4* Deadpool Daily play discussion - advice and strategy



  • Beat it on my 7th try using 138 4/3/2 XFW. Only took 25 blacktile.pngbluetile.pnggreentile.pngpurpletile.pngredtile.pngyellowtile.png 25 blacktile.pnggreentile.png and 25 whitecrit.png boosts and a bit of luck.

    Got him to ~5k health, used greenflag.png then blackflag.png and got Cyclops to ~160 hp but without a way to kill him that turn, he was clearly going to yellowflag.png so I just made sure he couldn't get his final redtile.png by doing so, in fact I forced him to match 4- purpletile.png which let me kill him with a 3 blacktile.pnggreentile.png match.

    It was close, it required some luck, but it is possible.
  • It is really darn tough, but doable even if you only have 7 covers (i have a 131 1-3-3). You just have to play very very very very very carefully. This really brought out the puzzle aspect of the game in a similar way to gauntlet. Sure i wiped 7 or 8 times on it (twice after getting cyc down to >3000 icon_twisted.gif ) but once I realized the key is to deny red at all costs (in addition to yellow and black, but if there is no red on the board, yellow won't really hurt you) it only became a matter of time (and healthpacks) until I won. And sure a 1-4/5 cover 4* probably won't win this one, and that does suck, it never was supposed to be easy.
  • Got it on second try. My wolvy is 5/4/3 and a 180 level.

    Just boosted green/black damage, start with 2 green/blacks and boosted crit.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    My concern is how possible these fights will be when the featured character doesn't have a power that takes all of the enemy's most needed color off the board at one cover...
  • gigatilburg29
    gigatilburg29 Posts: 88 Match Maker
    Only a handfull people beat it because XFW is most like a 4* character everyone has with minimum 7 covers. On the next deadpool daily when "I assume" there will be another 4* character required there will be even less people who will manage to beat this node so it will even get harder.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    edited September 2015
    everyone throwing out the "it shouldn't be easy" or "why don't you just axe for a free legendary token everyday" derpa derpa derpa **** just needs to stop. those are strawmans all day long.

    no one is asking for it to be easy, or for D3 to toss out legendary tokens like mardi gras beads. NO ONE.

    it just shouldn't be so "tinykitty" impossible for the lower leveled folks. don't take this somewhere that it wasn't intended to go.
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    Beat cyclop with 1-3-1 and with damage buffs +100% all, +50% green/black.
    Took me 7 attemptes. And really i won only by luck (good cascades).
    Wolv and Ant man are the only 5covered 4stars. All other are 1 covered. So......no legendary for me i guess?
  • LordXberk
    LordXberk Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    I don't have anything new to say that hasn't been muttered elsewhere in the ~175 posts, but pretty big disappointment. From the TU issue (who cares if you use superwhales, you'll run out eventually bcs it takes 2x longer to build up DP pts than the 4* DDQ is run), to the complete difference v. 3* DDQ (you only needed 1 3* cover to have shot v. 7-10 here), to the notion that it doesn't really accelerate the 4* transition at all given the increased pace of 4*s, to ultimately the mismanaged expectations of what this would be.

    As said before, another great idea (cough, Vault, cough) that has been poorly executed. Maybe I'll feel differently if I whale up to have 10 covers for each 4* or once I've played for another 175 days.

    Thumbs down.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, i have no video.. but just to show it can be done..

    here is my lvl 166 5/3/2 XFW

    here is the outcome

  • M C K
    M C K Posts: 96 Match Maker
    Eh, why not:

    L188 4/2/3 Wolverine (X-Force) vs. L270 Cyclops (Uncanny Godless Killing Machine)

    Initial Reaction: "Oooh, they put in the 4* DDQ! Sweet! And just one opponent! Wait...oh, one opponent for each of us. Well, NBD, let's roll!"

    1st Attempt - "Looks like the match is about to begi-I'm dead."
    -1 Health Pack

    2nd Attempt - "Ok, I wasn't ready and I rushed in. I'll select a couple decent TUs this time and I CAN'T. Hmmmmm...well, guess I'll boost? Ok, here we go. Surgical Strike takes red off the board, awesome! How much black does he hav-I'm dead."
    -1 Health Pack
    +40 Blood Pressure

    3rd Attempt - "Ok then, deny red AND black. Let's roll! No Boosts! Two X-Forces, nice. Need one more black for SS, and he just used his yellow! If those reds stay on the board without cascadi-I'm dead."
    -1 Health Pack
    -1 Chai Tea Latte

    4th Attempt - "Alright you sick son of a tinykitty we're not messing around anymore. Boosts. Three X-Forces and still rolling in green, excellent. Black is charged, and he just used yellow! Goodbye reds! Let's heal...and he crushed that tile, but that takes him down under 1000 where my X-Force takes him out!" {spikes phone} {realizes mistake, picks up phone and apologizes to it}
    +1 Legendary Token


    This was hard. Really hard, in fact, but still fun mostly in that I needed to stay very alert that I wasn't allowing too many red/black matches (the UI that always shows everyone's AP would be indispensable here). Seems possible with lower level XFs than mine, but not much lower. Biggest surprise was that I managed to do it with only 2 covers in SS.

    As for future matches, well...not promising, that's for sure. My IW (L150 2/5/3) and Fury (L115, 1/1/3) are my best bets otherwise, and I'm not thinking they'll do too well. None of my seven other 4*s have more than four covers.

    Overall, I'm pleased I got this token, and I'm pleased there are plenty of other ways to get them. I'm not going to get five of them in a week (or even a season for that matter), but I can at least upgrade 4*s, even if slowly. If I miss out on DDQs because I don't have the character (or it's severely underleveled), well, I've got bigger stuff to worry about.

    The TU inequity is a little bit of a concern to me, but also easy to abuse. The level looks to be designed to restrict variables as much as possible...some TUs lock tiles, stun, do damage, etc...and they probably want to reduce that to nothing and really hammer us.

    So, regardless, thanks to D3 for the extra challenge!
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think I'd be really enjoying this mode if not for the amount of health packs I've gone through. I've been tantalisingly close a couple of times (got him down to about 300 once), and I wasted a lot of boosts early on with some shockingly bad tactical choices, but it's turned into a fun puzzle for me (423 level 156). I've got 1 or 2 more 4*s I might have a shot at depending on their opponents, but I'll get there eventually.
    For now, surely it'll only take me one more attempt...?
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    Well, i have no video.. but just to show it can be done..

    here is my lvl 166 5/3/2 XFW

    here is the outcome


    Thanks Malcrof, as the day goes by, I am seeing more posts who beat it with an undercovered X-Force, but it took them several tries and many boosts. I'll try again later. Regardless it is still disappointing that this is what they chose to implement for 4* DDQ. Not creative or fun.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Love the play by play.. My experience was similar.. except my first try (5/3/2 lvl 166) i got Cyc down to 326 health... so i went in the 2nd time thinking i got this...dead.

    3rd time.. ok, now your min....dead

    4th time.. boosted green/black ap, damage.. slaughtered him.
  • Sidlon
    Sidlon Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    Malcrof wrote:
    Ok, the biggest issue with the entire arguments posted is a simple one.. Boosted Cyc is one of the single deadliest characters in the game. They will not all be this hard.

    There is going to be a strategy against every opponent, i am proof that a way underleveled and undercovered XFW can indeed beat this with some luck. Do not give up!

    This is definitely the hope. Imagine how different the reaction would be today if they'd started us against a lev270 Loki.
  • Unknown
    edited September 2015
    Philly79 wrote:
    A note to everyone regarding the absence of tu's for players...if we were allowed to use tu's people would just super whale the node making it extremely easy to get a token that you really need to "earn". The AI is granted a tu because we can use ap/dmg boosts...these are my thoughts, no official word from D3 but this would certainly make sense...
    Wasting one super whale every 5 days to get a gamble (unlike the last DDQ node that you know what you will get) doesn't seems worth even for a 4* transitioner. Don't forget it takes 10 days to get enough DP points for it.
    No. The game is about progress. That account will get there.
    Problem is that they skipped a step completely. You need near maxed 4*s to beat this node, while the regular DDQ asks for one cover 3* to get another one. And in an easy fight, 3x3, with boosts and TUs.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also I don't think anybody would begrudge them locking ONLY Whales team-ups rather than everyfreakingthing.
  • gmp72
    gmp72 Posts: 164 Tile Toppler
    Finally completed it on my 6 or 7th try.

    Level 163 XF 3/4/2
    +2 GB
    +50% GB Damage Boost
    +100 All Match Damage Boost

    Deny red.
    Build up Black for SS.

    Finished him off by matching my recovery tile.

    It is possible ... Don't give up.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards

    Thanks Malcrof, as the day goes by, I am seeing more posts who beat it with an undercovered X-Force, but it took them several tries and many boosts. I'll try again later. Regardless it is still disappointing that this is what they chose to implement for 4* DDQ. Not creative or fun.

    I 100% expected to see Cyc against Wolvie.. they have been at each others throats for 50 years over Jean.. the match makes sense.

    As for boosting one of the most powerful 3*'s to 270.. that i cannot explain.

    I fully expect to see IW vs BP (BP actually took on all 4 F4 in 1 on 1 combat, but Susan was put down so quickly that she wanted retribution) .. that will be interesting.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    lol, posted this on the wrong thread...

    not sure what all the hubbub is about, my 120 (2/4/1) finished first try...

    while I did finish first try, got very lucky and opening board gave my a black match-5. I went with 100% all damage boost, +2 green/black, +2 all ap. deny deny deny. my match was kinda long and I was glad my yellow healed and didn't get matched - I needed that. I feel very fortunate for it to work out so smoothly. I know many have struggled and truthfully, unless you have black at 5 covers and level 150+, I think it will come down to luck which is unfortunate. big enchilada is not luck based, but skill based and can be consistently completed with 2* 94s. this feels like they just want to sell some extra boosts and health packs and odds are you'll get lucky after enough tries. i'll have a chance to spend on boosts and possibly health packs for the possibility of maybe making it with enough tries maybe 1/3 of the time.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also I don't think anybody would begrudge them locking ONLY Whales team-ups rather than everyfreakingthing.
    especially if they had communicated this ahead of time. there would still be complaining, but at least we would have known about it, and some of us reasonable ones would not feel as much 'bait and switch' with it. I stocked up on whale team ups just for this because ice indicated team ups would be allowed. regardless, without a well covered 4, its really all about luck.