Today's 4* DDQ Feedback [Sep 20 - Nick Fury vs. Magneto]



  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Took two tries, same as last time.

    My nf is 172, 5/2/5.

    Just scrap 63rd out the second match. Got my 12th yellow so just as mags got enough red for polarizing force.

    Fury was fun to 700 health after that. But a full avenger assemble effectively ended the match. 3 turns of stun, plus lots of protect tiles. My escape was able to resolve, and I was to collect enough blue for demo. Mags made the wrong match when he was unstunned and boom!

    Fury is a slower character than xfw, with 3 4-match powers. But his powers are also well suited to 1v1 play. He has stuns, and special tiles and ap theft. If you can survive the early rounds and collect the ap you need, this should be doable with a decent covered fury. Wonder how many 2/2/2s or below will make it through.

    Also, despite being a powerful 3*, cmags is noticeable easier than cyclops. Blue is more or less a one shot. But red might not be. And yellow just extends the match. With cyclops, black=death, red = death, and yellow=red. So there were more possibilities for one unlucky tile drop can end the match instantly.
  • irwando
    irwando Posts: 263 Mover and Shaker
    3/1/0 level 111. Never came close after 5 tries. Got him just below 10k once. Even focusing. Red/blue he can one shot me with one luck cascade.
  • This is impossible. My Fury has 3 covers and I've been playing almost a year. If MPQ is trying to lose all its long term players, Mission accomplished. I'm not spending all day praying for a magic cascade fall against an enemy that can kill me as soon as he gets 1 ability out. Figure out some way to fix this so it's POSSIBLE to get 4* covers, or I'm done, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. 20 days till it's been a year, I am so poised to quit with this ****.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I looked at it with my 3/1/1 Fury and moved swiftly along. Didn't see the point even trying the event.
  • Arctic_One
    Arctic_One Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    They tried, they failed. This did not work out. They need to just abandon the idea. It is only rehashing the negativity that I felt we were just overcoming on the forums.
    This event/challenge is for the elite.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    Very challenging for my 3/2/4 NF, so kudos to those succeeding with far less covers! It took me 9 tries, even with Escape Plan dealing good damage and stealing 9 bluetile.png. Again, props to all those beating the odds!
  • Every time I'm stupid enough to attempt the 4* DPD nodes, it makes me want to delete my entire roster.

    I think I'll just look up how to sandbox myself and add unlimited funds to my account instead. They've proven over and over again they don't deserve any more of my money. Complete jerks who pretend to give a **** about whether or not people actually enjoy playing their game. It's just a cash grab for them.
  • Managed to do it with a 2/2/2 Fury on the 3rd try full using damage boost with about 2k health left and without needing too much luck: only 2 4-match for me and no 5-match, meanwhile mags got a 5-match from TU tiles right after a board shuffle so that was fun, the board started low on red tiles which helped.

    Ended up using Yellow once for 1k damage, blue 3 times for 3k each and purple for 1 damage and a countdown tile I was forced to match icon_lol.gif , he got to use his team up and his yellow ability once, he ended up with 9 blue AP and 6 red AP by the end. Really not much more strategy beyond deny red and blue and go for matches that have the lowest chance of allowing mags to match his colours: obvious stuff.

    Overall this gives me a lot more hope for this event after the fiasco that was the last one. IMO this event should be there to help player that are transitioning to 4* and that have a respectable amount of covers: 6-7 covers should be the sweet spot where these fights are possible.
  • One of the people who completed it just before I did (on the leaderboard) had a 2/2/3 fury. Nice work, person!

    Yeah, I'm peeking at my leaderboard for surprises, and I see one with a 2 yellowflag.png 1 blueflag.png 2 purpleflag.png

    Considering that's as many blue covers as I have, I might give it another shot. Later. Don't think a 0/1/1 is going to have much of a shot, but eh, y'never know.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    For those wondering why no changes were made to current 4* node after feedback from last 4* node was given, it's because this node and the next, were basically finished already. Link to post
    IceIX wrote:
    mags1587 wrote:
    So why not limit the player to one team up? And why still allow the player to use boosts? The more I think about this the more limiting and random it seems instead of an actual challenge. Thinking about how this might play out when they fix the implementation and remove the AI's team up... assuming a basic level of competence in matching gems, it's really going to come down to how the tiles fall. I don't know, like I said, I'll have to see how it plays out.
    We would need to make a client change to do that. Currently, if Team-Ups are enabled, you can carry 3. If the opponent has Team-Ups enabled, it is chosen randomly from a listing within that chapter. Without making client changes, our choices are to either disable Team-Ups throughout the chapter or enable Team-Ups for the player in the 4* node. We don't want to do either for similar reasons, in that a client change will not come within the next couple weeks (next version is already in at 1st parties, version after is pretty well in the can). What this means is that this would become the new status quo and changing it *again* will be a nerf to how players perceive the Daily Quest.

    Disable all TUs - Non-forum checking players will notice the lack in the 4* node, probably not the rest of them. When turned back on for the rest of the nodes, players will notice that things got more difficult due to the Team-Up appearance. Cue gnashing of teeth as we ninja buffed DDQ nodes.

    Enable player TUs - Players will get used to being able to use Team-Ups for the node, then have them ripped away again when the client update allows us to change things as we would prefer. Cue player rage as an "impossible" node was made doable and now Everything Is Ruined Forever due to lack of TUs again.

    Yes, we can always make an MotD for the change. But you'd probably (not) be shocked at how many people tap past those things time after time without reading.
  • Knowing what to expect, this time things went better. Still OHKO range but better.
    323 lv130 fury (he was 115 but I leveled him just for it), +2p/b boost, +1 all, +50% p/b damage. Starting board helped a lot, I had purple and blue powers on the very first turn.


    The match 5 made a green crit on the top left then a blue crit. The best move AI did was a TU match 4 which detonated my bombs.

  • TaoSpoons
    TaoSpoons Posts: 50
    edited September 2015
    3/0/2 lvl 111 Fury: 0
    CMags: 11

    Based on my eyeball analysis, the node requires a minimum level between 110 and 140, depending heavily on covers and cascade luck. I'd say a 3/3/3, level 140 4-star with boosts should be able to down the node consistently, though not necessarily on the first try.

    Update: Boosted fury to 127 and successfully cleared the node with Blue/Purple dmg boost and red/yellow and blue/purple AP boosts.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    My 3/1/0 Fury was doing a fair job of denying blues (though there weren't enough blue on the board for me to pop a Demolition), but was still down 50% on match damage.

    Then CMags got a cascade that fed him 9 blue from above the board and it was game over.

    I'd hoped it might be doable with Fury because if Fury can't earn me a token, none of my other 4* can, and I'm right back in the 'lol no you're not getting a 4* cover any time soon' boat.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just did it with my 2/2/2. Had some very lucky cascades (crit boost +125% was a wise choice), and a board pretty clear of red the whole time. Was down to 400 some health at match end.

    While not as bad as the Cyclops one hit kill fest, I still really question the design philosophy in this whole thing.

    I simply don't understand why they want to widen the gap between 3*s and 4*s. This really helps the people who have a strong 4* roster make it stronger, and little for people with few covers. Where these groups separate, perhaps that would be fine. But 3*s get matched up against 4*s all the time. This can really just pile on to that demoralizing system and stands to alienate some struggling players.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have a 2/5/5 Fury, so I expected to do well on this one, despite him being level 166.

    Just had to last long enough for 10 blue on my end. First fight was a wash, Magneto got a lucky double 5 cascade on his first turn that gave him 9 blue and 9 red. He used his red and I was down to 1000HP. Just gave up then and there. Beat him on the second go, though.

    Really does seem to come down to covers more than levels. Once I got Demolition down Mags was out when he matched a trap. I reckon I'd have completed the previous one had my XFW not been covered 1/3/5. 5 covers in Surgical Strike woulda won it for me.
  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 628 Critical Contributor
    Much easier for me than last week's (for which it took 6 tries with my Lv133 3/4/5 XFW).

    My Fury: Lv170, 4/3/5
    Boosted: +2 blue/purple AP, +2 all AP, +50% blue/purple damage

    Died quickly on the first attempt today due to a cascade in CMags' favor leading into him casting his red while a lot of TU tiles were on the board -- insta-death for me.

    2nd attempt, I prioritized collecting blue/red to keep it away from him, purple when I could, and TU tiles just to get them off the board in case he lucked into enough red AP again to destroy those. The match went fairly smoothly, with CMags only casting Coercive Field once, and my Demolition and Escape Plan whittling him down.
  • 2/3/5 fury @ 167. 3 tries boosted. elektra black icon_redface.gif

    now my best two covered 4s are out of the way and my next best is 5 cover GoT. i guess ill be waiting 90 days to get another token icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Houtro
    Houtro Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
    Fury day! It was on my second attempt bad luck on the first one Mags was very quick. Used b/p boost Fury 3/5/5 lvl185... Grab the token! Then pulled The Surfer blueflag.png
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have a 2/5/5 Fury, so I expected to do well on this one, despite him being level 166.

    Just had to last long enough for 10 blue on my end. First fight was a wash, Magneto got a lucky double 5 cascade on his first turn that gave him 9 blue and 9 red. He used his red and I was down to 1000HP. Just gave up then and there. Beat him on the second go, though.

    Really does seem to come down to covers more than levels. Once I got Demolition down Mags was out when he matched a trap. I reckon I'd have completed the previous one had my XFW not been covered 1/3/5. 5 covers in Surgical Strike woulda won it for me.

    I would bet you could have done the Cyclops node with a bit of luck. 5 yellow does a decent chunk of damage, and duke will make yellow matches And even at 3 covers, surgical strike is a great way to deny red.

    Back on topic, this node is all about covers. I think anyone with 5 covers in any of fury's powers will probably get it eventually. But it's probably quite difficult for those without any colors above 3.
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    3/5/2 lvl 184 Fury.

    Got it on the 2nd attempt without much trouble. Had it all but won in my 1st attempt, but a lucky cascade ruined me, Magneto was down to 370ish HP and couldn't fire a power, I had close to 3/4 health and in rains blue and red matches. He fires off Polarizing force and Magnetized Projectiles and wrecks my day.

    Now that I've played my easiest battle, with my best covered 4* I expect much more frustration in the future. Oh well, can't win em' all.