more progress than I was making previously.

    It's too soon to know if PvE is going to be a reliable source of tokens for me, but it's not too soon to know that 4* DDQ isn't going to do a thing for me. Two of my three most-covered characters have been eaten for lunch, and I'm not really optimistic about 4-cover Invisible Woman faring any better.
  • The mass of 4 star characters is gonna make it really tough to focus on 1 character unless you want to spend a bunch of money.

    Regarding this challenge today, I lucked out with my 166 fury. I disagree with guys who say if you can beat him biffed, you can beat him unbuffed. In a moment of stupidity, I fought him using a 40% all color damage buff, 2 blue / purple ap buff, and 2 all color buff. With that, it was a foot race. I killed him with like 1200 health left, and was 1 cascade or special move away from getting squashed. Let's get real. His yellow power at 170 is crippling, his blue is devastating, and his red is quite nasty - as I found out.

    My prize was a charles xavier, which is fine, but it was my 3rd cover for him ( wow ) making him still useless. My other 2 4 star tokens gave me a hulkbuster ( 4th cover, wow ) and an elektra ( sold it, don't have her ).

    So short of a boss alliance, great luck, or deep pockets, it will be very difficult to get a stable of 4 star characters, especially now that there are so many of them. When I started there weren't many, so I was able to get lots of WXF, NF and IW covers. Now, with the cadre of 4 stars, forget it.

    My focus will be to get few 4 star guys loaded up, but continuing to upgrade 3 stars.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 455 Mover and Shaker
    I tried three times with my max-levelled 1/1/1 Fury before calling it a day.

    At my level discrepancy, I can't boatrace Magneto by matching, nor can I catch up by firing abilities while denying his colors. If Magneto just matches enough gems, he's gonna win, regardless of what I can throw out.

    I see Legendary tokens/Epic characters as a way to create separation in the ranks by having the consistent token-getters who will spend HP for unexpected roster slots pull away from the guys with a few kitted-out 4*s. This does not make my 3*-laden roster get any thicker in 4* world.

    I do have some covers for IW, but I don't see how that would be an inherently enjoyable 1-on-1 matchup.
  • BearVenger wrote:
    I tried three times with my max-levelled 1/1/1 Fury before calling it a day.

    At my level discrepancy, I can't boatrace Magneto by matching, nor can I catch up by firing abilities while denying his colors. If Magneto just matches enough gems, he's gonna win, regardless of what I can throw out.

    I see Legendary tokens/Epic characters as a way to create separation in the ranks by having the consistent token-getters who will spend HP for unexpected roster slots pull away from the guys with a few kitted-out 4*s. This does not make my 3*-laden roster get any thicker in 4* world.

    I do have some covers for IW, but I don't see how that would be an inherently enjoyable 1-on-1 matchup.

    Mark my words, which have been consistent for months. DDQ is going to a full roster of 4 star characters so PVP matches can be better / more fairly made or managed. Which is what should have been the case from the start. This is to say that a guy with a thick roster of 3 star characters won't continually be thumped by a lucky member who has a bunch of upgraded 4 star characters. Recall that their solution for this, for a while, was to allow 3 star teams to pound on 2 star teams.

    I've said already, which I see you get, that barring deep pockets or a favorable alliance setup, it will be impossible to get a deep 4 star roster - despite the fact that there are swelling ranks of them.

    I'm focusing on sticking with a couple of hossed out 4 star characters, while I upgrade my 3 stars primarily.
  • 20 tries, cleaned up most of my boost, still no joy

    3 times I got him to about 3k health, then some magical cascade happened for Magz

    The other times, I tried my best to deny the colours, but then, them magical cascades are hard to predict/avoid...

    Lvl 145 Fury with 4/3/0
  • djvkool wrote:
    20 tries, cleaned up most of my boost, still no joy

    3 times I got him to about 3k health, then some magical cascade happened for Magz

    The other times, I tried my best to deny the colours, but then, them magical cascades are hard to predict/avoid...

    Lvl 145 Fury with 4/3/0

    Sorry dude. You're wasting your time. Even if you activate your yellow power and shut the board down, it is tough to get good enough offense because his red and blue powers are so high. My fury is 1-3-5 and I was lucky enough ( thanks to buffing ) to use the blue AND purple powers ( complete with strength tile ) and still escape by the skin of my teeth.
  • likwid6 wrote:
    Lv115 1/3/1 NFury and the lowest Ive gotten Mags down to is 1.7K. Since then I can't get him under 7K.

    35+ health packs and thousands of ISO on boosts...ugh it's a pain. Super tempted to buy the 1900 ISO needed for a 4th blue cover.

    Day 470 player, admittedly a few months of that is logging in for only DDQ. Looking forward to IW time as she's my best covered at 4/1/3 (upto lv172)

    My Fury is 3/0/1. So I gave up after almost 20 tries.the best I can do is to made him down to around 6k.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon did on the second attempt, but my Fury there is 5/5/3 level 180.

    Wolveroach is a different kettle of fish, 4/2/1 maxed to level 152 in anticipation of this event.

    Demolition does 3645. I boosted yellow, all, and 100% critical damage.

    What started being "deny blue" swiftly became "deny blue and red". And a rush to yellow to try for stuns.

    7 attempts later, without stuns but a few fortuitous matches of demolition, Magneto is dead, dead, dead. Antman yellow for my trouble.

    Before that I was lucky to get him under 6000 HP. That was one very lucky board.
  • Arsael
    Arsael Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    I don't understand the logic behind this event at all.
    1. it should help the transition from 3* to 4* but if you don't have a 4* covered enough character it's impossible ( my fury i s 3/1/2 )
    The person that have 4* strar good covered it's because they bought some cover ( and probably will buy again ) but in this way they won't buy it anymore.
    The poor will be poore the rich will be richer.

    a suggestion :
    you should combact with the 3* character of the day versus the 4* character of the day.
    In this way it will not be easy but also open to everybody and not impossible.
  • lymang wrote:
    theZeppo wrote:
    Does anyone think it's possible with a 1/3/2 lvl131 Fury? Don't wanna waste boosts if I haven't a hope in hell.
    It's not just possible, as I posted on page one or two of this thread, I did it on my first try. 2/3/1 lvl 131. I used crit x2, stockpile red/yellow, and all color damage x2.
    Thanks for the encouragement lymang, it was indeed possible. Brought +2 all, +2 blueflag.pngpurpleflag.png and pulled out an old, retired 20% damage to all mutants.
    I don't know why but it felt a lot easier to deny ap this time than it was against cyclops. Obviously I had a good board which didn't give Mags any ridiculous cascades but it also rarely dropped even 2 red/blue/yellow for him to make a match 3. He only got off his team-up power (which he immediately destroyed with a match-4), no other abilities.
    I meanwhile got off escape plan & demolition twice, once the second demolition was out he was gone.
  • Tannen
    Tannen Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    3/3/3 -- Level 130 Fury. Took 7 attempts.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    My Fury was lvl200 445....

    First attempt, almost got him but he was able to get his blue off. Game over.

    Second attempt (with lvl220 now, no boosts still) - demolished him quite easily (won with about 9000k life still) because of a favorable board.

    Pulled a freaking purple Fury for my troubles....was so PO'd at the time (until later when the PvE token gave me red Surfer icon_e_biggrin.gif )

    I don't know how I fully feel about this yet because I had fully covered 4* for both nodes so far. I'll know better how I feel when it's KP, XDP, JG or a few others in that 5 - 9 cover range.
  • uberhamster
    uberhamster Posts: 96 Match Maker
    That's so great. Congratulations on your victory! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wasn't able to succeed with my 3/1/1 Fury, even with boosted damage every try after about a dozen tries.

    I may submit a ticket though, only because after Mags insta-killed me with Polarizing Force, he'd then launch Magnetized Projectiles.

    I was already dead, so why the Magneto version of a tea bagging? This happened on three separate occasions.