Today's 4* DDQ Feedback [Sep 20 - Nick Fury vs. Magneto]



  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    210 5/5/3 lvl Fury here, so It was very easy. I had time to fire purple and blue and that was it. Deny him blue and if you have Fury blue at 4 or 5, just fire it and you are done.

    I guess if demolition is 3 or less then it is going to be really hard.

    I am curious to see how the next node, with IW (probably worst 4 in the game) is going to be. I am corious also with the ProfX fight, I dont know how are we supposed to win a fight with ProfX when the only active power he has it makes him just invisible (!?!?!?!?!?!) and no teamups...
  • Beat it first try with 5/5/3 lvl 250 Fury with 2200 health left.

    He cast about 5 red attacks but after the first there were no TU tiles. I had a predominantly red board so it took a while to get the tiles I needed but evenly Demoed him and then shot him dead.
  • First try with a Lvl 120 3/0/3 Fury (All +2, All +100%, bluetile.png / purpletile.png +50%)

    No huge cascades on either side. Magneto only fired his Starlord team-up, which I matched next turn. Activated Escape Plan early and the countdown survived, followed by a full Avengers Assemble.

    Opened purpleflag.pngicon_deadpool.png , making him 1/0/1.
  • ragnarady
    ragnarady Posts: 70 Match Maker
    4/1/2 Fury, 135 lvl, 8 tries and a lot of boosts brought me redflag.pngicon_thing.png
    Well, I expect two more covers in this cycle from mine 3/3/1 icon_thor.png and 1/2/3 icon_invisiblewoman.png and a long time of waiting thereafter (if only some kind of miracle will not happen with 1/1/1 icon_elektra.png or 1/1/0 icon_professorx.png)
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beat it on 2nd try with a 4/1/3 lvl 130 Nick Fury. Would've been first try, but cascade happens.

    That's an incredible difference from 29 tries with a better covered XFW.

    Who would've figured that a character that can't accelerate his own one-shot powers vs a character with a reasonable healthpool would be better balanced.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polares wrote:
    210 5/5/3 lvl Fury here, so It was very easy. I had time to fire purple and blue and that was it. Deny him blue and if you have Fury blue at 4 or 5, just fire it and you are done.

    I guess if demolition is 3 or less then it is going to be really hard.

    I am curious to see how the next node, with IW (probably worst 4 in the game) is going to be. I am corious also with the ProfX fight, I dont know how are we supposed to win a fight with ProfX when the only active power he has it makes him just invisible (!?!?!?!?!?!) and no teamups...
    They might run the Professor against Patch. Can you go Invisible before the Berserker Rage?
    I'm thinking She-Hulk could be an interesting opponent for Invisible Woman...
  • Took mags down on the 4th try with a 2/1/3 Fury. Hard fight but luck was on my side having all the tu matches be the only matches so his red tickled a bit. Easier than cyc but still hard as hell
  • Ralph-Wiggum
    Ralph-Wiggum Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    Finally beat it on my 17th(?) try. All in all spent a whole lot of ISO for boosts and to level Fury to 152. I think the amount of covers isn't as important as which covers you have. My 5/1/0 Fury obviously wasn't ideal; I think 1/5/0 would've made it much easier.

    I found this one much harder than the Cyclops node, mainly because my Fury has no way to set up cascades which meant I had to have the board set up just right to have a chance.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okay I get that this node is supposed to be a "challenge", and you are supposed to find it difficult (read nigh on impossible) unless you have a what were the words again? Oh yes a live 4* character. What would the developers class as a " live" character? My Nick Fury is covered at 2/2/2, 6 covers total and nearly half of all available covers 6/13 is nearly half isn't it? And just like last week just a single use of an offensive power is enough to OHKO.

    I am sure at this point I will be told to just deny Magneto red and blue, guess what? 4 matches in a row I made exactly 1 move. Yes just a single solitary move before cascades players can only dream of happened. Once or twice I can live with but 4?!
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    Beat it in two tries with a level 154 4/2/3 Fury. First attempt was without boosts and failed miserably. Second attempt was with max T/U Damage and max Blue/Purple damage.

    Legendary gave me my fifth green X-Force.
  • Vhailorx wrote:
    I would bet you could have done the Cyclops node with a bit of luck. 5 yellow does a decent chunk of damage, and duke will make yellow matches And even at 3 covers, surgical strike is a great way to deny red.

    Back on topic, this node is all about covers. I think anyone with 5 covers in any of fury's powers will probably get it eventually. But it's probably quite difficult for those without any colors above 3.

    That's a whole lot of assumption. My XF is 234. I nearly beat Cyc the first try with max boosts, but every attempt after that was a complete, and near instant blood-bath. Tried it 20+ times before giving up.
  • Merrick
    Merrick Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    Today's node was easier than last week.

    I won today's node on my third attempt with a 4/2/1 120 Nick. I beat last weeks as well.

    The reason I'm saying this is so that when I complain, it isn't automatically assumed that I want the prize "given" to me.

    This was not the 3-4* transition we assumed it would be. This does not help the majority of the player base that are working on a 3-4* transition.

    Being DPD, the acquisition of 4* covers should be based on the strength of your 3* roster, while requiring that you own the essential 4* character.

    The disconnect between the developers and the average player has never seemed so great.

    It is great that most of us here on the forums have been able to complete this event, but in fairness, the bar has been set too high.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    I would bet you could have done the Cyclops node with a bit of luck. 5 yellow does a decent chunk of damage, and duke will make yellow matches And even at 3 covers, surgical strike is a great way to deny red.

    Back on topic, this node is all about covers. I think anyone with 5 covers in any of fury's powers will probably get it eventually. But it's probably quite difficult for those without any colors above 3.

    That's a whole lot of assumption. My XF is 234. I nearly beat Cyc the first try with max boosts, but every attempt after that was a complete, and near instant blood-bath. Tried it 20+ times before giving up.

    Not intended as a criticism of the player. Just trying to day that 1/3/5 or 2/3/4 is right around the break-even point, where it becomes worthwhile to start spending hp on boosts and healthpacks to try the node repeatedly, it will take luck, but is probbly not impossible.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Level 200 2/4/5 Fury here.
    Took me 4 attempts. Faced a few unlucky cascades which fed blue to Mags in the losses, but when I finally had a cascade go my way, I was able to double cast Demolition.

    Opened the token immediately for a blue Hulkbuster, which I didn't need.

    I still think Cyke was the tougher battle, however this was still not necessarily an easy fight. If the 4* challenge stays at this difficulty, I think it should probably be run more frequently.
  • Hey i beat it easily last week a lot of people didnt....i didn't beat it this week a lot of people did....will i cry no...did i try repeatedly at high iso and yes hp on some all damage...yes. see what next week brings. Again they didnt plan on everyone beating it every week. Next topic please!
  • DanBenZvi
    DanBenZvi Posts: 82 Match Maker
    2/3/4 icon_nickfury.png , lvl 170, 2nd try

    +2 b/p AP, +2 all AP, +100% match damage

    Pulled a icon_nickfury.pngyellowflag.png which...needed, but other characters that I wanted/needed *more*.
  • Got him after 7 trys with lvl 224 5/4/4 NF. icon_lol.gif
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    I have a 2/5/5 Fury, so I expected to do well on this one, despite him being level 166.

    Just had to last long enough for 10 blue on my end. First fight was a wash, Magneto got a lucky double 5 cascade on his first turn that gave him 9 blue and 9 red. He used his red and I was down to 1000HP. Just gave up then and there. Beat him on the second go, though.

    Really does seem to come down to covers more than levels. Once I got Demolition down Mags was out when he matched a trap. I reckon I'd have completed the previous one had my XFW not been covered 1/3/5. 5 covers in Surgical Strike woulda won it for me.

    I would bet you could have done the Cyclops node with a bit of luck. 5 yellow does a decent chunk of damage, and duke will make yellow matches And even at 3 covers, surgical strike is a great way to deny red.

    Back on topic, this node is all about covers. I think anyone with 5 covers in any of fury's powers will probably get it eventually. But it's probably quite difficult for those without any colors above 3.

    I did have luck once, got him down to about 1500HP...and then he got luckier and had a monster cascade that gave him 9 red...and 15 black. So that was the end of that. Closest I got after that was about 5000 HP. At level 166, Wolvie just couldn't take a hit from red.

    I didn't really want to level him up for the sake of a single token and end up screwing up my scaling.
  • Konman
    Konman Posts: 410 Mover and Shaker
    I won this node on my first attempt, with a 4/3/3 Fury and the standard boosts. I thought I was screwed at first, I cast Demolition, and all the tiles 'randomly' congregated in the lower right corner of the board. I figured it a sign, but a few turns later, sucking up blues, I cast the other two powers, and Mags compulsively went for the match 4 that finally hit one of my traps...that was all.

    Sadly, this will be the only DDQ4* that I will likely have the opportunity to win. All my other 4* are significantly under leveled. Anyone know how long it'll be for these nodes to cycle?
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    I had to level up my 2/3/3 Fury from 74 to 123 and it took several tries but I finally downed Magneto. No boosts left. Tough battle.

    4 Legendary Tokens so far:

    5* Silver Surfer blue 1/0/0
    4* X-Force yellow 4/2/4
    4* Invisible Woman green 4/5/3
    4* Ant-Man blue 3/2/2

    Those three and Lady Thor are the only ones I have a decent number of covers for and feel like I stand a chance so I will have plenty of time to recharge between doable 4* DDQs.

    Also earned my 10th Scarlet Witch cover fro the BP PvP. came in 99th and earned the blue. 3/2/5

    The choke point remains iso. I got so many characters I can't advance because I have no iso.